Devil's Love

Chapter 922

There are too many dangers outside. Bai Minxi doesn't go out this day after returning to the yard. There are many small restaurants around here. Cui is already exposed. Now he can only let black one and black two deliver meals to them in turn.

The environment of the small yard is very good. An Xing looks in a good mood. He took a bath and changed his clothes. He tossed about the flowers and plants in the yard. When he was tired, he went into the room and lay down for a while. It was a good day. In the evening, everyone is very energetic. The TV is not good-looking. An Xing, the language of T country, doesn't understand very well.

Finally, the four people were really bored. They simply played Chenchen's game online, which was a way to pass the time.

Three days in the morning, the temperature finally dropped a little. In tropical cities like this, mosquitoes fly everywhere at night.

Compared with them playing games in the air-conditioned room, Tira doesn't live so well.

It was not easy to track the ghost doctor and lost him. After leaving the yard, she went to find some local ruffians, sent the ghost doctor's appearance to those local ruffians, and asked them to find the ghost doctor's whereabouts.

However, she was not idle and drove around the whole city. At this time, she had not given up. Every time she thinks of losing that man, her heart is like a knife.

Ghost doctor, even if you lift up this city, she will find you.

At the moment, she was very tired. She parked the car on the side of the road, lit a cigarette, took a sip, looked at the car that had followed her all day in the car mirror, and she knew it was the Murong family. She didn't care much.

At five o'clock in the morning, a message was suddenly sent to her mobile phone. She suddenly got into the car and found a place to stop. She came to Bai Minxi's yard in the dark. Now she only knows that it's here. She can't be sure which yard she lives in?

Heiyi also lives near here, and a camera is installed at the gate of their yard. Even if they don't have to go out at night, they can see the situation around them. Not only they installed it here, but also Bai Minxi's yard, which is hidden, so it's not easy to find it.

At this time, black one and black two also rested. Naturally, they didn't know what was happening outside.

As soon as it was dark, I woke up. I used to check the video recorded by the camera. I soon found Tira wandering nearby and called Cui again.

Cui went to bed late last night. At this moment, after listening to Heiyi's report, he dragged his tired body to knock on Bai Minxi's door.

Bai Minxi said that if so, then everyone will change their appearance. After changing their appearance, they won't let Heiyi deliver their meals. They can go out to eat.

Cui remembered that Enron was a ghost doctor again. Her technique of changing looks was unique. So he felt relieved to go back to bed.

In this way, they stayed in the yard for another three days, and finally there was news from master Ma Chai. The man came back in her residence, Baisha valley.

It takes six hours to drive from Baisha valley. That car couldn't be driven that day. They had to take another car.

Before going out, they not only changed their faces so that Tira wouldn't recognize them. In order to improve the safety factor, Cui also put on women's clothes and became a proper beauty.


An Xing has laughed several times in the yard.

"I have no conscience. It's all for you. Sobbing... Brother, you can't stop me!" Cui played it again.

Ha ha ha

An Xing laughed loudly. After she had laughed enough, they went out of the yard.

In order to play the trick well, Cui worked hard again. Not only that, an Xing also changed from a lively little girl to a handsome little boy. In order not to provoke a turning back rate, everyone's appearance also looks very general.

T country is too hot. Because of easy appearance, they have to find an air-conditioned place to eat, otherwise the things on their faces are easy to wear.

After entering a small restaurant, they asked for a box. Now it's lunch. After eating, they go directly to Baisha valley. When they entered the tavern, Heiyi had parked his car at the door. Heiyi gave the key and left directly to avoid being watched.

After eating and drinking, several people went out of the tavern, but an Xing frowned when he saw the van in front of him.

"Get in the car. The car is too good and eye-catching. Many poison masters near Baisha Valley haven't come out yet. It's better to keep a low profile." Cui said the reason for getting the broken car again.

An Xing understood after listening. When he got into the car, he found that the outside of the car looked broken and the inside was OK. At least the air conditioner could work.

"Our salutes are in the trunk. Let's go!" Cui said again and stepped on the accelerator.

When he left, Enron saw Tira smoking at the corner. Tira's big wavy hair was so conspicuous that he could remember him once.

The car soon drove out of T city and got on the highway. When you get here, you can rest assured.

From here to Baisha Valley, there is about more than four hours of expressway. The expressway is easy to walk. In addition, everyone gets up late today and is very energetic at the moment.

While wandering around the yard, Tira got a message at 3 p.m. that several people speaking Z Mandarin ate in a small restaurant at noon. After eating, he left in a van.

There are four children, only two women, one man and one boy, which is somewhat different from her goal. However, as a poison master, she soon thought that these were the people she was looking for, but they were easy to look for.


She choked off the cigarette end in her hand, made a phone call, and soon got the direction of the car out of town. She drove up with several little Luo Luo.

Not far away, Camille's phone on the luxury car called out: "boss, it seems that Tilla's car is going out of town."

"Keep up!" zarag said two words, looked at the young master with tangled eyebrows in front of him, nodded and bowed forward and said, "don't worry, young master, you will find the little girl as soon as possible."

"Let's go and have a look. The woman didn't tell the truth." Murong Yunlei, the young master of the richest man's family, inherited the good genes of the Murong family. He is not only precocious, but also very smart.

After watching the video of zarag talking to Tira, he felt that the woman must be lying. He had made it clear that the woman with an Xing was her mother, Miss Enron, and the other was Bai Minxi, an Xing's godfather, who was Miss Enron's first love.

As for another man who should be their friend, Bai minxike is a well-known man who is not abusive, and his value is also very high. How can he look up to Tira's bad goods? Therefore, he thinks Tira must be lying. There must be something they don't know.

"But..." zarag looked at the young master with a sad face. It's hard to say a lot when he left the city.

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