The last bullet was taken from him, but the last bullet was taken from him.

Xie Keqing was shocked. He knew that Su Yi must have a bullet taken from him. Did he really put it in the last round? So meticulous? Did he take Xing Huo's thinking into account?

This player who entered the game for the first time actually thought so closely? The hope was slim and unbelievable, but such a long and correct analysis made Xie Keqing hopeful.

Su Xiao, the rookie I thought was a fool, could he really... be so strong? Xie Keqing held his breath involuntarily.

After Xing Huo finished speaking, Su Yi's calm expression suddenly showed a hint of smile.

"Before I shoot, can you answer me a question?"

Xing Huo sneered, "Su Yi, let's see the truth in the next round. I admit that you are very strong and I underestimated you, but now... I won't reveal any clues to you."

"Okay, just treat it as my own words."

"The devil will not die if it is poisoned, so will the devil not die if it is shot?" Su Yi smiled.

Xing Huo's expression froze unnaturally after hearing this question.

"Xing Huo, you are a smart man, but you are still underestimating me."

"I have said so much before, but you didn't refute my loopholes? Why did the devil shoot in the fifth and sixth rounds? Do you think what I said before is reasonable?"

Xing Huo remained calm.

"Chen Hai? Jing Yu? You automatically brought the perspective that the devil will not die if it is shot, right?"

"If the devil will die if it is shot, why don't you shoot in advance and diversify your investment? The first shot with a little risk should be within your consideration, and even the second shot is relatively the safest for you."

Chen Hai's face was a little cold.

But Jing Yu was horrified. It came again. This terrifying feeling of oppression made her feel like a demon being led by the nose in front of this man.

"In the first round, your so-called joke of pretending to be poisoned was actually the reaction of you eating the pizza on the poisoned fork, which was really poisoned."

Xing Huo remained calm on the surface, but was shocked in his heart. What! He poisoned the person in order not to be deliberate and suspicious, but it turned out to be a waste of effort! He was seen through by this guy to such an extent! Xing Huo couldn't believe this fact.

Su Yi slowly said: "You were poisoned, but you didn't die. I seriously suspect that the demon is not affected by the effects of the props on the field."

"Do you think I will kill you?"

"I guess you can see that I can find clues, so I must have bullets. Will I not load them? Your behavior just now was just to stimulate me and make me rush to shoot you."

Su Yi turned to Jing Yu.

Jing Yu saw this man who was now more like a devil than herself, her calves trembled, she was nervous and afraid, and she said in her mind, don't ask me, don't ask me.

"Jing Yu, can I ask you a question?"

"I was curious before, why are you in such a hurry to eat pizza?"

Obviously Jing Yu's prayer was useless. When she heard Su Yi's question, her heart sank! Damn it! This question made her feel as if Su Yi had strangled her throat, so she sobbed and couldn't say even a word.

"Then what are you afraid of? Negative game? As a devil, you know the rules in advance, what else can you be afraid of?"

"In the end, no pizza was eaten, no rules were violated, and it was not considered a negative game."

"Then can I infer that you demons have to abide by the rules, but humans don't!"

"No matter what, humans don't have to pay attention to some of the rules. In fact, he is here to check and balance you demons. This must be described in detail in your mission."

At this time, Jing Yu was so nervous that she didn't know whether she was crying or laughing. She was trembling all over, and her lips were trembling non-stop. It was obvious that she was about to burst.

Su Yi saw this and thought, it's safe. He has learned the answer he wanted from Jing Yu.

He slowly raised his revolver and aimed at himself.

"I will only shoot at me as a good person!"

Xing Huo saw Su Yi pointing at him, and his face could no longer be tense. After analyzing this, he knew that the defeat was certain, and it was useless to play any psychological warfare.

"Idiot!" Xing Huo pointed at Jing Yu and said hatefully, his face arrogant.

"He is just speculating!"

"I'm not sure at all! Why are you panicking!"

