Devil's Love

Chapter 367

After everyone nodded, ACE asked again, "what can I do if the night Shura was robbed by situ Mo's people?"

"What does situ Mo want to do when he catches that guy?" the old monster muttered, and then said, "I'll call him later and ask you to come back. Yeshura is very important to us, and he dare not give me my face."

Tell me!

Ace looked at the strange grandpa depressed: "almost fell into the hands of Zuo Sanzhi because of fighting with them. Did ghost fire and Sinan fight with them? That guy is really strong!"

"It's a fight, a draw, and many of them have run away. Guihuo and Sinan have gone to perform other tasks, and they will meet you in Kyoto soon." the old monster nodded and felt speechless about the sudden emergence of Zuo Sanzhi.

There seems to be a kind of danger, which may pose a certain threat to the secret organizations of many Z countries at any time. So they have to take precautions in advance.

"When and who will go to Kyoto?" Enron asked excitedly. His two sons were in Kyoto. Naturally, she wanted to go as fast as possible.

"Yes, I think Chenchen, and Ziming." ace also had the same worry.

Anjie slapped ace on the back of the head: "it's getting more and more stupid. Can't you use such a good identity?"

As soon as ACE listened to Grandpa's words, he clearly touched his back head and coquettishly raised his small mouth: "Grandpa, I'm not a child. Have something to say?"

AI Jie's flat mouth: "it's not a child. It's not a child. It's not as good as a star with an antidote. It's also said that it's not a child. Do you lose face?"

Ace innocently stuck out her tongue. There are several evil children like an Xing in the world. She looked at Enron wrongfully.

Ryan smiled and opened his mouth: "this time, thanks to the poison of the stars, he can easily deal with the little drug bully."

While they were discussing the big plan, an Xing opened the small box given by Ryan after a class.

There was nothing else in the small box. It was the corpse seen in the secret room. Ryan knew that the girl liked these messy things and secretly got some in the box and brought them back.

Eh, this corpse seems different. Is it a variant?

"An Xing, it's time for class. Where are you going? Come back quickly!" the little partner behind him saw that an Xing went away with a box in his mouth.

An Xing didn't seem to hear that. She took the box to the master's laboratory. She had to see what the toxicity of the mutant corpse was and what was different from the mutant corpse she studied?

AI Jie came back from a meeting with the old monster. He heard that the little guy was in his laboratory. He hurried in to see what was going on. When he came in, he saw an Xing sitting on the table and staring at the corpses in the box in a daze.

"Star, is this your new variety just made?" Ajie asked with interest.

It should be said that he was very interested in the things made by an Xing. Looking at the fat corpses, he remembered that what an Xing had given before seemed a little different?

By the way, why are the heads of these corpses blackened?

"This is a poisonous corpse worm?" he said roughly.

"Yes, being bitten by this corpse worm will produce hallucinations. But I didn't make it, uncle Ryan gave it to me." an Xing held his small head with his hand and watched the corpse worm continue to be in a daze.


AI Jie probably knew where these things came from, but he called to confirm it.

After hearing the result, he went over and sat down and said to the baby apprentice in a deliberative tone, "stars, these things are very important to the master. Can you give the master two?"

"Shall I study with Shifu? I don't know what the poison on this thing is? It's definitely an expert to raise such a corpse! Xingxing met such a challenging thing for the first time!" an Xing didn't take all the things down as before. The feeling of hitting the wall for the first time made her wake up and thought of a sentence once said by mommy: "There are days outside the sky and people outside the people!"

"OK, our teachers and apprentices will work together to crack this toxin." Ai Jie pulled his fist in a hurry, but this scene was despised by the baby apprentice.

Master, do you want to be so childish?

This little fist is not like making up your mind at all. On the contrary, some women chirp.

An Xing sighed helplessly. The most important thing is to study the poison inside as soon as possible, or don't worry about the image with the master.


Three days later, ACE and Enron appeared at Kyoto University at the same time.

Jingda is one of the four most famous universities in Kyoto. Those who can study for postgraduates are the best graduates from major universities, and there are even a few escort places.

Enron and ACE were escorted from a university. The president of Beijing University is an old man. The old man graduated from history. It is said that he is a proper antique.

Old Dong Long looked a little bad after reading the letter to the East. He looked up at the two tall beauties in front of him and asked, "you are all excellent students in medicine. Why do you want to come to Beijing University instead of going to Yongji to study as a graduate student?"

Before coming, the old monster reminded them that the president of Beijing University was an antique and told them to deal with it carefully, so as not to kick them out of the school if his face was not enough.

AIS has been engaged in medical affairs over the years. Enron is different. She also has a job in interior design. She has certain experience and works and opened her mouth relatively confidently: "headmaster long, we also learn more disciplines while we are young. You can rest assured that jewelry design has always been our hobby for many years, and the curriculum will not fall behind."

Long Xiangdong looked suspiciously at the information submitted by Enron. The girl was OK. She had at least working experience in design. The other is different. Although he has won many awards in medicine, he has nothing to do with the jewelry major.

Enron secretly bumped into ace's elbow. After ACE regained consciousness, he said with a smile: "headmaster long, I was too focused on medicine to hide my hobbies. Please let headmaster long fulfill my selfishness?"

Long Xiangdong holds the letter of introduction given to him by the old monster. He feels in a dilemma. After thinking for a while, he nodded reluctantly: "if you can't do well in the exam, no matter who introduces you, you can't get your diploma, but you have to think about it?"

"Thank you, headmaster long!" they bowed deeply and walked out of the headmaster's office with fear.

After they left, the Dragon vomited turbid gas to the East, covered his headache head and murmured, "what does this strange old man want to do?"

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