Some people are happy with the result, but some people hate it.

Only Liu Meng was very depressed and murmured: "today It's my birthday... "

unfortunately, as like as two peas, he could hardly hear his complaints. The wedding anniversary was almost the same as when he first married.

Breaking into the night, he left in the air and took Wu Xingyun to a shady path.

On both sides of the path, planted with a heart leaf tree, and the end of the path, is a three story building.

Wu Xingyun was a little surprised: "here, it looks like the source star." That's the planet where they got married.

The night sky smiles and stares at Wu Xingyun. A moment later, he suddenly reaches out his hand and holds Wu Xingyun up.

Wu Xingyun frowned: "what do you want to do? I can go by myself."

Night sky kisses the lips of the person in her arms, and her voice is gentle: "wedding anniversary, of course, do wedding anniversary things. I didn't do it on my wedding night. I'll make it up this time. "

Wu Xingyun took a look at the night sky and let him hold him.

This situation is really combined with the scene of the wedding night.

Night sky has been carrying it into the bedroom bed.

There are pictures of them together. At night, they kneel on one knee on the bed, and they begin to kiss.

Although they have done it many times, this time, it is in the most warm environment, no one to disturb.

Both were surrounded by sweetness.

However, after the end, when they were gasping at the head of the bed, Wu Xingyun was worried: "YeFan, are you really going to cooperate with the Federation to fight against sarnaga?"

Night broken sky nodded: "yes, if we don't, we will all be destroyed."

"Well, don't you hate the Union?" Wu Xingyun has always felt unwilling. For the night sky, it may have been 2000 years, but for Wu Xingyun, it has been less than a year.

Although time can smooth everything, it is too short for Wu Xingyun.

Although he didn't look forward to the defeat of the Federation day and night, he didn't want to encounter any accident again.

The night breaks the sky to smile, slightly shakes head: "say not to hate, that is impossible.". But you don't have to worry too much. At this stage, when dealing with sarnaga, there will be no change in the Federation. As for the future, if When we can win... " Night sky meaningful smile.

At the same time, Wennuo, who came to attend the wedding anniversary on the same planet, frowned together in his hotel room.

"I don't want to!" Wennuo said firmly.

"Unwilling to be the supreme military commander of the Union? Why Several members of the Federation expressed their confusion.

Wen Nuo looked at the newly elected members in front of him and felt a burst of sadness in his heart.

He stood up: "I have come to the night devil's wedding anniversary as you asked. Now, please let me go back to my hometown. I've submitted my application for discharge. He can't dominate everything. "

Vino stood up, put the general's cap on his head, opened the door and left, leaving several federal congressmen with big eyes.

That night, night sky and Wu Xingyun met the missing dowry biologist.

The biologist invited them to visit the headquarters of Roche Institute.

In less than an hour, they jumped hundreds of light-years and arrived at the headquarters of the Institute.

There, hung a huge portrait of Luo Ying, just what she looked like before she died.

Until now, it's not clear what happened before Luo Ying's death. It's not until he sees a document that has been hidden in the Roche Institute.

Luo Ying's hair was all white in ten days.

What is really being studied is not the gene bomb required by the federal government, but the real genetic modification.

The mutation of the human body's genes, re combination, arrangement, so that its own ability, in a short period of time, break through the limit, enhance several times.

For this reason, she locked the gene of the mutant, and there was no code. Even if she got the mutation, she could not crack the gene structure.

The mutant can't reproduce, and the Federation can't do any in-depth research on the mutant.

The dowry biologist pushed his glasses and said, "I was deeply shocked when I saw director Luo's record, but I don't believe that she was able to do this two thousand years ago. That's why I voluntarily applied to join the dowry team, hoping to have more in-depth contact with mutant people for research to see if what she said is true."

Night broken sky did not speak, he once for a period of time, for Luo Ying's approach can not accept, but now, already see everything.

The biologist continued: "of course, it's also a coincidence that I found a strange thing in the meteorite stream, which is the territory of the night demon army, but why is there an iron coffin with federal logo? I caught up with the iron coffin and smuggled it back to the union. The space voyage was too far. It took me ten years. Next, when I got to the federal boundary, I contacted the Institute of implementation. When we opened the coffin, we were shocked. Inside, it turned out to be the body of director Luo, which was two thousand years ago. It's well preserved, and it hasn't even been corrupted. "Biologists are very excited when they say here.

