Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 62 - Workshop Battle (8)

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment before Leesoo spoke up. "What the hell just happened? How is Lumen Po Bidau Gustang's son in law? When did that happen?"

"I might be able to answer that," Tiana replied explained his relationship with Diana to them. Lumen had told her about that and that she was Gustang's daughter.

"You are talking about that hot chick from the 3rd Floor? So, Diana is Gustang's daughter? Damn. You, Yuri, and Diana, Lumen isn't playing around." Leesoo exclaimed, which resulted in him being shot by Baang of Shinsoo. However, he stood his ground and didn't even move an inch.

"I knew about his relationship with her, but I didn't know her background." Anak calmly said.

"You knew?" Aleksai asked her.

"Yeah, he always smelled of her every morning," Anak answered him.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about it?" Leesoo asked her.

Anak tilted her head and asked. "Well, it didn't matter, so why would I?"

"Of course, it matters! Diana is a Ruler of a Floor, and our leader was sleeping with her. Damn, I'm so jealous of him. He has three incredible beauties all for himself." Leesoo's words resulted in him being shot by another Baang of Shinsoo.

Again, Leesoo took almost no damage from Tiana's attack. Her Shinsoo control had increased to the point where she could harm even Rankers with her attacks, but Leesoo had activated his Blood Tamara.

Earlier, he had ingested the item that was granted to him for being the first person to shoot in the One Shot, One Opportunity test. He could activate Blood Tamara and would receive a temporarily period where is nearly invulnerable. Only someone with the strength of an Advanced Ranker could damage him in that state. However, Leesoo could use the Blood Tamara only six times a day, and each usage would last him for ten minutes. He would also have to wait ten minutes before each usage. The Blood Tamara was an incredible item, but it also had its drawbacks.

Meanwhile, with Gustang and Lumen on the Ghost Ship.

"So, how do you like this?" Gustang questioned him while showing him the Suspendship's interior.

"Why are you doing this?" Lumen asked him back. He still didn't know why Gustang was here and why he was helping him. He couldn't understand why one of the 10 Great Family heads was ȧssisting him.

"I have my reasons, but I mostly wanted to see your progress. If you didn't meet my expectations, I would have killed you for daring to sleep with my daughter." Gustang calmly answered him.

"You mean the daughter that you abandoned on the 3rd Floor? How convenient that you suddenly care about her." Lumen replied to him. He didn't like the fact that he had abandoned Diana.

Gustang let out a sigh and shook his head. "Look, we didn't abandon her with Blossom because we wanted to. There was nothing we could do about it. Going against Zahard's words is not something we can do."

"Why? Is Zahard that much stronger than you?" Lumen asked him.

"Zahard is indeed stronger than me, but not to the point where he could easily kill me. I just can't... tell you why." Gustang replied back while looking into Lumen's eyes. As much as he wanted to explain, he couldn't go into more detail. There is a reason Gustang had been avoiding Zahard for the past thousand years.

"You can't tell me?" Lumen questioned him again. The way Gustang paused was a bit unusual to him.

"Yes, I just can't... tell you," Gustang confirmed. Lumen somewhat understood what he was hinting at, but he didn't fully trust him since he wasn't able to sense his emotions.

"And have you tried before?" Lumen asked.

"Countless times," Gustang replied.

"So, the reason why you helped me is?" Lumen questioned.

"Because I want you to fulfill my daughter's wish," Gustang stated with conviction.

"I still don't fully trust you." Lumen responded, which made Gustang sigh.

"Understandable, but I really want to see Diana happy and Enne being freed from her imprisonment. For that to happen, you need to be a lot stronger than what you currently are," Gustang stated.

"Don't get me wrong, your progress in the eight years that you have been in the Tower is astounding, but I can help you improve even more," Gustang told him.

"And how would you do that?" Lumen asked.

"Well, for starters, I can help you with checking your and your team's main Shinsoo quality. There is a high chance it's one of the elements that you use, but it could something else as well." Gustang stated. He was quite astonished that Lumen was able to control so many different elements.

"In addition, I can give you and your teammates a Test for becoming a Wonsulsa or a Circle Ability User. A special position that circulates Shinsoo into a perfect circle, causing it to gain much greater strength while retaining the same Myun and Soo. You know what Myun and Soo are, right?" Gustang asked.

"Yes, Myun refers to the size of a Baang. Specifically, it refers to the surface area that Shinsoo is spread out across, regardless of height. And Soo refers to the concentration or mass of Shinsoo within a Baang." Lumen answered him.

"Good, Diana has taught you well. Becoming Circle Ability Users would help you and your team with your Shinsoo control. Normally, the more numerous the number of Baangs, the smaller the Myun and lower the Soo that can be managed, and the larger the Myun, the lower the Soo that can be managed." Gustang responded.

"Sometimes, there is a special case in which the numbers of manageable Myun and Soo increases as the number of Baangs increase. This special case is known as a plus tendency, and that is an extremely rare talent. Which seems to be the case with you." Gustang was easily able to perceive this. The glasses that he always wore allowed him to read the flow of Shinsoo better and identify how much Myun and Soo one can control.

"Another thing is, I could show you the correct way to climb the Tower since you have done it the wrong way until now. You are currently passing that Test that the Floor Rulers have created. Those Tests aren't much of a challenge for someone like you, and the rewards are lacking. Plain Points is not something that you are in dire need of." Gustang explained.

