"Reproduction? You and me? " Zeratu looked at the shaman with some doubts.

Shaman nodded: "yes! We don't have sex at all, and our reproduction relies on spiritual strength. Since my former partner disappeared, I have been looking for a new one. Would you like to be my new partner? "

Zeratu looked at the night sky, then at Wu Xingyun, and finally at the shaman.

After a long time, he nodded: "good! As long as we can reproduce a new life, I will teach you how to turn your hand into a sharp blade! "

The ship changed course in mid air and headed for zeratu's hometown.

Shaman found a new partner, put the night away.

The two sarnagans are united, but the night sky and Wu Xingyun are left to worry.

When night sky heard that Shaman and zeratu could have offspring, it was really exciting.

But when he saw the scene of the combination with his own eyes, he gave up completely.

Zeratu's sharp blade penetrates into the Shaman's body, separates part of his flesh and bones, and buries it inside the Shaman's heart.

Soon, the chest of the shaman was high, and the night broke into the sky. After looking at the time, in less than three months, a new life opened the chest of the shaman and jumped out of it.

that life is as like as two peas. It has red skin, red hair and hands are born sharp edges.

The night sky has to sigh - aliens, and humans, are really different species.

When they arrived at the first sojourn of the dark temple warriors, zeratu sent a spaceship to night sky and Wu Xingyun, enabling them to return to the galaxy.

When asked about his future plans, shaman said that it was impossible for him to fight against the powerful sarnaga. The only thing he wanted to do now was to reproduce and survive with zarathu on the edge of the universe and form a new life. Maybe one day, this group will be strong again and have its own belief in gods.

Wu Xingyun, on the other hand, made a detailed observation of zeratu's capabilities.

Their invisibility is the same as their own. Only death can make them manifest.

However, no matter how hard Wu Xingyun tried, he could not turn his hands into sharp blades, as zeratu said.

The two left the sojourn of the warriors in the dark palace, and when they returned, the night sky finally sighed: "it seems that although we seem to have a lot in common with them, we are always different."

Wu Xingyun said: "I think the reason why we, like sarnaga, have so many similarities is that we have cultivated the pamphlet left by Micah. But in the end, it's different because we have different genes in the bone marrow. "

The night sky looked back at Wu Xingyun and laughed: "yes, the breeding method of the warriors in the dark palace is really shocking."

Wu Xingyun agreed: "the human way is better."

After such a terrible and strange experience, although he can feel the way of spiritual union of sarnaga, he prefers the way that human beings like in front of his lover.

The vast universe, the vast voyage is difficult to reach the end, and the spacecraft, and only two people, absolutely no one to disturb.

They have plenty of time to feel the way humans like to reproduce again.

When the night sky is holding Wu Xingyun for breath, it suddenly laughs in a low voice: "you say that one day, your stomach will not be enlarged, right?"

Wu Xingyun was a little embarrassed and annoyed: "if you follow the way of sarnaga, I remember that the pregnant one is the light elder shaman with the same attributes as you. Night You should pay attention to yourself. "

After three jumps, the spacecraft again reached the edge of the galaxy, where they were missing.

This is the territory of the Galactic Federation. The night sky has always been wary of the Federation. At present, it does not intend to tell the Federation what it has encountered.

Ten light years from the edge of the galaxy, they came out of the spacecraft and walked in the vast space without any protection.

When getting off the spaceship, Wu Xingyun was still worried: "ten light years! Ten light years! If LIUMENG and they don't find us, we'll be back in ten years as soon as possible! "

The night sky smiles and whispers in Wu Xingyun's ear: "I would rather walk here with you all my life if If you can

It turns out that Wu Xingyun's worries are invalid.

The first person to find them was not the one sent by LIUMENG, but the federal spaceship.

The federal spaceship has been patrolling the border for several months. Since Wen Nuo heard that the night sky was not at home, although he regarded it as the excuse of the night demon army, he still had a little illusion that what the night demon army said was true.

What's more, the new spacecraft developed by the Federation that can use small energy to jump continuously needs to find a place to exercise.

And the area that belongs to the Galactic border, calm, is a good place to exercise.This kind of small spaceship is extremely light and can be operated by only one pilot. Its whole weight is only 100 kg, and it can carry a large number of weapons and ammunition. It is developed by the Federation to deal with night broken air.

But now, this kind of spaceship, which is named wagrel, is exercising at the border, but it's cold to see a person in the vast universe.

It was a familiar and frightened person. The alarm sounded immediately, and the night sky suddenly appeared alone on the border, which soon spread to the whole exercise team.

