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“Sixth, please do not believe any other text or rules except the Wuliu Town Rules, unless that day is the day of the Wuliu Grand Sacrifice! Remember! Remember!”

“This rule is hidden in the town rules. One of the only two false rules!"

"That is to restrict us from recovering our memories before the Wuliu Grand Ceremony."

"The remaining fragments of my memory will be told to me and them in the form of text from time to time."

"But I I can't study it carefully."

"Like I said before, why can't I recover my memory in advance? Because once I recover in advance, my secondary personality will gradually recover its memory. "

"So, the best time to recover memory is On the day of Wu Liu's great sacrifice!"

"I will wipe out the secondary personality before it can recover its memory."

So this town rule is to restrict the three of them from recovering their memories through memory fragments.

"Seventh, please don't get close to Wu Liu Shrine! Please don't get close to Wu Liu Shrine! Please don't get close to Wu Liu Shrine!"

"According to the town rules, there must be tree demons in Wu Liu Shrine, so let's not get close." "As for me, I know that Ningxue exists in Wuliu Shrine. If we see her, it may speed up our memory recovery, which is something I don't want to see."

"Town Rule 8, please remember your Your identity and your purpose. If you find that your memory is disordered before the Wuliu Grand Sacrifice, please return to Wuliu Manor and sleep immediately! "

"Another false rule, this rule is to imply that you and others should not Stop thinking about random things, don't break the sealed memory too early, remember your current identity, that's the most important thing. "

Su Yi said all the way to the eighth town rule, then stopped to rest for a while.

"How about it, I remember Are there any mistakes or omissions?"

"Not much." Su Yuran still looked calm.

Well, it's endless, you have to finish it yourself, right...

"Town Rule Nine, if you violate Rule Two, if there is someone beside you, then please protect that person and ensure that everyone survives together. If there is no one, then please protect Myself!"

"This is the real town rule. Town rule two: if you are not in Wuliu Village in the early morning, you will be attacked by the tree demon. Town rule four: if you talk to the weird townspeople, you will also be attacked by the tree demon. . ”

“The people of Wuliu Town obviously cannot stop the actions of people coming here, but if they violate the town rules, then outsiders will If you die in the wild, you may become food for other tree monsters, and you will not be able to become food for the tree god. "

"Then we must protect each other and try our best to survive."

"As for the dream space, we can't die in the Wuliu Great Wall. The unexplained death of the previous Si, if we want to erase the secondary personality, we can only do so on the day of Dasi's birth."

"In this case, no matter who dies, it won't work, so let's protect each other."

"And there is only this one chance to erase the secondary personality. ! He will be on guard next time!"

Su Yuran nodded calmly.

Seeing the girl's stubborn look, Su Yi shrugged and continued speaking.

"Town Rule 10. This rule may be updated from time to time during the annual Wuliu Grand Sacrifice. If you see the rule updated, please be sure to abide by it!"

"There's nothing more to say. I'll extend the following town rules. ”

“Town Rule 11: The lanterns in the town are only blue. If you find that the color of the lantern has changed to red, please close your eyes immediately, clear your mind and relax. If it is still red, please return to Wuliu Village to take shelter.” Why was the lantern red when he went out, while Liu Hong and Su Yimeng saw blue lanterns, and only saw red ones after he told them.

Su Yi now really understood this. Because of Su Yuran in front of him.

Red is real, and blue is fake.

I may have some resistance to Su Yuran's dream space, so after going down the mountain, I can ignore the blue space that Su Yuran set up to imitate Wuliu Town. Colored lanterns.

After all, a person's power is limited. At this depth, in the fourth level of dream, another illusion must be set up to imitate Wuliu Town, which can't help but give me, who has some resistance, a loophole.

And this is also The main personality had never thought that he would break through the lantern illusion so early and reach the core of Wuliu Town.

The three of them even teamed up to explore and go deep into the enemy camp.

"The real rules, the blue lantern is an illusion, and the red lantern is This is the real situation in Wuliu Town. Every household stayed indoors.

Because during the Great Sacrifice, there are tree demons everywhere outside."

"As long as we return to the blue lanterns, we will not see these tree demons, and naturally avoid the situation of talking to them."

"If it is still red, then go back to Wuliu Manor. Similarly, whether it is Wuliu Town or the dream, it is important to save your life."

"Twelve, when you find that time is passing quickly, please don't be too stressed. This is just your memory disorder. Please follow the eighth town rule and quickly return to Wuliu Manor to sleep."

"Real rules, the dizziness in rule five is the fuse, and the memory may be disordered due to the influence of the tree god."

"In addition, there are two other functions. "

Su Yi looked at Su Yuran and found that she was looking behind him, her eyes were empty, as if she was wandering in her mind, or thinking.

He turned his head and took a look, and found that it was a painting, which seemed to be a man and a woman.

Without time to look closely, Su Yi turned back and continued.

"First, secretly cater to the real rule five, the false rules six and eight, make rules six and eight more real and reliable, and mix them into the real town rules, so that I can't detect the flaws, so as to avoid the sense of disobedience and restore memory early. "

"Second, the rapid passage of time is a defense mechanism we deliberately arranged, interspersed in between. "

"As long as our memory is restored too quickly, we must let time pass quickly, or forcibly interrupt our exploration of Wuliu Town in our dreams. "

Su Yi recalled that every time time passed quickly, it was either he or Liu Hong or Su Yimeng who had a headache.

Headache is a sign of memory recovery.

That's exactly it!

There was even one time when the three of them came to the shrine during the exploration, and they were forced to shut down again. This time it was not because the time was up, but because of the protection mechanism of this important memory node.

It was just that he had to use [Yu Wushuang] to hold on for a while, so he had a conversation with Qiu Ningxue at that time.

Unfortunately, even if he had a conversation with Qiu Ningxue, what he finally remembered were bits and pieces of Qiu Ningxue.

No other memories were restored.

This is really a misfortune in luck...

In the end, he had to rely on reasoning to complete everything...

Almost failed.

"Town Rule Thirteen, September 24 is the eve of the Mist Willow Festival, please do not approach the shrine and the back mountain!"

"The real rule is the same as the previous one. No matter the appearance or the inside, do not approach the back mountain and the shrine on the eve of the festival. It's dangerous! ”

So far, Su Yi has analyzed all the thirteen rules.

In the dream before, the analysis of Wuliu Town alone was not thorough enough.

But now, the real Xiao Wensu and the hidden meaning in the rules have been expressed quite clearly.

I just don’t know what the quiet girl in front of him thinks.

Su Yi raised his head slightly, and the girl was still in a trance.

I don’t know if she heard what he said.

"How did you get out alive?"

Suddenly, Su Yuran turned her head and looked at Su Yi, and the gentle words were accompanied by a little cold wind.

Here it comes!

Here it comes again!

Then I should have passed the first level, right?

But this second level came too quickly.

Can’t we chat first...

The questions came one after another, leaving no extra time for consideration!

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