"I shouldn't take the Tests that the Floor Rulers have designated?" Lumen asked him.

"No, it's pointless. The correct way of climbing the Tower for someone like you is by taking on the Guardian's Tests. Their Tests are a lot harder, and their difficulty would increase even more, depending on the reward that you dėsɨrė."

"But the Guardians of the 99th Floor and lower, are limited in what they can grant you. On the other hand, the Guardians from the 100th Floor and upwards, have the power to award you with almost anything you dėsɨrė. Bear in mind, if you pass a Guardian's test, it is possible the Guardian may fulfill part or all of your wishes that you expressed before the Test," Gustang explained to him.

"Can my teammates take those Tests with me?" Lumen asked him. There were very few people that he cared about, and his teammates were one of those few. He didn't want to leave them behind.

"Yes, but you have to request that from the Guardian. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to take the Test." Gustang answered him.

"And what about the rewards from the Test, would they receive them as well?" Lumen questioned.

"Yes, they should be awarded for passing the Tests as well. You should know that Zahard and the rest of the 10 Great Family heads are Irregulars. When we climbed the Tower thousands of years ago, we had the help of people that were born in the Tower. They took the Tests with us and received rewards from the Guardians. Back then, there were no Test Administrators and Floor Rulers. Those positions were introduced after we conquered the Tower." Gustang explained.

"I see." Lumen said.

"You should also definitely get on the Hell Train on the 35th Floor. That should be a priority for you. You could get on the Hell Train on a higher Floor, but I advise you to do it on the 35th one." Gustang stated.

"Is there something special about it?" Lumen asked.

"Yes. The Hell Train was created by the Great Father of the Workshop, Macseth. The reason why he made it and its Guardians was to help us with our training. The Hell Train Guardians are a different being compared to Floor Guardians. They are artificially created and don't have the same powers as Floor Guardians. They protect certain areas of the Train and are a kind of system that protects the Hell Train. However, their strength is nothing compared to yours." Gustang explained.

"There is a special Guardian amongst the Train Guardians, and he is called the God of Guardians by the rest of them, but that's only because he is the strongest of them all. He normally guards a place that has a special Rice Pot." Gustang told him.

"All of us, including Zahard and the rest of the 10 Great Family heads, had entered that Rice Pot, and we went through a Metamorphosis there. I don't know how useful that place would be to you, but you should check it out. He could also teach you a very special Shinsoo control technique called Black-Hole Sphere. Now that would be something really useful to you." Gustang stated.

"Can't you teach me that?" Lumen asked him.

"I can, but it won't be the same. Although I'm proficient in using it, only the God of Guardians could truly teach you that technique. Also, the current way you are controlling Shinsoo has a small resemblance to that technique. How did you learn that?" Gustang asked him.

He had watched his entire fight with the FUG members and was surprised at how skillfully he was controlling Shinsoo. Gustang knew Diana had taught him, but the Shinsoo control technique that Lumen was using was different from the one she showed him. It had some similarities, but the one he was using had a resemblance to the Black-Hole Sphere technique that is taught by the God of Guardians.

Lumen hesitated for a moment but answered him truthfully. "Urek taught me a special Shinsoo control technique, and I combined it with the one that Diana taught me. I'm still just in the beginning stages and haven't fully combined the two."

Gustang was shocked by hearing him. "That's remarkable, but I can see why it's similar to the technique taught by the God of Guardians. Urek's Shinsoo technique is on the same level as the Black-Hole Sphere technique. I'm surprised he taught you that. How did that happen?"

"Honestly, I don't know. We were drinking Fire Throat, and he said I won a bet that I don't remember making with him." Lumen answered him.

"Hahaha!" Gustang laughed out. "That sounds so much like him."

"Either way. Besides the Rice Pot and the God of Guardians, there is another important thing about the Hell Train." Gustang stated.

"What is it?" Lumen asked.

"Well, you would have to clear the entire Hell Train and reach the end. There you will find it. Unfortunately, I can't talk about it. However, when you reach that place, do me a favor and take everything you can from there. I promise you won't be disappointed." Gustang explained and pulled out a key from his Pocket. The key's bow was a wooden square, and its main part looked like a rose's stem with thorns. This was the Master Key and something very important for those who wish to enter the special hidden Floor.

Gustang wanted to explain more what the place at the end of the Hell Train is, but revealing that information would make him lose his memories of it.

"This is something that you would need when you reach the end of the Hell Train. You will know how to use it when you get there." Gustang handed the Master Key to Lumen.

"Why don't we take a walk around your new Suspendship. There should be quite a few items left behind by the previous owner. I'm sure some of them would be very useful to you." Gustang said with a smile.

"My Suspendship?" Lumen asked. He remembered that Gustang said something about a dowry, but he didn't expect to receive a gigantic Suspendship.

"Of course. This is a part of the dowry I promised. Let's take a look and see what we can find. You can also tell me a bit about the outside world." Gustang replied. He really wanted to know more about the outside world, because he didn't remember anything about it.

"Aren't you also from outside the Tower?" Lumen asked him.

"Well..." Gustang scratched his head. "The thing is, I don't remember anything about it."

Gustang then pulled out his diary. "My diary from before entering the Tower is the only information I have about the outside world. Unfortunately, I don't remember even a single event listed here."

"However, this is a topic for another time. I want to hear about the place you came from." Gustang stated, and the two explored the Ghost Ship.

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