"What's he doing here?" The commander, who is still in fear, has not forgotten what happened half a year ago. The night broke and the sudden battle of the sarnaga ethnic group made the world and the people panic.

"Is it against us?" The adjutant guessed that this guess was soon given an order.

"Get out, get out!"

Wagrel spaceship, which was made to deal with the night sky, chose evacuation at the first moment when he saw the night sky.

These spaceships are flying for a short distance space jump, only in the blink of an eye, they disappear without a trace.

The night sky can only shake his head and smile bitterly, and is ready to rob a boat for his own use. As a result, the other party runs too fast, and he runs out before he has time to do anything.

The night sky can only travel with Wu Xingyun in the vast universe with bare hands.

It was not until ten days later that Liu Meng got the news from his spy channel that the night sky had appeared and met the wagray spacecraft.

When he learned that night sky had not come back for such a long time because the federal spaceship was running too fast, Liu Meng was a little sad. He had to ask the Federation to send a spaceship to get the men back through diplomatic channels.

Although WENO thought that the return of the night sky would be extremely terrible, and he was reluctant to send someone to pick it up, but the federal government now flocked to the night demon army, and soon selected the death squads and useless transport ships. According to Liu Meng's request, he carried two mutants to the border to pick up the night sky.

The night sky was soon found. After a short space jump, he and Wu Xingyun soon met Wennuo again.

Wennuo had too many doubts about their strange disappearance, but he didn't ask much, because he knew that he didn't ask.

Especially when he saw Wu Xingyun's attitude and expression towards the night sky, he felt that his heart was as dead as ashes.

Night sky in the Federation did not do any rest, this ship has been sent him to the location of the night demon army, and then returned.

Liu Meng, Peng Dawei and others are worried about the disappearance of night sky for such a long time. When they heard about night sky's experience in sarnaga, they feel more worried from their heart.

At the beginning, they felt absurd. The white fog that made their lives worse than death was actually created by sarnaga for the sake of interstellar immigration. Then they were angry. The war and fighting for so many years, fundamentally speaking, also originated from the white fog. If it were not for their own good luck, they could not have lived so long and died when the white fog came.

"Night, what are you going to do?" Asked Liu Meng.

He was not too afraid of other arms of sarnaga. For mutants, whether they are duo Dao warriors, light elders, or even dark temple warriors, they are just more powerful enemies.

No one who has come from Nirvana will worry about the strength of the enemy.

However, after the combination of the two light elders, the new life, the huge star like photospheric man, is not something that human beings can compete with.

Mutant people can't either.

After seeing the lightball man, he can only escape, not to mention other mutants.

Liu Meng and other mutated human analysts have not seen the giant lightball with their own eyes, but they can imagine its horror just by listening to the description of the night sky.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that the night sky infers from what it sees that when he and Wu Xingyun left, sarnaga was still in a short chaotic civil war.

But it is clear that the elders of sarnaga will soon be able to resolve the dispute caused by the dark temple warriors.

After settling this dispute, there is no doubt that their next goal is still to immigrate to the galaxy and crush everything in their way.

Only relying on the mutant's current strength, we can't fight against sarnaga at all.

Night sky sighed in his heart. If you give yourself another three years, it will only take three years to swallow the Federation and have its most elite ghost lock troops.

If we take over all the technology of the Federation, we will be able to fight against sarnaga.

But now

Sarnaga won't give himself three years.

"To make peace with the Union?" This is a question that haunts all mutant people.

They were not born war maniacs, but they were betrayed, cheated and crushed by the Federation as ants, so they were unwilling to fight on this.But now, even if that's the case, no one believes in the credibility of the union.

No one has forgotten how Dai Rong died on the moon.

How was his body dissected into pieces.

David Peng is the only one living under Dai Rong. He will never forget seeing Dai Rong's body when he arrived on the moon.

He clenched his fist, hit the table heavily, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped: "big deal! Let's fight to lose half the galaxy and the Federation! "

However, when he said this, he also felt at a loss.

Under the double attack of sarnaga and the night demon army, the Federation will have nothing left.

This is the best case, the worst case - the federal technology is completely destroyed, or is in the hands of sarnaga. In that case, for the night demon army, it would be another huge disaster.

If they want to unite, they will worry about the betrayal of their allies;

and if they don't unite, they will face extinction.

How to choose is a problem.

Just as the mutant was being held up, news came from the federal side.

The federal president once again asked for an interview with the night demon army. The content of the interview was that he was willing to accept part of the conditions offered by the night sky.

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