Devil Fruit Powers In The Tower Of God

Chapter 68 - Thirty-First Floor (1)

A month passed since the end of the Workshop Battle. During that time, the team that Agnis had formed passed the test on the 30th Floor.

Yihwa and Wangnan hadn't improved significantly during that one month. However, with Agnis being the leader of the team and the strength of the other members, they passed it without any problems.

They also had a new addition to their team, Beta. Gustang had managed to find a way for him to survive without having to take the drugs from the Workshop.

Gustang, Urek, Yuri, and Evan had already left the group to deal with their own business.

Everyone was gathered in the Ghost Ship as it flew towards the skies of the 30th Floor. When the Suspendship reached the highest point of the Floor, the sky rumbled. A split formed in the air, and the sky opened up like a gate.

"It's so amazing having a Suspendship for ourselves!" Leesoo exclaimed as the Ghost Ship passed through the sky gate.

Every man in the Tower wished to have a Suspendship, especially a high-class one like the Ghost Ship. It was like owning one of the most expensive cars on Earth.

"It's not ours, the Suspendship is Lumens," Aleksai said.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what I said," Leesoo replied.

The Ghost Ship passed the sky gate and reached the 31st Floor. Officially they were all now considered D-Rank Regulars.

The 31st Floor had a green sky, and all the inhabitants lived on floating islands.

Agnis and his team had gathered in a room at the back of the Ghost Ship. His own Suspendship, which was a lot smaller in scale, was stored there. Lumen and Merrie were there as Agnis's team was preparing to leave.

"Considering the number of Regulars on the Floor, it should take us about two to three months before we can attempt the Test," Agnis said to Lumen.

"I don't know how long our Test will last, but it would be better if you can pass yours in a shorter time." Lumen replied. "You can always, you know, ask the Regulars to forfeit their spot. And if they refuse, well, they might accidentally disappear."

Agnis grinned, hearing him. "I like the way you think."

"Don't forget to meet up with Hwa Ryun. She can help you lead the way and pass the Test easier." Merri told him.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry, I will meet up with her," Agnis replied as his team boarded his Suspendship, and he then turned towards Lumen. "Don't make us wait too long, okay?"

"You worry about your Test, while I worry about ours." Lumen replied to him, and Agnis entered his Suspendship. A door to the outside opened up, and it flew out of the Ghost Ship.

"So, we are really going to do this?" Merrie asked him.

"Yes, are you scared?" Lumen replied.

"A little bit. All the Guardians that I've met looked threatening with God-like power radiating from them. I wonder what kind of a Test they give would us?" Merrie said.

"Don't worry. We will pass it easily. I'm sure of it." Lumen confidently replied to her.

"I believe you," Merrie told him with a smile.

The two then entered the dining room, where everyone had gathered.

"Are you all ready?" Lumen asked them, and everyone confirmed with a nod.

He then made his Pocket visible and grabbed it. "Contract with the Guardian."

Lumen disappeared from his spot after saying that. He was then teleported to a place filled with darkness. There was only a single being in that place.

It was a giant bird made entirely of bone. The Guardian was so big that Lumen wasn't even able to see its entire body.

The bone bird observed him for a moment before speaking. "You're the one that opened the door to the Tower yourself? I've heard about you from Headon. Your true form even looks similar to me. Hmm. What do you dėsɨrė, little fledgling?"

"I wish to take your Test." Lumen confidently stated.

"Hmmm." The Guardian then came closer to him. "You seem qualified. You can take on our special Test, or you can take the normal Test. Which one do you choose, little one?"

"Special Test? What's that?" Lumen asked the Guardian. Gustang hadn't said anything about such a Test.

"It's a more difficult Test, and should you choose it, you would have to take on a special Test from the rest of the Guardians as well. You will have to pass a total of 100 of them before you receive your reward. And should you fail once, you will be turned into an Essence." The Guardian explained.

"You will also not receive any rewards until you pass all 100 Tests. However, the reward will be greater than anything you can imagine. No more than twenty beings have ever managed to pass our special Tests. What do you think, little fledgling? Would you take our special Test?" The Guardian asked.

"That doesn't sound that special." Lumen replied, and the Guardian laughed out with a booming voice.

"You have no idea, little one. If you pass the 100 special Tests, you won't have any problems passing the 135th Floor. In fact, passing those Tests would qualify you to leave the Tower without even going through the Test on the 135th Floor. However, as I said, if you fail even once, you will be crystalized into an Essence." The Guardian said.

"Can my teammates take the special Test with me?" Lumen asked.

"No, but they can take our normal Test alongside yours. However, that would make yours even harder." The Guardian answered him. Normally, that wouldn't be the case, but there was a reason why the Guardian allowed it.

"If I pass all 100 special Tests, I will be awarded something very special?" Lumen asked him.

"Yes, little fledgling." The Guardian replied.

"Then, I will take on your special Test!" Lumen confidently stated.

"Good!" The Guardian answered. "Since you will be taking on our special Test, you are qualified to enter my domain."

"What do..." Before Lumen could ask the Guardian what it meant, he was teleported back to the Ghost Ship.

