Wu Xingyun was full of excitement and got up. At night, it was dark all around. There was only cold wind hunting. All the people had gone to sleep, and even there was no watchman.

Because at this point, there's no point in keeping watch.

Wu Xingyun lowered her body and said to Ellen Yide, "what's the matter with you? What do you think is wrong with him? "

Ellen Yide scratched his head, looked over the data, and said, "I don't know exactly what happened, but do you know that in ancient psychology, there is a way to judge the heart's movement according to the slip of the tongue?"

Wu Xingyun shook his head: "I don't know..."

Ellen Yide looked at Wu Xingyun like an idiot: "do you sleep in middle school?"

Wu Xingyun said: "the middle school teachers don't talk about this. They only talk about the professional personality and the history of psychology. I'm not good at it either. I barely passed."

Ellen Yide's eyes are more idiotic when he looks at Wu Xingyun.

He said after a while, "no wonder you can only be a sergeant Forget it, let's not talk about this. In short, it is the conclusion of a psychologist named Freud in the ancient history of psychology. About slip of the tongue and slip of the pen. You can get a glimpse of what people really think. "

With that, Ellen Yide pointed to a paragraph in the record and said, "here, I noticed that you are a live recording. Ouyang Liu made three slip of the tongue here. After my analysis, these are all aimed at the top secrets of the Federation. And here, his word association is obviously problematic, and his spirit is in an extremely abnormal state of delusion; and Here... " Ellen Yide pointed out the mistakes one by one. Finally, he pointed out a mistake made by Wu Xingyun. He asked suspiciously: "this place, I see your records, which wrote the night sky into the night sky, you Strange, isn't it? What does the starry sky represent in your heart? "

Wu Xingyun waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter what it stands for. Do you think Ouyang flow has a problem? But we don't have any evidence now, and we can't do anything about him. What can we do with him? "

Ellen Yide pondered for a while, and then said, "if you agree, chief sergeant, I'll hypnotize him..."

Wu Xingyun was startled: "is this not in line with the regulations?"

Ellen Yide looked at the records and Wu Xingyun, and took out a piece of paper from his arms. Now federal documents are rarely recorded on this kind of paper, and most of them are electronic data, unless it is necessary to sign a major decision.

Ellen Yide pointed to the line on the paper, which said "hypnotic captain Ouyang Liu authorization letter". Ellen Eder tapped his finger on it and said, "so I need your signature! Wait a minute, you need to record it next to me. "

Wu Xingyun looked at the old pencil that had been stuffed into his hand. He was stunned. Hypnosis was considered immoral in the Federation. Some extreme psychologists would use some drugs to assist, which would leave serious psychological consequences for the hypnotized. Therefore, it is not allowed to use it under special circumstances. Moreover, Wu Xingyun is not qualified to sign it This kind of authorization.

In the current situation, Wu Xingyun must bear the consequences in the future if he signs.

If ouyangliu didn't do anything substantial, Wu Xingyun would not be able to get away with a punishment.

Wu Xingyun is in a bit of a dilemma. He has always just obeyed orders, but recently there are more and more things that need him to make decisions. He is very uncomfortable. He looked around and it was clear that no one could help him.

"This is for the security of the union, sergeant. Shouldn't you sacrifice yourself? Even if you take responsibility for it, it is better than Ouyang Liuzhen's treason and irreparable loss to the Federation. "

Then Wu Xingyun gritted his teeth and signed.

Ellen Eder happily took the authorization letter and said, "great, I've been studying hypnosis for many days, and it's the first time I've got a place to use it!"

It's too late for Wu Xingyun to regret it now. He didn't wake up until now. Ellen Yide didn't care much about Ou Yangliu's treason or not. What he cared about was that he could experiment hypnosis without responsibility.

But Wu Xingyun regret is useless, the words are signed, now can only be hard on the scalp.

