The more cards are dealt, the more they are dealt.

Even with the [Thousand Door Ring], Su Yi's eyesight is still not good enough.

There are many ways to cheat at 21 points, such as dealing the bottom card, dealing two cards, hiding cards and changing cards, etc.

He felt that the scarred man was cheating, but because the scarred man's hand speed was too fast, he couldn't tell when the scarred man used what tricks.

Until all the cards were distributed, Su Yi still couldn't figure it out.

Of course, even if the scarred man was really cheating, he wouldn't consider being the first to report it. After all, he would have to try cheating later. If someone reported cheating, it would be unfriendly to him.

It's just right to see everyone's reaction, Su Yi thought.

In this round, the dealer had a 9 and a hidden card.

The middle-aged man in suit No. 2 had an A and a 7, and when he got to 18 points, he chose to skip.

Su Yi himself had a 9 and a Q, 19 points. Now the dealer had a 9, and the dealer actually had a high chance of winning, and it was very likely that he would tie with him, so he also chose to skip.

The mature woman with big waves No. 4 had 6 and 7, 13 points, and chose to skip.

The heavily made-up woman No. 5 had 3 and 6, and the sum was 9 points. She looked at the other players, and the cards were all good. She did not double up, but chose to draw.

It was another 9, and after getting 18 points, she smiled slyly and chose to skip.

The green-haired young man No. 6 had A and 6, 17 points, and he chose to skip.

The dealer opened the cards, and the hidden card was a Q, and the open card was 9.

19 points! In addition to tying with himself, the scarred man won 25 chips in one go. It actually soared from 27 to 52 chips, getting out of the predicament.

Su Yi sighed secretly. If this card was really cheated, there was indeed a lot of room for manipulation.

Because the dealer dealt the cards to the next player first and to himself last. After two rounds, he dealt all the cards.

The heavily made-up woman looked ugly, as if she was going crazy. She had lost three games in a row, and the original 70 chips suddenly dropped to 50.

"Lucky for you, Scarface!" She snorted and complained.

I thought I could solve this annoying scarred man in this game, but I didn't expect that the amount of chips increased to more than my own in one game.

Su Yi smiled in his heart and took in the expression of No. 5. He couldn't control his emotions. This kind of person might be the first to lose all his chips and fall into the abyss.

At this time, the field instantly reached a balance, and the amount of chips of the four chips was almost the same.

52 chips for No. 1, 57 chips for No. 2, 36 chips for No. 3, 50 chips for No. 4, 50 chips for No. 5, and 85 chips for No. 6.

The dealer dealt two more rounds, and Su Yi stared at the scarred man's hand, and finally found the sense of disharmony in the last round.

Hiding a card and dealing an empty card.

He hid a card in his sleeve! And dealt this card to himself when dealing the last card. To achieve his two big cards.

These two rounds of cards ended with the dealer's victory in cheating without any surprise. The dealer, whose burst rate should have increased greatly, led with 72 chips.

"Hey, are you cheating!" The heavily made-up woman who lost 10 chips again was obviously unable to sit still. She didn't expect that the big advantage of 70 chips would be reduced to 40 chips.

A cold light flashed in the scarred man's eyes, and his expression was playful.

"Hmph! Even if I cheated, so what? If you think I'm cheating, then go and press the report button instead of arguing with me here."

"If you don't have the guts, then keep quiet!"

"It's not a child's game at the gambling table!"

"You!" The heavily made-up woman was so angry that she could only turn her head away angrily.

Now the deck is not enough to distribute 12 cards for a round, and the dealer has changed. The heavily made-up woman can no longer do anything to the scarred man.

She can only wait until the next round when he becomes the dealer, but now it is more likely that she is facing a threat, and the heavily made-up woman's expression is obviously impatient.

"Dealer! Switch!" The devil's voice came again.

The seat of position 1 returned to its original state, and the seat of position 2 became the dealer's seat.

"Dealer, please cut and shuffle the deck and start dealing cards."

The gloomy middle-aged man in a suit, No. 2, basically did not speak during the game, but his eyes were very sharp.

After several cool flower cuts in a row, the shuffle was completed.

Su Yi has been paying attention to him for a long time. He looked like a casino veteran in the beginning, and now he showed off his card-cutting skills.

The middle-aged man in a suit looked calm and collected, and his chips were kept at 60. If there was anyone who was the most difficult to deal with in the game, it must be him.

If he was cheating, he might even be able to do it when cutting the cards.

It is not certain that the cards are ready.

Everyone placed bets in turn. Su Yi decided to test the waters with one chip in his turn to see how the situation would develop.

Su Yi's luck was pretty good. Even when the scarred man cheated, he still won 4 chips. Now he has 40 chips, which is the middle position.

But the dealer position is the elimination position. There is no risk of elimination if you place one chip at other positions. The initiative is completely in your hands.

Once you become the dealer, you can't help yourself. Your dealer is about to come, so you have to keep the chips above 40 as much as possible.

The middle-aged dealer No. 2 in a suit dealt the cards slowly.

He was eliminated in the first game with a bust, and Su Yi won one chip.

In the second game, he killed 3 players with 17 points, and Su Yi won another chip with 18 points.

In the third game, he lost to 3 players with 17 points, and Su Yi also lost 1 chip with 15 points.

…The next few rounds were very ordinary, with the dealer winning and losing, until the dealer got 20 points in the last round, and the game ended in a complete victory.

The number of chips of dealer No. 2 reached 82, with a net profit of 22 chips. No. 1 became 60 chips, No. 4 44 chips, No. 5 40 chips, and No. 6 68 chips.

Su Yi still had 40 chips, but he was tied for last place with the heavily made-up woman No. 5.

After 7 rounds, No. 2 was firmly in first place. I thought the man in the suit would cheat, but Su Yi didn't see anything unusual, unless his cheating skills and card memory ability were superb, and he had already controlled the cards when shuffling and cutting the cards.

But can this really be done?

Although Su Yi has the [Thousand Gate Ring], it also has limitations, because the description of this prop is only worn by the disciples of the Thousand Gates, and it should not be of a particularly high level.

It is possible that Su Yi cannot see through the cheating skills of No. 2 with absolute strength.

"Dealer! Switch!"

Su Yi's heart trembled, knowing that the key game had come. If there was any mistake, he might face death.

"Dealer, please shuffle the deck and start dealing cards."

Su Yi moved his fingers slightly and tried some card-cutting techniques included in the [Thousand Doors Ring]. They were all some fancy training techniques of the Thousand Doors. He found that he could perform them, but because Su Yi was not used to it, the transition was not so smooth.

Then he mixed the fancy card-cutting with the pre-deployment technique of dealing the bottom card. This time, he felt that the [Thousand Doors Ring]'s tricks were still usable with a slight touch of his fingers.

Yes, this is good news.

But after the cards were cut, everyone looked at him differently.

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