Devil's Love

Chapter 169

Enron is worried about the billion Mommy took from ye lichan. This money is not a small amount. Although the money in her hand is not small now, it is still some distance from this billion.


How can Mommy be so mean?

This time, she completely lost the only little hope she had for Mommy.

forget it!

I can't. I can only borrow it from ace to tide over the difficulties. Moreover, the situation of Du Yanyan's company is unknown, so she has to find a way for Du Yanyan.

Thinking with a headache, a strange number called in.

She thought it would be the old lady. She took a deep breath and connected the phone.

"Enron, it's me, Kuang Chengfeng!" Kuang Chengfeng's voice came over the phone.

Kuang Chengfeng?

Enron remembered that he had no communication with this guy. He probably called about Du Yanyan.

So she asked anxiously, "is it Yanyan..."

"Oh, don't think about it. Yanyan has nothing to do with her. However, her company really has a big problem this time. I'm afraid it can't be solved by taking money to fill the gap. Is it convenient for you? I'm downstairs of your company. Can you come down and say it?" Kuang Chengfeng's voice heard that he was very anxious.

"OK!" Enron agreed, hung up the phone and hurried out of the company with his bag.

Downstairs, Kuang Chengfeng's eyes are puffy. It can be seen that he didn't sleep all night, and he is a little worried about Du Yanyan.

When Enron saw Kuang Chengfeng, he knew that the two people might fall in love and kill each other, but they didn't feel each other. This time he was really in trouble. Kuang Chengfeng really calmed down and wanted to help Du Yanyan.

"Adding the trimmings, I am really helpless. I don't want to give money to the woman. It's really make complaints about oil and salt. The most annoying thing is that the sharp point is still being enriched, and then I was blown out of the company by her."

Gu Jianjian!

Referring to this man, Enron's face is not very good.

Gu Jianjian is very hostile to her. However, Gu Jianjian has been with Du Yanyan for many years. He should know the situation of Du Yanyan company. Kuang Chengfeng's appearance is completely kind.


"Why, isn't that Gu Jianjian having a problem? If she dares to attack Yanyan, I'll take care of their family!" Kuang Chengfeng is shrewd. Seeing Enron's expression, he guesses that Gu Jianjian's woman has a problem.

With Gu Jianjian's family background, he doesn't bother to take a look at it at all, but Du Yanyan believes in this woman very much. If Gu Jianjian did it, Gu Jianjian would be damned.

Enron thought for a while, looked up at Kuang Chengfeng and said, "I don't know if it's her. However, the company has such a big problem, most of it is a traitor."

"I think so, too. If it's her, I'll kill my family directly." Kuang Chengfeng said angrily, took out a black card from his body and put it into Enron's hand: "I don't want it. Han Ning said she's the best with you. Can you give it to her for me... OK? I've changed the password to 123456."

Enron looked at Kuang Chengfeng's begging eyes and nodded immediately. However, she thought of another thing: "you like Yanyan, don't you?"

"No... no, we've been bickering, but we've known each other for so many years. I... I just don't want to see her too miserable." Kuang Chengfeng's eyes dodged, obviously guilty.

In fact, he doesn't know what he means to Du Yanyan?

When I saw Du Yanyan wearing a skirt and talking and laughing with Tao Junyan in the bar that day, I felt very blocked.

He had insomnia for several days and thought he was ill. At first, he went to the hospital for examination.

However, when Bai Minxi said that Du Yanyan's company had a problem, he was a little worried. He wanted to help Du Yanyan in the name of Bai Minxi. He didn't think that Bai Minxi had a car accident.

He stayed up all night and went to Du Yanyan's company early in the morning. As a result, Du Yanyan blew him out. Only then did he think of asking for Enron's number from Han Ning.

"Kuang Shao, some people miss it for a lifetime. You can think clearly. I'll find a way to give it to her." Enron stared at Kuang Chengfeng's expression. She was sure she guessed right.

Last time in Han Ning's ward, the two were flushed because of their doubts about Tao Junyan. It is estimated that it was caused by jealousy.

Kuang Chengfeng looks at Enron. There is no shortage of women around him, but it's just for fun,

He was embarrassed to tell others that he had never been in love. Those women used to chase after them with money. Therefore, he doesn't know what to say about Du Yanyan's strange feeling?

Seeing that Kuang Chengfeng was silent, Enron didn't ask, but asked about the senior: "is the senior awake?"

Kuang Chengfeng shook his head and said, "aunt Han came back in the morning and brought the Han family's medical team. I'll go and have a look later and call you then."

"Thank you!" Enron said heartily.

"You're welcome, i... I'm leaving." Kuang Chengfeng looked at the card in Enron's hand like a big boy.

"Don't worry, I'll let her accept it, but you'd better let someone check Gu Jianjian." Enron reminded Kuang Chengfeng.

Gu Jianjian!

Black Hawk heard the name. There was a monitoring system in Enron's mobile phone. It was deliberately installed in it before the boss left. He was also afraid of anything else?

After receiving the news, the black eagle immediately used its resources. An hour later, Gu Jianjian sent a video of flirting with Tao Junyan.

After watching it, the black eagle forwarded the video directly to Enron.

Enron arranged things in the company a little and planned to send this card to Kuang Chengfeng, but received a video from the black eagle.

After watching the video, she looked angry.

But I haven't seen this number before. She dialed it curiously, and the other party was actually connected.

"Miss Enron, I'm a friend of young master Anchen. We're a team in the game. He asked me to take care of you before he left. If you need anything, you can call me." black eagle answered the phone after considering it. He thought that the boss couldn't get in touch now. Bai Shao was unconscious, so he just exposed it directly in front of Enron.

"It's Chenchen's friend, thank you." Enron hung up after a few polite words.

An Chen likes playing games. She believes such an excuse.

Knowing the source of the video, she didn't want to delay for a moment. She took her mobile phone and card and went straight to Du Yanyan's company.

Du Yanyan didn't expect that all the debt collection places came to the door in just one night. Not only that, she called her parents. At this time, Du's family is in some chaos, and Du Yanyan's company is even more chaotic.

"Yanyan, why don't you call president Tao and say some soft words to make him raise his hand?" Gu Jianjian couldn't bear to look at Du Yanyan. If she didn't have to, she really didn't want to step on Du Yanyan's shoulder.

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