The girl was so cute, but she was still in the same place.

Su Yi had seen this once before, and now there were two more people around, so he was not panicked.

But he knew very well that it was best not to talk to her at this time.

Su Yimeng and Liu Hong saw this scene and thought of the fourth rule of the town. If you meet townspeople with strange behavior on the road, please do not talk to them!

Su Yi did not look sideways, nor did he look at the girl in the same way as yesterday, after all, there were two people beside him.

How should they view themselves if they act at this time?

It would be bad if they classified themselves as the same kind as the townspeople in Wuliu Town later.

Su Yi knew that there would be something incomprehensible in this copy, which might cost him his life.

But Su Yimeng didn't know. After all, he was a criminal policeman. Su Yi thought he must be a more determined materialist.

Just as the little girl finished speaking, the lanterns around suddenly lit up, like a long dragon, extending forward.

The blood-red light hit the entire road at once.

The inexplicable lighting of the lanterns was like electricity, but Su Yi and the other two knew that the lanterns were lit with candles.

This strange and inexplicable situation made Liu Hong sweat coldly.

Su Yimeng also became serious, knowing that the matter was indeed unusual.

Su Yi silently took out his mobile phone and took a look, then put it back.

He looked calm on the surface, but his heart was already in turmoil.

The time... It was already 11:30 in the evening!

In another half an hour, it would be 12 o'clock in the morning!

What's going on?

Are you traveling through time?

"Let's go, go back quickly." Su Yimeng said to the two of them, ignoring the little girl in front of him.

"Well, let's go for a walk. I'm hungry. Let's go back and eat." Su Yi followed suit and walked straight ahead.

Liu Hong was a little slow, and suppressed his fear. He pretended not to see the girl and continued to move forward with the two.

Liu Hong's heart was slightly relieved until he passed the little girl and walked a distance.

But his heart, which had just been relieved, was immediately lifted up again with a word.

"You, have you seen me?" The little girl's pale face showed a strange smile, and she appeared again in the thick fog in front of the road.

Hiss, it's really difficult.

Su Yi still pretended not to see it and strode forward.

Liu Hong's shoulders shrugged slightly, which was a little unnatural. It can be seen that he is actually very panicked now.

Su Yimeng didn't say much, and pretended not to hear it.

The three continued to walk forward, but this time the little girl blocked the middle of the three.

In other words, if Su Yimeng walked forward, he would bump into the girl.

Liu Hong's back was soaked with cold sweat. Facing this strange scene, his heart beat faster with every step he took.

He looked at the road covered with blood-red lanterns in front of him, his face unsightly.

Are you sure this is not the Yellow Spring Road?


The little girl smiled with a pale face, as if she was welcoming the three people.

Liu Hong's heart was beating wildly. If he could speak, he would have started to swear.

Su Yimeng turned a blind eye. He also took out his mobile phone from his pocket and took a look, then continued to walk forward calmly.

He didn't care if there was anyone in front of him.

One step, two steps...

He was about to hit the girl, but she disappeared all of a sudden...

It was as if it was all an illusion.


Su Yi was stunned. Not only did the girl disappear in front of him, but the lanterns also turned blue in an instant.

This... is it a magic trick...

"Hurry up, there's still half an hour until 12 o'clock in the morning." Su Yimeng's face froze when he saw the girl disappear and the lanterns change.

Su Yi knew that even though Su Yimeng had rich criminal investigation experience, he must have never seen such a strange scene.

Liu Hong was already shocked, and now he was even more stunned when he heard what Su Yimeng said. He immediately took out his mobile phone and stared at the screen, stunned in place.

"Wasn't it just noon..."

Su Yi sighed: "As a folklorist, I don't know if I should continue to be curious."

"As a painter, I think it's better to ignore this matter." Liu Hong strengthened his belief.

"Let's go." Su Yimeng didn't say much, urging the two to hurry up.

The three said they were walking, but it would be better to say they were running.

They trotted all the way back to Wuliu Village, and the time was already 11:50.

The three of them exhaled a breath.

And at the door of Wuliu Village were sitting the dignified Meiyue and Aiyue.

The two dressed in witch costumes and waited in front of the manor house, waiting for the three to return.


"Everyone, why are you back so late today?" Meiyue said gently, while Aiyue stood aside holding a lantern.

Liu Hong wanted to say something, but was stopped by Su Yimeng.

"I didn't expect that the night view of Wuliu Town is so beautiful. We have to go back to sleep quickly, otherwise it will violate the town rules." Su Yimeng specially emphasized the word "town rules" to test the two girls.

Meiyue smiled: "Yes, let's go into the village quickly."

Su Yi vaguely noticed that Meiyue had changed slightly from the morning.

It seemed different.

The three did not say much, after all, the time was almost up, and they immediately went upstairs.

"What did we experience just now? First, the weird child appeared, then the child disappeared, the lantern turned blue all of a sudden, and 12 hours passed in an instant..." Liu Hong said softly.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. There must be something wrong with the people in Wuliu Town." Su Yimeng said softly to Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded in understanding.

They returned to their rooms.

With five minutes left, Su Yi immediately took a look at the town rules.

He found that the town rules had changed.

Two additional town rules were added!

[Eleventh, the lanterns in the town are only blue. If you find that the color of the lantern has changed to red, please close your eyes immediately, put away distractions, and relax. If it is still red, please return to Wuliu Village to take shelter. ]

[Twelve, when you find that time is passing quickly, please don’t be too stressed. This is just a disorder in your memory. Please follow the eighth town rule and return to Wuliu Village to sleep. ]

Su Yi took a glance and then quickly lay down on the bed. There was not much time left before 12 o'clock.

He lay on the bed, thinking about a lot of things, and everything that happened just now was swirling in his mind.

What on earth is going on.

The mission throughout is to find Qiu Ningxue, but now other messy information and the crisis-ridden situation make it impossible for him to act.

The day had just begun. I had hoped to find some signs of Qiu Ningxue today, but I didn't expect that the day would end before I was ready!

I didn't even see the shadow of Qiu Ningxue!

Now time is even more urgent!

Maybe these few days will be gone in a flash...

I can't control my time by myself, how can I do this!

Su Yi immediately realized a huge sense of crisis.

The difficulty of this game immediately soared several levels.

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