Devil's Love

Chapter 941

Sajie was dissatisfied. He left it to his younger martial sister, but didn't give it to him, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

Master Ma Chai was not anxious or slow. She could see a lot of things at a glance. After Zhuo Yan left, she looked at the other two disciples and said, "since it's such a thing, check your yard except the master's yard. Don't stay those who don't matter, so as not to make people laugh."

"Yes, master!" Dodi obediently took his life.

Sajie frowned and said, "master, I want to stay."

"If you think you will marry, master has no opinion. If not, let her go down the mountain?" master Ma guessed faintly.

Marry her?

How is that possible?

The woman was in a mess. If she hadn't been valuable, sajie would have sent the man away.

"Go down!" master Ma Chai didn't say much. This was the last reminder to sajie. If he couldn't understand this, she would have nothing to say.

"Yes, master!" Dodi wanted to say something. At the moment, he couldn't feel the master's real intention, so he had to salute and retreat.

Sajie hesitated to look at the master and turned his attention to situ Mo and an Xing.

Master Ma Chai ignored sajie, turned to the star and said, "your disease is almost better. Go back and pack up your things, and you can leave!"

"OK, listen to you!" an Xing cleverly read the master's eyes and didn't call the master.

Situ Mo got up and saluted master Ma Chai. He took an Xing out of the yard. When he left, he also glanced at sajie with Yu Guang.

After the mother and daughter left the yard, sajie finally couldn't restrain his careful thought and asked, "master, who is the closing disciple you accepted?"

"Why do you care so much about it?" master Ma Chai said faintly.

The housekeeper has asked people to change into tea sets. Seeing that the master is not in a hurry, he pinched a cold sweat for master sajie in his heart.

Sajie took a deep breath, eased his mood a little, and then knelt on the ground: "master, disciple is stupid. I don't know what's wrong. Why doesn't master want sajie to enter the inner door?"

"I ask you, how old are you this year?" Ma guessed that master Ma didn't have too many waves.

"Master, I'm 40 this year." sajie didn't want to mention his age, not because he was afraid of getting old, but because at this age, his skill hasn't increased to the level he wants.

"What about cultivation?" master Ma Chai asked again.

"The middle steps of the third floor lingered, and he hasn't broken through to the high level yet." when sajie said this, he was very excited. Sure enough, hearing master's next words, he was like being poured cold water.

Master Ma Chai took a sip of tea, and suddenly a fierce eye swept at sajie: "as an inner disciple, I'm still very young. However, I've broken through the second floor. I believe it won't be long before I can enter the third floor."

"Young, how young?" sajie asked cheerfully.

Master Ma Chai did not answer, but waved his hand and said, "in short, she is much younger than you. She can rush from a newcomer to the second floor in just a few months. Do you think she is good enough? Go and do what you should do and don't do what you regret."

"Yes!" sajie's heart was half cold.

He also knew that in addition to hard work, he had to look at his talent. His talent was the highest of the three. Unexpectedly, Shifu met a higher one and only broke through the second floor in a few months. He didn't even think about it.

He didn't know how to get out of the yard. The whole person looked decadent as if he had lost his soul. He didn't raise his head slowly until he was patted behind him.

Dodi didn't leave after he came out, but waited for senior brother in front of him. He knew that his senior brother must be impatient. The cook was the one he recommended. In order to avoid suspicion, he could understand that master wouldn't let him touch it.

However, these two days he found that the cook had close contact with the woman of the eldest martial brother. He always felt that something was wrong.

"Elder martial brother, what did the master say? What's the matter with you?" he asked around to the elder martial brother.


Sajie vomited a long breath, shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "Master said that the inner disciple he accepted directly broke through the second floor from the entry in just a few months. There is such a genius in the world. Younger martial brother, it seems that I really misunderstood master."

"Break through the second floor in a few months, really? That inner disciple can be so powerful?" Dodi looked at his senior brother incredulously, and his eyes were surprised. That was terrible surprise.

Sajie nodded: "master, there's no need to lie to us. All right, I'm dead."

"What's the big brother's plan?" Dodi was worried that the big brother would leave.

"I don't know. Just think about it a little calmly. Go back and do it according to the master's words." sajie waved his hand. Now he just wants to be calm.

"Elder martial brother, there's something I wanted to tell you today, but I don't know if I want to tell you now?" Dodi thought he should remind the elder martial brother of something so that he wouldn't fall into it again.

"You say!" sajie said two words absently.

Dodi looked around stealthily and made sure no one was following. Then he whispered, "I saw the dead cook go to see nya these two days, or nya's confidant. Now I want to meet that cook. Is it calculated?"

Sajie looked at Dodi after listening. He seemed to think of something, but he didn't express it.

"Elder martial brother, I don't mean anything else, just to remind you." Dodi couldn't understand the elder martial brother's current mood and added carefully.

Sajie squeezed out a smile, nodded and said, "I know you are kind. Don't let your elder martial sister know about this. I don't want to get into trouble at this time. Nanya, I'll solve it as soon as possible."

"Elder martial brother, it's good to know. I'll arrange the people in the backyard too." Dodi turned and left. He also had to take away the people who didn't need them in the backyard. After all, he introduced the cook, so that it wouldn't be troublesome for someone to chew his tongue in front of master.

After Dodi left, sajie turned back to his yard. As soon as he went in, Niya met him and asked with concern, "what's up? Are you sure who?"

"Master didn't say, but asked us to disperse the people in the backyard. This is too extreme." sajie glanced at Niya. He didn't agree to use this way before, but Niya insisted that only in this way can he enter.

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