Devil's Love

Chapter 918

"Father, I'll go with Xiaomo. After all, it's related to Xingxing's disease. However, I'll be two days late." situ yunshang thinks it's very important. This is the game between Xiaomo and Bai Minxi. Winning or losing is also very important for their situ family.

Situ Tianyou nodded: "well, your second uncle works steadily. Your brain is not as good as it used to be since you worked harder with Bai Minxi. Sometimes it's not as good as Ziming."

Situ Mo was speechless and could only nod his head.

"By the way, I think of one thing." Lao Cai suddenly remembered something, sorted out his thoughts a little and said, "Murong Chong loves his wife and son very much, especially his son Murong Yunlei. When he came last time, Murong Chong also mentioned the little girl with Ziming, saying that his son likes the little girl very much."

"The little girl with Ziming is not a star." situ Mo thought of it as soon as he heard it.


He can't send Xingxing to Murong's house as a child's daughter-in-law just because he helps Xingxing cure his illness, can he?

If so, why don't an Chen and Zi Ming go crazy?

The whole family is silent. No one will be willing to be a child's daughter-in-law. That's absolutely impossible. If so, the way to Murong's house through the stars will be cut off directly.

They can only discuss other ways. They have some friendship with the Murong family leader. I hope they can see the wizard of the Murong family through other ways.


An Chen and Zi Ming had no language communication in the whole flight. They got off the helicopter and took a boat. They still didn't speak.

Crazy cloud and Sinan looked at the two boys and ignored them. Anyway, their task is to send the two boys back to the island. The rest is not their business.

After arriving at the place, Anchen and Ziming saw the strange old couple who picked them up at the seaside. After they took the child away, crazy cloud and Sinan went back to have a rest.

The next morning, crazy cloud, Sinan and ghost fire left the island together. They had other tasks to perform.

In order to prevent the two children from thinking about Enron every day, the old monster has already prepared a relatively close training program for them, and the whole process is closed.

"Closed, then you can't talk to Mommy and sister. Senior, I miss my sister's body very much." the strange old man in the Ming Dynasty was arrogant.

The old monster groaned and looked at Ziming. The boy has many ghost ideas. Look at an Chen's face, but he won't say anything more?

AI Jie looked at the attitude of the two boys, shook his head and said, "I've been out for a long time. My heart is wild. Have I forgotten my first heart?"

An Chen and Zi Ming look at old man AI after listening.

Initial heart?

The two brothers looked at each other and then lowered their heads in shame.

"OK, let's go to your instructor to report. This time, there are a series of operations besides physical strength." the old monster waved his hand. No wonder Enron saw that the two boys had a headache.

Ziming still felt that he didn't have a taste in his heart. He purred and asked, "senior, won't fat man train with us?"

The old monster looked at Ziming with a lazy tone and said, "his old man is not feeling well. He can't participate this time. Let's wait for the next time!"

"Oh!" Ziming answered with disappointment and followed his brother to the training camp.

Old monster and AI Jie watched the two boys leave. They went to the pavilion next to them and sat down. There were tea and snacks in the pavilion. They rarely had time to sit down and chat.

"After all, there is someone who wants to be a bad man. Let Enron make a decision earlier. If it goes on like this, Enron will bear more pressure." Aijie shook his head helplessly.

The old monster regretted his original decision. He had known that things would turn out like this. At the beginning, he directly asked Bai Minxi or situ Mo to marry Enron. Now he is self defeating.

Just as they were sighing, Cai Yingxue came out of the small room next to them and brought the newly cut watermelon. Looking at the worried look of the two old men, she boiled water and poured tea for them again.

"Old sister-in-law, what do you say about Enron?" Ai Jie looked at Cai Yingxue and said.

"Just pick one. If you can't pick one, draw lots. Anyway, whoever you choose will have regrets." Cai Yingxue gave a bad idea.

Ha ha ha

When Hong Feng entered the pavilion, he heard his sister-in-law's words and couldn't help laughing: "sister-in-law, this is marriage. Can you draw lots?"

"What's wrong? Just like your sister-in-law said, you can have regrets for whoever you choose, and whoever you choose will make a child unhappy. It's impossible for Enron to become a nun directly because of this?" the old monster doesn't want to take this step safely, which is tantamount to forcing Enron to a dead end.

Hong Feng was speechless, as if he was right.

Ha ha ha

Now it's Aijie's turn to laugh and put up his fingers for a while. "Good idea. Tell AIS this way and let AIS tell Enron. We don't have time to say that we are old and disrespectful and think of bad ideas."

After several people had made a decision, they didn't tangle with this matter anymore and shifted the topic to other things. Not far away, grandma Liu looked at all this, sighed and turned back to her small yard.


Yawn! Yawn!

Just got on the plane, an Xing kept sneezing.

I don't know if it's because of my poor health these days. My physique has weakened a lot. When I come out, I wear less clothes. It's like I'm going to catch a cold.

Bai Minxi took off his clothes and asked an Xing to cover it. An Xing sat by the window and looked at the scenery outside.

The sky at night is also beautiful. However, she prefers to look at the sky during the day, the burning clouds in the sky, the clouds like cotton candy, and sometimes the patterns of animals.

The corner of her mouth raised. She pointed out and said, "Mommy, there's a plane passing over there!"

"A lot of people choose evening flights to travel to T country, and the price will be cheaper," Bai Minxi explained.

However, there is no such saying because they are in first class. There are not many people in first class and it will not be too noisy.

Situ Mo, who had planned to travel on the same flight with them, temporarily called and changed the time. Situ Mo and situ yunshang chose to take the morning flight to arrive in country t first, but they didn't know.

"Stars, are you dizzy or something?" Enron asked with concern.

"No, it's just that his nose is a little stuffed. It's estimated that he will catch a cold." an Xing said and sucked his nose. One side of his nose was blocked.

Bai Minxi handed a thermos bottle to an Xing: "drink more hot water. Your physique is much worse before you recover. After recovery, it won't be so easy to be attacked by the cold wind."

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