Devil's Love

Chapter 938

If what nya said is true, it is possible that the child is only the master's patient. Then the master's closed disciple is the man he helped treat that day.


No, that man came out of the master's yard with the second master of Murong family. If he was really the master's closed disciple, how could he listen to the Scriptures instead of learning more advanced things with the master?

It's the child!

Yes, that's the child. That child is the master's closed disciple.

In the master's eyes, he is not as good as a child. It's really annoying.

He clenched his teeth and clenched his fist, suddenly pulled NIA into his arms, and then carried the man into the room.


The woman gave out a string of proud laughter, but there was a calculation color in the bottom of her eyes that men couldn't see.


At night, the starry sky is beautiful.

It's a little cooler in the evening. Several people eat watermelon in the yard. Mosquito repellent grass is planted in the yard, but there are no mosquitoes.

The three people brought chairs, looked up at the sky, looked at the stars, and spoke every word.

An Xing was in good spirits after sleeping. She ate a piece of watermelon. She asked Mao Zhong to wash his face and sit in front of him with a small stool.

Master Ma Chai has a lot of medicines. These medicines are prepared after eating. They have all been prepared. As long as they are applied to Mao Zhong's face to scab and peel off Mao Zhong's face, then pierce the suppurative places with a needle, apply special powder, and go back and forth three or four times.

"Bear with it. This medicine is more painful than those you used before, and today is the first time. You can't recover your face until you use it at least three times." she said patiently as she smeared the medicine on Mao Zhong.

"Little master, I'm not afraid of pain, as long as I can get better." Mao Zhong said very excitedly.


An Xing looks at Mao Zhong's smile like a child and thinks that he must be very cute when he was a child. It's just that life is not good, so it will be reduced to today.

Mao Zhong closed his eyes, felt the tingling on his face and held back. After waiting for a long time, there was a cool feeling from the wound, and his body relaxed.

An Xing also found that the sweat on Mao Zhong's forehead kept coming down. The pain is not something that ordinary people can endure. It is estimated that the wound has experienced such pain many times, so it has such a good degree of patience.


Several people were talking to each other. A voice came from the door and successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"Distinguished guests, this is a special snack for you. Let's see if you like it?" a man with a tray appeared at the gate of the yard. It was a cook.

In the face of the sudden emergence of people, we are still very vigilant. Even in this yard, we are not sure that everyone is really loyal to master Ma Chai.

"Come in, hard work, thank you!" Enron still greeted with a smile.

The man came in with a tray and put the snacks on the table. When he saw an Xing applying medicine to Mao Zhong, he smiled and said, "Mao Zhong, are you playing games with the little girl?"

"Yes, I just bought some medicine from outside and tried it. The little girl said she wanted to learn medicine, so she asked her to try it with me." Mao Zhong knew that everyone was on guard and made a clever excuse.

An Xing gave Mao Zhong a bang bang look and deliberately said in a childish voice, "Hey, your face is bumpy and looks frightening."

"Yes, do you want to continue?" Mao Zhong said deliberately.

"Of course, I'm not a coward." an Xing raised his small mouth and continued his action. She did it carefully and seriously, because the medicine really hurts.

The man looked at their interaction, smiled and withdrew from the yard. After leaving, instead of going back to his residence, he left the yard through the back door and disappeared into the dark.

As soon as he left, situ Mo followed him out of the yard. Before long, situ Mo followed the man to a back door of the yard.

During the day, he had asked Xiao Jun to find someone to find out the situation nearby. Sajie lived in this yard. Moreover, there was a woman living in this yard. That woman was not simple. I'm afraid there was another purpose to get close to sajie.

He didn't follow in. He just stood nearby and looked. After a while, the man came out of the backyard with a bag in his hand. The bag looked heavy and mostly good.

"Wait a minute!" suddenly a woman's voice came from there.

Situ Mo subconsciously hid himself. After seeing the woman's appearance, he suddenly remembered something.

"Remember, you must do this well, and I'll get a big reward after doing it well." NIA said and stuffed a thick pile of money into the cook's hand.

The cook was so happy that he bowed and flattered NIA. Then he left with the money and the heavy bag.

Nya looked at the cook's happy look, and a strange smile arose from the corners of his mouth, which was gloomy and terrible in the moonlight.

Seeing this, situ Mo was more sure that he was right. This is Leng rose, the poison master of T country, and also the top 20 expert in the killer list.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this woman is a phantom. Is her appearance aimed at the ghost doctor?

by the way!

Last time min Xi said that the purpose of kuangsha's going to anling was to catch Enron. Did this woman also appear to catch Enron?

If so, we can't stay here too long, otherwise not only Enron is in danger, I'm afraid the danger of Anxing will not be less.

After waiting for the woman to return, situ Mo followed the cook back to the yard.

After watching the cook enter the servant's room, he went directly to Enron's yard. At this time, there were servants patrolling in the yard. They didn't stop situ Mo when they saw it. After all, they were all distinguished guests of master Ma Chai.

When situ Mo came to the yard, Enron and his family had entered the house, watching TV, chatting and eating snacks.

Master Ma Chai knew that an Xing was coming and asked his servants to buy a lot of snacks in advance, but now it seems that Cui is the one who eats the most.

"Eat less. Be careful. No one wants it." an Xing puffed up his cheeks and robbed Cui you's snacks. The greedy guy almost finished her favorite food.


Bai Minxi saw an Xing's lovely little appearance and said after laughing: "be careful, you're so fat that even Ayi ignores you."

"I'll go. Don't do that. It's just a snack. Can't I go down the mountain to buy it for you tomorrow?" Cui was offering another package of snacks with both hands.


Bai Minxi and Enron smiled when they saw their faces. The scene looked very warm, but such a warm scene was seen by situ Mo who had just come to the door.

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