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When Wu Lingfeng’s words suddenly shocked all the Knights of the Templars, they would have to disarm.

Without the identity of the Knights of the Temple, after the Holy Spirit, these recruits are just ordinary people. All the beautiful wives, money, status, honors, etc. will disappear without a trace. It can be said that this is for them. It is not the same as the blue sky.

The original bodies of the recruits are just ordinary people. There is no magic talent, and martial arts are not good. However, after becoming a Knight of the Temple, their identity is noble, but this nobleness will soon disappear...

The veterans felt that they were very happy. They should be alive. A group of people who were mixed into the army and only knew to enjoy it should be expelled. The kingdom of the dragon, but Wu Lingfeng and their life and body were cast together, and the blood flowed and sweated. A **** dragon kingdom exchanged with blood and life.

The recruits stood on the ground one by one and felt that it was the end of the world. If the identity of the Knights of the Temple gave them how much happiness?

It can be said that even if they are fighting the Lich Legion, they are not so fearful...

Wu Lingfeng looked at the reaction of these people, and smiled in his heart. His words confessed everyone. After that, it would be nice to have another sweet date. Now it is not time for disarmament. After all, you need to fight this group of guys. After all, after a battle, the soldiers selected were some elite, and the real dross had already died.

"Would you like to continue to have the identity of the Knights of the Temple?" Wu Lingfeng said to all the recruits.

"miss you……"

"Why don't you want to..."

"Without this identity, we have nothing..."

"Wang, let's continue fighting. We will fight desperately..."

"Please give me a chance..."


All the soldiers’ eyes were filled with hopes of Wu Lingfeng.

"I still don't want to, I just want to hear this sentence. Also tell me those nonsense!" Wu Lingfeng suddenly said coldly.

"miss you……"

"miss you……"

"miss you……"


All of a sudden said.

"Oh, the voice is too small. You are like a girl, whispering, I want to shout out loudly! All of his mother gave me a loud voice, I can't hear you!!" suddenly Wu Lingfeng roared and said .

"miss you!!!!"

All the new recruits suddenly shouted and used the power of the whole body.

Wu Lingfeng nodded and said: "If you want to, then I will give you this opportunity, such as the dregs, to prove to you with battle, your determination, to become a brave warrior knight or to become a mediocre people. It is up to you to decide, Now that fate is in your hands, let me see your determination. Of course, before the battle, you need to come to a special training. Obviously, with your current strength, it is definitely impossible to defeat the Lich army. The result must be the same as the day before yesterday. The structure is not a repressive result.

So before the real battle, I will give you three days of special training time, and each recruit will find a veteran. Learn the fighting skills from them, and then three days later, these veterans will pass me the list of special training personnel if the veterans are dissatisfied with your performance. Oh...

Then you can prepare for a mediocre life. If your special training results are approved by the veterans, then you can stay. Then give me a hard fight on the battlefield.

Three days, decide the three days of fate. Is to become a person, or to become a dross. It is up to you to decide, this is the last chance I gave you, how to make a choice to see your own, understand? Only three days, only three days, your destiny will be decided within these three days.

Ok, that's it. The special training started, and I started to work hard, and the dregs! ”

Three days! !

Suddenly, all the recruits have a hope in their hearts. For three days, they must be recognized and succeeded.

All the recruits have a flaming war in their eyes, and they decide the moment of fate. The success or failure is in these three days.

The new recruits changed the previous exhaust gas, Wu Lingfeng nodded with satisfaction, and then seriously said to the veterans: "You veterans also give me his mother's serious points, don't give me the old man, the veteran style, shit, Train these new recruits as me as a beast, train me hard, train in the dead, don’t give them a face, now they are a group of pigs, and they are knights after they are recognized. Now is the key time, you Don't give me a secret, train these soldiers for me. If I find out who his mother is at this time, cut off his head and see me, hear no!!"

"Yes, handsome!"

All the veterans suddenly screamed and blushed, giving them a milking power.

"Well, let's start, start training, don't let me see who is idle, now time is life, time is honor, time is everything, three days, precious three days, three days of fate!!"

