Devil's Love

Chapter 334

Dizzy, Shifu, it's not the enemy to guard against this day and night, but the master!

Is the old man really so terrible?

An Chen looked at the master's wilting appearance and knew that the master must be in a dilemma.

After thinking for a while, the old freak finally shook his head in compromise: "it's all right. We can't delay the treatment of Enron because of these. Wait, I'll find a way to get your brother back, but?"

He looked around shrewdly, looked at the beads, looked at the two children and said, "we have to get the night Shura back. The night Shura has emerged, but it's more troublesome to catch it."

"Blame Grandpa, I'll go!" an Xing volunteered.

"I'll go too!" an Chen also opened his mouth.

Seeing that both of them were so positive, the old monster nodded happily: "OK, go back and prepare. I'll inform you when I've arranged it. This time we have to cooperate with others. Don't lose your temper at that time."

"I promise, I promise not to lose my temper, and I will cooperate with others to bring yeshura back." an Xing first raised his finger and vowed his commitment.

Master, there's something wrong in your eyes!

An Chen seems to smell something else, but for Mommy, no matter what conspiracy, he and his sister have to jump down the pit.

The old monster waved his hand to let the two children leave first, and then a bad smile arose from the corners of his mouth.

Hong Feng listened to their conversation. When the child left, he came up and said, "brother, is this appropriate? Don't let both children hate you at that time."

"What's wrong? Situ Mo is at least the grandson of the old boy and their biological father. Even if Enron is not with situ Mo, they can't let their relationship be so deadlocked. Enron needs help, or let alone revenge. It's difficult to save his life at that time." the old monster said with a worried face.

After hearing this, Hong Feng nodded: "you're right. We've checked for so many years and haven't found the person who really killed his home. It can be seen that his background is terrible!"

After hearing his brother's emotion, the strange old man called situ mo.

Situ Mo came out from the flower house after packing up. He saw a phone with a blocked number and connected it curiously.

"Smelly boy, if you want to find yeshura, I'll give you two helpers. But you have to watch these two helpers carefully. If something goes wrong, I'll beat you up." the old monster spoke in a very serious tone.

"Martial uncle!" situ Mo shouted.

He hasn't seen this martial uncle for many years. In the past, he always saw martial uncle and Shifu fighting. In the end, most of them were martial uncle who won Shifu. He was instructed by this martial uncle before.

"Dumb, talk!" the old monster said angrily without hearing the following.

"Thank you, martial uncle. I'll protect them. Where can we meet?" situ Mo returned and asked politely.

"Wait for the news! I'll send you the address later. Remember to protect me, or I'll really hurt you." the old monster hung up after threatening.

Situ Mo hung up the phone, thinking about what kind of experts martial uncle sent to help him, and frowned again.

Xiao Jun sat beside him. The old man over there had a loud voice. He could hear it clearly. Seeing the president's frown, he slowly opened his voice: "the old man said he would give you two helpers and need your protection. Shouldn't it be the young master and the little princess?"

When Xiao Jun said this, situ Mo's eyes lit up, then his eyebrows stretched and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: "come on, call them and ask them to double, no, triple their manpower."

"Yes, president!" Xiao Jun knew that nothing could go wrong. Once something happened to the young master and the little princess, they couldn't even explain to the old man if the president went back.


Yawn, yawn!

After an Xing returned to the ward, he sneezed several times, rubbed his nose and looked at his sad brother: "my brother is worried that grandpa can't bring Ziming back?"

"No, I'm thinking about something else. Let's go. Let's give it to Esther's godmother. We have to make full preparations. Maybe we have to go at night." Ann Chen said, went to the bedside, kissed mommy's face, took mommy's hand and said, "Mommy, you must be obedient. We'll be back soon."


An Xing also came up to kiss mommy and said in the waxy voice: "Mommy, you are not allowed to go secretly with grandma. You can't see us when you go, and we won't have Mommy."

"Don't worry, Mommy remembers your second brother Ziming most. Mommy, Ziming will come with you soon!" an Chen touched her crying sister.

Ziming, Ziming!

Who is Ziming?

Enron in his dream heard the name. He always felt that he had heard the name somewhere and couldn't remember it for a while.

"Enron, you should concentrate on learning things, or you won't learn medicine." an XiuXiu pulled the little chirp on her head when she saw the little girl's distraction.

"Grandma, i... I'm thinking about the herbs I taught in the morning." Enron lied and bowed his head humbly.

An XiuXiu could see it, but she didn't ask again. Holding the silver needle in her hand, she continued to tell Enron about the acupoints on the figure and the method of placing the needle.


As night fell, when the moon was high, Anchen and Anchen were arranged in a helicopter.

The helicopter flew in the sky for almost six hours and stopped in a yard by the sea. After getting off the plane, they got on a black Mercedes.

"Aunt Yunqiao!" an Xing got on the bus and saw clearly. Huo Yunqiao on the co pilot shouted happily.

"Good aunt Yunqiao!" an Chen said hello, but she was still worried.

Huo Yunqiao turned his head and looked at the two little guys behind him. His eyes fell on the iceberg face of an Chen. It's so much like someone. They all like cold expressions so much.

Before coming, Grandpa strange said that he didn't tell them that the object of cooperation in this operation was situ mo. She knew situ Mo's ability and that Grandpa strange didn't want to expose too much.

Just, these two children?

"Aunt Yunqiao, are we going to see our partners now?" an Xing looked at the scenery outside the car and found that there were short houses nearby, and there were no high-rise buildings at all.

An Chen looked up at Aunt Xiang Yunqiao and found the hesitation in her eyes. She knew that her guess was right. The object of their cooperation this time was not others, but the scum man they hated.

But why did Shifu do this?

The master thought they were too weak, so he wanted to use the slag man to work for them, and worried that the slag man didn't carefully let them come to supervise.

Yes, yes, yes!

It must be.

He thought in his heart, in fact, he didn't dare to think about other possibilities at all. That possibility was very difficult for him to accept, and it was even more difficult for his sister to accept.

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