The old man was very angry.

Su Yi did not answer. He was investigating the house by himself, picking up some bottles and jars and checking them.

"Are you a stranger who came here today?"

The man understood after seeing Su Yi's expression of indifference again.

"Don't worry, I'm not a town resident with strange behavior as mentioned in the town rules. I think we can talk."

"Are you brought into the town by Meiyue or Aiyue?"

Su Yi still did not answer, but while his left hand was turning things over, he muttered, "Jian Shouan?"

"Yes, it's me."

After hearing these words, Su Yi moved his eyes to the man.

The man looked well-proportioned, and he was 1.8 meters tall. He should have been a handsome guy when he was young, but now he has a head full of silver hair and his face looks a little old.

"You are Jian Shouan, Doctor Jian?" Su Yi confirmed again.

"There is no other doctor in Wuliu Town."

Jian Shouan stared at Su Yi closely, but the smile on his face was a little creepy, and he said something very abruptly.

"Stranger, if you do this, you will not live for more than five days, and you will die at the latest."

"Then please teach me, Doctor Jian, how to survive." Su Yi seemed to enter this weird topic very naturally.

"Why should I tell you?" Jian Shouan stretched out his hand and stroked his silver hair, still smiling.

"By virtue of you, you are also a stranger!" Su Yi smiled slightly.

"Or should I say, a stranger in the past."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Jian Shouan frowned slightly, but he was quite interested.

"Because, the past life will leave traces in life."

Su Yi glanced at the oil painting hanging on the wall and walked to the side of the oil painting. "Are you a painter?"

Jian Shouan remained silent.

The painting shows a willow-shaded path in the deep mountains, revealing the beautiful scenery of the golden sunset, of course, or perhaps the morning light.

In summary, it is amazing.

"The brushstrokes are active, the colors are bright and gorgeous, and the contrast is strong."

"This painting has a bit of the flavor of the French Barbizon School of Painting."

Su Yi stepped forward and gently touched the picture with his fingers, and the fine golden paint stuck to his hand.

"The picture is not dry yet, obviously it was just painted not long ago."

"It's just that the fog in Wuliu Town has been invading for many years, and the oil painting has become damp." Jian Shouan narrowed his eyes slightly and denied it.

Su Yi did not answer for the time being. He suddenly took down the painting, peeled off the frame, and reached behind the canvas with his hand, revealing an expression of "as expected".

"You..." Just as Jian Shouan was about to stop him, Su Yi quickly finished everything and gently placed the painting on Jian Shouan's desk.

Su Yi sat down leisurely, facing Jian Shouan.

"Generally speaking, in order to prevent the back of the canvas from getting damp, the painter will apply two layers of beeswax dissolved in turpentine on the back."

"The level of this painting is already very high, and this painter would not forget to apply it."

"So... this painting is not finished yet, right, painter Jian?"

Su Yi chuckled and stared at Jian Shouan without looking away.

"Maybe he just forgot. Who knows about this painting that he bought."

Jian Shouan also smiled at Su Yi.

"So where did you buy it? Is it an oil painting of Wuliu Town?"

Jian Shouan was silent again.

"I just happened to be there today. Isn't it a coincidence?" Su Yi felt familiar with this painting after seeing it, and finally remembered where he had seen it just now.

This is the back mountain of Wuliu Town where I visited with Su Yimeng in the afternoon. There is a small path, a Japanese-style torii gate, and wide willow trees on both sides. Only this golden light he has never seen before, and the rest are the scenery in the painting in front of him.

"Given by tourists? I don't think so. If your cuffs were cleaner, maybe I could believe it."

Su Yi suppressed Jian Shouan's explanation in advance and pointed at his hand hanging under the table.

"But even if I painted it, how can I prove that I am a foreigner?"

"No, I don't need to prove it. Your reaction just now has told me, so why should I bother."

In Su Yi's understanding, this town is isolated from the world and there is no way to get online. It is impossible to learn painting here.

Of course, it is also possible that he went out and then came back, just like Qiu Ningxue.

But... Jian Shouan's reaction just now when he denied that he was the one who painted this painting has already told Su Yi the answer.

"Well, you are brave, smart, observant, and you know how to paint. Are you also studying painting?"

Jian Shouan raised his arms, and there was a

Some stains.

Su Yi did learn painting before, so he knew something about it.

"Yes, so, Mr. Jian, can you tell me now?"

"You are right, I was a stranger before." Jian Shouan narrowed his eyes and suddenly laughed strangely.

"But, I just lied to you."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, lied to me?

"Well, I said I am not a town resident with strange behavior as stated in the town rules."

"But, I am!" Jian Shouan stood up, holding a dagger in his hand.

"You just said that I can't live for 5 days, so if you want to kill me, you won't say such a thing."

"Haha! Interesting." Jian Shouan raised his hand, and the dagger retracted into his sleeve.

"I don't have much to tell you. I can only tell you that you only have five days to live at most. Cherish it."

"By the way, I'll give you another piece of advice. The more you know, the faster you die."

"Don't do meaningless things."

Jian Shouan's expression gradually turned cold from smiling.

"Aren't you curious about where I got the information from?" Su Yi saw that he couldn't get any useful information from Jian Shouan, and thought about how he let him in just now.

What Su Yi didn't expect was that Jian Shouan shook his head.

"It's not important anymore."

"It was a little boy of eight or nine years old, muttering in his mouth, and finally he ran to your home and disappeared." Su Yi wanted to tell Jian Shouan to see his reaction.

Jian Shouan didn't seem shocked and exhaled lightly.

"If you meet him again, just pretend you didn't see him."

"Go away, stranger. I hope to hear the news of your death a few days later."

"Really have nothing to say to me?" Su Yi was very confused about what the person in front of him said.

This copy is too complicated.

"For example, how did you survive?"

"Isn't luck a skill?" Jian Shouan suddenly laughed.

"Boy, you can't learn it."

Luck? I won't be sleepy if you talk about this.

I can't learn it?

You probably haven't seen a person with great luck!

"Just right! I don't have any strengths, but I'm lucky!"

Su Yi said loudly.


And Jian Shouan seemed to have heard a very funny joke.

"Boy, the fact that you can come here is enough to prove how bad your luck is."

"Lucky? Don't make me laugh, think more about how you should live these days."

"Your death is imminent!"

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