The old man was very angry, but he was still very careful.

Zhou Jinrui rubbed his temples. He used to think that if he had a job in reality, he would definitely be a fraudster. Now, in Zhou Jinrui's eyes, he looked like a detective!

Before, he was,

He was able to predict things and change them on the spot.

He was good at judging people's hearts and making plans.

He was well prepared and determined, and he could win the game in one step and three steps away!

Now, he is,

He is meticulous and knows ten things from one thing.

He can find the horse by following the map and unravel the cocoon.

He can know the end by seeing the root, and he can deal with all things by sticking to one thing!

Is there a profession that combines fraudsters and detectives in this world?

Fraudster detective?

"So we just need to give the key to the person with the corresponding emotion."

Su Yi handed the dark angry key in his hand to Yao Sisi.

Yao Sisi swallowed her saliva and took it. She really held the dark key.

Then everyone except Wanmeiyun began to pass the key.

The keys were distributed all at once. As expected, after they were in the hands of the corresponding people, they did not return to the original holder.

It means that Su Yi's inference is correct again.

But after taking the key, no one was ready to take action and put it in front of the stone slab. Instead, they all looked at Su Yi.

They were waiting for Su Yi to give a definite answer.

"Now we just need to put the key in?"

Liu Nuan asked softly. She was about to pass the level. She was nervous, afraid that Su Yi would come again. No, it was not the time yet.

But this time Su Yi smiled and nodded.

"Everyone put it in personally, there is no problem."

Yao Sisi also breathed a sigh of relief, finally... is it going to end...

"Brother Su, thanks to you this time." Zhou Jinrui showed a rare smile.

"It's okay, we are all indispensable, and we have to rely on teamwork."

Su Yi's words made Liu Nuan and Yao Sisi lower their heads, all indispensable...

On the one hand, they are indeed one of the indispensable emotions, but on the other hand, this team is completely the same with or without them, and even dragged their feet...

Zhou Jinrui coughed, as if talking to himself, and his eyes did glance at Wan Meiyun: "After this separation, I don't know when we will see each other again."

Compared to himself, it is more appropriate for his sister to ask for a contact method.

Seeing his sister indifferent, as if a little embarrassed, Zhou Jinrui secretly worried, sister, sister, don't let down at the critical moment.

This person is about to disappear!

"We... have been in the same team since the beginning, so we are destined to be together. How about leaving a contact number? Maybe we can... play games together in the future." Wan Meiyun finally spoke, but stuttered.

After speaking, Wan Meiyun, who was relieved, suddenly felt anxious again. Would he agree... Thinking of the way Su Yi looked at her at the beginning, he... should...

"Okay, tell me your number." Su Yi thought that Wan Meiyun was indeed a good person and helped him a lot in this game.

On the day of going to the Dongning team, a new mobile phone and a mobile phone number dedicated to psychics were also distributed.

Such mobile phones and mobile phone numbers cannot be used to understand the location of psychics through real-world positioning.

Su Yi also learned about the positioning props in the previous game. This kind of thing is basically used to deal with novices, and it is almost ineffective for players who have entered the devil game twice.

This kind of positioning prop has a strong warning and a sense of being spied on. The other party can easily detect it. Afterwards, just go to the official or props to clean it up.

If used, it will be counterproductive.

It will cause suspicion from the other party.

And there are many props that can resist this kind of positioning.

Wan Meiyun walked to the side and reported a string of numbers softly, and Su Yi secretly wrote it down.

Although he has a special mobile phone for psychics, he is not going to add Wan Meiyun for the time being. It is better to have less trouble than more. Now he needs to concentrate on preparing for the qualifying competition.

Instead of spending time on extra social activities.

Yao Sisi and Liu Nuan also wanted to exchange contact information, but because of the previous incident, they had no face, secretly regretted, hesitated, and finally turned into a sigh... Such a big man, I am afraid I will never meet him again in the future.

"Then I will report one to you too?" Yun Huang walked over, but she was not as charming as before, but dignified and generous.

Why is this person always changing.

Before Su Yi refused.

Yun Huang flashed and gently pressed against Su Yi's ear, a burst of orchid-like heat came, and then disappeared in an instant.

She didn't tell Su Yihao

code, just teasing Su Yi.

"Let's get started."

Su Yi didn't say much nonsense, and didn't even look at Yun Huang. This woman is difficult to deal with.

Everyone stepped forward one by one and approached the stone slab.

"I'll go first." Yao Sisi decided to test the thunder for everyone this time to make up for her previous things. Although it seemed that this kind of thing was set in stone, there was no danger.


Yao Sisi's heart trembled, "What... happened?"

Everyone was also shocked. Could he have seen something again?

"Remember, the key should not be separated from the body from beginning to end. Come on." Su Yi added this sentence just in case, pointing to the stone slab.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard it, and also remembered Su Yi's words.

Yao Sisi took the key and buckled it in the slot that belonged to her. After putting it down, her hand did not separate as Su Yi said, and she kept it tightly against the angry key.

In just a moment, Yao Sisi disappeared, and the key of anger turned from black to golden, just like the key of evil just now.

Then the golden key turned orange again.

"She turned into a key." Wan Meiyun said in surprise.

"That means the inference is correct." Zhou Jinrui smiled and nodded.

Without saying a word, he buckled the key of joy into the seven-pointed star array, and his hand and the key were tightly pressed together.

A flash of golden light, Zhou Jinrui disappeared, and the key slowly turned red.

"Let's go!" Yun Huang smiled at Su Yi and turned into a key.

"Thank you, Su Yi." Liu Nuan said in a gentle voice, embarrassed.

"Thank you! Thanks to you, big brother." With fewer people, Su Su was no longer timid and cowardly at this time, but stared at Su Yi with big watery eyes.

Su Yi shook his head, indicating that it was no need to thank her. She had a good impression of the girl who gave her the elixir. This is a good thing!

Then Liu Nuan and Su Su also entered the stone slab separately.

Only Su Yi and Wan Meiyun were left.

"Remember the number?" Wan Meiyun raised her head.

"Of course, but there are some things happening in the Star God Temple recently, so I may not be able to add you for the time being." Su Yi made an OK gesture.

Wan Meiyun was speechless and tried to recall. Was there before? Was there a Star God Temple?

"Let's go, see you again if we are lucky!"

Su Yi looked up at the goddess statue and felt that the goddess seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

After buckling the last key of desire, Su Yi disappeared in an instant, and the key turned from gold to yellow.

On the stone slab, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, seven kinds of light were shining!

The seven-pointed star array was activated!

The stone slab cracked instantly!

Wan Meiyun was startled, and then she disappeared from the spot, turned into a beam of light, and floated into the stone slab.

At this time, the seven-pointed star array instantly floated to the sky and continued to expand!

The colorful light gradually turned into a dazzling purple!

Su Yi felt like he was floating in the sky, enjoying the fireworks-like light.

He accidentally glimpsed the goddess's hands, which were filled with a pool of water.

No wonder he didn't see anything just now...

Su Yi felt something was a little strange,



(Thank you for your updates, paragraph reviews, and good reviews during the book beta! Thank you!)

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