Devil's Love

Chapter 916

Bai Minxi held Enron in front of an Xing and put it down. This scene was seen by situ Mo and his heart was sour.

But now no one cares too much about his face. Everyone's eyes are on an Xing's uncomfortable face.

"Tell Bai Godfather where it hurts?" Bai Minxi asked softly.

"My chest hurts a little, but it's better than before." an Xing's forehead is sweating, and her lips are still white. She tries to bear the pain. However, the pain at the moment is much lighter than when doing treatment, and a little tolerance will pass.

Enron felt an Xing's pulse. His heart beat faster, not particularly powerful. It should be just a slight symptom. Most of the medicine is also a little irritating.

"Mommy, it must be the medicine that won't work. Don't let your sister take it anymore." Ziming frowned when he saw mommy.

"What do you know? Don't talk nonsense there!" Ann Chen was really angry. In order to protect her father, she even ignored her sister's body.

For pharmacology, Ziming admitted that he was not as good as his brother, but his sister felt uncomfortable. It was too much for his brother to protect Bai Minxi.

Looking at the two sons frowning, Enron only felt that his head hurt more. However, after all, she believes in the senior students. The friend without the senior students doesn't know when to open the second prohibition of the stars?

After checking, Bai Minxi said, "she belongs to the anti hissing phenomenon. Star, is the pain not as severe as it was during treatment?"

"No, godfather, your friend also said that such a situation will occur. As long as the symptoms are not very dense, there is no big problem. However, if you want to repair quickly, you have to go to country t to find master Ma Chai. My auxiliary method is too weak, and I need master Ma Chai's help to repair faster." an Xing told everyone what the master said before, In order to avoid everyone wrongly blaming Baigan father, Baigan father is definitely kind.

Hearing his sister say this, Ziming bit his lips and lowered his head. No one knew what he was thinking.

An Chen looked at Ziming, glared at the slag man and said, "this is the good son you taught, more and more selfish!"

"Brother, don't say that about daddy. It's none of daddy's business!" Ziming also raised his head and retorted angrily.

"What do you think just now? Is it really just because you're worried about your sister? Or are you afraid that Bai Godfather will take credit? Ziming, you should see clearly that no is No. the whole family is only talkers and can only talk." an Chen didn't plan to let Ziming go this time. However, sooner or later, something will happen because of this bias.

"Brother, you've gone too far. Over the years, daddy and grandpa have been making up for what they did wrong. Shouldn't they give you a chance?" Ziming stretched his neck and said everything in his heart.


An Chen snorted coldly and gave Ziming a big white eye: "if there were no grandma Liu, my sister might have difficulty giving birth in her stomach, and there would be no me without my sister. Such a mistake, you ask and see who thinks it can be made up for. It doesn't matter if you say I'm small-minded. On the contrary, I'm a person who remembers revenge. I'll remember this revenge... All my life!"

With that, he rushed into his room without looking back. He was very angry, very angry.

Bai Minxi worried that Anchen would not understand. After taking a look at Enron, he got up and chased up.

Ziming also puffed up his cheeks angrily and looked at the direction of his brother's departure. Tears flowed down. Brother said he would never forgive daddy all his life. What should he do?


He burst into tears.

"Don't cry!" situ Mo really couldn't stand Ziming's crying problem. He was not as strong as the star.

"Smelly daddy, I'll help you talk, and you're still cruel to me!" Ziming cried even more when he saw daddy's attitude.

Enron saw that the two children had such a headache, and his heart hurt, and his face turned white.

Crazy cloud heard Ziming's cry and said upset, "Ziming, if anything can be solved with tears, there won't be so many poor people in the world."

If he were on the island, he would have scolded. This young master's habit is really annoying.

Sinan also looked at Ziming with disgust. He couldn't stand crying like a girl. There was no second one on an island like Ziming.

Ziming found that everyone looked at him with disgust and quickly put away the cry. However, the cheeks on both sides bulged because of anger.

An Xing looked at her second brother and didn't like it. Moreover, she was worried about what would happen if her brother was too angry. She turned to Mommy and said, "Mommy, go and see your brother. I'm slowing down now."

Enron returned to God, touched the sensible star and let ace hold him into Chenchen's room.

Chenchen didn't cry, but turned on the computer and asked Baigan father to play games with him, which is also one of his ways to vent. He didn't like to cry since he was a child. He seldom shed tears even when he was very sad.

"Chenchen, your number is almost invincible!" Bai Minxi has played this game with Anchen before, and Anchen's level has always been the highest.


Who is this? I haven't seen this figure before. It's only two levels different from an Chen. The speed is flying.

"This number suddenly appeared, but I know who he is?" an Chen played the game in his hand, but he knew Bai godfather's doubts.

After hearing this, Bai Minxi knew that the account suddenly appeared was situ Mo's. it seems that situ Mo really took a lot of effort to make up with Chenchen.

"It's just a game, and I don't care. White godfather, after a while, when I'm free, I'll get a new program out, and then we'll upgrade and play strange together." an Chen is afraid that white Godfather has an idea in his heart and immediately has a new idea.

"If you're happy, I don't have much research on these." Bai Minxi really doesn't have much research on these. When he was in school, he liked to do design like Enron. Hackers came into contact gradually later. His level is better than situ mo. It's estimated that it's good to have the same level as fat people.

An Chen knew that Bai Gan's father was open-minded, unlike some people who always wanted to exploit loopholes.

Ace and Enron went to the door and saw the harmonious scene. The big stones in their hearts fell to the ground. They all thought it would be good if Ziming could integrate into such a scene.

However, they just think that this possibility is too small.

Neither of them entered the room, turned and left. When they returned to the yard, they didn't see Ziming. Only crazy cloud was talking to the stars, and Dabai squatted there and looked at them foolishly.


Enron took a long breath.

"Don't worry, I've been trying to get these two boys back to the island these two days." ace whispered, knowing what Enron was upset about.

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