The old man was lying on the ground, and the old man was lying on the ground.

"Uncle, Shanhe... Middle... Back School Building! Please... Call the police!"

"It's... What happened before... Please... Help...!"

A young girl's voice came from the phone, sounding extremely anxious.

Except for the first sentence, the help was clearly audible.

The phone started to become noisy and the sound was intermittent.

Fortunately, Su Yi's hearing was good, and he could barely distinguish some of the girl's words.

After a few words, the phone was hung up instantly, and there was no response from the receiver...

The red light emitted by the transparent button on the phone also went out at once.

It was as if there was no electricity.

Who is she...

The first thought in Su Yi's mind was whether she was dead.

If so, there were only four girls left among the students. If the one who died after they left just now was a girl, then there were only three suspects, and even if Hong Wanqing was included, there were only four.

This target was reduced by more than half at once.

The second thought was, what happened in the back building of Shanhe Middle School that required her to ask for help, and who was this uncle?

What time was it? Would it be related to the death in the newspaper?

The information was far from enough.

Su Yi thought for a moment, then cautiously walked from the small corridor to the first floor.

Safe all the way.

When they arrived at the lobby at the entrance of the first floor, Liu Chi and Hong Wanqing were already waiting.

"Captain Su." Hong Wanqing whispered in surprise.

"From now on, call me Teacher Su. The students must have dispersed. Be careful not to be heard by them." Su Yi walked over to meet up and reminded in a low voice.

"Teacher Su, it's been almost half an hour, why did you come so late?" Liu Chi seemed to have not encountered anything, and his courage gradually grew.

Su Yi was reserved for the time being and did not speak first.

"What about you, have you found any clues?"

"I saw an office on the other side of the 3rd floor. The same newspaper was placed on the desk of the teacher inside. The time is unknown."

"Regarding Shanhe Middle School, why did this school move away when it was just expanded? The newspaper reported that it was because the construction found geological problems in this school. Such a tall and large school on this land has great safety hazards.

"But I don't know why this news was discovered after the construction was completed, and it had to move away? It's very strange!" Liu Chi narrated in a low voice and expressed his opinion.

"Yeah." Hong Wanqing nodded in agreement.

"Anything else you found?" Su Yi used a flashlight and looked around.

"This, I also found this note in the office. "Liu Chi took out a piece of paper with words written on it.

[Have you never experienced the taste of fear?]

Su Yi took it and looked at it carefully. The paper was written in crooked red fonts, and each word was oozing red water marks, which looked a bit creepy.

"I also found a few in the desks in the classroom on the second floor. "Hong Wanqing also raised the note in his hand and handed it directly to Su Yi. It seemed that he and Liu Chi had already exchanged information.

Su Yi flipped through it and saw the same crooked red handwriting.

[You will live in fear forever!]

The three notes from Hong Wanqing had exactly the same content.

Are these notes written by the person who wrote the rules of the game? He is spreading fear...

"I just received a call..." Su Yi did not hold back and told the two of them the content of the newspaper he had just seen and the call he received.

What needs to be done now is to unify and collect information. After all, there is only one bad guy, and it is best to make the intelligence completely public.

"Because two lives have been lost during the construction..." Liu Chi muttered the information given by Su Yi.

"Let's go to the third floor."

"Let's disperse now. I'll go to the classroom on the third floor first. You can come back later. Don't be punished by the rules for staying together. "

Su Yi whispered, after exchanging information, they naturally had to disperse first, just in case.

"We have to disperse again..." Liu Chi said bitterly.

"Just now I wanted to praise you for being a bit good." Su Yi shook his head, gave him a look that let him understand it himself, and walked straight to the third floor.

Hong Wanqing also shook his head, "You kid, you are still so timid... You are not afraid of thunder now, are you?"

Then, without waiting for Liu Chi to answer, he also walked in another direction.

"I am not afraid of thunder!"

Su Yi heard Liu Chi's angry voice behind him.

I didn't meet anyone or anything strange along the way.

I arrived safely at the original place again.

The third-floor classroom.

As soon as he arrived at the door, a fierce voice came.

"Hmph, if you are willing to wait, keep waiting! I warn you, don't talk nonsense, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Su Yi ran into Zhao Youjie head-on.

Seeing that it was Su Yi, Zhao Youjie glared at him fiercely, holding a red candle for lighting, and walked towards the corridor angrily.

Su Yi ignored him and went straight into the classroom.

When the people in the classroom saw that it was Su Yi who came in, their expressions seemed to relax.

The faint red light of the candle still made the atmosphere of the classroom very strange.

However, every classroom is similar, and Su Yi is a little used to it.

There are a total of 4 people present, 2 boys and 2 girls.

The boy is a little fat boy who is still calm and analyzing, and there is a small boy with a bowl cut who looks very thin.

The girl is Wu Wenya, who looks quiet, and the girl with glasses who has been crying just now.

Su Yi did not forget that among the 12 people other than himself, there was a high probability that there were players.

Then the one who looked most like a player was undoubtedly the little fat boy, because he gave Su Yi the feeling that he wanted to survive and was actively analyzing the situation and problems, instead of being timid like the other students.

And judging from his previous mentality and performance, he was temporarily considered a half-good person on Su Yi's side.

We have to see what he said now.

"Teacher, we are willing to believe you." Wu Wenya spoke first. Her face was ugly at the beginning, and it was not until Su Yi appeared that it improved slightly.

"Any clues?" The little fat boy asked anxiously.

"How long have you been here?" Su Yi was not in a hurry to answer the question.

"We just arrived not long ago, probably only 1 minute." Wu Wenya seemed to know what Su Yi was worried about, and explained.

"Disperse first, and gather here in 5 minutes." Su Yi didn't care whether what they said was true or false, and immediately decided to refresh the length of time they stayed together.

There is no trust between me and them. If they make a mistake, they will cause me to fall into the abyss.

"Are you still going? We just arrived..." The girl with glasses said in a very low voice.

"To be on the safe side, I believe everyone doesn't want to experience such a thing again." Su Yi said in a gentle voice, "My last name is Su, you can call me Teacher Su."

"Listen to Teacher Su." Wu Wenya said immediately.

"Just in case." The little fat man also echoed, "By the way, Teacher Su, my name is Xue Kai."

"Okay, Xue Kai." Su Yi nodded.

The pot-covered man lowered his head, raised his hand and whispered, "My name... My name is Qi Siyuan..."

"I am Zhou Li." The girl with glasses also introduced herself.

"Wu Wenya."

With the little fat man Xue Kai starting, everyone introduced themselves.

"Okay, I know everyone. Remember, we will meet in five minutes. During this period, don't get close to anyone."

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