Chen Hai also collapsed: "It's really a rat shit that spoiled the whole pot of porridge, all because of you!"

Su Yi's meaning was very clear.

Xie Keqing understood how the human camp could win. Knowing that the demons are unkillable, your mission can only fail.

In a single round of the devil rock-paper-scissors game, the devil must exceed their limit on the number of people killed.

Su Xiao's reasoning for this game is 2. Since the devil cannot be killed, it is meaningless for No. 8 Su Xiao to shoot No. 1 Xing Huo according to the rules.

But Su Xiao reasoned again that humans do not need to follow the rules in the devil rock-paper-scissors game. The rules are a check and balance on the devil, not on humans, otherwise the devil will take away the human with two shots and that's it.

At this point, Xie Keqing also reflected.

Su Xiao's reasoning is correct, otherwise it would be too difficult for humans to win. In this game, you have to choose to shoot in the same round as the devil, and the target of the gun is not the devil. How to win, how to exceed the upper limit of the number of people killed by the devil.

In other words, now Su Xiao only needs to shoot a good person! To win!

This... If it was put before, who would dare to do it? Even if this man deduced it with so few clues, it was something without basis. If you tell everyone, everyone will definitely think he is crazy. This game is too difficult!

Moreover, if you do so, you may face the possibility of being eliminated for violating the rules by inflicting violence.

What is the difficulty of this game? Why is there a real novice player in the queue? Xie Keqing is puzzled.

After a moment of silence, Xing Huo stared at Su Yi gloomily: "I admit that you are very smart. If you had chosen to shoot me just now, I would have recruited you for the Dark Guild. But now! Do you know what you have done? You have destroyed my years of preparation and my leap race! You! You will definitely die ugly!"

As he spoke, Xing Huo stretched out his hand, and Su Yi suddenly felt that he was being stared at by something, but this feeling disappeared immediately after a second.

"Wait for me to find you! Su Xiao!"

Su Yi looked at Xing Huo coldly, without any fear. But he was startled. If this person loses the game, won't he die?

"Tsk, what's the difference between you and the gangster who lost the fight and still said you were waiting for me."

Xing Huo's eyes flashed with anger, and he was so angry that his teeth itched.

Su Yi reached into his pocket with his left hand, took out three bullets, and slowly sprinkled them, telling the three people that there was a fatal bullet in his revolver.

Su Yi held the revolver and pretended to pull the trigger.

"No! No!" Jing Yu was extremely excited, and tears could not stop flowing down.

Chen Hai looked ashen, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Yi thought secretly that since it was a faction game, he thought that the players who died just now did not really lose the game, but were only temporarily eliminated. Otherwise, how could the good guys win, relying on self-sacrifice? The probability that good people will not die before the end of the game is as high as 80%

But Su Yi didn't like gambling, what if.

He was indeed a good guy, what if he really died if he was shot at.

Well, let's give this shot to Xie Keqing, who had a 99.9% chance of being a good guy.

He looked at Xie Keqing and found that she was already stunned and her mouth did not close for a long time.

"Don't be afraid to explore the unknown. Maybe there will be opportunities and possibilities that have never been discovered in the blind spots."

Su Yi narrated the tips that led him to victory, which also reflected Su Yi's final violation of the rules.

Su Yi pointed the revolver at himself, his black hair seemed to move without wind, and his heroic appearance made Xie Keqing slightly stunned.

This man is a bit handsome!

Seeing the big picture from the small details?

Xie Keqing, only these four words popped up in his mind.


Su Yi suddenly turned the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger towards Xie Keqing.

The bullet was shot at Xie Keqing along with the flow of Yu Wushuang's luck.

This, Lao 6!

In this short moment, Xie Keqing quickly updated his four-character evaluation of this man.

The glorious image and goodwill of Su Yi in Xie Keqing's eyes were all destroyed by this shot.

This shot made Chen Hai and Jing Yu extremely terrified.

Xing Huo's eyes were bloodshot.

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