You may not know who X is yet.

[You may not know who X is yet]

[So you can read the first ten pages first. ]

I am a dual personality? I am X? This is Su Yi's first reaction when he saw the notes.

Su Yi was stunned. The handwriting was exactly the same as his own.

But it is obvious that the person who wrote this paragraph thought he had lost his memory, but in fact, he perfectly avoided the node of amnesia this time through [Yu Wushuang]. Su Yi continued to read with doubts.

[You should not have thought of meeting in this way. ]

[That's right, we share a body. I am X, which means you are also X. There is nothing wrong with this. ]

[This is also the reason why you can control my domain space. Do you understand? ]

[Don't think about catching me. Are you really willing to give up your life? Besides, you don't have to worry about my existence at all. I just took up a little bit of your time to satisfy myself. ]

[Relatively speaking, I am very modest. Who made me born earlier than you, brother? ]

[I know you are very close to the police, but please don't anger me. I don't feel very guilty about devouring your consciousness. After all, it's the 18th time, right? Haha. ]

[Well, it's up to you. Turn my words aside, or return to your ordinary life and be happy with your girlfriend. ]

[Today is our first conversation, but also the last time! ]

[Thank you for your hospitality. The cookies taste good. Let's go, my dear brother. ]

After reading it, Su Yi felt a little stiff in his brain.

If the killer is himself, how can he pass the game? The real void line appears...

Turn himself in? Or the other self mentioned just now that devours consciousness? He has to devour the killer's consciousness before he can complete the copy?

He flipped through the biscuits Liu Hong gave him last night in his schoolbag, and they were really gone.

Su Yi exhaled a breath. After reading the diary, he was quite shocked. Inexplicable information mixed in.

He had to start sorting out these fragmentary clues.

First of all, the other me in the diary said he was X, so was he really X? Logically speaking, it was really self-consistent. Why could he control that imaginary space? Because it was dominated by another me, so it was equivalent to being dominated by himself.

But Su Yi was a little strange. Was the appearance of another me just to warn himself not to get involved in this matter?

If X was really another me, what was his purpose in killing these people?

He called me his younger brother, which meant that I was the secondary personality. What did I experience before?

So now, I am catching myself?

This diary is like a time bomb. If I don't destroy this page, it will explode at any time, but he has amnesia, and destroying it will definitely affect my judgment.

Forget it.

Keep it, it will only take two or three days anyway.

While Su Yi was thinking, footsteps were heard at the door.

From the sound of the rush, it seemed that Captain Liu might have got a good clue.

"This is the first time such an important clue has been found!" Liu Hong said loudly in the office after entering the door, with a smile on his face.

There were also many police officers following behind, including Zhou Yiqing.

The rest of the people in the office immediately applauded enthusiastically after hearing this.

"Come on!" Liu Hong gestured to Zhou Yiqing and walked into the innermost meeting room.

Zhou Yiqing understood and walked forward with Su Yi.

The meeting room was full of people at once, with about 20 police officers. Zhou Yiqing took Su Yi to sit on one side of the meeting room.

"Click." The switch of the projection was turned on.

Liu Hong gestured with the laser pen, and his face gradually became calm.

"We were able to get the clues so quickly this time, thanks to the fact that our task force had reviewed at least tens of thousands of hours of surveillance videos day and night. Now, within just a few hours, we found something suspicious!"

"Through the surveillance comparison of two young men and a young woman, we found that all three of them had been to the same place, which is here."

The map zoomed out from large to small, and this is a bookstore.

"Sanyun Bookstore, the important thing is not this bookstore, but after entering this bookstore, you can go around to the small church behind it."

"This is the key point. The deceased No. 18 went there at noon 26 days ago, the deceased No. 12 went there at dusk 68 days ago, and the deceased No. 6 even went there over a period of 4 months."

"Then we verified the other victims again.

, and found that No. 5 and No. 9 had been there one year ago and one and a half years ago, respectively, but the interval was too long.

"This! This is the breakthrough!"

"All plainclothes officers block the area, and then I will go in to explore, and the plainclothes officers can also ask about this church nearby! Change clothes and set off!"

Liu Hong was very decisive. Without saying a word, he called on the team members to set off.

"You can turn off the nearby surveillance first, in case it has nothing to do with X and the church, and X has the technology to steal the surveillance. After all, it is now analyzed that the victims are people who have been there, so it is better to be careful." Su Yi thought for a while and said.

"Okay, the nearby surveillance will be temporarily repaired, and we will set off! "Liu Hong was not angry about Su Yi's interruption, but nodded, secretly saying that he was too excited and thoughtless.

Many police officers also agreed with what Su Yi said and nodded secretly.

The person you want to catch may be right in front of you! Su Yi stopped Liu Hong before he left the meeting room.

"Can I go check the surveillance? I have some immature ideas." Su Yi said.

"Okay, let Xiao Zhou take you there, and you can use seats 1-10 for a while." Liu Hong pondered.

"Okay, thank you for your help. "

Liu Hong was ready to go, and Su Yi followed Zhou Yiqing to the room for retrieving surveillance.

The place was very large, with many screens, and there were about 30 police officers, who were constantly operating and observing the surveillance video.

The task force mobilized a really large number of police officers, Su Yi sighed, and was led by Zhou Yiqing to positions 1-10, where three police officers were operating the surveillance and staring intently.

Su Yi was naturally more concerned about yesterday's case, whether he could find any clues related to himself. Obviously, he did not get any useful information after communicating with the police.

What should I do? If I am really X, how can I lead another personality to confront me? I remember X also said, "This is our last "This is a conversation", which means that he doesn't plan to communicate with me no matter what.

Then how can I complete the copy and win the victory? Because of this diary, Su Yi suddenly fell into a bottleneck.

You can't give up because of choking! I still have to find a breakthrough through the limitations of special abilities.

Su Yi stayed in the monitoring room for a long time, checked a lot of surveillance, and received a call from Su Yuran during this period. He also ate a box lunch here until Liu Hong arrived.

Seeing Liu Hong's gloomy face, Su Yi knew that something unpleasant had happened, or there was no clue at all in this operation.

No matter which one, it doesn't look like good news.

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