Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 438: Ancient doll palace

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Without Jessica's explanation, Wu Lingfeng has also identified the way to deal with the curse of the dragon.

Wu Lingfeng once again took out a Tian Luo's Soyana and summoned it.

[Reading hood]! !

Tianya’s Soyana flashed in the body, and suddenly a huge golden mask appeared in the space. Tianya’s Soyana began to fight with the Cyan Dragon, and the Cyan Dragon suddenly hit the harpoon in her hand. Soyana of Tianluo, of course, this is only the result of the deliberate release of water by Soyana.


At this moment, the Cyan Dragons suddenly summoned a white dragon.

[True* Ice World]! !

There was a lot of frost on the body of Wu Lingfeng. A powerful frosty interest was thrown out of his hands. In an instant, the entire Dragon Palace became a world of ice, and everything was frozen. For a moment all the dragons were frozen into statues, and the blue dragons were imprisoned in a huge icicle.

"Hey, kill the eighth-order characters in the outer world, drop the Nether Magic Stone 100, Chaos Magic Stone 100, and reward QP Point 5."

"Hey, the LV70 (common level) of the relics of the Dragon King of the customs, get the qualifications of the Dragon King's relics, enter the demand: 10 virtual magic stones, 10 chaotic magic stones, adventure level map experience is twice the ordinary level The money drops twice, the equipment drops twice, the monster strength doubles, the number of monsters doubles, and a small number of elite monsters appear; entry restrictions: the number of teams must not exceed five."

Wu Lingfeng was a little surprised, no, so vulnerable? The existence of LV70 was instantly killed by him? Although Wu Lingfeng did use the ice to simulate the construction of frost, but did not expect to kill the cursed dragons in an instant, is this cursed dragon man just a virtual guy. Powerful is just a strange curse spell and it is actually weak?

"Call... It’s so cold, can't you guys use some small magic? Are you not a demon king? Just use your fist to blow them. What kind of magic?" One did not notice that Jessica was also blocked by ice. But the silver robe on his body flashed a gentle glow. Instantly melt all the ice around.

Wu Ling is cold and cold: "I am not a guy with well-developed limbs, simple mind, you guy, what is it like in your impression, really? It's the easiest to use magic, for a moment. Well, Start the next level..."

"Really, your magic has destroyed the art of this palace. You see, this frost is too difficult to melt, wasting a lot of magic. And the temperature is too low, hurry to the next level, "There is a dead man's house." Jessica couldn't help but stretch out her hand and tried to set it down. It was ice-smelting, and the power of the frost gradually eroded her body. If it was not equipped with epic equipment, it might have become ice. Strange, obviously a devil, the power of the ice attribute is so powerful, what is this guy? Devil? Not just?


Between the Wu Lingfeng and their speech, the frozen ground suddenly broke a huge hole, and it was a jade-like jade ladder that stretched into the world below.

"Is it another 799-story staircase? It’s really troublesome. This dragon man really has the patience to build such a palace underground. It’s true..." Poison Island said, frowning.

"There are stairs? It shouldn't be. Only when entering the mausoleum will there be stairs. There will be no more stairs after the first palace. It is strange that the tomb of the Seven-Color Dragon King should not exceed 799 stairs. These are all stipulated, with the wisdom of the seven-color dragon king. Will not make such a mistake, what is this place?" Jessica suddenly said doubtfully.

"Take it something, go in and see it." Gig took the lead and entered it.

Wu Lingfeng and others have to follow up. He is also somewhat confused. According to the ordinary relics, after the Raiders have finished the ordinary-level copy of the gods, only one day, the relics will be refreshed before they can enter the adventure-level map, but now they are extended. This underground staircase is definitely a copy of the adventure level. Can you move on?

With doubts, Wu Lingfeng finally came to the front of the palace on the second floor of the underground. The gate of the silver dragon palace was exactly the same as the first floor.

"Hey, enter [Remains of the Dragon King] copy LV70 (adventure level), enter the demand: 10 Nether Magic Stone, 10 Chaos Magic Stone."

Wu Lingfeng reached out and pushed the door. He suddenly came up with a system prompt. He thought that he would be rejected. It seems that this place can really enter inside. Actually, two levels of relics are carried out within one day. Is it true that each level of the palace is Independently exist? I can only think so.

After entering the palace, Wu Lingfeng found that all the layouts were exactly the same as the first floor palace, but there were four stone statues suspended in the void. The four stone statues were four long-haired girls sitting on a stone. Look like.


