Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 6 - Second Floor (4)

After Lero-Ro's count, only 2 teams decided to participate in the first round.

Anaak, the green-skinned lizard girl, was a part of one of the teams. The two alongside her were a guy wearing a purple tracksuit and black-haired young man carrying two swords.

Carrying a green needle-like weapon that ended with a hook, Anaak walked ahead of her teammates, planning to face the other team alone.

"Don't you dare cut in." She told her teammates.

"What? Alone? Are you insane?" The other team wasn't happy and though she is looking down on them.

"Be serious! Do you think we are fools?" A guy with two swords from the other team exclaimed.

"Serious, you said? Well, it's up to you." Anaak cheekily replied.

"Okay! I will be serious with you! Alone as well!" The dual-wielding swordsman walked up to face her.

"You are going to regret what you just said! Now here I come!"

Before the swordsman could even make his move, Anaak had already gotten in front of him. With a thurst of her palm, the swordsman was sent flying to edges of the arena.

One of the swordsman's teammates tried attacking her with a needle, but her weapon increased its length, and she easily deflected his attack.

The last teammate tried sneaked in a hit and managed to punch her in the head. However, that didn't even faze Anaak. Grabbing his wrist, she flung him into the walls of the arena, like throwing a sack of potatoes.

The guy using a needle tried sneaking in an attack, but Anaak caught his weapon and threw him to the wall as well.

Within a minute, Anaak manhandled the whole team on her own.

Her strength and speed was beyond anything Lumen has ever witnessed. Just looking at her small stature, you would never expect her to have so much power hidden inside her.

Lumen was getting excited and wondered if she would be able to survive one of his lasers.

The other team, all slowly got up. Showing that although weaker than her, they had exceptional physical strength.

Since they stood no chance in a direct confrontation against Anaak, they chose to beat her using the rules of the game.

Each member of the opposing team made a beeline towards the crown that was sitting on the throne.

Before they could reach the crown, Anaak appeared on top of the throne with a burst of speed. Using the ability of her green hook to extend its length, she sent the other team flying. She grabbed the crown afterward and wore it on her head.

Since 5 minutes hadn't passed yet, they automatically won the round.

"Now give me the crown, Anaak. You two can fight while I'm on the throne." Said the guy wearing a purple tracksuit. He looked to be the weakest from the three.

"I won't. I don't want to." Anaak denied him and found a comfortable position on the throne. Since the throne was too big for her, she was laying sideways on it, with her tail cutely dangling in the air.

"What can we do with you in the chair, you dumbass?!?" Screamed out the tracksuit guy.

"As Ms. Anaak sat on the chair before 5 minutes elapsed, this round winner is the team of Anak, Ship Leesoo, and Hatsu," Lero-Ro announced.

Meanwhile, the tracksuit wearing guy started arguing with Anaak that he should be the one sitting on the throne. But no matter what he said, Anaak simply ignored him.

"Now that the 1st round is over, a reminder for you! The one who sat on the King's Throne with the crown, can't get up from the throne until all rounds are over!"

The tracksuit wearing guy wasn't happy with the announcement and complained to Lero-Ro. However, that didn't faze the Administrator at all.

"I told you the details are written in the instruction book. I did tell you to read the rules next to the buŧŧon, didn't I?"

"Let's begin the 2nd round of the Crown Game! Because there was a winning team in the previous round, only four teams can join this time!"

"I'll start counting now! Teams that want to join should press the buŧŧon before the count is over!"

The black-haired swordsman was very impressive. He unsheathed one of his swords and sent it flying in the air. The other he held in his hands. Despite being attacked by two Regulars simultaneously, he managed to defend and push them back.

The tracksuit wearing guy, on the other hand, had a lot of trouble with dealing with the other team. One of the Regulars from the other team was even covered with a blanket and peacefully sleeping while the other two didn't look special in any way.

The two fighting the tracksuit wearing guy didn't have perfect teamwork, but they managed to tie him down. Just as he was about to be killed, the swordsman managed to beat the other team and save him.

Now with the fight being a 2vs2, the other team's odds looked low.

"His teammates are risking their lives fighting, and he is sleeping? It's a shame such a scum was chosen. The Administrator of the base floor can make mistakes, huh?" Annoyed by the sleeping guy, the swordsman sent his sword in the air, planning to go after him first.

"I don't like killing, but scums are an exception. If you don't want to fight, wake up and get away. Or else, you will be the first to die."

It seems that the sleeping guy heard him since he woke up from his slumber. Without even saying a word, he raised his arm up with light gathering around it.

"What?" Exclaimed Lumen seeing his actions. That looked almost identical to the way he used his own powers.

A laser-like attack was fired off in Anaak's direction. The beam didn't look to be as fast as Lumen, and the lizard girl managed to evade it while still being on the throne.

The confusion caused by his attack, allowed his teammates to get past Anaak's team and attack her directly. The swordsman and the tracksuit wearing guy snapped out of their confusion and rushed to help her out.

As Anaak was dodging their attacks, the sleeping guy managed to sneak in another laser-like attack. This time the beam hit her straight on.

"Give us the crown. I can attack you from anywhere." The sleeping guy said, thinking that he had seriously hurt her. Unfortunately, Anaak seemed to be fine, albeit with a little damage done to her dress.

Nevertheless, the lizard girl seemed pissed. "The bait was not for you, you jerk. What do you think you are."

Holding her hook, the look in her eyes changed to a crazy one. "Ignition!" As she said that, the weapon's size changed dramatically. It grew so big that it could easily cover the whole arena.

