Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 47 - Twenty-Fifth Floor(3)

The third round of the Test was about to begin as the yellow color was chosen for the Observer. Both teams chose the Regular that would participate.

"Hatsu, you are up next. Make sure you kill your opponent. Those guys are members of FUG." Lumen told him.

Hatsu, despite being someone that doesn't enjoy killing, nodded to Lumen. FUG had already made their stand, so he couldn't simply spare them. He walked out of Lumen's team and entered the stage.

"Rok, you are up. Make sure you deal with that handsome guy." The blue-haired woman called out, and a 14-year old looking boy with dark green hair and green eyes walked on stage. He had a purple hoop around his waist.

Once he was on stage, Rok smirked at Hatsu. "Even if you have the strongest attack power from your team, you still don't stand a chance against me."

Rok was confident in his defensive capabilities. He, like many other FUG members, was a child that had a parent that was from the 10 Great Families and was abandoned in the Outer Tower when he was young.

He had the bloodline of the Hendo Lok Family, and was one of the members of that Family, that had survived the longest. Rok had lived over 300 years, thanks to FUG.

Rok had to live through an uncountable amount of experiments, but he was at least given the opportunity to live a bit longer. He didn't have much time left, but he was happy to ȧssist FUG in any way he could.

Hatsu wasn't much of a talker, so he didn't respond to him. Rok smirked, thinking that the swordsman was scared of him.

The moment the fight began, Hatsu unsheathed a katana with a silver cross-guard, a grey hilt, and a blue tassel hanging from its base. He infused it with Shinsoo and sent a wave of Shinsoo towards Rok. "Demonic Fish Wheel Dance: Single Annihilation."

Rok wasn't the least bit worried, seeing the attack that was flying his direction. "I told you, even if you have the strongest attack power from your team, you still don't stand a chance against me."

Rok created a black disk, that was bigger than him, with his right hand, and Hatsu's attack was completely absorbed by it. "Yin of Protection."

The boy let out a yawn and looked confidently at Hatsu. "I told you so."

The swordsman didn't respond and sent a few more waves of Shinsoo towards Rok. Each attack was easily absorbed by the back disk in front of him.

Since ranged attacks had no effect, Hatsu decided to close in on him. He enhanced himself with Shinsoo and lept towards Rok.

However, the moment he dashed towards the boy, a yellow Observer flew over them. Hatsu's reaction speed was extremely fast, but the boy was even faster.

Rok's black shield disappeared, and a white disk formed on Rok's left hand, and the boy shot a wave of Shinsoo out of it. "Yang of Destruction."

Rok's attack instantly reached the yellow Observer and destroyed it. He was about to taunt Hatsu, but the swordsman had already reached him. Since the yellow Observer was destroyed, Hatsu had continued dashing towards Rok.

Hatsu had infused his sword with Shinsoo and powerfully thrust it towards Rok. A column of Shinsoo flew struck the green-haired boy point-blank. "Demonic Fish Wheel Dance: White Wave Devil-Tearing Single Slash Annihilation."

The black disk that was on Rok's hand enlarged and developed the boy within it. Despite being hit by one of Hatsu's best piercing techniques, the disk was able to absorb it completely.

"You have to try harder to break my defense." Rok chuckled from behind the black disk.

Again, Hatsu didn't reply to him and continued doing what he does best, fighting. With his katana infused with Shinsoo, he sent an attack after attack at the boy. All of his strikes were being absorbed by the black disk, but that didn't bother him.

"You are n..." Rok was about to taunt him when he sensed something is wrong. After each swing, the speed that Hatsu wielded his sword increased. He was slowly building his momentum when he found his chance. Hatsu did an upward strike and sent a massive wave of Shinsoo. "Demonic Fish Wheel Dance: Wave Building Annihilation."

Each of the previous strikes was there to build up the potential of the last attack.

Rok had strengthened his shield and managed to block the wave of Shinsoo, but he wasn't able to absorb the whole attack. A part of the wave continued past him and hit a yellow Observer in the air.

Rok clenched his teeth at the fact that he was tricked. "Why don't you take back all of your strikes. Yang of Destruction!"

Point blank, the boy hit Hatsu with a massive blast of Shinsoo, and in the next moment, a black katana materialized in front of him. The sword stabbed Rok in the neck, but it bȧrėly penetrated his skin.

