Devil's Love

Chapter 1133

Miao Yingxue, they went in the direction of Leishan. What are you doing in Leishan at this time?

Situ Mo hung up the phone and told Enron the news. Bai Minxi remembered what Chen yonghuan said before that Japan wanted to go to Leishan.

Suddenly, he felt uneasy. However, if he went to Leishan at this time, her relationship with Enron would have to be delayed again.

"What's the matter, senior?" Enron saw the senior suddenly stop talking and looked at him curiously.

It's important. Bai Minxi finally said what he thought: "Chen yonghuan said that one of the Japanese planned to go to Leishan. It's mostly because of what's going on in Leishan."

"Then we have to find a place for the two women behind to speak." Enron felt that the two women still knew something about one of Japan, and wanted to get the whereabouts of the mysterious woman from them.

Situ Mo turned and looked at Xiao Jun: "go to the waste factory."

There is a waste factory near here, which is also the industry of situ's family. Originally, it was planned to build a summer resort here, because there are too many projects under his hand, he has not been able to take care of it. Up to now, the waste factory has been empty, but there are people watching at the door of the factory, which is still relatively safe.

On the way, Xiao Jun called the people below. When they arrived, the iron door opened directly. After entering, the gatekeeper consciously closed the door again.

The watchers found a quiet place for them. Minqi and Minjuan were both cunning. Situ Mo and Bai Minxi were not at ease. Enron stayed with them alone and watched them when hypnotized. It was Minqi who hypnotized Enron first.

"Who was the woman who appeared in Leishan before?"

"I don't know."

"What else did Xiao Zizi say to one of the Japanese?"

"A bead."

"Where are the beads?"

"I don't know."

"What is one of the weaknesses of Japan?"

"I don't know."

Minqi really asked three questions. After asking a few questions, Cui didn't have any news they needed. Cui went up angrily and knocked people out.

"Don't worry, maybe she doesn't know anything. Chen yonghuan said that Minqi's brain is not as good as Minjuan. Try another one." Bai Minxi was not upset. How much can Minjuan ask?

After a while, Cui threw Minqi aside and carried the unconscious Minjuan to this room. After tying the people up, he woke them up.

Enron wanted to let Minjuan enter the state as soon as possible, but found that Minjuan's willpower was stronger than Minqi. She could only force Minjuan into the state with the help of the effect of silver needle.

"Who was the woman who appeared in Leishan before?"

"Yes... Xichuan Yushan."

"Then why did they go to Leishan?"

"I don't know."

"What is one of the weaknesses of Japan?"


Minjuan's face showed an uncomfortable look, and her body shook a little. Enron approached and found that two silver needles inserted into her acupoints were coming out. She quickly inserted two silver needles into the original acupoints. Minjuan gradually calmed down.

"What is one of the weaknesses of Japan?" Enron repeated the topic just now.

"Weakness, weakness!"

Minjuan seemed very sensitive when she heard these two words. Her body shook again. Enron could only prick two needles at the other two acupoints and let her calm down again.

Enron changed his way this time: "what is one of Japan's greatest fears?"

"Most afraid of his daughter missing."

Daughter, yes, one of the Japanese did have a daughter. Before, Bai Minxi thought that the Japanese didn't care about his daughter at all. It seems that they made a mistake.

"What did you find in Leishan?"

"Found Kawasaki bin and Miao Yingchun."

Kawasaki HAMA?

Isn't Kawasaki dead?

The people looked at each other and felt that the news was somewhat unexpected. If it's true, it's not difficult to explain why Japan didn't directly let Chen yonghuan go to Leishan.

However, this is really an explosive news. It is estimated that Chen yonghuan will jump up when he knows this news?

Several people did not speak with tacit understanding. They successively walked out of this room and came to another room before they began to discuss what to do next.

At this time, everyone hasn't eaten yet. Xiao Jun is still careful. When they interrogate Minqi and Minjuan, he ordered his big partner nearby to get some hot pot back.

"President, everyone is hungry. It's better to talk while eating!" Xiao Jun saw that his men brought back the head of the pot. While it was still hot, let everyone have a hot meal first.

"Let's eat first. Everyone is tired. Xiao Jun, you can sit down and join us." Bai Minxi is very grateful to Xiao Jun for thinking so thoughtful. He doesn't know what's going on today. He's hungry and dizzy.

"OK." situ Mo answered, found a chair and sat down. He repeated the news in his mind.

The hot pot is ready-made, and the side dishes are ready-made. For convenience, even the induction cooker is brought together. You can start as soon as you plug in the power.

Bai Minxi put the chopsticks in Enron's hand. As soon as the soup in the pot rolled, there were a lot of Enron's favorite dishes. Enron was used to such care. She was already hungry and ate with relish.

Situ Mo took a look. He used to think this kind of scene was inconvenient, but now it's not. He felt that Enron could take care of her as long as he was happy.

"Eat slowly, hot, come on, drink this." Bai Minxi knew that Enron must be hungry, otherwise he wouldn't eat so fast.

Uh huh!

Enron nodded. After eating a few mouthfuls, he found that everyone was looking at her and said with some embarrassment: "you look at what I do and eat it quickly. This hot pot tastes really good."

Enron opened his mouth, and several other big men began to move chopsticks. While eating, the topic began.

"Shall we go directly to Leishan? Once we get down so many pounds of bombs, if we go slowly, I'm afraid we'll suffer a loss." Cui said again in the first place.

"I agree with you. I'm afraid we have to go to Leishan first." situ Mo also felt that Leishan's trip was imminent.

"What about Xiao Ziyou?" Enron asked anxiously. The things were still in Xiao Ziyou's hand. They had no news at all.

"I feel that even if Minqi and Minjuan can't go back, one of Lei Shangdong Ying will go this time, but if Kawasaki bin is really alive, Japan will leave Chen yonghuan here." Cui feels that if Minqi and Minjuan can't go back, there are two less people left around, so he won't waste Chen yonghuan at this time.

"If so, the news that Kawasaki HAMA may still be alive will be revealed to Chen yonghuan," Enron continued.

"No." Bai Minxi directly rejected the proposal.

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