Devil's Love

Chapter 195

"Situ yunshang, do you know what you're doing?" Zhou Ting finally broke out, but the object of venting was not her son.


A loud slap hit Marty on the face. She shouted fiercely: "look, look what you have taught the second master. A waste who can only live in the pile of women!"

Marty didn't dare to say anything. She didn't want the second master to worry, let alone make it difficult for the second master.

And there was a slap in the face. Then the woman seemed to have gone, and the man finally opened his voice: "mother, what do you want?"

"What do you want? Once that bitch got the marriage, do you think situ's family still has a place for you?" Zhou Ting endured her anger again. She really didn't understand why she raised a loser. However, hearing what the other party said, she almost didn't let her spit blood directly.

"I have my own career, and I'm not short of money. You want those things in situ's family, not me. Don't call me because of these bad things." the man's tone was cold and cold. I heard that he rejected Zhou Ting's greed.

Zhou Ting felt dizzy and hurt in her chest. She scolded: "you... You useless waste! Waste!"

Doodle doodle!

The phone was hung up directly. Marty held Zhou Ting in a cold sweat. She was deeply afraid that one would be beaten again accidentally.

Zhou Ting shook her head, took a deep breath, casually found an excuse to support Marty, opened the door and went back to her room.

Closing the door, she went to the bathroom and dialed a phone.

"Tingting, you haven't called your brother for a long time." Zhou Guodong's deep voice came over there.

"Big brother... Wuwu..." Zhou Ting cried without saying anything.

"Don't cry, is that old guy bullying you again? Tell brother." Zhou Guodong loves his sister most. Even at this age, his sister is also the most important in his heart.

"It's not him, it's yunshang. That useless thing really annoys me." Zhou Ting really has no one to complain, so she can only call her elder brother who loves her.

"You, I said at the beginning, you just don't believe it, but..." Zhou Guodong tried to stop talking, so he listened to Zhou Ting.

"Elder brother, that's something that can't be changed. Now he's the only dependence. The old man is going to get engaged to that cheap seed. Each other's family background is very strong. I'm afraid yunshang can't get anything at that time. Elder brother, you don't want to see your sister's old age too desolate." Zhou Ting said with a begging tone.

After a long silence on the phone, he sighed and said, "hey... I'll try my best. The most important thing for you now is to get the boy back to the situ family. Otherwise, even if the marriage doesn't work, the boy won't get any benefit."

"I see, brother, thank you." Zhou Ting understood this.

"There's no need to say thank you between us. Well, that's it." Zhou Guodong quickly hung up the phone, because the half brother who had left for many years returned, and now the Zhou family is also in some chaos.

With the support of her eldest brother, Zhou Ting was not so flustered. However, the eldest brother is right. We have to get yunshang back and don't appear in front of the old man. The old man is almost forgetting that he has such a son.


After several days of going to work, getting off work and plain life, Enron went to spend on time and didn't listen to acupuncture. Enron's headache was suppressed a little.

However, Hua and situ Mo knew that this was just a temporary superficial phenomenon. If they met something particularly exciting, what they had done in front would be in vain.

"President situ, you are so idle that you don't have to travel?" Enron is 24 hours now. Seeing this guy shaking in front of her, her subordinates have a plan called back today. When she sees someone drinking coffee leisurely after the meeting, she feels that others are in the way.

Although situ Mo works here, he won't manage the work here. After all, it's not his company. He wants to buy it and hasn't found a boss yet.

Put down the coffee, the bony fingers took her hand, took her to sit down in the chair, took off the folder in her hand, and stood behind her. The magic hands were placed on her temples. Then, a low and gentle voice sounded: "close your eyes and don't think about anything."

Enron listened, closed his eyes and enjoyed his kindness. After a while, the broken veins gradually healed, the anger on her face gradually dissipated, and gradually she fell asleep.

After confirming that she was asleep, situ Mo took a look at the folder on the desktop, and then took the folder to find Xiao Li.

Xiao Li is also enlightening the designer because of this plan. The designer was also very depressed. It was clear that people agreed to the draft at the beginning, but now they are not satisfied. She is also very wronged in her heart.

"Xiao Li!" Sima Mo's deep voice sounded.

When Xiaoli heard situ Mo's voice, she froze. She felt like a great enemy and smiled. She winked at the designer. The designer was going to leave, but situ Mo called her back.

"Did you make this plan?" situ Mo looked at the designer.

The designer nodded, and she also shook. Who is this, President iceberg? Although she is not the boss of their company, a word can make her never bubble in this industry again.

"I have a look. There's nothing wrong with this design. Go ahead. Is something wrong?" situ Mo closed the folder and put it on the desk at the front desk.


The designer ran away in fear, which told situ Mo and Xiao Li what had happened.

It turned out that the owner was a local rich man. At the beginning, he decided to use their scheme not because of the scheme, but because of the beauty of the designer. When designing the scheme, they communicated several times, each time.

The designer is a newcomer and is afraid to lose his job because of this plan. Therefore, he is angry and dare not say anything. She was severely criticized by sister ran at the meeting just now.

Now he was frightened by situ Mo again, and then he said it wrongfully from beginning to end.

Xiaoli sees many such situations. If she meets a boss who is not easy to talk, she is really unlucky to be a designer. However, sister ran is not such a person. She shook her head depressed: "you're stupid. Why don't you tell sister ran about this?"

"I... I'm afraid..." the designer wiped his tears and sucked his nose.

"What are you afraid of? However, I hate such people most. Don't worry about this list. It's not a big one anyway. Moreover, sister long also said that we don't have to be afraid of those people. We can do what we can and change the list if we can't do it. Anyway, our company doesn't lack lists." Xiaoli said with great confidence about the designer.

The designer nodded. Her classmate was fired by her boss because of the list. She looked at Xiao Li with gratitude.

Situ Mo saw that Xiao Li was very confident, especially when he mentioned sister long, his eyes were still full of worship, and he was a little interested in sister long.

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