Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 38 - Twenty-First Floor (4)

Jena watched as the black flames were burning the ocean made of Shinsoo. Even in her family, she hadn't seen such an ominous flame. It was burning and evaporating Shinsoo itself. The flames looked scary even to her, a member of the Yeon Family, but she knew she had to stop them.

Jena descended from the ship like a Goddess, as she slowly floated down, just in time to see a man in black shorts and a tank top that had a face mask, putting on a black long-sleeved shirt while trembling. Once he put on his shirt, she saw his bloodshot eyes as he looked at her while scratching random parts on his body.

She loved animals, and not seeing a single of the Iron Mackarel Sharks made her extremely angry. That species lived in only two places in the entire Tower, and this was one of them. The giant Iron Mackarel Shark was also the biggest of its species and was one of a kind. It hurt her, knowing that such an amazing creature has been killed.

Jena's Family had nearly massacred a species to extinction, all for the sake of monopolizing a jewel. On the 21st Floor is where the last Zygaena in the Tower resides. A massive creature that resembles a tortoise without its shell, except for two blowholes in the center of its belly and back, a long stingray-like tail, two horns, and a mouth full of sharp teeth.

A special jewel grows inside the Zygaena, which comes from the center of the Zygaena Flower. The jewel is extremely valuable, as it grows only inside of Zygaena and is considered one of the best jewels due to its beautiful color.

However, this jewel is also the nutrition for Zygaena's babies. To protect the value of the jewel, the Yeon Family stopped all babies from growing by harvesting the Flower of Zygaena, and at some point in time, they had made the flower their Family Crest.

As much as she hated this, Jena couldn't go against her entire Family, but the Regular in front was a whole different story. He had killed all of the Iron Mackarel Sharks on the Floor, and that made her furious. Jena needed to take out her anger on someone, and he was the perfect target. Regular or not, she didn't care. Jena might end up being punished by her Family for killing a Regular, but she didn't mind.

Lumen initially planned to harvest a few of those Iron Mackarel Sharks for their life force. However, after he killed the first one, he gained a week's worth of life force. Knowing that just the small ones could bring him so much, he immediately set his sights on the mountain-sized one.

Shooting out an endless stream of black fire, he covered the whole beast in his flames. It didn't take long for the Shark to die, but the amount of life force he received was a lot more than what he expected.

He had harvested over ten years' worth of life force from the giant Shark, and his body immediately went through a growth spurt. In a matter of seconds, he had grown back to his original size, and due to the sudden growth, his body was itching all over. He couldn't stop scratching himself.

However, that wasn't all. Lumen's body was filled to the brim with energy, and he felt like he had taken a dozen adrenaline shots. Without even being able to control himself, he had released a massive amount of his black flames that caused an explosion, and killed off all other Iron Mackarel Sharks. Which further filled his body with even more energy, due to the life force he had harvested from them.

While trembling and shaking, he had managed to put on some clothes that he had already prepared in advance. Knowing that his black flames could harvest life force, he had a few spare clothes with a bigger size just in case. As soon as he was done putting on his shirt on, he saw a beautiful black-haired woman descent in front of him.

"Do you even know what you just did?" Jena questioned him with a look of sheer fury on her face.

"Oh, yes, I do. I do. I know exactly what I did. I just had the best meal of my life." With the amount of life force coursing through his body, he sounded like a crackhead. Combined with his mad look and with his scratching, he looked like one as well.

Jena's face distorted even more from his response, but she wanted to know who he is. "Who are you?"

"Oh, missy, you don't want to know who I am. No, no, no, you definitely don't want to know. That won't do you any favors." He replied in a maniacal manner.

Jena's question was mostly to figure out if he is from the Yeon Family, but judging from his speech, he was most likely from the Blitz Family. A special family, that is not part of the 10 Great Families but is notorious for producing Flame users. Most, if not all, members of the Blitz Family tend to possess maniacal temperaments. They normally have red hair and red eyes, but there are always exceptions.

Had he been from the Yeon Family, maybe she could have talked it out with him and forgiven his actions. However, since he is most likely from the Blitz Family, she wouldn't let him go scot-free from this. He would have to pay back the life he had taken.

A blood-colored flame started spreading around Jena. Although it acted like fire, the flame resembled blood.

"Bleeding-Fire Waterfall." Like a Goddess of fire, she sent a massive torrent of her blood-like flames toward Lumen. The stream of fire was large enough to cover up a whole mountain since Jena wasn't planning on giving him any chance of survival. The fire engulfed him completely, and she kept the torrent going for about a minute.

As her blood-like flames disappeared, Jena saw Lumen standing there, with black flames dancing around him. He didn't even have a single injury on him from the massive torrent of flames that she sent his way.

