Devil's Love

Chapter 378

After returning to school, Enron and ACE opened Zheng Tingxuan and got the news right before returning to the dormitory.

After listening to Enron's words, ACE's eyes brightened and said, "I saw old Gu on the second floor today. Except for walking to the French window to catch his breath, old Gu spent the rest of his time reading beside me. I glanced and found that he was reading classical books."

"What an old scholar!" whispered Enron.

"I think it's more appropriate for your brother to get in touch with old scholars." ace felt that Anping's identity was more convenient to get close to old scholars than them.

Enron thought it was the same. After discussing the results, they returned to the dormitory together.

At this time, the dormitory was empty and Yang Qingqing had not come back. Because they found that Yang Qingqing's taste was not quite right, they also kept a heart and deliberately didn't take a bath and waited here.

Until almost the closing time of the dormitory, Yang Qingqing finally came back.

It's the same as yesterday. Wearing that coat yesterday, the flowing sea in front of my forehead is a little messy. It looks like it should have been blown by the wind.

Even after she came back and put down the ball head, she still didn't erase some small traces.

This time, not only Enron smelled the faint smell of ink, but also ace smelled it.

Where did you go?

The disordered flowing sea blown by the wind, and the faint smell of ink.

Two people are puzzled, deliberately busy reading the information on the Secretary, like taking notes seriously?

"What are you writing so seriously?" Yang Qingqing asked casually.

"Tomorrow is not a jewelry history professor's course. We want to write down some questions and ask them tomorrow." Enron said an answer he had long thought of.

"Really serious, you go on, I'll take a bath first." Yang Qingqing took her clothes to the bathroom.

Enron also found that Yang Qingqing's Shower Gel tasted very strong after taking a bath. It completely covered up the smell that came back. Obviously, it was intentional, so he went to take a bath as soon as he came back.

After determining these circumstances, they planned to go to bed, but saw the door kicked open.

Another half an hour later, Li Jun, who was in a mess, came in from the outside angrily. Her hair was messy, and her clothes were scratched by a knife, as if she had just returned from a fight.

Enron and ACE looked at each other and stopped climbing to bed.

At this time, Yang Qingqing wiped her hair with a towel. Seeing Li Jun's angry appearance, she knew there was a good play.

Li Jun strode to Enron and raised his hand to hit again. However, his hand was thrown away in mid air. Then he heard two "pa pa" sounds, which hurt his originally red and swollen face.

"Bitch, how dare you hit me!" she looked at Enron strangely.

"Didn't those people tell you why they didn't fulfill your requirements?" Enron turned around and kicked the man out.


Li Jun's body hit the door and slipped from the door to the ground with his stomach.

Yang Qingqing was startled. Unexpectedly, Enron, who seemed soft, was still a trainer, which was beyond her expectation.

At first, she thought about how the king of hell appeared in Beijing University in order to pursue a woman. Her brother told her not to provoke these two women. Now it seems that this woman is not simple!

If their purposes are the same, her task may be ruined by the two women.


This kind of thing can never happen, so she has to find a way to let the two women leave Beijing University as soon as possible.

After Li Jun got up from the ground, he pointed to Enron in horror: "you... Wait for me, I won't let you go."

make love!

Ace came forward and slapped three times, staring coldly at Li Jun: "I heard you did something to Enron this noon?"

Yang Qingqing was happy when she heard this. It turned out that it was the fool's hand that moved first. No wonder it was K.

"How about doing it? If this bitch seduces Pang Shao, I'll kill her!" Li Jun is also a cruel character. Even if he is beaten like this, he still can't bear to admit defeat.

Ace grabbed Li Jun's clothes and whispered in her ear: "you fool, you don't know how to be a gunner. Just your Pang Shao, it's estimated that Enron hasn't got money. Enron can see that kind of guy. It's not blind!"

Li Jun was angry now. He didn't believe this at all. He pushed away ace and said, "this matter has nothing to do with you. Get out of here!"

Hehe... Hehe

Ace smiled directly. Unexpectedly, the vain woman was still a hard bone.

Seeing this, Yang Qingqing came out to be a peacemaker: "forget it, they are all in a dormitory. Why make the relationship so rigid?"

Enron and ACE didn't want to get into trouble. The most important thing is that this is a dormitory. It's too troublesome. Some people are peacekeepers, and they don't care anymore.

Ace clapped his hands and looked at Li Jun with disgust: "OK, since Qingqing opened his mouth and Enron, let's forget it?"

Safely climbed into bed without saying a word, covered the quilt and closed his eyes, which can be regarded as giving everyone the answer.


Li Jun covered his stomach and coughed twice. He was dirty and uncomfortable.

After ACE went to bed, Yang Qingqing pretended to be a good man and helped him: "go, wash well and see what your dirty body looks like?"

Li Jun didn't say a word and let Yang Qingqing help him into the bathroom.

Closing the bathroom door, Yang Qingqing whispered, "how can you do it to others at school? If the teaching director sees you, it's over. Take it easy in the future!"

Li Jun looked at Yang Qingqing. It seemed that he was worried about her words. In fact, he was afraid of being implicated?

Pang Shao was attracted to Enron, but Yang Qingqing said it. She suddenly thought of what ace had just said, looked at Yang Qingqing and said coldly, "go to bed, I'll sleep after washing."

"OK, what do you mean?" Yang Qingqing nodded and went out of the bathroom.

Li Jun took off his clothes and looked at the bruises on his body. These were left after a fight with those bastards today. Those bastards took the money and didn't do anything. They almost suffered from them.


It seems that Enron and ACE not only have courage, but also may have some background, otherwise those bastards will not suddenly bite back.


There was a noise between her teeth. She slowly took off her clothes, then went into the bathroom and washed herself with hot water. She endured the pain and went out of the bathroom. She even had some trouble climbing to bed.

Enron and Li Jun slept on the same side against the wall. She could hear Li Jun's painful breathing clearly in the quiet night.

In the middle of the night, Li Jun had a fever and called grandma vaguely. If there were not a guardrail beside the bed, her too fierce action would have turned down from above.

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