Devil's Love

Chapter 967

At this time, Enron's car was caught between the two ends. In front of it was a large truck in an accident, and behind it was a large SUV.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Bai Minxi and situ Mo got out of the car and ran here.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, ACE asked Enron to hold an Xing. Just as they were ready to get off to check the situation, a car suddenly rushed over from the side.

Sinan killed the steering wheel and rushed out in the other direction. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough. If he was hit by this car, everyone would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"I'll go. They're going to kill us." Sinan scolded.

Ace opened the window, pointed at the wheel of the car and came to a wooden warehouse. With a tear, the car suddenly crashed into the nearby flower garden and stopped.


Ace vomited. Just as she was about to breathe, several big men came down from the car. The other end of their car was also blocked by cars coming from the side road.

It was a premeditated interception, so they had to get out of the car and find a chance to escape.

But as soon as the door was opened, the people opened the wooden warehouse this way. At this time, situ Mo and Bai Minxi rushed over, all aimed at those people and began to shoot.

Hearing the sound of Mu Cang's voice, Murong Yunlei, who originally wanted to come to see the situation, was dragged back by Ye Lianxin.

"Mommy, they are in danger." Murong Yunlei was worried.

"Don't worry, your father has arranged someone and will come soon. Enron, they all have skills, and nothing will happen again." Ye Lianxin was worried that her son would mess around, so she had to comfort her.

Murong Chong also got off the bus long ago. He felt that the plot was not aimed at Enron. I'm afraid it was also aimed at him.

He quickly came to his wife and son, took them to retreat, and called his men to see where they had arrived?


A car suddenly exploded and ran away with an Xing safely. Although an Xing woke up long ago, he had to Hold Mommy tightly because of his weakness.

"Mommy, there seems to be an accident ahead." an Xing can see what Mommy can't see, which is also because of the promotion of her prohibition law.

"Is something wrong with your father and your godfather?" Enron asked anxiously.

An Xing shook her head and said, "I didn't see them. Aunt AIS seems to be hurt. Mommy, come with me."

"OK!" Enron listened and looked in the direction of an Xing. In a corner, he found ace who was seriously injured and unconscious.

"Ace, ace." she shouted a few times, and ACE didn't respond.

Then, a noise came, and Bai Minxi ran here.

Enron saw Bai Minxi as if he saw a straw: "senior, ace will be sent to the hospital immediately."

"Go!" Bai Minxi came up and carried AIS on his back. Ignoring the safety and danger of others, he had to take them to the nearest hospital towards the nearby road first.

The scene became more and more chaotic. Situ Mo and Xiao Jun had already killed red eyes. Cui Youzai and Sinan were also injured. Mao Zhong was seriously injured and lying unconscious on the ground.

"I didn't expect these people to be so powerful." Xiao Jun didn't expect it.

"I'm afraid these people didn't come for Enron, but probably for Murong." situ Mo felt that there was something wrong with these people.

Finally, Murong Chong's people came out. Murong Chong gave his wife and children to his servants. He killed a group of people with him.

However, situ Mo guessed correctly that the real intention of these people was to intercept Murong Chong. They watched Murong Chong come out of the house. They also saw that Murong Chong and Enron took a car. When they saw Enron, they stopped their car.

"Sorry, situ Mo!" Murong rushed in with his weapon and looked at the injured situ Mo apologetically.

"It seems that you have many enemies. This time you want to kill your family!" situ Mo was angry about the scapegoat incident. He put down this sentence and took people to find Enron's whereabouts.

"Enron and Bai Minxi went to the hospital. They were fine, but miss AIS was seriously injured. You should go there and let my people drive you." Murong Chong could see that situ Mo was angry.

He also got the news that he was betrayed this time. Someone wanted the life of the three of them. Therefore, situ Mo and they were all implicated.

Situ Mo has no objection. They are not familiar with here. Now the most important thing is to find Enron and stars and see how ace's injury is?

by the way!

And second uncle.

He looked at Cui and said, "you go first. I'll find my second uncle."

At this time, situ yunshang had solved the siege, and he was not hurt at all. I haven't moved my tibia for too long. I'm really rusty.

Just as he was going to find situ Mo and them, he suddenly heard a familiar voice ringing in the distance. He dodged and hid.

"What about people? Are they dead?" a woman's voice sounded.

"Miss leftist, we've tried our best. We didn't think the woman's life was so hard, but we ran away." a man said obediently.


Left leaning gave the man a heavy slap in the face and scolded angrily: "useless things, even this thing can't be done well."

"Yes, Miss leftist, you'd better leave quickly. Murong Chong's people have arrived. If we are caught, we can't explain to the top." the man touched his face and still smiled with him.

The left leaning was unwilling to hum coldly. It was not easy to find a chance to kill the bitch Enron abroad, but let the bitch survive.

not reconciled to!

She was extremely unwilling. If it weren't for that woman, the master wouldn't send her to this place she hated.

Situ yunshang saw clearly the left leaning face. He really regretted his original decision. This woman should solve it directly. He was too kind.

Shoot that scene and send it to a mailbox. It will be useful in the future. If we really get rid of the left wing, I'm afraid the left wing can't stay. After all, they are brothers and sisters.

He didn't come out of the dark. When he saw left leaning getting on the car with the man, he thought about it and sent the video to sister long.

Then he called sister long and said, "sister long, these brothers and sisters can't stay."

Sister long had guessed that there would be a day when she knew the left leaning mind. Therefore, she had slowly divided the rights of the left in advance and tried not to let the left find out.

"Second master, the left wing doesn't have much power now. I have taken back some forces some time ago." she told second master what she had done.

"Sister long, if you think too much, I'll bother you. I'll go to see Enron first, try not to scare the snake, and I'll clean up the bitch when I go back." situ yunshang hung up the phone and walked to the noisy place.

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