Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 50 - Twenty-Seventh Floor

At Karaka's personal hideout.

The Slayer was sitting on his throne with a figure masked in a shadow standing in front of him.

"So, Bam, or now known as Jyu Viole Grace, has started his climb?" Karaka asked the shadowy figure.

"Yes, my God." Replied the shadowy individual.

"How many of the Elders have agreed with my plan, Poken?" Karaka questioned him.

"Half of them are in agreement with you, my God. The rest have put their faith in Jyu Viole Grace." Poken answered him.

"That's good enough. How many sleeper agents do you have as E-Rank Regulars?" Karaka inquired. Poken had the ability to grant others a part of his shadow. Those that have a part of his shadow are able to augment their power at the cost of destroying their bodies. An E-Rank Regular could become as strong as a B-Rank or even stronger with Pekon's shadow.

"Two, my God. Reflejo and Absorcion. Reflejo woke up a couple years ago, and he is currently gathering teammates on the 28th Floor. Absorcion woke up a few months ago, and he is still on the 27th Floor." Poken informed him of his sleeper agents.

"Good. Make sure that Reflejo gathers strong Regulars. We need them prepared for the 30th Floor. The real Thorn is with Io and Punk on their Archimedes ship. They have already made the dissolving solution and are making slight adjustments to it." Karaka stated.

Poken was about to answer him when he received a report on his Pocket.

"My God, I was just informed that the masked Regular and Viole's friends have just advanced to the 27th Floor," Poken told the Slayer.

When Karaka heard him mention the masked Regular, he frowned in annoyance. Ever since he saw his fight with the three FUG Rankers, he couldn't stop thinking who that person is. At first, Karaka thought that he might be someone like him, but that didn't seem to be the case.

The masked Regular's identity has been bothering him for a while now, especially when it was confirmed that he is most likely another Irregular. The Slayer desperately wanted to know who he is.

Karaka thought about it for a moment and said. "Have Absorcion contact him. Absorcion's priority is to identify him, and if possible, get him on our side. His strength is incredible for a Regular, so he could be useful to us. We could deal with him afterward."

"As you wish, my God." Poken bowed to Karaka and made his way out.

The 27th Floor was owned by the Po Bidau Family, and it was a place that looked like it was taken out of futuristic sci-fi movie. The Floor was separated into two parts, a city on the ground and a city floating in the air.

On the ground, the city was filled with skyscrapers and cube-shaped buildings. The layout of the city was never the same, as all the structures were constantly on the move. Each building had a special platform underneath it, which allowed the building to move around the Floor.

The floating city was built on top of one gigantic platform that allowed it to float in the air. It was also filled with skyscrapers and cube-shaped buildings. Only Rankers were allowed to live on the floating city.

As soon as Lumen's group arrived on the 27th Floor, like any other Floor after the 20th one, a massive amount of reporters swarmed Androssi.

"Princess, how long do you think it will take you to become a D-Rank Regular?"

"Princess, with the speed that you are climbing the Tower, you could potentially be faster than Ha Yuri Zahard. What are your thoughts on that?"

"Princess, there was Workshop Battle on the 30th Floor that just recently occurred. Will you be participating in the next one, or will you skip it and participate in one at a higher Floor?"

As the reporters were interviewing Androssi, the rest of the group slipped away. However, a bunch of reporters followed them.

One of them caught up to Lumen. "Excuse me, Sir. Can I have a moment of your time?"

"What do you need?" Lumen coldly asked him. He had no dėsɨrė to entertain them.

"I just wanted to ask you, how do you feel about being on a team with Princess of Zahard?"

"Like being on a team with any other Regular." Lumen bluntly replied.

"Uhm..." The reporter didn't except such an answer and was momentarily stunned. He was hoping to hear him talk about how amazing it is since most Regulars would do anything they can to get on a team with a Princess of Zahard.

Seeing the reporter in a daze, Lumen started walking away, but the reporter ran up to him again.

"Just one more question, Sir. You are the only new member to join the team after the death of Lights End. Do you think that you have some big shoes to fill in, considering how talented he was?" The reporter asked him.

"His shoes fit me quite well." Lumen answered and continued walking away.

However, the reported seemed to have something else to say. "Um, Sir, do you..." But before he could finish, Lumen interrupted him.

"One more word and you are dead." Lumen threatened him and released a bit of his killing intent, freezing the reporter in place.

This interview was later shown on the news, and it caused a big controversy about the masked Regular and who he is. Most people talked about how arrogant and ċȯċky the masked Regular is.

