Devil's Love

Chapter 166

Tao Junyan not only didn't get angry, but smiled: "Enron, can't you really give me a chance? What's worse than Bai Minxi? He's better than me at most. Lun's family background is far from me."

"The senior is better than you. Please don't say his bad in front of me. I can't hear this." Enron saw Tao Junyan show his true face in front of him, so there was no need to be polite to him.

"Enron, this is what your mommy means. Do you want to be unfilial?" Tao Junyan wants to persuade Enron to compromise.

"If she took me as her daughter, she wouldn't do such a thing. Go! I don't want to see you." Enron angrily ordered to leave.

Tao Junyan kept a smile on his face, but his eyes were a little more violent: "Enron, don't be angry, your mommy is also for you to have a good home."

"The big families here in city a have eyes on their heads. It's impossible for you to marry a rich family."

"Marry me, I can give you what you want? Don't worry, I know you have a son, I can accept it, and I won't dislike your past."


Enron was amused by Tao Junyan's words.

"What are you... Laughing at?" Tao Junyan didn't understand. How many beautiful women didn't want to marry into a rich family.

When Enron found Bai Minxi, he wanted to marry a rich family or let his son live a better life. After a night's deliberation, he figured out that he had to use the same set before to deal with women.

So, early in the morning, he ordered roses to show his white.

"I haven't seen you laughing all night. Why did President Tao have a problem? When did I say I wanted to marry a rich family and when did I say I needed others to care about my past? You're being amorous." Enron really doesn't know what to say about Tao Junyan?

Covering her badly hurt head, she didn't pick up the bunch of flowers. She looked up and said coldly, "Xiao Li, see off the guests. I'll remember the meeting later."

"Yes, sister ran! I'm sorry, Mr. Tao! Please!" Xiao Li obeyed the order and made a gesture of invitation.

"Enron, is it really necessary for us to be so stiff?" Tao Junyan didn't expect Enron to become such an attitude.

Enron entered the office without talking or looking back.

Tao Junyan had never been so rejected by a woman. It was too humiliating. He shouted fiercely: "Enron, no one can change what my mother decided. Even if Bai Minxi took all the Bai family in, it can't change the result."

This is city A. Enron doesn't believe that the old lady can really cover up the sky!

Without stopping, she went back to the office, closed the door, leaned against the sofa and closed her eyes powerlessly.

Tao Junyan pulled his clothes and was angry. He stared fiercely at the safely closed office door. A cruel light appeared at the bottom of his eyes. One day she asked the woman to kneel in front of him and beg him!

Throwing the flowers in his hand into the garbage, he left Enron's company.

When he got downstairs, he blacked his face angrily and said, "Bai Minxi, Bai Minxi, damn Bai Minxi, Enron is possessed by you!"


He hit his car with a fist and then received a call from his mother.

"Can you really do this?"

"Mother, you are still powerful!"

Hearing his mother's news, the sadness on his face gradually dissipated. Similarly, we should be more determined to start with Bai Minxi.


Bai Yancheng woke up that night, but in order to be angry with his son, he stayed in the hospital for three days.

In the past three days, Bai Minxi went to the hospital to report every day, and there were many trivial problems in the company's cases in the past two days. At the time of "OK, be careful yourself. This person is very cloudy and the money is convenient. I'll find a way for you." after Bai Minxi hung up the phone, he can only call Kuang Rufeng and plans to borrow some money from Kuang Rufeng to let Du Yanyan get through the difficulties first.

As for him, he thought that he could fill this vacancy with foreign funds, and then find a way to clean up Tao Junyan.

Unfortunately, he never thought that Tao Junyan was really despicable.

When he was about to leave work, the hospital called and told Dad that he had entered the intensive care unit. He hurried to the hospital.

It was not until one o'clock in the morning that he drove back from the hospital.

On the way back, his mobile phone never stopped. There were invisible numbers on it. Tired and absent-minded, a red car hit head-on and didn't find it.

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