"I will kill all of you." The guy with a blanket was bȧrėly able to avoid being struck by that gigantic weapon.

"Did you say, 'I can attack the throne wherever I am'?"

"Then I can say 'I can attack everywhere from this throne' you stupid jerk!" Anaak's attention was focused entirely on the blanket wearing guy.

Her attacks were fierce and unpredictable. The weapon was so amazing that it was even able to split itself. The situation looked dire for the other team.

All of a sudden, Anaak froze mid-attack. The other team without even wasting a second, immediately used that to escape to their cage, forfeiting the round.

Lumen wasn't able to see what transpired there, but shortly afterward, Lero-Ro gave an announcement.

"There are no other changes to the game which means Anaak's team lost this round. So the next round starts without a winning team."

"Well, let's proceed with the next game again, Regulars."

The next round, Baam's team, and three others entered the game.

Before everyone could take any action, the blue-haired guy from Baam's team reached the stage in a matter of seconds.

"Oh, now this feels better. The game would be over if I sit here with he crown, but that's no fun." He cheekily said and put the crown in his brown bag.

"Let's not make this boring. Fight me, you weaklings." He pulled out a knife from the bag. "If you beat me, I will give you the crown."

A guy using a sniper rifle caught Lumen's attention. He took aim and fired at the blue-haired guy, but all the bullets were deflected by the brown bag. There wasn't even a scratch left on the bag.

"On second thought this is a bit troublesome, I changed my mind." He pulled out the crown from the bag and threw it on the ground. "You guys fight."

The other teams, angry at his ċȯċkiness, banded together to fight Baam's team.

A Regular who looked like his body was made of shadow rushed at the blue-haired guy. Before he could attack him though, his body got suċkėd in by the leather bag.

Both the blue-haired guy and the alligator-humanoid looked like exceptional fighters. The two of them managed to take down everyone, except a very small Regular that looked like a squirrel.

The Regular had managed to sneak next to the crown and was planning to sit on the throne with it.

Unfortunately, the blue-haired guy picked out another crown from his bag and looked at the small Regular with a smile.

"Abracadabra~ It's the fun and amazing duplicating magic bag!" The crown in the small Regulars had disappeared as if it was nothing but an illusion. He gave the crown to Baam and made him sit on the throne.

Lumen was very disappointed with Baam's performance. Since he believed him to be an Irregular, he hoped he would show him something amazing.

The next round began and only three teams decided to join it. A Regular from one of the teams tried gathering the teams under one banner to fight Baam's.

Unfortunately, not all of them were on the same page, and one of the teams eliminated the other two. After that, they all walked back into their cage, forfeiting the round.

"The Crown Game is becoming more and more exciting! And now we only have the final round left! The count will start now, so any joining teams, please press the buŧŧon!"

"One!" The moment Lero-Ro counted, Lumen had already pressed the buŧŧon to join.

"What are you doing?!" The girls screamed out seeing that.

"You don't have to do anything. I will steal the crown on my own. Just don't get in my way." Lumen said and stopped paying attention to them.

After the count to 5, four teams entered the round.

A woman wearing a black full-body leotard and a mask immediately took off. She was wielding a staff with great expertise. In a matter of moments, she easily dealt with two teams singlehandedly.

Her two teammates focused on distracting the blue-haired guy and the alligator.

After dealing with the two teams, she leaped and landed on the throne next to Baam. Lumen was planning to interfere just as she was about to attack, but a disc-like object got in the way and blocked her attack.

The user of the disc was a young beautiful woman wearing a cloak. She had short brown hair, yellow eyes and a very small horn on the right side of her forehead.

The woman was apart of the team from the other Test sport. For some reason, she and her teammates didn't try going for the crown. Rather it seemed like they were protecting Baam. The cloaked Regular stood on each side of the throne.

The fight between the leotard wearing woman and the brown-haired one seemed equal. That is until the brown-haired's heel broke and she stumbled. The masked woman took her chance and maneuvered past her.

The staff-wielding woman attacked one of the cloaked Regulars next to Baam. The cloaked Regular didn't seem like much of a fighter and got hit in the face. This distracted Baam and he was about to leap off the throne.

'Now's my chance.' Lumen turned into light and rushed towards the throne. With speed far faster than any of the Regulars there, he managed to snag the crown from Baam's head.

The rest of the Regulars only saw a flash of light before Lumen appeared on the throne with the crown in his hands. He was mentally exhausted from his simple actions, but it was worth it.

Cheekily he put the crown on his head and turned towards Baam. Only to find him lying on top of the cloaked Regular, about to be hit by the staff-wielding woman.

Before the attack could reach him, Lumen instinctively felt danger. On pure instinct alone, he transformed into his Logia form again. An invisible force wave burst out from Baam.

The leotard wearing woman had her mask destroyed and her eye ruined.

Lumen also wasn't scoff free from the attack. His forehead was bleeding after the shockwave that hit him. He was bleeding despite being in his Logia form!

Lumen was very angry. He truly believed himself to be invincible with his Logia fruit but he was proven wrong. To top it off, he was proved wrong by what he considered the weakest person there.

Raising his hand, he was prepared to pay him back for the wound. Light started gathering and just as he was about to shoot him.

"STOP!" Lero-Ro stopped him.

"The Crown Game ended. You've won the round, there is no need to take it further." Lumen cooled down and in a flash of white, the wound on his forehead disappeared. He stayed his hand but vowed to pay him back later.

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