The two of them were in a mess.

"I understand! I understand!" Wu Ziqiang kept nodding his head, fearing that if he responded too late, the man in front of him would step on his legs and break them again.

"Who is she? Is she dead? What are the causes and consequences of your bullying her?" Su Yi asked three questions in a cold voice.

"She is a transfer student this year... Her name is Han Mengqi." Wu Ziqiang said with sweat on his forehead, trying to hold on to the pain.

"It was nothing at all. She came up on her own and interrupted us when we were playing with Qi Siyuan..."

"Ah!" Wu Ziqiang couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"Speak clearly!" Su Yi frowned, and just now he used three points of strength on his feet.

"Bullying is bullying! Don't say it so nicely!"

"Bullying... Bullying!" Wu Ziqiang begged for mercy again and again, secretly groaning in his heart. Facing the living devil in front of him, he had no tricks at all and just gave in.

"When we bullied Qi Siyuan, Han Mengqi came up to teach us a lesson!"

"We didn't take this little girl seriously."

"But the next day, she actually told the teacher about it."

"This angered Zhao Youjie. No one dared to mess with him in school. A girl who had just transferred to the school for one day dared to challenge his authority..." Wu Ziqiang glanced at Zhao Youjie and saw that he lowered his head and said nothing. Then he continued, "Because his father is the mayor of Shanhe Town..."

"Including the teacher, Qi Siyuan also told the teacher about the bullying before, but the teacher in the town naturally would not offend Zhao Youjie... Instead, he told him about it."

"So now after Han Mengqi told the teacher, the teacher still just called Zhao Youjie over to chat for a while and told him about Han Mengqi..."

"During the quiet time, Zhao Youjie had already made a plan to retaliate against Han Mengqi." Wu Ziqiang said with cold sweat and gritted teeth.

"First, I threatened Qi Siyuan and asked him to pretend to be bullied by Han Mengqi... In this way, he would never cause trouble to him again... and he could even follow him."

"Qi Siyuan agreed... He came to the classroom and called Han Mengqi out. Han Mengqi thought he was going to thank him, but unexpectedly, Qi Siyuan fell to the ground and cried for help... Many students passing by saw it... and after coming to the Academic Affairs Office, Qi Siyuan directly framed Han Mengqi..."

Wu Ziqiang paused.

"Just like that... Han Mengqi's reputation suddenly became very bad, and we also spread rumors everywhere, saying that she used to be a gangster... a gangster who killed someone in the original school and got into trouble, so she transferred to our school..."

Su Yi saw that Wu Ziqiang stopped and said coldly: "Continue!"

Wu Ziqiang saw that Su Yi was really scared. One of his legs was under Su Yi's feet from beginning to end. As long as he was unhappy, he might not be able to bear it.

"Yes, yes! After that, we also let Wu Wenya, Zhou Li and others falsely accuse her of stealing things in the dormitory... In the end, no one wanted to live in the same dormitory with her, but she didn't want to go home either, so in the end she had a dormitory to herself..."

Verbal bullying, spreading rumors, malicious slander!

Social bullying, group exclusion, relationship confrontation!

Violent bullying, bullying the weak, killing people!

Su Yi didn't even have to guess, what happened next must be getting worse and worse as time went by, and the rumors became more and more weird... All kinds of dirty words appeared on Han Mengqi...

"After that, Han Mengqi became famous in the school... Everyone who saw her was unhappy with her... In this way, Han Mengqi became the target of bullying by the whole school... Not just us..." Wu Ziqiang explained weakly, as if to distance himself from the matter.

Su Yi listened patiently, not missing a detail, and integrated all the clues.

He knew that the matter was far from over.

Why did Han Mengqi die in the end, who was the person she was thanking, and why did she end up in such a situation...

It's still unknown...

Su Yi stared at Wu Ziqiang with a sharp gaze.

Wu Ziqiang swallowed his saliva, lowered his head and continued: "She is indeed dead..."

"But... we didn't intend to kill anyone... really... we were just playing around after all..."

Looking at Wu Ziqiang's lack of remorse in his narration, as if it had nothing to do with him, Su Yi shook his head. He knew that this person was hopeless... Play around?

Just a casual word of playing around ruined a girl's life!

The endless harm she suffered, since the perpetrator only said "play around" as an explanation...

"It's all his fault, Xiao Wensu!" Wu

When Ziqiang mentioned him, his expression seemed to be filled with fear and resentment.

"An unknown guy, who jumped out from nowhere, defended Han Mengqi everywhere, and helped her prove it!"

"Isn't this against us!"

"So, you started bullying him again?" Su Yi questioned.

"We have this idea, but he... is very difficult to deal with... a hard bone, hard to chew..." Wu Ziqiang's tone softened suddenly.

"What happened in the middle is very long..."

"Anyway, he suffered physical pain every day, but in the end, not only did our plan fail, but he also got into trouble, and almost ruined the reputation of Zhao Youjie's father, the mayor... Just when he was still helping Han Mengqi get rid of this reputation, Zhao Youjie couldn't bear it anymore and decided to... do him a big thing at night... to make him submit!"

"The back school building." Su Yi said lightly.

Wu Ziqiang nodded in response.

"Yes, we heard that he was going to celebrate Han Mengqi's birthday in the back school building tonight... that is, today... we are here now, including the girl in the closet. There are twelve of us in total... we didn't go home... we stayed together all the time and waited until the evening to act together."

So that's how it is, Su Yi suddenly realized, they implemented the plan together tonight.

They have developed a sense of dependence on bullying and enjoy this incident to their heart's content...

Why did Zhao Youjie and these students unite before? In addition to Zhao Youjie's identity, they have been together all the time, and there is no rule that there is a so-called dead person.

No wonder Zhao Youjie said that everyone knows that they are not dead people... The reason is that they are committing a crime together tonight!

So my instigation did not shake them.

Including the female corpse with a smashed face..., there are twelve of them today, including Han Mengqi, the thirteenth person, to form a game.

But my arrival seems to have caused some deviation in this game.

Xiao Wensu!

This is the person Han Mengqi wants to thank... maybe this is also... the fuse of this incident!

Su Yi has a hunch...

Han Mengqi made the so-called curse because of Xiao Wensu!

This caused the current strange incident!

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