In the main star training base of the Galactic Federation, soldiers are carrying out harsh training across the optical network against the sun. Their combat clothes were muddy, their hair under the transparent helmets had been soaked with sweat, but they didn't slack off at all. They all stood upright with machine guns in their hands, their eyes staring at the optical network field in front of them, listening attentively to the command issued by the officer.

The commander of this group of soldiers is a young sergeant, wearing a brand-new secondary medal on his chest, shining brightly in the sun. In his early twenties, his skin was dark, and his face in his helmet was a little tender, but he looked very serious.

"Through the optical network, primary preparation!" The chief Sergeant gave the order.

The soldiers moved neatly, inserting the machine gun into the machine gun bag behind them, squatting slightly with their legs, ready to charge at any time.

"Up The sergeant's throat issued a command that was almost roaring, and the soldiers rushed to the complex optical network 50 meters away like bullets.

The optical network is red, staggered and stacked, which is the main enemy in the federal battlefield. The practice of avoiding the optical network is to enable these soldiers to survive for a longer time after they go to the battlefield.

The first soldier came close to the optical net with a soft sound. His protective clothing was abraded by the optical net, and white gas came out of the protective clothing. In the temperature of nearly 100 ℃, he lost the protection of the protective clothing, and the soldier soon fell down.

The sergeant exclaimed without expression: "medical officer!"

Two young nurses in white protective clothing ran over and carried the soldier away.

The rest of the soldiers are still forward, bowing, crawling, jumping. They have to cross the 100 meter long optical network in 5 seconds.

"Ah Another soldier fell down and was carried away.

The closer to the end, the fewer soldiers left. In the end, only 10 of the 100 soldiers crossed the optical network, but they had already exceeded the requirement of 5 seconds.

The sergeant's face was livid: "is that your speed? Snails will be faster than you

The sergeant's words aroused the dissatisfaction of the "surviving" soldiers. A sergeant said, "chief? This is just abnormal training. I don't think anyone can do it! "

"Don't you mean peace talks are under way? There won't be a war in the future, will there? "

On the sergeant's serious face, there was a trace of dissatisfaction: "who said that peace talks would really be peaceful? War will always be around you! All eyes, look at me

The chief sergeant stood at the starting point with a gun and gave a loud order to himself: "cross the optical network, primary preparation!"

With his own order, the sergeant's heavy machine gun was neatly inserted into the gun bag behind him. His legs squat slightly and his body leans down. Even if he is wearing a slightly bloated combat suit, he can make people feel as agile as a cheetah.

"Up At the same time, he began to sprint.

The running-up device of the tail of the dark gray combat suit was fully opened, and the blue flame was burning behind him. The sergeant was like a meteor that cut through the sky. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the light net.

Crouching, jumping, side waist, crawling, a series of movements are as beautiful as dance art. The red light net is constantly changing, sometimes into parallel lines, sometimes into a network, as if to cut the sergeant.

Behind the sergeant, the blue flame of the booster suddenly weakens and soars with his action. The sergeant in dark gray combat suit shuttles and flies in the 100 meter diameter optical network space, like a seagull flying on the stormy sea, like a man snake shuttling through the river bottom with water and grass. Smart, fast.


The chief Sergeant landed peacefully, and the timer on one side showed the chief sergeant's shuttle speed: 3.9 seconds.

"Who said it was impossible to cross the 100 meter optical network in five seconds?" The sergeant's voice was very severe. His eyes swept towards the soldiers around him. The soldiers bowed their heads.

"There is no impossibility, only willing to work hard! I've already taught you the essentials of action. All I need is sweat and hard work The sergeant's lecture was not polite at all.

"Yes The soldiers' reply was not weak.

A little satisfied with the nod, again ordered: "in position, line up!"

The soldiers stood up quickly, and the soldiers who were carried down by the medical officer had been repaired and returned to the queue.

"Through the optical network, primary preparation." The sergeant's voice was calm and serious.

The soldiers were ready at once.

But just at this time, a glider came from the sky in the distance. On the silver wing, there was a half moon shaped sign, five blue five pointed stars around the half moon, which was the sign of the Galactic Federation.

And the people who can ride this kind of glider are not small.

The chief Sergeant terminated his training and issued a command: "attention! Salute

The soldiers saluted the glider in uniform. The glider stopped in front of the sergeant. A uniformed man carrying the rank of lieutenant general stepped down from the glider.Behind him was a major and a civilian officer.

The general looks like he's in his thirties. His brows are slightly frowned. Although he doesn't look old, many of his hair has turned white.

"Hello, chief!" The soldiers saluted the major general.

The general was full of worries. Instead of paying attention to the salute of these soldiers as usual, he went directly to the sergeant in combat uniform.

The chief sergeant stood at attention with a standard salute: "chief Sergeant Wu Xingyun of the Fifth Battalion of the third regiment of the 52nd division of the third Galactic Federation Corps reports to you."

The lieutenant general looked the sergeant in front of him up and down several times and asked, "are you Wu Xingyun, the fighting hero of last month?"


