The clock was ticking, and the clock was ticking.

Su Yi's room began to flash with dazzling red light, and a one-minute countdown appeared outside the door.

He stayed in the room calmly, closed his eyes, and took his time.

He was thinking about what strange level would appear in the next level.

Seeing that time passed by, Su Yi did not move, Wan Meiyun couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Brother, why don't you go and discuss with him what to do about this game."

Zhou Jinrui glanced at Wan Meiyun's flickering eyelashes, and he knew that Wan Meiyun meant for him to tell Su Yi the solution.

"No, it seems that he doesn't need my teaching."

Seeing that Wan Meiyun seemed to have a worried look on her face, Zhou Jinrui shook his head: "Meiyun, don't be fooled by his few words."

"I didn't!" Wan Meiyun wrinkled her delicate nose and said coquettishly.

"It's not good to lose members in the team now." Wan Meiyun explained weakly.

Zhou Jinrui explained softly: "Don't worry too much, this game can almost get the best solution when we draw the first place in the lottery."

"Everyone takes turns to throw bombs, whoever survives to the end wins, and we need to attack first."

"Shouldn't we choose bombs with a 90% probability of explosion?" Wan Meiyun asked doubtfully.

Zhou Jinrui sighed: "My dear sister, you are really not suitable to become a psychic and enter the reincarnation of the devil game."

"This world is too harsh for you. If it weren't for your family to help you upgrade your level, you would not have lived to this day."

"Okay! Stop talking, not every game depends on IQ!" Wan Meiyun said angrily, admitting in disguise that she was stupid.

Zhou Jinrui was speechless. 90% of the devil games depend on IQ, okay?

"You chose a bomb with a 90% high probability of explosion. What would you do?"

"Attack... 75%..." Wan Meiyun replied.

"Then there will be two results. The first is that you successfully make 75% of the opponents explode, but what is waiting is the attack of 60% of the opponents."

"The second result is that you did not succeed. Then no matter who is next in line, that person will attack you, because your probability is 90%, the highest existence."


Wan Meiyun listened to the explanation and reacted.

"If you choose the 75% bomb, then by the same token, you will definitely attack the team with the 90% bomb in the first place. If you succeed, the enemy with the 60% bomb probability will still be waiting for you."

"If you fail, if the 90% is the one in the first place, you will definitely die. If it is 60, he will attack the 90%. But obviously, the winning rate is not high by doing so."

"What about the 60% bomb we chose? Isn't it the same?" Wan Meiyun asked in confusion.

Zhou Jinrui shook his head again, secretly sighing that his sister's performance was too bad when facing intellectual problems.

Zhou Jinrui's eyes returned to the countdown at the door of the blasting room, which was already "10, 9, 8..."

Wan Meiyun also anxiously discovered that the countdown was about to end.


"3, 2, 1... The black team player has not made a choice to release the bomb, and the red team, which is ranked second, will start to release it, and the countdown begins!"

"Ah, that's how it is!"

Wan Meiyun saw that Zhou Jinrui did not move, and after a little recollection, she finally thought of the key to the problem.

"You can use the byes to skip!"

Zhou Jinrui nodded and said, "We choose 60% of the bombs and skip them in the first round. Then the red team will not skip them no matter what they choose, but will attack another team with a higher probability, because if they skip, they will bear the attack of the next team."

"And our bomb has the lowest probability of exploding. Before the two teams have a pair of bombs, our black team will definitely not be attacked. So the red team also figured out the reason and directly chose 90%, maximizing the probability of destroying the 75% green team."

"In other words, in this game, whoever gets 60% will have the advantage." Wan Meiyun understood.

"That's right. Unless we encounter a very low probability of all members failing, we will have a chance to attack with a 60% chance of winning."

"In this game, the winner is roughly determined in the selection phase." Zhou Jinrui continued.

The Red Team also made a decision during the conversation between the two, without a doubt.

Attack, Green Team!

The bomb floated from the Red Team's long black straight hand and came to the top of the Green Team's exclusive blasting room.

The ceiling of the Green Team's blasting room opened at the same time, and only the sound of

The man's exasperated voice.

"I curse you, blind man, woman! You..."

It can be heard that he wants to say something, but...

With a whoosh, the bomb suddenly turned red and was thrown into the room, and the ceiling was instantly restored.

Only three seconds later, there was a loud explosion and the sound of liquid shooting.

"The members of the green team are eliminated and wiped out."

"Please continue to drop bombs on the black team."

The woman of the green team and the middle-aged blind man did not move their faces, as if they had been prepared for it.

As expected, elimination means elimination, Su Yi said secretly.

The rules of the bomb just now did not mention elimination, but elimination.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Yi is on this round. It would be funny to randomly wipe out the team later.

Anyway, no matter what, the team cannot be missing in this game. Going on by yourself, gaining favor, gaining a foothold in the team, and by the way "forming a party and forming private interests" is the most correct choice.

Now, it's my turn.

After hearing the sound, he knew that 90% of the bombs had exploded. After all, the 10% chance of survival was not something that a person with great luck like himself would be unable to avoid.

But himself,

60% winning rate?

Although he had already achieved the optimal solution, Su Yi would not gamble with the probability of 60%.

What I want is,

One shot to the soul!

[Yu Wushuang]! Open it for me!

A surging wave of air surged from Su Yi!

The wind and clouds surged, and the fortune was like waves!

Fortune is as steady as a mountain and as magnificent as a wave!

A feeling of being on top of the world and overlooking all the mountains came to him.

Even after experiencing it several times, Su Yi still felt very happy.

It was really refreshing!

Drop the bomb!

Hit! Give me a shot to the soul!

The bomb disappeared from Su Yi's hand in an instant and appeared on the ceiling of the red team's room.

The bomb slowly entered the room...

The captain of the red team, Hei Changzhi, looked more and more serious. Strictly speaking, a 40% chance of winning was already quite high. Compared with the life-or-death struggle in the devil game, perhaps the current situation was cleaner and neater.

Hei Changzhi's eyes never relaxed, and his eyebrows knitted together. Liu Yun, you have to hold on. Your luck has always been good!

And Wan Meiyun also stared at the room, as if she had forgotten to breathe, waiting for the result of the bomb.

Teammate! Don't die so early... Wan Meiyun prayed silently in her heart.

Zhou Jinrui's expression did not change much. The choice was already the best. The rest was up to fate.

This man has been saying that he is lucky. I hope it is true.

The slightly red bomb finally entered the red team's room.




Both teams hope that the balance of victory will be in their favor...

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