After a hard negotiation and a long journey, the day that the Federation and the night devils have been waiting for has finally arrived.

The wedding was postponed for two months. There were a series of changes in the way, but on this day, it was held as scheduled.

Wu Xingyun didn't sleep well all night last night. He spent all night looking through the wedding details sent by Liu Meng. When he saw that the whole galaxy would be broadcast, he was even very happy to come to the mechanic and tell him that there were communication equipment on the source star, which could communicate with the Federation.

But before he finished his sentence, he realized that this kind of communication obviously has no confidentiality and is of no use except to release news.

Wu Xingyun was sleeping with these wedding details books. After sleeping for less than an hour, she was woken up by the alarm clock. It's already morning, so she must start to prepare.

Wu Xingyun originally took the bridegroom's dress, but lost it on the way. She could only wear combat clothes to the wedding.

Wu Xingyun looked at herself in the mirror while she was wearing clothes. Her dark skin, plain face and gray uniform made her skin darker. After he put on his coat, he began to wear the outer armor made of alloy. The silver gray armor didn't have any color. He saw a cold soldier in the mirror.

Wu Xingyun felt that he was different from what he remembered, so he grinned in front of the mirror to show a bright smile. But it's a pity that smile looks so fake that he can't watch it any more.

Wu took a deep breath, slowly put on his helmet, and then pushed the button.

The helmet and the whole armor are perfectly integrated. The light blue energy halo flows in it. What is reflected on the mirror is a soldier who can't see his face, holds a gun in his hand and is ready to fight at any time.

Wu Xingyun carefully disassembled and reassembled his gun again, and then he felt secure. He saluted in the mirror, then turned and walked out of the room.

Outside the room, the escort team was already in the central air space, all dressed in federal combat clothes. In the past three days, they made five federal flags. Now the five flags are lined up, and they are hunting in the wind under the operation of the base's ventilation system.

In Wu Xingyun's dowry team, two workers and a farmer were left to maintain the basic operation of the base, and the rest were all present at the wedding.

Two scientists are very reluctant to participate in such boring activities, they said they would like to stay to watch Ouyang flow.

Although this kind of guard is totally unnecessary, and these two prisoners will certainly neglect their duties. Wu Xingyun left three more soldiers to guard the prisoner's outfield defense base.

After everything was ready, the huge machinery that was built overnight dragged Wu Xingyun's dowry to the gate of the base.

as like as two peas, he walked on the front of the team. He carried a federal flag. He was dressed like the soldiers behind the delivery team. They all had cold helmets and armor.

Outside the gate of the base, Liu Meng had been waiting outside for a long time, but he was still the only one. Today, he was wearing a black suit, which was totally different from his usual dress. He wore a pink rose on his chest, and the word "best man" was written on the strip under the rose.

Wu Xingyun, with his team, follows Liu Meng, marching on the vast grassland.

With the help of machinery, the marching team was very fast. In less than ten minutes, it crossed the vast grassland.

In front of it is a crater. If you look at it, you will find the place where night sky lives.

In the past three days, Wu Xingyun has also speculated about what the place where night sky lives looks like. People are more or less curious about unknown things.

However, Wu Xingyun and his team were shocked when they climbed up the crater and looked behind it.

On the other side of the mountain is a city beyond sight.

The architecture of the city is completely different from that of the Federation, which is the kind of box architecture that Wu Xingyun can only see in the ancient pictures.

High rise buildings, smooth streets, a wide river flowing through the city, the city is divided into two parts.

In the sky, small aircraft are flying around. They are scattering rose petals all over the city. Some antique cars are parked on the side of the street, and there are some shops on both sides of the street, in which there are neat and clean goods.

is as like as two peas in Wu Xingyun's history book.

But unlike the pictures, there was no one on the street.

There is no one. The crowded shops and shopping malls are empty. The trees on the street are very prosperous, and some branches even drop to the ground.

The whole city was dressed up in a new look, with red ribbons on every tree, but there was no one around.

This is a cold city that can't be cold any more. Although it's very clean and tidy, it can't hide the taste of emptiness.

On the top of a high-rise building in the city, a man in black sat on the rail protruding from the edge. His face was not clear, but Wu Xingyun easily recognized that it was the night sky.He did not expect that the place where night sky lived was such an old-fashioned city.

What he did not expect was that such an empty and smokeless city could keep it clean.

Liu Meng explained to one side: "we have more than 100 mutants all over the world, all living here. Although the night wants to make the wedding a little more lively, it can only clean the place, and no more people can be found

Wu Xingyun didn't say much. He still carried his own flag and began to use the boosting system of combat suit to jump down from the top of the crater.