The katana was created by Hatsu's Shinsoo. The swordsman didn't know his Shinsoo quality, but he didn't care about it. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he had a very easy time at creating. The katana was very sharp and could easily cut apart most E-Rank Regulars.

However, Rok had the Hendo Lok Family bloodline. He had inherited not only their short lifespan but also their high Shinsoo resistance. Rok had also had his Shinsoo resistance increased due to the experiments he went thought.

Rok grabbed the katana and removed it from his neck. With wide-eyes and trembling hands, he touched the spot the katana had pierced. Feeling the blood that was pouring out of the wound, something snapped within Rok.

The purple hoop around his waist started shining bright, as his irises and hair turned purple.

"Ahhh!" Rok screamed out, as two arms of purple fire flew out of the hoop around his waist. The two flaming fists of purple aimed at Hatsu, but the swordsman quickly jumped out of the way.

Another purple arm made of purple liquid came out of the hoop, gently ċȧrėssed Rok's wound, and healed it in an instant. The only reason Rok had survived for so long was because he was turned into an incomplete Living Ignition Weapon.

Purple flaming fist after fist was raining down upon Hatsu. The swordsman was jumping around avoiding the attacks, but while doing so, a yellow Observer had flown, and Rok had shot it down.

As much as he didn't want to, Hatsu had to try and use that sword. He pulled out a single-edge sword with a white blade from his Pocket. Hatsu tried igniting the sword, but it refused his commands.

'You are weak.' He heard a wizened voice in his head.

'That's why I train every day, to become stronger.' Hatsu thought back.

'Your technique is lacking.' The wizened voice stated.

'I will train until I'm strong enough to overcome my lacking technique.' Hatsu had reached this far with training alone. Everything he had achieved so far was through hard work alone.

The voice didn't respond, and Hatsu continued dodging attacks. After a moment, the wizened voice spoke again. 'I will help you this once, but if you want to use me again, you will have to be a lot stronger than this.'

"Ignite." Ice coated the sword, and the temperature around Hatsu dropped. With just a single slash, he froze both of the purple flaming hands.

Hatsu infused the ice sword with Shinsoo and thrust it towards Rok. "Demonic Fish Wheel Dance: White Wave Devil-Tearing Ice Annihilation."

Before he could succeed, Hatsu followed up with another attack. A downward strike from the swordsman sent a massive Shinsoo wave made of ice. "Demonic Fish Wheel Dance: Ice Annihilation."

The attack cleanly cut through Rok and his purple hoop and annihilated everything in its path. Hatsu immediately had to drop the sword, as his right hand was starting to freeze. The power of an Ignition Weapon was not something he could handle right now.

'You are weak.' The swordsman heard the wizened voice.

'Thanks for the help, Ryu.' Hatsu replied, but didn't receive a response from the sword, which was surprised that the swordsman knew it's name.

With Rok having died, Hatsu was able to shoot down two more yellow Observers without even needing to use his sword. Another victory for Lumen's team.

Hatsu returned back to the rest, and the participants for the next round were chosen after the green color was selected for the Observer.

"Vespa." Lumen just called out her name, and the blue-haired girl walked out without asking questions.

The blue-haired woman on the opposite end looked visibly angry. She couldn't accept that all those guys are actually E-Rank Regulars. She was slowly starting to believe in Leesoo earlier words about the team's strength.

Nevertheless, the Regulars in her team were also extremely strong. She believed that they would be able to kill the blue-haired girl. Their whole team can't possibly all be crazy strong, right?

"Stella, I want to see blood!" The blue-haired woman called out.

"And blood you shall see, Regina." Said an extremely muscular, 2.50m tall woman with blonde hair replied. She wore a grey tracksuit covering her whole body, but her muscles were bulging underneath it.

Stella walked on stage, popped a pill in her mouth, and cracked her knuckles. "I will squish you little bug."

"Keep quiet and wait for your death ugly human," Vespa replied back.

Stella humphed and dashed towards with incredible speed. She punched towards Vespa, but her attack hit nothing but her afterimage.

Vespa had appeared behind Stella and stabbed with her stinger-like needle. Before her attack could hit, a purple shield blocked it. Stella immediately turned and threw another punch at Vespa, but she missed again.

