Devil's Love

Chapter 316

As soon as ace left, Tommy followed him out.

However, Enron knew that neither of them could follow ace to leave city A. It was too easy for ace to get rid of such trouble.

After lunch, she threw herself into her work again.

These days, in addition to the phone calls from situ Mo and his boss, he also receives a phone call from the senior before going to bed every night. The senior would occasionally send her a list, but she finally refused.

Because those lists may lose money for the senior students, otherwise, she didn't plan to make it difficult for the senior students at that time, so she finally pushed them all off.

When she got off work, she closed the document in her hand.

After a few days of war, everything that should be packed has been packed for the boss. It's time for her to leave.

She misses the comfortable life on the island and the coquettish voice of her baby daughter. It's time for her to go back, escape from the chase of all men and disappear completely for a period of time.

Open the computer file, she typed a resignation report as quickly as possible, then sent it to the boss's mailbox, cleaned up the documents on the desk, and walked out of the office with her bag.

Xiaoli and Xiaoshuang have lived in Enron for several days. At lunch, they told Enron that they must go home tonight.

So, starting tonight, she's alone again.

The fridge is still full. Ace bought a lot of snacks for her these two days, while Xiaoshuang and Xiaoli bought a lot of dishes and noodles that can be stored in the room.

Absentmindedly into the elevator, out of the elevator, walked to the gate, saw Xiao Jun waiting at the door.

"Miss Enron, are you going home? Let me see you off?" Xiao Jun saw Enron get off and go forward.

Enron shook his head, looked behind him, looked back at Xiao Jun and said, "she's going home today. You'd better seize the opportunity?"

Xiao Jun was a little excited, but when he thought of the president's words, he shook his head rationally: "it's okay to go later."

"You really bought off your mother-in-law and brother-in-law?" Enron saw that Xiao Jun had no previous tension, and guessed that it was mostly because of this.

Xiao Jun was embarrassed to scratch his head. It was impossible to tell Miss Enron that the president taught him this move. Miss Enron can now be regarded as an orphan without parents. Speaking out will make miss Enron sad.

Seeing Xiao Jun's grasp on his face, Enron did not delay any more. He returned to the community in Xiao Jun's car, entered the building, went upstairs and returned to his place of residence.

After Xiao Jun sent the people, he ordered his brothers to protect in the dark, and then drove to Xiaoli's house. Of course, he won't go empty handed. The trunk has already bought gifts to honor his mother-in-law and brother-in-law.

Xiao Jun's car had just left, and the black Honda appeared at the door of the community.

At this time, it was dark, but the man wearing sunglasses in the car was still wearing sunglasses. He smoked and looked at the light on it.

The news was true. Ace had always been in touch with the woman. There were too many smoke bombs before, which almost confused him.

Ghost doctor, are you okay?

I heard you lost your memory. Do you still remember me?

The smile on the corner of the man's mouth deepened a little. He didn't get out of the car. He just finished smoking that cigarette in the car and drove away.

In the dark, Huang Mao photographed the license plate and the man's appearance. After the man left, he sent the picture to the black eagle.

Black Hawk is going to perform the task newly arranged by his boss recently, but he was stunned when he saw the photo sent by Huang Mao not far from city A.

Why is this Sunglasses man so familiar?

Unfortunately, this angle is not good. After all, it is not very clear.

However, his keen sense of smell told him that the man with glasses seemed to come for his wife. Now the boss can't get through on his mobile phone. He can only contact him occasionally.

He was a little worried. He called Huang Mao and asked Huang Mao to send more people to follow his wife these two days. He would finish his work as soon as possible.

In fact, he was also very depressed. He didn't expect that there were many big crocodiles in a small place like city A. if he hadn't learned from his boss, he didn't know that all those big crocodiles were lurking in inconspicuous places.

This kind of thing is too abnormal, especially the one the boss asked him to check recently. It seems that many giants are also running for it.

Headache, he can not Tucao, can only make complaints about the white feather.


Xiao Jun sat on the sofa. In the future, his mother-in-law cooked in person. Before he could eat two, he received a group of pictures and videos.

"Xiao Jun, I bought movie tickets for you. Let's go to the movies with Xiao Li later?" the old man sat next to Xiao Jun with two movie tickets in his hand.

"Thank you, uncle!" Xiao Jun put down his cell phone, smiled and took the movie ticket and took a look at Xiao Li.

Xiaoli was forced to sit next to Xiao Jun, absently knocking melon seeds, and occasionally took a look at Xiao Jun's mobile phone. She saw the place on the video screen, which seemed to be the door of sister ran's community.

Thinking of the nervous expression on Xiao Jungang's face, she wondered if sister ran was in danger?

Come on!

Her teeth bit a small stone and she immediately vomited it out.

"Bite your teeth?" Xiao Jun took a distressed look at Xiao Li and saw that the small stones spit on the ground should be fried with melon seeds.

Seeing that Xiao Jun loved his daughter, the old man went to the kitchen to help.

My brother-in-law, who was originally living at school, heard that his brother-in-law came to eat at home and asked for leave early to help. At this time, the three members of the family were crowded in the small kitchen.

"If you have something to do, go and be busy!" Xiao Li glanced at Xiao Jun coldly.

"No... it's all right. I'll just call." Xiao Jun didn't want Xiao Li to be angry and said so on purpose.

Xiaoli flew another white eye and whispered, "you think I'm blind. That video just now is where sister ran lives. You'd better go and have a look."

"It's really all right. I just sent a message to my brother. My brother looked at me and felt relieved. Let's go to the movies after dinner." Xiao Jun knew that Xiaoli was also worried about Miss Enron's safety.

Xiao Li has heard Xiao Jun talk about Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi is not only good at computers, but also good at martial arts. If Xiao Yi used to look at sister ran, she wouldn't be so worried.

"You always think of others so much, when will you think about us?" Xiao Jun saw that Xiaoli's mind was still on Miss Enron, and his tone was obviously a little jealous. As a result, Xiaoli wanted to hit the wall with a word.

"We, we have something to think about. Come if you like, or go away if you don't want!" Xiao Li said, got up and went to the bathroom, then picked up the phone and called Enron.

Enron had nothing to do with herself. She cooked a dish and ate a few mouthfuls. After watching Xiao Li call, she pressed hands-free and connected.

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