The surface of the four stone statues is cracking, and a piece of stone falls from them. Then four beautiful girls appear in front of them in the Wuling style. They are blue and red from the hair and eyes. Four girls, orange and purple, look surprisingly.

"Ah... oh... I have slept for a long time..."

"Well, what time is it, should I go home to eat?"

"Can not go back……"

"Be imprisoned in this place, the mission is only to solve the intruder &..."

"How to do?"

"Just solve them..."


The four girls suddenly got together and talked together, and they did not care about Wu Lingfeng.

"You are the ancient puppet masters of the ancient times?"

Jessica suddenly looked at the four girls in amazement. The picture she saw in the secret was the same. The ancient puppet teacher was a girl sitting on a suspended rock, in the country of the ancient puppeteer. There are no males. They rely on the water in a holy lake to give birth to children, and the children they give are all girls. After birth, they have the power to control the land naturally, and they can reduce the aggravated land at will. The weight, by which the stone is manipulated = with the body suspended.

The ancient puppets are a group of lazy guys who sit on the stones every day and use the power of natural magic to move. It is said that the ancient puppet masters can give earth and stone wisdom, and let the ordinary earth and stone become stone dolls. enemy.

"Ancient puppet teacher?"

"It seems to be this name, hehe..."

"Yes, we are the ancient puppets..."

"It's amazing?"

The four girls suddenly said, the face of the proud expression, as if for their own ethnicity is very admired.

"It's very powerful, I just heard that it is no longer in this place. There is no such thing as an ancient puppeteer in this place. No, maybe there is, but the blood seems to have no power to manipulate the land, the country of the witch who claims to be the witch, one "Weakness exists," Jessica said.

At this moment, Wu Lingfeng remembered the words of Jessica, and did not think that the predecessor of the country of the witch turned out to be the race of the ancient puppeteer.

"The country of the witch, it is not clear..."

"It has nothing to do with us..."

"Oh, I can't go home..."

"You all have to die here..."

The four girls suddenly said one after another.

"Four people, we are one person..." Wu Lingfeng said to Jig, Altolia and Poison Island.

"it is good……"

Wu Lingfeng suddenly fought at the moment.

Wu Lingfeng is on the blue girl.

"Hey, do you really want to bully people?" The blue girl suddenly smirked and said.

"I don't have time to flirt with you. You are just a bunch of data in my eyes." Wu Lingfeng said indifferently.

"Data, what are you talking about? Isn't people people?" The blue girl doesn't understand what Wu Lingfeng is saying.

"If you don't understand me, I won't explain it to you, because there is no need, and soon you will become the soul of my hands..."

Wu Lingfeng's right hand condensed a huge ice gun, the body is like a stream, holding a huge ice gun to the blue girl stabbed.

"I can't catch it..."

The blue-haired girl blinked and said that the stones under her body were floating upwards...

[True* Raylight Chain]! !

The attack lost, Wu Lingfeng did not stop, the idle left hand suddenly launched a huge Rayon chain hit the blue-haired girl...

Soon, weird things happened.

The lightning of Wu Lingfeng suddenly passed through the body of the blue-haired girl and hit the palace. An electric light broke out and the roof of the palace was destroyed.

"Hey, you can't hit people anyway, people are space, you can manipulate the space, it's not useful for people." The blue-haired girl smiled and smiled, showing the faint disdain of the martial arts. .

[Time and Space Hand]! !

Wu Lingfeng did not believe, but also seized her, the space attribute is how, the hands of time and space can still be grasped, as long as the capture of the hands of time and space, even in the cracks of time and space he can catch her.



For a moment, the blue-haired girl was caught in the hands of Wu Lingfeng, but the place he caught was too embarrassing. It was a girl’s small and delicate crispy chest. She was soft and slippery in her hand. Although it was not big, she was strong. It’s smooth and feels good...

"Ah... I want to fight with you..."

For a moment, the blue-haired girl was blushing by Wu Lingfeng, her body was a little soft, and suddenly she was wearing a silver mouth and biting it in the hands of Wu Lingfeng...

"Hey, you are a dog..."

Wu Lingfeng suddenly took a heavy breath, this is a little tiger...

Altolia and the poisonous island scorpion suddenly took a look at Wu Lingfeng, as if to say that it should be alive, the battle must have a fighting look, even such a Lolita girl is also ridiculous, BT...

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