Vespa tried attacking a few more times, but the purple shield would block her attempts. Stella had an Armor Inventory that was blocking each strike, but she also wasn't able to hit Vespa.

Both of them weren't even trying to go after the Observers and were focused on killing the other. Vespa wasn't able to go past the Armor Inventory, and Stella wasn't able to match Vespa's speed.

However, Stella had only one Armor Inventory. Vespa took out five more specialized needles. She held one in each hand and the other four floated next to her.

What followed was a torrent of attacks by Vespa. With all six needles, she would stab at Stella with incredible speed. Her attacks were nothing but a blur, and she managed to pass through the Armor Inventory, but they didn't succeed at piercing Stella's skin.

"Annoying human." Vespa cursed out. She transformed into her ȧduŀt form and looked angrily at Stella. She felt embarrassed that she had to transform to kill E-Rank Regular.

In her ȧduŀt form, her strength and speed were greatly increased. She can't keep the form for long periods of time, but she didn't need to now.

Stella was staring at the beautiful blue-haired woman when a needle pierced her through the back. The Vespa she was looking at vanished since it was nothing but an afterimage. She had appeared behind Stella and jammed her needle straight through her ċhėst.

That attack hadn't killed her, but another one followed suit and pierced her head. Stella fell on the ground and Vespa transformed back into her normal form. She grabbed the purple shield that had annoyed her and stored it within her Pocket.

With Stella dead, she was easily able to shoot down three yellow Observers and win the round.

Regina was fuming with anger at this point. "If you want something done, you have to do it yourself." She cursed out and walked out on stage.

Before Lumen could call out someone to fight, Aleksai spoke. "Let me handle this one."

Lumen felt the dėsɨrė in Aleksai to fight, so he didn't stop him. The red-haired big dude walked up on stage and faced his opponent. The color chosen for the Observer was white, but no one cared about that at this point. They were all out for blood.

"Fancy meeting one of you here," Regina said to Aleksai.

"I will enjoy tasting your blood. Your race is the tastiest dish to those like me." Aleksai kept quite under her provocation.

Their two races, Seraph and Devils, have always been hostile to each other. When the two races meet, the would always aim to kill the other.

Regina enhanced herself with Shinsoo and a blue aura enshrouded her. The angelic wings attached on her arms turned metallic and sharp, and she dashed towards Aleksai. The redhead had a dark-purple aura, similar to one Regina had, around him.

The two of them crashed and the blue aura was slightly pushed back. In pure strength alone Aleksai outclassed her. However, strength wasn't her forte.

With extreme speed, she appeared to his side and slashed with her wings, but Aleksai was able to anticipate her attack. Regina was fast, but she was nothing compared to Lumen or Vespa in her ȧduŀt form.

He was able to block the attack, but the feathers on her wings flew out and pierced his arms. Aleksai sent a blast of Shinsoo and pushed her away before she could follow up on her attack.

Immediately he formed a spear made of his dark purple aura and threw it at Regina, but she dodged it. He kept firing spear after spear at her, keeping her at a distance.

"True Form." Regina stopped in place and the blue aura around her grew more intense. The wings on her arms enlarged and grew in size. A blue bow materialized in front of her, and a blue halo formed on top of her head. Her power tripled and she immediately went on the offensive.

"Purification Arrows."Arrow after arrow materialized, and Regina shot them towards Aleksai. The arrows flew at such a speed that the redhead wasn't able to avoid them.

Despite that, he didn't receive any life-threatening injuries due to his durable physique. His training with Lumen wasn't just for show, and he had the increased toughness granted to him from his bloodline.

Regina had transformed into her true form, but he could do the same. The small devil wings on his back grew in size. The dark purple aura around him liquified and started bubbling. Dark purple horns formed on his head and spear made of the bubbling liquid materialized in front of him.

The aura emitting from Regina was nothing compared to his. The power radiating out of his was immense, but Aleksai was unable to stay in this form for more than a few minutes.

The blue-haired woman's eyes widened as she saw his true form. Regina couldn't stop staring at him as there was something that captivated her gaze.

Before she realized it, a spear made of dark purple bubbling liquid had appeared in front of her face. It exploded into a shower of bubbling liquid and covered Regina.

"Aaaahhh!" The blue-haired woman started screaming in pain, as she was slowly being melted by the purple liquid.

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