Wu Lingfeng waved his hand and said to all the soldiers.


All the soldiers screamed and started training immediately. The recruits immediately found the veterans they knew and started training. They respected the veterans one by one like their relatives.

The veterans also took all the effort to train the new recruits.

"Appreciate, marshal, admire, this law of martial arts is simply using soldiers as gods, knowing the soldiers and serving, is not the person I admire." Skarlett suddenly admired Wu Lingfeng, her words must be I can't think of a way to motivate soldiers to fight.

Now that the battle has just ended, the soldiers have just stepped down from the battlefield. In the face of the strength of the Lich army, all the soldiers are almost feared. Scarlett does not know how to let the soldiers bring morale again. The only way to think of it. Only a part of the reinforcements will be recruited.

Now Wu Lingfeng gave Scarlett another lesson. Wu Lingfeng only changed the morale of the entire military camp with just a few simple words. Now all the recruits are desperately growing up, and people often inspire the most difficult situations. Great potential, three days, these recruits will grow up quickly, and after all, these soldiers will completely become another existence, a more powerful existence.

"Yeah, I admire, Ling Feng, your king is doing better and better..." Altoria is shining, opening his eyes, Wu Lingfeng’s law of treatment is really amazing. The average person can't think of it. No wonder Wu Lingfeng asked her not to worry about it. She can cope with the battle without recruiting reinforcements. It turns out that this method of military management is simply a pen of God.

"Well, this method of treating soldiers is specifically for these recruits. Do you know that when a person has nothing, he has no fear, so he can work harder, because every time they grow up, they will Will have a little happiness, they will find that as long as they work hard, they can succeed.

I will bring all of them to the bottom and tell them that they are just like the dregs. If you want to get what you want, you have to work hard and fight hard. Now they are in a state of nothing. In order to get the title of the Knights of the Temple, they will use all the power to fight, because they are tired and tired, as long as they try to reach out, they can touch the light.

Although the Lich army is terrible, it is not terribly extreme, but when these recruits find themselves without the power and status of the Knights of the Temple, they are the real fear. It is because they have experienced the happiness of the Knights of the Temple that they do not want to lose this. For happiness, death and hope, it is still more important to hope. If there is no hope, it is better to die, but if you have hope, you can live, and you are happy to live.

Without the identity of the Knights of the Temple, there is nothing in this group of people. The sorrow is greater than the death of the heart. This state is not as good as death. Therefore, the identity of the Knights of the Temple is more important than their lives.

I just caught up with their weaknesses and guided them again. Everything is just a matter of course. The law of military management should be applied flexibly. It should not be too rigid. It is a wise move to abandon all the recruits in front of us. It is not wise to take it, so it can't solve the hidden dangers.

And leaving these soldiers, doing nothing, only knowing how to rescue the soldiers, that can only be said to be mediocre, the hidden dangers of the recruits will not completely make the entire army into a general scattered sand, will be defeated. ”

Wu Lingfeng immediately explained his thoughts to two people, Altolia and Scarlett. After all, now they are the talents of the coach who will rely on Wu Lingfeng to make them grow up. It is also necessary for them to grow up.

"Well, if it is me, I will definitely arbitrarily remove all the recruits. Although it is wise, it is not wise. The evaluation of the master is really sharp." Scarlett admire.

Altolia also nodded and said: "I just want to recruit reinforcements, but I did not expect to carry out some rectification of the recruits. My thoughts are not high enough. It is better to do better and learn a little." ”

Watching Altoria and Scarlett have an epiphany, Wu Lingfeng put down his heart, practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. Through today's affairs, Wu Lingfeng taught Altoria and Scarlett a law.

Some methods of warfare can not be successful only by mouth, and some methods of warfare are indispensable for real-time demonstrations.

At this time, Wu Lingfeng turned his eyes to the trained soldiers...

"Look at what, look at me, waving the cross a thousand times to teach you, your body is too stiff..."

"Stupid, your tricks are too bad, follow me to do it..."

"Teach the military camp for a hundred laps and teach you how to fight..."

"..." (to be continued..)

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