Devil's Love

Chapter 158

Du Yanyan felt that a large basin of cold water had been poured on her head. Some wood looked at Tao Junyan, and the smile on her face suddenly stiffened.

He has a fiancee?

It's still the man set by the old lady!

How did this happen?

She felt a little uncomfortable breathing. If the window wasn't open and the wind outside the window blew, she wouldn't come back so soon.

"Well... What do you mean?" she asked timidly.

"I don't know, let's go with the feeling!" Tao Junyan gave an ambiguous answer, which was his favorite technique before.

Drag one, catch one, and lie on the bed.

However, these skills are a little rusty in order to learn to do business with my brother these years. However, it's still no problem to deal with Du Yanyan, a budding woman.

Sure enough, Du Yanyan felt a little better when she heard this sentence, and her deadlocked smile spread out a lot.

"My mother has a strange temper. If you talk too much, don't take it to heart." Tao Junyan gave Du Yanyan some sunshine.


Du Yanyan has a prelude to her boyfriend telling her to see her parents. The loneliness just now was replaced by joy.

Bai Minxi's car finally stopped at the entrance of a small town. He got off and bought some masks at the roadside drugstore. Then he continued to drive to the narrow country road.

Before long, they came to the door of a factory. The factory looked large and the door was closed.

Bai Minxi opened the window and said to the guard, "Hello, I'm looking for your President Ma! I'm Bai Minxi!"

"Bai Shao, wait a minute!" the guard listened to the figure explained above, politely opened the iron door and welcomed both cars in.

When Du Yanyan arrived here, she probably remembered what place it was: "it turned out to be here, or the senior students have a wide mind. Why didn't I think of this big factory!"

Didn't she expect this big factory?

Of course not!

She just wants to make more opportunities to follow Tao Junyan.

City a is unfamiliar to Enron. Can she not be familiar with it?

She looked at the road ahead with some guilty conscience and deliberately made an excuse for herself: "I really came to this place before. It used to be just a small factory. I didn't expect such a big change. No wonder Jianjian said that she often had to run here."

"It seems that you are too busy." Tao Junyan said so, but he guessed seven or eight points in his heart.

However, his purpose is the same, hoping to create more opportunities to be with Enron. Unfortunately, the good opportunities were destroyed by this woman.


Du Yanyan's family background is very general for him, but his working ability is still good.

However, he always likes to pick good ones. Why do he want others to leave?


Bai Minxi, I don't believe it's not your opponent!

He thought so, and soon parked his car next to Bai Minxi's car. Looking at the two people walking in front of each other, he thought he was caught by a cat.

"Mr. Ma, I haven't seen you for a long time. I have a classmate who came back from abroad. He wants to customize a batch of retro furniture. The workmanship and raw materials should be the best. There's no need to save him money." Bai Minxi saw Tao Junyan coming and deliberately told the person in charge here.

Black bellied guy!

Enron thought in his heart and held back his laughter.

"Yes, just give me the best." Tao Junyan echoed. He was not short of money.


Enron smelled the smell of gunsmoke, but she didn't care. She was afraid of disaster, Du Yanyan.

Du Yanyan is not stupid. She sees that Bai Minxi and Tao Junyan don't deal with each other. However, she thinks it's good. In this way, Tao Junyan can stay away from Enron.

Unfortunately, Du Yanyan's wishful thinking was not right, because she underestimated Enron's attraction to Tao Junyan.

"Please take them inside!" Ma always invited them into the office with some embarrassment.

As soon as he sat down, Bai Minxi said, "Enron, show me your design. If it takes a while, I'll go to the workshop with Junyan."

Enron felt a little troublesome, but when he saw Tao Junyan's eyes, he immediately promised to come down: "it's hard for you to come, Mr. Tao. Are you all right?"

"Of course not, Bai Shao's professional level has always been worshipped by many people." Tao Junyan squeezed out a little ugly smile.

After hearing this, Du Yanyan's body became stiff.

The senior student means that Tao Junyan also studied design before, so why give the list to Enron?


This is what the old lady means. Then, will the engagement object in Tao Junyan's mouth be Enron?

She was a little flustered, but she thought it over and thought it wouldn't.

No no no!

No way. How could it be Enron?

Enron has children. The background like the Tao family is much stronger than the Bai family. How can we accept a woman with children?

"Yanyan, are you uncomfortable?" Enron turned his head and saw Du Yanyan's face a little pale. He picked up a glass of water and handed it to her.

Du Yanyan was startled and subconsciously raised her hand. As a result, the water spilled out.

The water for making tea was a little hot. The water splashed on Enron's hand. The back of Enron's hand turned red and whispered, "ouch..."

"Miss an!" Tao Junyan stood up excitedly.

"Let me see, it's all red." Bai Minxi nervously grabbed Enron's hand and wrote his heartache on his face.

"Hoo... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm lost." Du Yanyan came back to her senses and apologized to Enron again and again. She got up in a panic and wanted to do something?

Seeing this, President Ma found the doctor on duty in the factory here. The doctor on duty treated the wound for Enron.

After feeling cool, Enron's face improved slightly, and the shaking of his hands eased: "thank you!"

"You're welcome. Don't touch the water for the time being. This ointment is very good and will be ready soon." the doctor told him seriously and withdrew.

Enron turned to Du Yanyan and said, "it's okay. You didn't mean it."

Success is not enough, failure is more than!

Tao Junyan doubted whether Du Yanyan saw her mind, so she deliberately tossed Enron like this?

He has seen a lot of green tea!

There was a touch of disgust at the bottom of his eyes. He turned his eyes to Enron's face and saw that her face was much better than before. Then he put away the disgust at the bottom of his eyes.

"Sorry, really sorry Enron!" Du Yanyan felt guilty and wanted to cry.

"It's all right. It's a small matter. Let's go to see the furniture with Mr. Tao. We'll just wait here." Enron urged the senior to avoid forgetting the purpose of coming today. It will give her a headache to come tomorrow.

Bai min ximingxian is not at ease. The careless Du Yan takes a picture of Gu Enron, but seeing Enron winking at him, he can only take Tao Junyan to the workshop with President Ma.

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