Devil's Love

Chapter 341

"Little witch, why don't you say it when you come back?" a fat man came in at the door, breaking the terrible peace in the house.

"Get out!" the strange old man shouted. The fat man shrunk his head and disappeared.

Night Shura closed his eyes painfully. When he opened his eyes, the fat man had already run away. He didn't see the visitor clearly, but he heard the name.

Little witch?

Is such a cute little girl a little witch?

He stared at the little girl strangely to see what else he could do.

"Sister, don't kill people. If you kill people, you won't have to play." an Chen is really afraid that yeshura will die of cold if he goes on like this.

"I see, brother!" an Xing smiled sweetly, took out the same white porcelain bottle and poured the powder in the porcelain bottle.

In less than a minute, yeshura found that the piercing cold gradually disappeared. He vomited the atmosphere, stared at the little girl and smiled proudly.


An Xing is very angry, very angry, so the next night Shura will be more sad.

The little witch ran to the table, picked up a blue porcelain bottle and poured all the things in the porcelain bottle onto a new wound.

An Chen looked disgusted after seeing the things inside, and subconsciously stepped back for fear that those things would fall on him.

"Smelly girl, what's this... Ah... Drilling into the meat, ah..." yeshura just sweated too much. At the moment, his eyes are a little fuzzy. He only sees insects moving on the wound, but he can't see clearly what they are.


Anjie took a breath of cold air. Where did the baby apprentice get so many fat corpses? Didn't the baby raise them?

"Corpse worm!" Sen jack is very familiar with this thing and looks at the baby's daughter foolishly. It's just that without the previous kind of favor, it has become the look at the devil.

What's not fun? Why does she play with corpses?

He almost didn't worship. No wonder ace said it's good to annoy anyone on the island. Don't annoy an Xing, otherwise she will make you don't know whether you're dead or alive?

He didn't understand this sentence before, but now he seems to understand it.

An Xing saw that senjack's face changed greatly and comforted him: "godfather, don't be afraid. These corpses I keep won't bite their own people. However, after putting things down, they will open their mouths."

Then she sprinkled some powder on the wound. The corpse that was only drilling in the wound looked excited, and an unpleasant smell floated out of the room.


It's a very unpleasant smell, because it's the smell of decay emitted by the body after being put away for a few days.

Night Shura struggled with pain. When he opened his mouth and wanted to shout, he was stuffed with a pill. The pill went down his stomach and his throat was hot, and then he couldn't speak.

This feeling of pain without shouting is worse than death. The bloody wound can't be seen. It's estimated that it can vomit for several days.

An Xing sat beside him disapprovingly, picked up his brother's milk tea, drank milk tea and continued to eat cream cake. There was no taboo at all.

"Uncle, um... If you decide to tell the truth... Nod your head, but if you don't tell the truth after nodding, you'll taste something more powerful!" she said leisurely as she ate.

Sen Jack looked at the little witch with silly eyes. How can the girl eat under such a bad smell?

The old monster didn't say anything at all. AI Jie went up to observe an Xing's fattened corpse, just like looking at a work, and gave a few compliments: "yes, yes, this insect is raised to some level. Stars, give some to the master."

"Shifu wants everything. What a greedy little old man!" an Xing looked at Shifu contemptuously.

Anjie looked pitifully at the baby apprentice. Who made the baby apprentice so rebellious that he could match all kinds of poisons.

He's only a few years old. It's hard for him to teach. He must climb on his head in a few years.

"Well, well, for your sake, master, give you a dustpan and some poisonous butterflies!" an Xing waved generously.

"A dustpan! My God, where are you raised?" Ai Jie didn't say a word. The old monster jumped up and looked at the little witch with inquisitive eyes.

Hey, hey, hey!

An Xing smiled badly and winked at strange grandpa: "didn't strange grandpa guess?"

what the hell!

The old monster tightened his fist and really wanted to throw the little naughty out of the island a few kilometers away.

When can we get rid of this little witch, the despicable thing of situ's family? Pick up the people quickly. If she continues to make a fuss on the island, I don't know how much money will be lost in a year?

An Xing doesn't care if the place is exposed. Anyway, this kind of corpse worm is not very good. She has thought of a better way to raise some highly toxic ones. However, we can no longer keep them in Grandpa's underground prison, let alone use those half dead prisoners as nests. We still feel that there is a waste of ready-made resources.

The old monster was so angry that his chest hurt. He hurried out with his mobile phone to call his brother and asked someone to check and see if there were several prisoners who were half dead. If they could be saved, they would be saved, and if they couldn't be saved, they would be buried, so as not to be killed by the little witch. There would be no one on the island at that time.

An Xing sees it strange that grandpa goes out and spits out his little tongue. According to the generation, he should call grandpa strange to be grandpa too. Even the master is of a generation. The two old guys think that this makes them older and only let them call them Grandpa.

"It's all right. There's no place to raise it. The master provides you with a place. You can make new things and divide them into a little." Ai Jie spoiled and looked at the baby apprentice. This is his favorite disciple.

Senjack's face was twisted. The little witch was completely used to Grandpa Ajie, an old urchin. What he didn't know was that most of the people on the island were used to the little witch, or from old to young. The remaining part is completely afraid of the little witch. If you see the little witch within 50 meters, you will definitely run away.

The night Shura was half dead in pain. It didn't take long for the pain to faint.

An Chen is afraid of killing people, and asks an Xing to get the corpses out. An Xing asks him to find a piece of raw meat and sprinkle some powder on the raw meat. Before long, all the corpses climbed onto the powder.

Looking at yeshura's pale and colorless face, she patted him on the arm and woke him up: "Hey. I'll try new things for you tomorrow. This witch's things are so powerful that you can't forget them all your life."

Night Shura half opened his eyes and looked at the little witch. He didn't hate it. On the contrary, he looked more and more pleasing to his eyes. It would be nice if I could find such a little girl to be an apprentice. Otherwise, he will be blind if no one inherits his skills.

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