Wu Xingyun took all his guns with him and thought about it. In order not to make the atmosphere tense, he had better not wear combat clothes.

Then, he wakes Lu Hai and enters the only tent on Ouyang Liu's platform with Ellen Yide.

Ouyang Liu sleeps in the tent in an extremely elegant posture.

Wu Xingyun walks over and wakes up Ouyang Liu.

Ouyang Liu is still in a daze. As soon as he sees Wu Xingyun coming, he is very unhappy and says, "what are you doing? Disturb my sleep! Is that how you treat the officer? "

Wu Xingyun saluted Ouyang and said, "report captain, according to the review of our group and relatives, we suspect that you are suspected of colluding with the enemy and treason. It's urgent. We decided to hypnotize you to investigate. All the results of the investigation will be recorded. I hope you will cooperate. "Ouyang Liu was astonished and incredulous: "what? What are you talking about! What treason? It's slander! Sergeant, you are slandering your boss! I'll put up with interrogation during the day, and now I have to be hypnotized. Why are you? You are just a small second sergeant. You... "

Wu Xingyun saluted again: "I'm sorry, I have a presidential warrant before departure. I can decide everything temporarily. So, please cooperate and sign the power of attorney to make our procedure legal. "

Ouyang Liu cried out: "is the procedure legal? Don't you think about it! Wu Xingyun, how dare you treat me like this... " He did not finish a word, he felt a cold thing against his head.

Ouyang Liu has been in the army for quite a long time. He knows very well what it is. It's an m123 pistol, a second sergeant's pistol.

Ouyang flow squint to see Wu Xingyun, see this face is still some childish soldier, sure enough, holding a pistol, eyes firm no doubt.

"I hope you can sign and cooperate with our investigation," Wu said

Ouyangliu was scared. He wanted to say that it was illegal and that it was a threat.

But he was more afraid that Wu Xingyun really shot himself. He took Lu Hai's pen and signed his name on the power of attorney.

Wu Xingyun put away the gun and started the normal procedure. He turned on the recording machine and began to hypnotize.

Wu Xingyun looked at the power of attorney and said, "Captain Ou Yangliu, on behalf of the Federation, I am investigating your recent strange behavior and treason. Are you willing to accept the investigation?"

Ouyang Liu is still aware of current affairs. He is dejected: "I'd like to..."

Wu Xingyun continued to read: "in the investigation, in order to ensure honesty, the psychologists of the investigation team will use hypnosis. Do you voluntarily?"

Ouyang LIUMENG raised his head and glared at Wu Xingyun, but then he wilted again: "I voluntarily accept the investigation."

Wu Xingyun continued to read: "the whole investigation process will be recorded and sent back to the federal court as a trial record. If you have any questions, you can plead in the military court at that time. Now, the investigation begins. "

Wu Xingyun and Lu Hai are witnesses behind Ellen Yide, who started his latest hypnotic research experiment.

At the beginning, Ouyang Liu still had some resistance to this, but he couldn't stand the hypnosis of a psychologist. After three or five rounds, he completely lost his resistance and began to say everything.

"Yes I was rescued by Lord mozun in the meteorite stream. "

"He took me to the source planet and said he was willing to accept me, but I had to have enough gifts."

"After thinking for three days, I thought that the Federation had no need to go back. I decided to betray the Federation and sell the star marshal to the Lord demon."

"I know that ten days later, the star Marshal will patrol the border, and my father Ouyang has his route map. I also know the road map. I dedicated it to Lord mozun. If the star Marshal encounters an ambush in the middle of the journey, it's best if he dies. If he doesn't die, he can also use this as an excuse to say that he colludes with the night demon army, so that he can step down. "

"And Map of the military base of the Federation... "

"And The operational thinking mode of A-level staff that I can contact with... "

"Well I drew a picture of the resources provided by the Federation to Lord demon. "

"I also dedicated my body to him..."