"Lights End shoes fit him quite well? Who does he think he is? Lights End was someone even stronger than a Princess of Zahard. This guy is too full of himself." Is what most people said after they heard him.

After Lumen dealt with the reporter, he explored the 27th Floor and what it has to offer. A lot of the shop on the Floor specialized in selling items that allow the user to control Shinsoo even up to the 60th Floor.

When such an item is created, the maker has to form a contract with the Guardians of the Floors. Such an item can not control Shinsoo on a Floor that the maker hasn't made a contract for.

Most of the items on the 27th Floor were created by the Research Association. The members of the Association are chosen mostly from the males of the Po Bidau Family. They are the most knowledgable when it comes to how Shinsoo works, and the best in making items that allow the user to control Shinsoo.

Lumen was interested in those items and had purchased two of them. One of them was a wand that allows the user to control Shinsoo up to the 30th Floor, and the other was a gun that lets the user control Shinsoo up to the 35th Floor.

Lumen bought the wand because it was one of the cheapest and simply wanted to know how it works. However, when he saw the gun, he had purchased it immediately due to how much he loved using one on Earth.

After testing out the two, Lumen was left bitterly disappointed. The wand allowed the user to form and control up to two Baangs, but they had a low concentration of Shinsoo and were slow to form. There were also a lot of limits on what he could do with those two Baangs. For example, he couldn't apply any of his qualities to them.

The gun, on the other hand, could form only one Baang with a bit higher concentration of Shinsoo, compared to the wand. The Baang could only be fired off only in the form of a laser, but it could quickly form another Baang. Despite that, it wasn't that impressive.

Lumen threw away the wand, but he kept the gun since it reminded him of Earth.

As he was heading back to his residence on the Floor, he suddenly disappeared from his spot. Lumen appeared behind a cloaked figure with a black mask that had been following him for some time now.

"Hello, little rat." Lumen said with his armor already covering his body.

"You truly look like Lord Karaka," Absorcion told him after turning around.

"That's because I am Karaka." Lumen chuckled.

"We both know that Lord Karaka has more important things to deal with than playing around with a bunch of Regulars." Lumen narrowed his eyes at his reply since it implied that Karaka is alive. He was under the impression that the Slayer had died on the 10th Floor.

"And why are you following me?" Lumen questioned him with a cold voice.

"My master, Poken, Karaka's subordinate, sent me to contact you. The two of them believe..." Before Absorcion could continue talking, Lumen had created his Domain of Darkness.

The moment his domain was released, Absrocion immediately activated the shadow that Pekon had granted him. He tried escaping from the Domain of Darkness, but he couldn't even distinguish left from right.

The FUG member tried to use the special powers granted to him by the shadow and absorb the darkness around him. However, that had no effect, as there was no change in the amount of darkness, no matter how much he absorbed.

Absorcion equipped a black, ghastly needle and tried randomly attacking, but that had no effect as well. He suddenly felt a hand grasp his head, and before he could even make a move, a massive pressure enveloped on him.

"Ahhh!" Absorcion started screaming in pain, as a single word kept being repeated in his mind. 'Obey. Obey. Obey.' In a few minutes, Absorcion was left standing with a blank look on his face.

Lumen had recently started experimenting with using the ability to dominate creatures on humans or human-like races. The creatures in the Tower had high intelligence, but they were able to be subjugated by Animas, so he applied that same principle on the human-like races.

With his incredible Shinsoo control, he had created an ability that greatly resembled mind control. However, Lumen has to be in contact with the person he is dominating for it to take effect.

After half an hour, the Domain of Darkness disappeared with no traces of Absorcion left. Twenty minutes after he had dominated Absorcion's mind, the FUG member's body had started decomposing. From what he learned, that was due to the shadow that was granted to him by Poken.

Lumen got to know quite a few things from Poken. One of them being that FUG had something big planned for the next Workshop Battle. He didn't know exactly what, since Absorcion wasn't informed, but he knew that it was something major for the organization.

'It seems we have to participate in the next Workshop Battle then.' Lumen thought. Initially, he had no dėsɨrė to participate in the Workshop Battle. He didn't think that he or his team could get something useful out of it, but knowing that FUG had plans for it, changed his mind. Lumen didn't mind delaying his climb for just a bit, in order to deal FUG a major blow.

He returned to his team's residence and told them that they would be participating in the next Workshop Battle. Everyone was fine with that except for Androssi.

"No! I already told the reporters that our team has no interest in the Workshop Battle since we have nothing to gain there!" The Princess of Zahard protested.

