The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Qiao Qin and Han Qiuying felt relieved. They were actually right about what the black-clothed young man and the Wu family said.

The other party really didn't set a trap here.

If the other party takes advantage of their humanity this time, the team might have reached the end... Han Qiuying couldn't help thinking.

"I'll do it."

Han Qiuying applied for action.

Everyone agreed.

Han Qiuying, fully armed, took the first step in front of the three grids of white, black, and white.

Enter the white grid, safe!

Then enter the black grid, and finally enter the white grid cautiously.

A flash of red light!

Encountered a trap.

Suddenly, green rain fell from the sky.

Han Qiuying quickly waved the Nine Rings Knife, and the Nine Rings Knife seemed to be played with in her hands.

Like a propeller, she kept spinning, releasing skills to resist the rain.

But the knife dance that seemed to be impervious to water emitted green smoke the moment it touched the Nine Rings Knife.

Is this rain acid rain? It is actually corrosive! Su Yi saw that the originally shiny white knife flowers of the Nine Rings Knife Dance had turned black.

The knife god seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

It was not good. Su Yi saw that Han Qiuying's face was getting uglier and uglier.

Sure enough, within two seconds, Han Qiuying's knife disappeared with the acid rain!

Han Qiuying quickly reached out to throw away the broken knife, raised her arms, and used the arm guard to summon a light curtain to resist, but the acid rain seemed to not see the light curtain.

It directly attacked Han Qiuying through the light curtain.

Han Qiuying was shocked, and it seemed that she had no other suitable means to deal with it.

But then she found that the acid rain did not corrode her skin, but corroded all the equipment on her body!

The originally white breastplate turned black, and the blue arm guard had disappeared by more than half, and it seemed that it had lost its effectiveness.

In other words, this trap was actually a trap that damaged the equipment worn, and would not endanger life.

Although she escaped with her life, Han Qiuying's face was still ugly.

Su Yi roughly understood that these equipment should have been obtained by her desperate participation in countless games. Now because of this game, she was directly declared bankrupt. What kind of experience is that.

On the surface, Han Qiuying lost three pieces of equipment in one breath... and she almost had no fighting power against the trap at once.

Tsk, this game, killing people and destroying their hearts! There is actually such a punishment? Su Yi secretly said it was outrageous.

This time when she stepped on this trap, the attributes of the trap were actually displayed on the big screen.

[Noble Phantasm Sulfuric Acid Rain: Corrodes up to three items or equipment of blue quality or below that are worn]

No, I can't step on the trap. Losing equipment will cost me my life.

I can't lose even one!

Brothers, help me to move forward. When we get to the back, Superman will come to support us!

The hero script is also written like this. Hold on, wait for me!

Su Yi has made up his mind and can't move at all.

I can't touch half a trap!

You go first, I'll be there soon.

After this trap, everyone in the team except Su Yi frowned.


Others frowned because the trap was powerful...

And Wu Mingchen frowned because the trap was powerful, which made the team more difficult to lead. This time, not only did he lose a combat power, but it also made the next team members more resistant to touching the trap grid.

But, in this round, Qiao Qin must go. The facts have proved that the opponent did not set a trap here!

Although Qiao Qin was terrified, she knew that the only way out now was to attack.

Qiao Qin took the initiative to apply for advancement.

She moved forward with her spiritual energy!

She won the first prize!


Countless flying knives flew towards her.

When she was ready to resist.

After the flying knives touched her barrier, they penetrated directly! The red barrier of the skirt armor did not stop the swift flying knives at all.

It's over!

This was Qiao Qin's only thought.

But after the flying knives touched Qiao Qin's body, they passed through her body again and flew backwards until they disappeared.

This knife was an illusion! Purely scary, Su Yi understood.

[Scare Dagger: Just to scare you~ Don't be nervous~]

The screen popped up the trap introduction again, as if as long as there were some strange traps that were not offensive, a brief introduction would appear.

Qiao Qin swallowed her saliva. It was obvious that she was frightened just now. She thought she was going to die on the spot.

Fortunately, everything was an illusion.

Qiao Qin didn't summon up the courage to step out until she saw that there was only 1 minute left on the countdown.

step, continue to use spiritual power, and carefully prepare to enter the last white grid!


Qiao Qin's originally nervous face finally relaxed, and she breathed a sigh of relief!

So far, the three members of the black team have all reached the 10th grid!

And the lake island is in the 25th grid right in front of Jiang Tao!

They have completed half of the goal.

Everyone relaxed, and Su Yi was waiting to see what the white team would do next.

[White team action. ]

[Please select 3 people to act in order. ]

It was still the orange-clothed youth, because he just came to the eighth grid, so the front of him now is black, white, and black, and there is a possibility of stepping on the trap twice.

However, Wu Mingchen did not set a trap within the three grids in front of him, and Su Yi waited for the orange-clothed youth to operate.

The orange-clothed youth did not hesitate too much, and said a few words to the team members, and then walked forward step by step until the third grid. He was very lucky and did not encounter any random traps.

He came to the 11th square, and then he continued to move forward one square to his own white square, the 12th square.

Just when Su Yi thought he was going to stop, he actually took advantage of the rule that he could continue to move forward if he didn't step on the trap, and moved forward one square, but Wu Mingchen set a trap in this place.

Not only here, but after the 13th square, Wu Mingchen set a lot of traps.

It was impossible for them to act lawlessly like this again.

I saw a flash of red light, and 8 lasers shot from all directions. The young man in orange continued to use that trick. The laser touched the milky white flame and emitted thick white smoke.

The white smoke dissipated, and the young man in orange was unharmed.

This laser that can shoot several holes in people did not hurt him at all.

"Alas..." Liu Hu sighed deeply on the side.

Su Yi guessed that Liu Hu thought that these lasers could shoot the young man in orange into a sieve.

Everyone on the black team looked serious again, especially Wu Mingchen.

The opponent has reached the 13th grid!

He and his team must at least not step on the trap and move forward one grid before they can catch up!

But the traps in the later stage must be multiplied!

13 grids are only 12 grids away from the 25th grid!

Su Yi didn't care. Even if there were only 12 grids left, it would still be a chasm in the grid full of traps. When his teammates helped him explore the 13th grid in the next round, that might be the time for him to activate [Yu Wushuang]!

Then he could borrow some equipment from Wu Mingchen. Wouldn't that be great?

Look at me, Liu Bei borrowing Jingzhou!

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