Wu Xingyun suddenly felt sick. He never wanted to see the night sky again. However, Ouyang Liu murmured to himself with a dim look: "however, Lord mozun has not accepted me for some reason But it's only a matter of time. "

"Of course, I didn't tell him everything. There's a big secret that Lord mozun always wants, but I won't give it to him easily. Maybe, on the wedding day, if he satisfies me, I will consider telling him what he wants to know most. That's my card

"Ha ha, I'm not afraid of you. Lord mozun will protect me. I don't need the Federation... "

Lu Hai whispered to Wu Xingyun at this time: "sergeant, I'm less and less optimistic about your marriage life."

Wu Xingyun's brow twisted into a Sichuan character, Ellen Yide has completed his interrogation, Ouyang Liu is still sleeping.

Psychologists, captain of the guard and Wu Xingyun began to discuss the incident.

Wu Xingyun first concluded: "this has constituted treason and treason. We must send Ouyang Liu back to the Federation and send him to the military court."

Ellen Yide agreed, while Luhai sighed: "do you think the night sky will allow us to do this? We don't even have a spaceship now. We can't get out of here. We can't even get in touch with the Federation! "

The three men immediately fell into silence.

Obviously, the night sky will not allow them to take Ouyang flow away. At least, Ouyang flow is very useful for the night sky. "And it can also be used to shoot guns," Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart, a little more disgusted with the night sky.Ellen Eder thought for a long time and said, "maybe we can deal with the night sky? Use something to exchange Ouyang Liu from him. "

Wu Xingyun asked: "do you think that compared with the federal secrets, we have anything to covet?"

Three people shake their heads together. Just now everyone heard that Ouyang Liu has a secret that night sky wants to know. But Wu Xingyun has nothing in their hands

After Wu Xingyun denied other people's opinions, he was also thinking about it. He found it difficult to concentrate, but he still came up with a way: "we can wait until we land, rebuild the communication station, send the situation and trial information back to the Federation, wait for the order of the Federation, and then we carry it out!"

Ellen Yide and Lu Hai looked at Wu Xingyun with idiotic eyes: "sergeant, don't forget vice president Ouyang Feng. You can't wait for the order of the Federation. Even if you do, ouyangliu has already sold everything to yesuikong. The star marshal is finished, and all the federal secrets are finished. "

Lu Hai waved his hand: "what do you want so much for? Just kill it

"Do you want everyone here to spend the rest of their lives in jail?" Ellen Yide asked, "no superior order, non war period, the murder of superior officers. No matter what the reason, will be sentenced to life imprisonment! It's easy to kill him. At that time, the night sky will trouble us, and the Federation will imprison us. Are we going to become interstellar flow fugitives? Oh, it's still an interstellar fugitive without a spaceship. It's so creative

Wu Xingyun covers his head in pain. He doesn't know what to do. He just feels that everything here is very bad and complicated. He misses the simple army life very much. I regret that I didn't practice shooting well at the beginning. If I had worked hard at the beginning, I would have been able to ambush the night sky when I was a ghost lock soldier. Now I won't have this kind of trouble.

Sure enough, it's still the old saying that young people don't work hard, but old people fight little three.

As time went by, the stars appeared in the sky again, and the soldiers woke up. Ouyang Liu also woke up, but his action was temporarily under house arrest.

Wu Xingyun and his two think tanks couldn't figure out what to do. They had to turn to the two smartest people here, physicists and astronomers.

Physicist Kinson said: "it's very simple. We can throw this traitor into a black hole. Then claim that he's missing, and it's all right! "

Wu Xingyun painfully covers his head and throws it into the black hole. Now they don't even have the ability to leave the platform.

