The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"Have you really made up your mind? You've waited so long... but in the end you can't see anything."

Aiyue didn't answer Caiyue, but continued to output energy.

Use practical actions to tell Caiyue that she has made up her mind.

Caiyue turned her head and looked at Qiu Ningxue, gently covering her forehead with her hand.

Qiu Ningxue suddenly collapsed as if she was asleep.

Aiyue walked out of the door, straightened her back, and floated in the air in the middle of the lake.

The light became more and more intense, gradually covering the tree god.

And the townspeople were crushed and absorbed one by one.

This picture is completely different from what I just saw!

Is this a change in the future?

No, it's not!

Su Yi turned to look at Su Yimeng, he already knew what was going on.

Su Yimeng was stunned and lost in thought when he saw this.

"Don't worry, maybe we still have a chance to get out." Su Yi said softly.

"This time, I'm really going to die here." After Su Yimeng came to his senses, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"What do you think will happen after Ai Yue becomes a tree god?" Su Yi looked at Su Yimeng.

"Ai Yue wants to save Mei Yue... Based on what they just said, becoming a tree god must be a bad thing. Naturally, she will lose her life, or be assimilated and lose consciousness."

"I think so too." Su Yi smiled, he just wanted to get Su Yimeng's confirmation.

Then what he would do next was the first step to kill the god.

"I want to talk to you..." Su Yi looked ahead calmly.

Cai Yue naturally ignored Su Yi, and Ai Yue didn't look at Su Yi.

"Tree God!"

Cai Yue was stunned, what?

Are you going to talk to the tree god?

Caiyue sneered, I'm afraid this outsider doesn't know what he's talking about.

How could it care about such a young boy.

"I know you can hear, you just said he shouldn't appear... and I know why he appears."

"More and more will appear in the future."

"If you still want to stay here safely..."

Su Yi didn't know why he appeared, but the tree god only said these two sentences from beginning to end.

For me... the origin.

He... shouldn't... appear.

Su Yi naturally started from here.

The tree god said that he was the werewolf incarnated by Liu Hong, and the tree god said he shouldn't appear because he was afraid that he would be disturbed in Wuliu Town.

This further reflects that the matter of Wuliu Town is not so easy to solve.

What a hundred-year agreement, it's all fake!

Since, from the words of the tree god, the appearance of the werewolf Liu Hong was an accident.

If the tree god cared, he would listen to what the person who came with this accident said.

Moreover, in the picture just seen, he was the one who turned into a werewolf.

He thought the tree god would talk to him.


The shadow of the tree swayed.

Just one word was full of vicissitudes and simplicity. Just like before, it sounded like an old woman.

Caiyue frowned and was secretly shocked. The tree god actually spoke again?

You know, since she could remember, today was the first time she heard the tree god speak.

Looking at the young man in front of her, she didn't expect that this man really provoked the tree god to talk to him.

Who is he! What does he want to do!

Aiyue didn't care about it, and seemed indifferent to everything, still releasing energy.

But her eyes lingered on Su Yi.

"Is your agreement with them fake?" Su Yi didn't care. He was not a person here, so he asked directly on the spot.

Caiyue's eyes flashed.


The tree god didn't care what Su Yi said at all, but continued to spit out a word.


It was like a thunder explosion.

The surrounding lake water was splashed with ten-meter-high water by this word.

Tsk, this tree god is really arrogant.

"Don't get excited, let's discuss it. I answer you a question and you answer me a question, how about it?"

"Are you... negotiating conditions with me?" The tree god spoke from the beginning in a staccato and stiff manner, and gradually became coherent and clear.

"No, this is not a condition, it's just that people usually talk like this, with back and forth." Su Yi said this to test what he thought of people.

"People... are all like this."

"Of course, then let me ask you the first question, are you the tree god who has been there from ancient times to the present?"


"Okay, then you ask me."

After a moment of silence, the tree god spoke.

"How did he get in?"

Su Yi knew who the tree god was talking about, that is, Liu Hong who turned into a werewolf.

"He was brought in by your people." Su Yi smiled.

The tree god seemed to have not figured out the question he asked, and it was not his original intention, so why did the answer from the other side seem to be correct.

"You will devour the people who hold the ceremony, and their consciousness will dissipate, right?" Su Yi naturally would not ask about their hundred-year agreement again. On the one hand, asking this would inevitably touch the tree god's pain point. The enemy is strong and I am weak. It's enough to play like this once. If I do it again, I'm afraid I'll die.

"It's not devouring, but rebirth." The tree god did not answer Su Yi's second question, and it was obvious that his mind began to become flexible, "It's my turn."

"Why did he come here?"

"To investigate the case! He is a criminal policeman, and he came here to investigate the case of missing persons."

"Investigate the case..." The tree god seemed to be confused by Su Yi's answer again, but she did not feel that the person in front of her was lying.

Su Yi has already felt that this tree god is not particularly smart, maybe because it just woke up.

Because of Liu Hong, the werewolf, she was really awakened.

But Su Yi can sense that the tree god is gradually waking up, regaining consciousness, and understanding the world.

In this case, he must complete that move before his consciousness is fully restored!

Cai Yue has been stunned for a long time. She really didn't expect that the tree god could actually chat with a human.

Su Yimeng also stared at the young man in front of him, who was actually talking to the so-called god.

So... can it still be done this way?

"My third question, after the ceremony is completed and she is reborn, will her consciousness dissipate?" Su Yi asked again in full.

"It won't dissipate completely."

"You don't know he is a god, right?" The tree god spoke slowly this time, even with some mocking tone.

"Well, I don't know, but I know he is similar to a god."

Su Yi made up a lie.

He knew that time was running out, and this was the best opportunity!

The scattered consciousness of the tree god is about to return!

At this time, all the townspeople have turned into nutrients and entangled in the bottom of the tree roots.

And Ai Yue's body has also changed!

She is gradually getting bigger!

The opportunity has come!


"She, Ai Yue can become the new tree god, and her consciousness will not dissipate!"

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