Lumen then noticed his group was staring outside the Suspendship in wonder. He walked up and saw that the sky was no longer green. It was a dark purple color, and the bottom of the Floor was filled with purple liquid.

In the distance, there was a gigantic bone tree coming out of the purple liquid. On top of it, a bird made of bones was perched.

"What happened?" Leesoo asked Lumen, and he explained his encounter with the Guardian.

"This is the Guardians domain?" Merrie asked in surprise.

"There is an ancient lore that the Red Witches had passed down, stating that the Floors are separated into two. One place where the Tests are taken and another where the Guardians reside. We believed that's only a rumor. I would have never imagined that it's actually the truth!" Merrie said.

"So, we are the first people to enter the Guardian's domain since ancient times? This sounds amazing!" Androssi exclaimed.

"What is this special Test about?" Leesoo asked Lumen.

"I don't know. The Guardian didn't tell me." Lumen replied.

"What? Then what are we supposed to do now?" Leesoo asked.

"I'm not sure." Lumen answered.

"Hey, look over there. It looks like there is a city over there." Anak said while pointing outside of the Ghost Ship. There was an island there that had buildings made of bone.

"Should we go there?" Aleksai asked.

"I don't see why not. We might find a clue about the Test." Lumen replied.

"I agree, I believe that's the place we need to go to." Merrie stated.

They were surprised when they found that the bone city was inhabited by skeletons. The skeletons were just as surprised when they saw the group.

Lumen was on his guard since all the skeletons were at least as strong as Rankers. There was also a presence that was stronger than even High Rankers.

"Outsiders?" A skeleton with exclaimed.

"Outsiders have come? Sound the bone alarm! Someone will be taking the special Test!" Another skeleton shouted.

"Someone will be taking the special Test? Oh, I'm so excited! The Test hasn't been taken in... I don't even know how long. Hahaha." A skeleton laughed out.

In a moment, a screeching sound was heard throughout the entire bone city. One of the biggest buildings in the city suddenly changed its structure and transformed into a colossal skeleton. That was the presence that Lumen had sensed.

The skeleton then started walking towards the group as it slowly shrank itself to their size.

"Welcome to Boneapolis, outsiders!" The skeleton greeted them. The rest of the skeletons gathered around them. They were observing the group with interest as they were whispering to each other.

"Look, all of them have skin. They look so weird." Someone said.

"That one has red skin and tiny wings!" A skeleton pointed at Aleksai.

"And that one has green skin and a tail!" Another skeleton pointed at Anak.

"So weird. How do they even live with that useless thing on their bodies?" A skeleton questioned.

"Must be hard. Poor outsiders, they can only wish they have our beautiful bodies." Another skeleton answered.

"Can I smash them to pieces?" Anak asked Lumen while looking at the skeletons that are pointing at her in annoyance.

"Don't mind them. They are just excited to see outsiders. We haven't had anyone come here for a very long time. Either way, I'm the mayor of this beautiful place. They call me Boking. I'm so happy to meet you." The skeleton introduced himself.

"Bonerakard had informed me that you will be taking his special Test," Boking said while looking at Lumen. He had a mental connection with the Guardian, so he was able to speak in his stead.

"While you will be taking the normal Test." Boking turned towards the rest.

"That's right." Lumen replied.

"Good, good! Usually, the normal Test isn't taken in this place, nor would the two Tests be taken simultaneously, but this would be an exception." Boking informed them.

"I will be acting as your Test Administrator, so let's go to my place and discuss the rewards that you wish for," Boking said and brought the group to a large mansion made of bones. He led them to a dining room that had a big bone table and a large number of chairs made of bones.

"Make yourself comfortable while we bring you our special delicacies." Boking laughed out and sat on one of the chairs. "I guarantee you will love goodies we will serve!"

In a moment, a few skeletons walked in carrying plates made of bones that had... bones on them.

"They look so tasty!" Boking exclaimed, grabbed one of the bones, and started munching on it. "This is the good stuff right here!"

Boking noticed that the group wasn't eating and was looking at him strangely.

"Is there something wrong with the food?" Boking asked them.

"We... usually, don't eat bones," Leesoo replied to him.

"You don't eat bones? Wow, you sure are strange, outsiders. Either way, that's better for me since I can eat them all. Hohoho." Boking laughed out.

"Now then, let's discuss what kind of rewards you wish for. Just remember, the bigger the reward, the harder the Test will be. But I'm sure you already know that." Boking said.

"Is it possible to increase the amount of Shinsoo they can control?" Lumen asked him.

"Hmm. That's possible, but the limit can not be removed. Their limit also can not be increased to the maximum, since they are not qualified yet." Boking answered and looked towards Androssi. "She also doesn't need such a reward since she has no limit."

"What do you mean?" Androssi questioned him.

"Well, you are a bit of strange one, but aren't you also someone that has opened the door to the Tower on your own? Either way, you have no limit to the amount of Shinsoo you can control. So, you can choose another reward." Boking said.

Androssi looked at Lumen for a moment and turned towards Boking. "Okay! I've made my choice!"

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