Astronomer puss said: "Kinson, your theory is wrong. If you enter a black hole, you will disappear. That's just the theory of ancient scientists. According to the great cosine theory, when matter is absorbed by a black hole, it will be ejected by a white hole, and there is a certain probability that it will enter a wormhole, so as to travel through time and space Let me calculate when and where he will reappear after he is thrown into the black hole Ah, the formula is a little complicated, the computer is too small, the calculator is not enough... "

Little by little, Wu Xingyun still didn't think of any suitable way, but fortunately, Ouyang Liu was more honest and didn't make any drastic moves.

But as time went on, a small aircraft appeared in the distance.

When the appointed time comes, he will come again and ask Wu Xingyun how he is thinking, and he will take Ouyang flow away.

The roar of the small aircraft came faintly. Wu Xingyun felt a little worried, but Ouyang Liu shot out of the tent, just like a shell, which could not be stopped.

He ran to the edge of the platform and waved to the aircraft.

Then the aircraft slowly fell on the platform. As soon as the shadow of the night sky came out of the aircraft, Ouyang Liu ran up and said a few words in his ears.

Wu Xingyun also wants to know what Ouyang Liu has said to the night sky. It's just how he treated him yesterday and how he learned the details of Ouyang Liu's rebellion.

The performance of the night sky is somewhat beyond Wu Xingyun's expectation. He is not as angry as Wu Xingyun thought. He just smiles casually. Then he comes to Wu Xingyun and asks meaningfully, "soldier, what do you think about the conditions I told you yesterday?"

Wu Xingyun stares at Ouyang Liu, who is closely following the broken night sky. Ouyang Liu's face is full of arrogance. He says, "Lord mozun, this guy doesn't know how to praise him. Just kill him. It's not worth your wasting your mind for him."

Night broken air coldly looked at Ouyang flow one eye, this eye is extremely cold, which also has a trace of hard to hide disgust.

Let Ouyang flu to a cold, no longer dare to say half a word.

Wu Xingyun also saw this look in his eyes. He didn't feel much, but he still regretted that he didn't work hard when he was young.

The night breaks the sky not to say much. He strides into the tent and sits down at the same place yesterday. Ouyang Liu wants to follow him, but he is told: "you are waiting for me outside."

Wu Xingyun is a little nervous. He knows that there is a tough battle to fight with the night sky today, not only because of the negotiation about the wedding, but also about Ouyang Liu.Wu Xingyun took a deep breath, imagined his usual hard training, touched his waist gun, adjusted his mind, and then walked into the tent.

Night broken sky looked at him in his spare time, supported his chin with the tip of his finger, and asked meaningfully, "what's the matter with you? My conditions are not harsh. Besides, they are all things that should be done between husband and wife... "

Wu Xingyun's face turned purple. He had an idea. Although he knew it was almost impossible, it was also his only chance.

He tried his best to put on the posture of negotiation, with a calm voice, pretending not to care: "I also have a condition, additional conditions! Otherwise, the peace talks will break down. You know, our wedding hasn't been held for a long time, and the federal side won't have no doubt about it. If it doesn't happen again, the Federation will only be ready for war. You can't get anything. "

Broken at night, the corner of his mouth raised a smile: "what are your additional conditions?"

"Ouyang flows to me!" Wu XingKong took a deep breath, "you can't give him any protection! Don't ask me why, you know why! "

The night broke and the sky laughed, his eyes bent into the shape of a crescent moon: "of course I know why, this condition is not excessive, but You must marry me on the wedding day, otherwise The bridegroom who can't find a bridal chamber can only protect Ouyang Liu, who makes you headache! "

Wu Xingyun bowed his head slightly. His heart was very complicated and the fight was fierce. He had not forgotten the terrible contents of the bridal chamber taught by the female biologist.

But Compared with the successful capture of the traitor back to the Federation, and the protection of federal secrets, he felt that everything could be sacrificed. The soldiers were used as cannon fodder for sacrifice, and Wu Xingyun still had some awareness in this respect.

Wu Xingyun cheered himself up in his heart, then raised his head slightly and looked at the night sky: "OK, I agree!"

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