The lieutenant general held out his hand and patted Wu Xingyun on the shoulder. His voice was a little dull and a bit depressed: "young man, you come with me. There is a task that needs you to complete."

After that, the lieutenant general walked straight to the base office building. Wu Xingyun followed him, and two other officers walked beside Wu Xingyun.

They walked into the office building of the base and took the elevator to the conference room 1000 meters underground. There is no one in the meeting room which can hold tens of thousands of people, so it is very empty.

The lieutenant general took a seat and waved to Wu Xingyun: "sit down. On behalf of the military headquarters, I'll talk to you about something."

Talking about things? Wu Xingyun wondered in his heart that he was just a little taxi officer. What could the lieutenant general tell himself?

Wu Xingyun stood up and gave a military salute: "please give me directions!"

The lieutenant general waved to Wu Xingyun to sit down again and lit a cigarette.

After taking a deep breath of smoke, the lieutenant general slowly said, "the leader has decided to make peace, and he has agreed to the request from the other side, so that you Marry that man. "

"What Wu Xingyun was surprised and jumped from his chair.

"That man" is the legendary devil and the number one enemy of the Galactic Federation. He can sail in space without relying on spaceships. Some people say that "that man" is a human variety, while others say that "that man" is a new species in the universe.

However, it is clear that "that man" hates human beings. The demon army he leads is a terrible enemy of the Galactic Federation and an eternal nightmare.

The training of crossing the optical network, assault landing training and antimatter acting training are all for fighting against "that man".

Their slogan has always been to defeat the devil and defend mankind.

How come now, the leader suddenly agrees to make peace with the devil and says that he wants to marry off!

Wu Xingyun felt that his brain, which was not smart enough, was short circuited for a moment. He stared at the general in front of him, the general of the infantry division, his highest officer, general Hong, who had won 32 battles.

General Hong flicked his ashes and said, "soldier, I can understand your feelings. I also strongly opposed this matter. After all, we are soldiers. Who doesn't want to win glory on the battlefield and defeat the enemy? But Congress has made a decision, and the federal president is negotiating with the enemy about the details of your marriage. There is no way to change this matter. You can be Sacrifice for the peace of mankind! Just like the princesses in human history. "

"But why me?" Wu Xingyun still can't understand. Even if he wants to make peace and sacrifice for the peace of mankind, it's not his turn to sacrifice as a soldier?

General Hong shook his head: "I don't know. It's the other party who asked for you. I heard that in the battle last month, when you were a ghost lock soldier, you once wounded that man? "

Wu Xingyun's eyes darkened. Last month, he became the highest level ghost lock soldier in the human arms through layer upon layer selection.

Ghost lock soldier has special magnetic field equipment, which can be invisible. Its main purpose is to lurk and assassinate. However, this kind of soldier also needs high mental strength. After performing a mission, ordinary soldiers need to rest for three months and wait for their mental strength to recover before they can perform the ghost lock soldier mission again.

Wu Xingyun is in the implementation of the ghost lock soldiers task, while waiting for their own recovery, while ordered to train infantry.

Although a month has passed since that mission, Wu Xingyun has clearly remembered every detail.

The Galactic Federation sent out a total of 100 ghost lock soldiers, but most of them were found and killed before they got close to the enemy camp. Only he succeeded in lurking to the edge of the enemy camp.

There, he happened to meet "the man.".

Wu Xingyun didn't hesitate too much and didn't consider whether he would be exposed. The particle gun in his hand was fired at "that person".

The battle started. Wu Xingyun was awarded the second class medal for his outstanding performance in the whole battle.

At the end of the battle, Wu Xingyun knew that his shot did not kill the man, but seriously injured him.

When the enemy commander was injured, it was originally a good opportunity for our army, but the two sides finally reached a draw. The army of "that man" still had a slight advantage, so when the enemy threw out the olive branch of the peace talks, the members of the Galactic Federation agreed to the peace talks one after another.These are the latest news. Every soldier knows that the peace talks are going on. But what Wu Xingyun never thought was that the peace talks had come to such an end that he was going to get married!

General Hong said: "that man has a strong sense of revenge. I think it's not true that he proposed to negotiate peace, and even more false that he proposed to make peace. If you hurt him, he just wants to catch you and take revenge. But Whatever I say, the assholes in Parliament think it's a good opportunity. "

Wu Xingyun lowered his head, and general Hong was silent.

After a while, general Hong said, "but don't be too pessimistic. The president is negotiating terms with the other side. If you marry, there should be no problem with your life safety, just..." Speaking of this, general Hong couldn't go on. He took a deep breath, lost his cigarette end, stamped it out with his black leather boots, and then said in a serious voice: "soldier, are you confident to complete this task? Marry that devil, and use your best efforts to maintain this precarious and transient peace? "

Wu Xingyun instinctively stood at attention and saluted: "resolutely complete the task!"

However, after saying this sentence, his heart was at a loss. That man is the public enemy of mankind, the most terrible devil, the nightmare of the Galactic Federation!

Since ancient times, the princess has been married. He is just an ordinary soldier. Just because the task has been completed so well, he has ushered in such a fate. It's really a sigh.

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