"That's not my problem." Lumen replied.

"Come on! That would ruin my image! Please think about it." Androssi pleaded, she had an image to uphold.

"Again, that's not my problem." Lumen stated.

"Arghh! You are the worst! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Androssi starter throwing a tantrum like a little girl.

"Love you too." Lumen told her and turned towards the rest. "We will continue climbing like usual, and we will wait on the 30th Floor for the start of the next Workshop Battle. Any questions?"

"Nope." Came the response from everyone else except Androssi.

A month later, Lumen and his group took on the Test on the 27th Floor.

The Test was Capture the Flag, and it takes place on a floating arena. Two teams of five Regulars would have to fight against each other while trying to capture two flags in the middle of the arena. Each team would also have a flag on their side of the arena.

In order for a team to win, they have to capture the enemy's flag, but they are allowed to do so, only when the two flags in the middle are captured by them. To capture a flag, there have to be only Regulars from one team within 20 meters of the flag.

Lumen's group had split into two teams of five. Androssi's team had already taken on the Test and advanced to the 28th Floor, and it was Lumen's team turn now.

Once the Test began, Tiana headed towards one of the flags in the middle, and Anak headed towards the other. While Lumen, Verdi, and Vespa found a comfortable place and sat down near their own flag.

Lumen didn't plan on doing anything and would leave the girls to complete the Test. Verdi didn't want to stay away from him, so she also didn't plan on doing anything.

Vespa was just waiting for the other three to capture the middle flags before rushing towards the enemy's one.

A few minutes after Tiana arrived at one of the middle flags, a red-haired, red-eye Regular with a medium build confronted her. That was Quaetro Blitz, known as a talented Flamer User and Wave Controller from the Blitz Family.

"You would look so much better if you are burnt to crisp. Hahaha." Quaetro maniacally laughed out.

He created three Baangs of flame and was about to shoot them at Tiana when he froze with widened eyes. His mouth hung loose as he started at the five floating Baangs around Tiana. Quaetro knew no more than ten E-Rank Regular that could create three Baangs, but five? That shouldn't be possible for an E-Rank Regular.

Quaetro watched as the five Baangs merge into one, and a massive blast of Shinsoo was shot his way. He was blown away by the Shinsoo blast. Quaetro had managed to survive, although gravely injured. With that, Tiana had captured one of the flags.

On the other side, Anak had just arrived at the location of the other flag. Since she didn't rush with all her speed, someone had already arrived there, and the flag was captured by the other team.

Sitting beside the flag was a tall, black-haired man. His right eye was closed, and he had a scar over it. This was Chang Blarode, one of the strongest E-Rank Regulars. At one point, he was considered in the top 5 E-Rank Regulars until the monsters from Androssi's team appeared.

Since then, not only had he suffered a major loss to a member of the Khun Family, but he was now not even considered within the top 10 E-Rank Regulars. Chang had chased after them for some time and finally managed to get to face against one of those members, thanks to the help of Emily.

"They give you a lot of credit, but let's see how good you truly are," Chang told Anak and strengthened himself with Shinsoo. He was about to dash towards her when Anak appeared in front of him with a burst of speed.

"You are weak." She bluntly told him while punching. Chang was bȧrėly able to raise his hands to block the attack, but he sent flying away despite that. He roughly landed on the ground but stood up quickly. His left arm was loosely hanging since Anak had broken it with just a single punch.

With that simple exchange, Chang understood that he was vastly outclassed. He had confidence in his abilities thanks to being a half-Canine person, but the green-skinned girl in front of his was on a whole different level. Without saying another word, he turned around and left.

With the two middle flags captured, only the enemy's flag was left. Vespa stood up and disappeared from her spot.

The three other Regular from the opponent team were sitting near their own flag and waiting for the middle ones to be captured.

"With those two on our team, it sure is easy to climb the Tower." One of them commented.

"Yeah. They are monsters, but I heard there are even stronger E-Rank Regulars than them. Can you imagine that?" Questioned another.

"Are you talking about Androssi's team? Pff, those guys shouldn't be E-Rank Regulars. They are way stronger than anyone on this level." The first one replied.

"I bet they are all being carried by the Princess of Zahard. I don't buy it that all of them are super strong." The third Regular stated.

"There is no way all of the strongest Regulars have gathered on one team. I don't..." Before he could finish, a needle that looked like a stinger had pierced him and the other two through their heads.

With the three dead, Vespa had secured the enemy's flag, and Lumen's team had passed the Test. They have now advanced onto the 28th Floor.

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