Devil's Love

Chapter 310

The next morning, ACE followed Enron to the company.

Enron thought it over and took advantage of the second master's absence to sort out the things on his hands as soon as possible. At that time, just submit the resignation report directly.

Recently, she received several designs with relatively high prices, and her money bag bulged again.

She thought about it. She didn't know when the disease would happen. She had to leave time for the children to live on the island for a while.

As for Yu Ziming, he can only find the contact information of master situ Mo from the strange old man.

Guan Lu and Ning Doudou were very happy when they heard about Enron's gas dizziness. They thought that the second master was not in the company and could be free in the company today.

I didn't want to hear that Enron came and brought a cold woman back.

Guan Lu secretly took pictures of ACE and Enron talking and laughing with words and sent them to the second master: the second master, when you are away, sister ran brought irrelevant people to the company. She always looked at sister ran's computer data. I suspect it may be a spy.

Spy situ Yun doesn't care yet, but this man is ace, which surprised him.

Before, his men told him that the relationship between ACE and Enron was unusual. I didn't expect ace to appear in city A. Moreover, the news is that ACE said at the party that Enron had saved her.

Enron can't even cure his own problems. How can he save ace?

He thought that was what ace said deliberately in favor of Enron, but he was relieved that ACE could go. However, he did not know that ACE could not cure Enron's disease.

He didn't send a message back to Guan Lu. This kind of woman is the kind who wants to marry into a rich family and think of madness. He didn't bother to care so much. He simply turned off the work number directly. Anyway, his private number is safe.

"Second master, I hope you can help master Mo to sit as the master this time. I know this request is too much, but this is also what the master means." Uncle Cai found the second master who answered the phone at the door and said what the master meant.

Situ yunshang felt a pain. It was his uncle who begged him to help his enemies get the rights of situ family.

"Second Lord, I just want you to live a light life." Uncle Cai advised painstakingly.

"What about Uncle Cai? Does uncle Cai also want to see this unfairness continue?" situ yunshang rarely had a little excited storm on his face. He always covered himself up very well.

The financial uncle swallowed his saliva. He also knew that it was unfair to the second master. However, this is what the master meant. If you want to blame the second master, you can only blame him for having a bad mother.


He sighed sadly and looked at the second master with red eyes.

Situ yunshang took a breath, saw his uncle's embarrassment, and finally agreed: "I... Can only do my best."

"Thank you, sir, for wronging you." Uncle Cai wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and turned haggardly into the old man's room.

Situ yunshang saw many old uncles. He knew that his uncles shared weal and woe with the situ family. It's said that my father saved my uncle's life when I was young. Since then, my uncle has been by my father's side.

In just a few decades, my uncle did not get married and had no children. He always regarded him as his own. Later, with Xiaomo, my uncle shared a love with Xiaomo.

How many such selfless people can be found in the world, but this person is still his relatives, one of his few relatives.

"Second master, are you really?" TIMA came out and looked at second master anxiously.

If the second master doesn't fight for you, you'll have nothing. As soon as master Mo takes the position of house master, the second master can't have a place in the family.

Situ yunshangmu looked at the distance: "since I promised him, I won't come forward again."

"But, second master!" Marty was so anxious that her throat was almost smoking. Then she put her heart into her stomach when she heard what second master said.

"I can't go, but that woman can. After sleeping so long, it's time to use it." situ yunshang said and looked at Di Ma.

Marty's eyes brightened, the big stone in her heart fell, and finally smiled.

In the room, Zhou Ting, who had been sleeping for nearly two months, finally woke up, and her skin disease would have been better. If it hadn't been for Marty's medicine, she would have been fine.

"The second lady is not well. The old man is seriously ill and says he wants to pass on the title of master mo." Marty saw the second lady wake up and told the second lady in a hurry.

As soon as Zhou Ting heard this, she immediately turned over from the bed, angrily put on her shoes and directly went to find the old man's theory.

Marty vomited and trotted down the stairs with her.

When she came to the door of the old man's room, Zhou Ting was stopped outside by the old man's Bodyguard: "second lady, the old man said that no one was seen except master Mo!"


Zhou Ting slapped the bodyguard in the face and scolded him like a crazy woman, making people want to find a hole in the ground.

Marty followed behind. She thought the second lady had lost a lot of weight these days and had to have a good rest when she woke up. I didn't think she was very angry.

"Get out!" Zhou Ting scolded and kicked the bodyguard again.

The financial uncle who had just entered came out and saw the second lady appear at the door. He was surprised and seemed to think of something at the same time.


The second master is still unwilling!

He shook his head helplessly and could only face the shrewdness of the second lady: "the second lady, the master is not in good health. He ordered that no one be seen except master mo."

"Uncle Cai, I'm not talking about you. The old man is sick and talking nonsense. Just listen to some words." Zhou Ting ignored uncle CAI and went in directly.

The financial uncle didn't stop. Anyway, the master woke up. Although his mental state is not very good, there should be no problem dealing with the second lady.

Master situ had just eaten something. At this time, he sat on the bed and looked at some data just sent. After smelling the familiar smell, he tightened his eyebrows in disgust.

"Get out!" he yelled.

Zhou Ting saw that the old man's face was not very good, but she spoke with great strength. She regretted her impulse and was unwilling to let the old man continue to be eccentric.

"Master, do you really don't give yunshang anything? He's your own son anyway. Even if he doesn't sit in that position, it shouldn't be the boy." she walked over confidently.


Master situ slapped Zhou Ting in the face with his backhand, pointed to the gate and shouted, "it's not up to you, a woman. What do you say? Get out... Cough... Get out of here!"

Zhou Ting touched her face and glared at the old man fiercely. Now she doesn't have to pretend. For the future of yunshang, some things can't be hidden and choked.

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