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"Do you know what god we worship?"

Su Yi did not speak, and Meiyue paused for a while and continued: "It is the tree god Huang Zu. The willow trees in our Wuliu Town are evergreen because of the tree. God's protection."

"So, if someone does not follow the town rules, the willow trees in the town will wither, and that person will also meet with misfortune."

"Many people came to our town, so we built this Wuliu Village. Later, tourists all died tragically in our town without warning because they violated the town rules. The reason was unknown. "

"Therefore, fewer and fewer people came to our town, and now it is gradually completely covered by thick fog, and no one cares about it. , ordinary people can't get in without the townspeople clearing the way. "

Meiyue said a lot in a row, as if she hoped Su Yi could listen to her words completely and take them to heart.

Su Yi said seriously: "Don't worry, as a folklore scholar, I will always be respectful of the local environment. I believe everything you say, and I will definitely abide by the town rules."

"That's good, then I'll trouble the great scholar , promote our town well. "Meiyue adjusted her mood quickly and pointed at the camera bag on Su Yi's waist playfully.

"Of course."

"It's strange to say that no one has come to our town for half a year. You are a stranger, but there are two people who arrived earlier than you today. "

Su Yi's heart tightened.

There are two more?

"Hey, why didn't I see them just now?" Su Yi pretended to ask casually.

"Go out to collect folk songs They are two painters who are traveling with me. "

"Okay, I'll meet them when they come back." Su Yi said with a smile.


Then there was a crisp sound of wind chimes downstairs.

"Then Let's not disturb Mr. Su's rest for now."

After hearing the sound of wind chimes, Meiyue waved goodbye to Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled and watched the tall Meiyue leave.

After seeing Meiyue go downstairs, Su Yi pulled and closed the door. The door here is a sliding door with a slide rail, not a common door.

[Wuliu Town, Town Rules 】

【1. Foreigners who come within 8 days before the Wuliu Festival must wait until the festival is over before leaving. The Wuliu Festival is held on September 25th every year】

【2. Please make sure to go to bed at 12:00 a.m. every day Sleep, do not hang out outside after 12:00 a.m., and must go to sleep before 2:00 a.m. 】

【3. If you see something strange, please do not panic, it is the tree god sowing vitality! 】

【4. If you encounter strange behavior on the road Town residents, please do not talk to them! ]

[5. If you have a headache or dizziness, please return to Wuliu Village and rest immediately! ]

[6. Please do not believe in anything other than the Wuliu Town Rules. Text and rules, unless that day is the day of Wu Liu Grand Sacrifice! Remember! Remember! ]

[Seventh, please do not approach the Kiriyu Shrine! Please do not approach the Kiriyu Shrine! Please do not approach the Kiriyu Shrine! ]

[Eighth, please remember your own identity and your purpose. If you are in front of the Kiriyu Grand Ceremony, If you find that your memory is disordered, please return to Wuliu Village and sleep immediately! 】

【Nine. If you violate rule 2, if there is someone next to you, please protect the other person and ensure that everyone survives together. If there is no one, please Protect yourself! 】

[10. This rule may be updated from time to time during the annual Wuliu Festival. If you see the rule update, please be sure to follow it! 】

Well, today is September 20th, just in time for Great Sacrifice, which means that he has to stay here for at least 5 days, and it is another long copy!

He knows how difficult and mentally exhausting such a game is!

Su Yi carefully read the town rules and put them Keep it in mind.

To be honest, the town rules are so weird that there is no logic at all.

It's just that you're not allowed to do this or that.

Even according to the rules, if you stay in this town, you'll experience dizziness, headaches, or memory loss.

And if what Mitsuki said just now is true, then In other words, he must not violate the rules within these five days in order to survive.

But... can he really be safe this way?

What is the truth?

Who is the girlfriend he is looking for?

Su Yi remembered that there was a small notebook in his pocket. .

I quickly took it out and looked at it.

There were only a few short pages in the notebook.

To sum it up, I was a fresh graduate from college, and I studied folklore.

Folklore is a very unpopular subject.

Applicable The scope includes folk customs, intangible cultural heritage, etc.

, of course, it also includes some folk gossip and myths.

And his classmate and girlfriend for four years, Qiu Ningxue, suddenly broke up with him a month ago, and then disappeared completely.

The owner of the notebook found her address information and searched all the way here.

And this Wuliu Town is Qiu Ningxue's hometown!

Su Yi took out a photo from his wallet.

The girl in the photo has beautiful eyebrows and eyes, and looks a little colder than the gentle Meiyue just now.

So the girlfriend he is looking for is this girl named Qiu Ningxue.

Su Yi looked back and forth with the photo.

Okay, the goal now is to find her, and then live and continue to find the so-called truth.

His luggage was also left outside Wuliu Town, but fortunately he met Meiyue who was performing an exorcism ceremony outside the town.

Only then did he bring himself in.

Su Yi took out a pen and recorded the current situation.

Because there is a rule that says that memory will be disordered.

He is familiar with this, so he has to take a notebook to record it first.

To avoid mistakes.

Su Yi looked at his phone, and the current time was 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

He should go out first.

Investigate and get some information.

As soon as Su Yi took a step out, he found a note stuck on his slippers. He took it off and read the content and was stunned.

[Please forget the purpose of your coming here and try to recall the real you. ]

Good guy, you are here now?

You come up and give me a routine, right!

Who put it here...

The one who just stopped at the door... Miyue?

[Sixth, please do not believe in any other texts and rules except the rules of Wuliu Town, unless that day is the day of Wuliu Grand Sacrifice! Remember! Remember! ]

[Eighth, please remember your own identity and your purpose. If you find that your memory is disordered before Wuliu Grand Sacrifice, please be sure to return to Wuliu Manor and sleep immediately! 】

Su Yi put away the note and wrote the incident down in his notebook. In the absence of complete information, he still followed the town rules.

This paragraph has seriously violated Articles 6 and 8 of the town rules, and there are two "remember"s in Article 6!

It can be seen that it is very important.

Su Yi continued to go downstairs. While still in the middle of the stairs, he heard an inexplicably familiar voice.

"This is in the wilderness, it's really not my problem. If you were Zhao Zilong, he would be trembling with fear!"

Familiar voice, familiar words.

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