She couldn't believe her eyes as she didn't think a Regular could survive her flames, let alone without even a scratch on him. Even Rankers wouldn't be able to take on her attack without receiving a single injury. This outcome just didn't make sense to her. What kind of Regular is the masked man?

"Missy, are you perhaps offering yourself as my next meal?" Lumen asked her with a maniacal look in his bloodshot eyes.

"Although I feel full, I can always find some space for a nice dessert." He told her while ŀɨċkɨnġ his lips.

A little bit scared from his look, Jena prepared to use one of her strongest attacks. A slit opened on her palm, and blood poured out of it. The blood transformed into the blood-like flame, as it formed a bow and an arrow. Combing her own blood with her Shinsoo flames is her most destructive style.

"Bleeding-Fire Arrow." She pulled the string and shot the arrow towards Lumen. One of the properties of this technique is that it will lock onto its target and chase after it until the target dies. Another property is that since the flame was made of her own blood and Shinsoo, it's nigh inextinguishable.

Her eyes widened in fear as she watched the black flames that were dancing around Lumen, jump towards her arrow and consume it before it could even reach him.

Jena kept shooting more and more arrows at him, but the ominous black flames consumed them all. She couldn't understand how a Regular's flames able to overcome the flames of a Ranker from the Yeon Family.

Jena let even more blood out of her palms and two giant wings of blood-like fire formed above her.

"1 000 Bleeding-Fire Feathers." The two giant wings split apart, forming thousand of feathers made of the blood-like fire. Jena sent all one thousand feathers towards him, and she watched in horror, as even the thousand feathers weren't able to bypass the black flames dancing around Lumen.

Jena was about to try and pour more of her blood out when she saw him disappear from his spot with extreme speed.

Barely able to follow him, she saw a bright flash of white, as he appeared next to her with a hand grasping her neck. Jena was stunned and couldn't believe what's happening.

She is a Ranker of one of the 10 Great Families for god sake. How did a Regular beat her so easily? She couldn't understand the situation. He was faster and had more powerful flames than a Yeon Family member, which should be impossible. This all seemed like a nightmare to her.

Staring at his bloodshot eyes, Jena was sure that she will die today, and there was nothing she could do about it. She had just accepted her fate when a man in a black suit appeared and grabbed Lumen's arm. The man had a slightly effeminate look with short black hair, fair skin, and blue-grey eyes, and Lumen was able to recognize the man. His name is Yuje, and he is a member of Wolhaiksong.

After Lumen had learned what Urek had done after his supposed death, he had contacted the blonde Irregular. Surprisingly, Urek had just arrived on the 21st Floor to do a request for Yuri, which she had asked him to do a long time ago.

He had immediately rushed off to see his little bro, and he made sure to emphasize the little part when he saw Lumen in his chibi form. Urek had spent nearly half an hour just laughing at how small he is.

Urek had come along with Yuje, and Lumen had learned that the man is working undercover as a Test Administrator on the 21st Floor. He didn't know much else about him since he acted like Urek's butler most of the time. However, he was very helpful when it came to finding "volunteers" to test out his Phoenix flames.

After talking for a bit and sharing a few drinks, Urek had told him. "You better call Yuri as soon as possible. She is still out there searching for FUG bases because of you. If she learns that you are alive and you haven't told her, she will definitely kill you next time you meet her."

When Lumen contacted Yuri, she had started yelling at him for not reaching out to inform her that he is alive.

"But I didn't have a way to contact you." Lumen had tried explaining himself, but that didn't work for Yuri.

"If you didn't have a way to contact me, you should have made one!"

After yelling at him to her heart's content, she calmed down and expressed how happy she is that he is alive. They talked for nearly a day before she made him promise to climb higher as soon as possible, so that they could meet.

"Miss Jena, attacking a Regular won't do well for your image, so let's stop this here, shall we? Let's just end this now, and sent the Regulars to the next Floor." Yuje told the Floor Ruler while he also sent a message to Lumen on his Pocket.

[Jenna isn't like most members of the 10 Great Families. There is no need for you to kill her. She is better of alive while continuing to question her Family's methods.]

Reading the message, Lumen had managed to calm down a bit, but still had that maniacal look in his bloodshot eyes. The life energy was coursing throughout his body, and he really needed to do something about that.

"I'm sure that the Regular would be happy to end this scuffle, right?" Yuje asked Lumen, prompting him to remove his hold on Jenna.

As soon as he stopped grasping her neck, she let out a few deep breaths and stepped back away from him. Jena stared at him in fear, unable to believe that a lowly Regular had completely overpowered. Seeing that she didn't even know what to say, Yuje took over.

"I believe you have successfully completed the Test. With this, you have received the right to advance to the 22nd Floor! As a reward, you will all be granted 15 000 Points. I wish you luck in your climb, Regulars." Yuje told Lumen and winked at him, as he teleported him and his group away.

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