Devil's Love

Chapter 913

On this side, Enron was carried home. Seeing Enron sprained his foot, ACE came to have a look. The wound was smeared with medicinal oil, and ACE gave it another massage. Enron frowned all the way and looked very sad.

Ziming is very angry and stares at daddy. What does Daddy do to eat? Can mommy's feet twist like this for such a distance?

Fortunately, my sister has fallen asleep. If you let her see it, she may feel uncomfortable again.

After taking the medicine, ACE carried the man directly to the room and didn't give situ Mo a chance to get close at all.

That night, ace was responsible for watching Anxing all night and let Enron have a good sleep. When an Xing got up, ACE gave an Xing a dose of medicine. Before long, an Xing slept again.

Situ Mo returned to his room. The fat man was not here, and an Chen was not here. Zi Ming had to go to his room to sleep. However, he was a little upset in the face of this little chatter.

Sure enough, as soon as an Chen entered the door, he began to nag: "Daddy, why are you so useless? Such a distance can make Mommy sprain her foot, you..."

Crackle, crackle!

Situ Mo was very helpless. He turned on the computer and processed some files without paying attention.

Ziming was tired of talking and fell asleep on the quilt. Anyway, his faith is very firm. Daddy must marry Mommy back.

Situ Mo finally found that there was no nagging voice, disposed of the email in the computer as soon as possible, and lay down.

At three o'clock in the morning, the vibration of his mobile phone woke him up again. He got up and took his mobile phone to the bathroom.

"Elder martial brother, I found out what you asked me to find out for you. The Murong family in country t does have a very powerful mage, but he disappeared three years ago. It's not easy to see this man, but the wizard loves Murong Yunlei, the second grandson of the patriarch. If you can get the help of his father Murong Chong, you will be more likely to see that wizard." A woman's voice came over the phone.

"Murong Chong, this name is very familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere?" situ Mo didn't remember it for a moment and a half.

After hearing this, the woman reminded: "Murong Chong's wife is from the capital Ye family."

"Ye Er Ye's son-in-law?" situ Mo finally remembered. I heard that the three of them went to the old house to visit Grandpa some time ago.

In this way, it's much more convenient to have a relationship with Murong chongla. He turned back and said gratefully, "it's hard, younger martial sister. When will she come to Kyoto?"

"Hey... I wanted to go this month, but Shifu didn't know what to smoke. He suddenly took us all to country R for training. I just packed up my things and set out early tomorrow morning." the woman said very depressed.

Go to country R for experience?

Situ Mo hasn't contacted Shifu for some time, and he doesn't know what Shifu is busy with?

Hearing what the younger martial sister said, he suddenly felt that the master was going to do something. However, when he asked the younger martial sister, it was estimated that the younger martial sister didn't know, so he didn't make a sound again. After a chat, he hung up the phone and went back to lie down.

The next morning, the stock market of situ group suddenly plunged across the board.

In the office, situ yunshang and Du Peng looked at the stock radian on the computer, but they smiled very happily. Sitting on the next table, Xiao Yi's fingers kept tapping on the keyboard, completely unaware that the company was in a panic at the moment.

"What's the matter? Did it fall too hard?"

"Oh, hey, I have no money."

"How come the second boss hasn't said a word yet!"

"Even President Du didn't show up in the office all the time. He just called manager Xiao in. At this time, what can a technician do to pull the plate?"

Finally, someone couldn't help calling Xiao Jun, who was a department manager and an old man of the company.

Xiao Jun answered the phone and was very calm: "don't worry. It's all right. Just pretend you haven't called me. The rest of the company can do whatever they like. Just don't stop it."

The department manager was also an eye-catching one. After hearing what Schott said, he guessed what the president might do. He was very good at being a man and said, "I'll take good care of it and report to you if there are suspicious people."

"OK, if you find one or two, the president will be rewarded." Xiao Jun said and hung up the phone.

At this time, he was drinking tea with Dong Le at the antique market. Dong Le said that after that day, the person who followed him disappeared, and he didn't go back to the antique market, as if the world had evaporated.

Xiao Jun asks Dong le to stare at the Japanese one. Anyway, the Japanese one will find the person sooner or later.

After chatting for a while, he left the antique market with the medicine he found and drove to the yard where Enron lived. Before entering the gate of the yard, he saw a familiar figure sneaking around the corner.

Dong Dong!

He raised his hand and knocked on the door of the yard. It was Kuang Yun who opened the door.

When he entered the yard, he found that everyone was chatting in the yard, drinking tea and basking in the sun. Ziming was bored to find Sinan playing chess there. The president of his family was cutting flat fruit for the little princess Xingxing. It's a harmonious scene. If the company's employees see the president's vacation, they don't know whether they will go crazy collectively?

"President, I have brought you the medicine you want." he sent it to you.

Situ Mo took the medicine and took it to Enron. Xiao Jun followed up and whispered a few words.

Enron was looking through some medical books in his room to see where the prescription given by the elder's friend came from?

She felt that it was an ancient prescription with a wide range of effects, which could be used in other diseases in the future.

Situ Mo came in and didn't want to disturb Enron when he saw that Enron was serious, but what Xiao Jun said must be told Enron to see how Enron handled it?

"Gong Yunlie is coming again." he really doesn't know what Gong Yunlie is going to do?

Gong Yunlie?

Enron is about to forget this person, but considering that several important news before came from him, it must be important to appear again now.

She put down her book and opened the computer monitoring. Sure enough, she saw Gong Yunlie appear in front of the monitoring wearing a cap. She stood up, leaning on the crutch sent by ACE, ready to meet Gong Yunlie.

"I'll carry you!" situ Mo patted his back.

"No, it doesn't hurt so much today. You don't have to do much with crutches?" Enron refused directly and walked out of the room with crutches.

When Ziming heard the voice, he looked up and saw that daddy and Mommy went out together. He was in a good mood and continued to play chess with Sinan.

Sinan looked at the crazy cloud sitting nearby smoking in a daze. He didn't know what the crazy cloud was thinking?

Situ Mo and Enron walked into the familiar alley and soon saw the anxious Gong Yunlie. Gong Yunlie finally waited for Enron and greeted him with a long breath.

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