The devil's broadcast is still emotionless.

【Please listen carefully to the following rules. 】

【The dueling parties are divided into 4 red and 4 blue teams, and they will have a sandbox war duel】

【Each of the red and blue teams has a battlefield terrain of 6X6, that is, 36 terrain maps. 】

【Each party can place players on the 36 terrain maps. Note that only one person can be placed on the same terrain map. 】

【Each party has 4 roles, including technology soldiers, scouts, snipers, and commanders】

【Game victory conditions: kill all enemy characters. Note: except for the commander, the dead character will return to the war room. The commander has two lives. Once all are exhausted, they will be immediately wiped out. 】

【You can surrender before the start of this game. If all players on one side agree to surrender, the game will be considered lost. 】

Su Yi understood and nodded slightly. Anyway, he just arranged these 4 roles in his 36 grids.

It is worth noting that the player assigned to the commander is at risk of being wiped out.

The next step is to see what means can be used to kill the enemy character.

【Each team takes turns to act, and there are three actions to choose from. The first is to choose a 2x3 adjacent terrain grid to rearrange, that is, randomly disrupt the position of the selected 2x3 terrain grid. 】

【The second is the scout, choose 1X3 adjacent terrain grids to explore, and this round exposes the target position vision. 】

【Third, the sniper chooses to shoot with the scope. He chooses a terrain grid of the enemy and aims with the scope. He observes the terrain to see if there are any characters. He can choose to shoot again】

【Once the sniper chooses to shoot, except for the commander who has two lives, the shot character will be immediately teleported back to the war room if he dies. If one sniper dies, the other characters can be selected to transfer to snipers. The commander can only transfer to a sniper when he is the last one left. The commander's job change does not affect all his abilities. 】

【In addition, once the sniper shoots, the sound of the gunshot may expose the 2X3 position where the sniper exists, that is, there is a sniper in the 6-square rectangle. This rectangular position can be freely selected by the sniper, but it must contain the sniper, and each 2x3 terrain grid is adjacent. The possibility of this sound exposure is 80%. 】

This is not difficult to understand. Anyway, there are three options in each round. One is to disrupt some positions, the second is scout reconnaissance, and the third is sniper action observation shooting.

After knowing the location where the sniper will leave a sound after shooting, it is not difficult to know what the purpose of action one is.

It is to protect the exposed sniper, and to shuffle him to other adjacent positions, or pretend to swap him, so as to play a psychological game.

So now that the skills of the scout and sniper are known, what about the other two characters? Especially the commander who will be wiped out, what is the role of him.

[Technical soldier: At the beginning of the game, you can arrange a terrain grid, set up a bait trap, and then move to any grid. Once the opponent's sniper opens the scope and chooses the bait trap, you must shoot to expose its 2X3 position, and the bait trap will never fail, and you can change the position through action one. ]

[Commander: Two lives, and the only time in the game, you can make two rounds of actions in this round, but you must use it before the round, and you cannot use it after one round of action. And you must decide on two actions immediately after using it, and you cannot change it after choosing. ]

[Teammate has a radio, you can talk and talk at any time, and when making any decision, at least 3 people must agree. 】

Su Yi has completely understood that after the technical soldiers have arranged the bait, they can hide in any position, regardless of the position of the bait.

The commander's skills are very critical. Maybe at the critical moment, he can catch the opponent off guard in two rounds, kill him with one blow, and gain the advantage!

A miniature game of hide-and-seek and war!

[You are the red side. You are given 20 minutes to think about the placement of roles and whether to surrender. 】

The devil's report came again.

Su Yi turned his head and looked at the strong man who was grinning at him with his big teeth bared. He was speechless.

I noticed him a long time ago!

It's Liu Hu again!

Good guy, I haven't played many games in total, and this guy has played three games with me. It's outrageous.

Even more outrageous than You Zhenglai, this matter is stuck to me?

"I, Liu Hu." Liu Hu spoke first, and his expression on his face was relatively relaxed and comfortable, and he seemed very happy.

"Xiahou Xiuyan." The woman who spoke was probably about the same age as Su Yi.


She has straight hair and good looks. She wears a pure white short-sleeved shirt and black hot pants, with a red band tied around her waist. Her face looks soft, but this Chinese-style and cool outfit makes her look heroic.


It seems that the captain of Xining District 2 is also named Xiahou, Xiahou Lie, a 4th-level fire spirit master.

I'm afraid the two of them are related, Su Yi thought to himself,

"He Shouyuan." The last young man has long hair standing up, and his clothes are casual, but his hairstyle looks like the dress of a young man in ancient times.

"Su Xiao." Su Yi still used a pseudonym when he saw Liu Hu.

The glass separating the two teams in the middle instantly turned black, and he could no longer observe the movements of the other side. Su Yi only saw that there was also one woman and three men on the other side.

"No one wants to quit, right?" He Shouyuan looked at everyone.

Everyone responded to him with calm eyes.

"Then let's assign roles first." Xiahou Xiuyan and Su Yi walked to the battle flag table for the drill together.

They found that the table was the topographic map of their own and the enemy's battle lines.

Each side has 36 squares, a total of 72 squares.

Su Yi also saw 4 badges on the table, and the marks on the badges indicated that each badge represented a role.

The one with the trap pattern was a technology soldier, the one with the telescope pattern was a scout, the one with the sniper rifle pattern was a sniper, and the one with a red flag pattern was the commander.

"The important thing is who will be the commander." He Shouyuan also came over and looked at the badge and the battle line map.

"The commander is at risk of being wiped out, who will bear the responsibility."

Everyone was silent for a while.

"Since no one wants to quit and take the risk, why don't we decide in the simplest way." He Shouyuan said with a smile, "Draw lots."

"Whoever draws a role will play that role, how about it? Fair."

Xiahou Xiuyan did not hesitate, and raised her eyebrows: "Let's do it."

"Gentleman's agreement, please abide by it." He Shouyuan smiled again.

Su Yi waved his hand, indicating that he had no objection. After all, no one wanted to take the risk of being wiped out, even for someone like him who was used to playing the wipe game, of course it would be best to reduce the risk.

Of course, he naturally couldn't be so stupid as to spend [Yu Wushuang] on drawing lots that was of no help to the game.

For him, the current Demon Game only has to win every game!

There is no second option, so after drawing the commander, it becomes an obliteration game, and he can also accept it by going back to his old job.

Liu Hu nodded.

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