Wu Xingyun has never seen Luo Ying face to face since her departure from the earth. Now when she heard that she had found her body, she couldn't help saying, "can we have a look at the body of director Luo? I She used to be our friend. "

The biologist nodded, "no problem. This way, please."

Night sky and Wu Xingyun followed the biologist, but what they never expected was that they saw the dissected and sliced organs.

Biologist introduced: "this is her heart. It seems that the blood vessels have all contracted, which is in line with the original record. In the last study, she injected herself with a lot of stimulants because of time constraints, which made her heart and brain vessels contract sharply. Although it can make her thinking agile several times, she died."

"This is her leg muscle. I heard that at that time, she fell on the bed and tried to commit suicide, but she couldn't find a gun. She struggled to get out of bed and broke her leg bone."

"The small hole in the skull is the mark of a bullet, worthy of being the greatest biologist. The location of this shot cuts off one's own nervous system as soon as possible. When one dies, there should be no pain."

"As for bone marrow I heard that the gravity of the moon was very small, so there was osteoporosis... "

He turned to leave with a suppressed voice and a trace of anger: "how can you treat her body like this! Is that how you respect a person? "

"This is What she wants. " The biologist was frightened by the night, but he explained carefully, "in Roche Institute, everyone is dedicated to biology. The highest honor is to leave his body to colleagues for research. Although It may be cruel for ordinary people, but This is the honor of the Roche Institute. I think That's what director Luo meant at the beginning. Otherwise, she would not use her body genes as the code to unlock the genetic lock of the mutant. "

The night sky was shocked, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. He looked at Wu Xingyun, who took the opportunity to hold his hand.

"Maybe we used to be friends with her, but we never knew her. Or maybe no one ever knew her. Whether it's Ouyang Yi or Dai Rong... "

The biologist took night sky to one of the most important laboratories of Roche Research Institute. His voice was a little excited: "if you don't mind, I think Extract your genes for reproduction experiments. "

The night sky and Wu Xingyun look at each other for a moment. What they think is the same thing: "if we want a child, a child belonging to both of us, can we?"

Biologists disagree: "this is the simplest technology, not the problem. Now, can I collect your gene samples? "

Ten days later, they saw the embryo in the incubator.

Asexual reproduction can be achieved more than 2000 years ago. Moreover, with the current technology, Wu Xingyun and ye suikong look at the small embryo in the Petri dish. Ten months later, it will become a baby.

Will the baby have the ability of its father? Will he become a healthy human?

No one knows. All this will not be answered until ten months, even ten years, twenty years later.

However, the latest progress has been made in the study of unlocking the genetic lock of mutant people and allowing them to reproduce.

The Institute found Luo Ying's body, got the code, and soon developed the unlocking pill.

If you eat it, you can have offspring and reproduce naturally.

But at the same time, their lives will come to an end.

There will be no more endless lives, they will die, they will be born, and they will live forever.

The night sky has not yet thought about whether to give the unlock pill to all the mutants.

He just said the news on a small scale, and only three or four mutants were willing to take the unlock pill.

They long for a future generation. As for their own lives, that's too long.

And no one thought that in a hundred years, almost all mutant people would choose to know how to open their own genetic lock. This is the future.

At that time, after finishing everything at Roche Research Institute, night sky arrived at the federal mechanical laboratory.

There, a research is being actively carried out, that is, to build a super space mecha, the night demon mecha, for the night sky and other mutant people.

Hundreds of years ago, the most powerful mecha of the Federation needed four or five people to control it. The cost was expensive, but it often became a sharp weapon in the hands of the night demon army. Since then, the mecha withdrew from the battlefield.

Now, in order to unite against sarnaga, the Federation has launched the research of this technology again, testing the physical indicators of night sky, and building a combat mecha that can jump to the speed of light and expand its energy by ten times.

Not only that, in order to be more confident about the coming war, the federal research laboratory also improved the equipment of ghost lock soldiers according to Wu Xingyun's physical fitness.Those ghost lock soldiers are just ordinary people, but such ordinary people, after wearing the modified ghost lock soldiers combat clothes, can quickly approach the night sky, and the nearest one can even lurk to a distance of only 50 meters away from him.

If Wu Xingyun hadn't found these ghost soldiers at a distance of more than 1000 meters, he would not have dared to do this research and development.

"So, in the future, you can't leave me Otherwise, I will be assassinated! " Broken night, half joking, half coquettish.

Wu Xingyun smiles and nods: "good!"

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