The small aircraft in the sky immediately flew over, all the loudspeakers in the city were turned on, and the Wedding March came out from the loudspeakers.

This kind of situation makes Wu Xingyun feel strange for a while. Until those small aircrafts fly close, he finds that they are all unmanned. Liu Meng points to a building on the side of the road and says to Wu Xingyun, "please have a rest here now. The night will come and greet you personally. I learned that your bridegroom's dress had been lost, so I prepared it myself. I hope you like it. "

Wu Xingyun took Liu Meng's dress and put it aside for the time being.

He and his team occupied the building and controlled the Highlands before entering the room. Wu Xingyun changed into a Sina dress prepared by night sky in a room with huge mirrors.

It's an olive green uniform. It looks strange. There are epaulets on the shoulders. The pattern on the epaulets is consistent with Wu Xingyun's rank. After confirming that there was no problem, he put on a light green shirt and an olive green coat.

As for the underwear in this dress, it's useless.

A group of people waited here for a short time before they heard the movement outside the door.

It's a lot of noise. Wu Xingyun asked that the wedding be held according to his custom.

The night sky will first accept a series of investigations outside the door, and give enough red envelopes, then the soldiers will let him in. Wu Xingyun doesn't like this custom, but The agreement came into being under the compromise of both sides.

Wu Xingyun waited for a while, then finally heard the voice of the night sky outside the door: "I guess my groom is in it."

Then, there was the sound of the door being opened, and night sky and a group of people appeared at the door of the room.

Wu Xingyun sat on the bed according to the other party's request, but he didn't comply with the other party's request not to wear shoes.

Because according to the prior agreement between the two sides, he had to hide his shoes somewhere, and night sky had to look everywhere, find them, put them on himself, and then carry them back all the way.

Wu Xingyun doesn't want to be carried away in public, especially when there will be a live broadcast.

Wu Xingyun looked up slightly and saw a mutant carrying the camera outside the door, and countless people were pressing the shutter quickly. The sound was everywhere.

Wu Xingyun stood up and walked to the night sky, barely showing a smile: "the details have changed a little, but I don't think it will affect the next thing."

Before that, night sky has been talking to people around him, and asking people to help him find the shoes that should have been hidden.

But when he saw Wu Xingyun standing up, he easily found that Wu Xingyun's shoes were well worn on his own feet.

Then, his eyes slowly moved upward, legs, thighs, waist, chest, neck, and finally stopped on Wu Xingyun's face.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun saw the expression of the night sky from a very close distance.

Night broken empty face that kind of careless lazy smile is still there, but the eyes have changed.

His eyes were fixed on Wu Xingyun's face for a moment, and some different emotions gradually appeared in the dark eyes.

That kind of eyes make Wu Xingyun feel very strange, because the night sky smile is completely solidified in the face, but the eyes have become extremely complex, with obvious infatuation, love, and pain.

Wu Xingyun looked around to make sure there was no one else beside him. When he looked back at the night sky again, the smile on the other side's face disappeared, and the strange eyes disappeared, leaving only the cold without emotion. The cold eyes of the night sky stayed on Wu Xingyun's face. After a while, he said in a calm almost terrible voice, "it won't affect you."

After that, he leaned slightly: "I've come to pick you up for the wedding. I hope this wedding will not disappoint people. "

When a group of people came downstairs, there were more than 100 old cars parked downstairs. The first car was white with a rose ring on its head. In the night, they opened the door, stood on one side and said to Wu Xingyun, "get on the bus."

After Wu Xingyun got on the bus, the night sky also immediately got on the bus and sat beside Wu Xingyun.

When the car starts, the motorcade behind also follows. Wu Xingyun's wedding party and dowry party are sitting in the car. The motorcade flies around the whole city. Wu Xingyun can see the rapidly backward buildings and the scenery on both sides of the street in the window.In the car, night sky suddenly reaches out and hugs Wu Xingyun's waist.

Wu Xingyun turned around and just wanted to say that "there is no such article in the two people's agreement", a slightly low voice in the night sky rang: "soldier, for you, today may be ordinary, but for me, today is a big day."

Wu Xingyun swallowed what he wanted to say.

Night sky in the car quietly looking at Wu Xingyun, the car's music playing a beautiful tune can not understand the lyrics of the song.

Wu Xingyun is acutely aware that the hand that the night sky puts on his waist is shaking slightly.

They didn't speak for a moment. Wu Xingyun didn't know what to say. His protest didn't seem suitable to say at this time.

And the night sky has been looking at Wu Xingyun, after a while, he said: "in my life, there will only be this wedding, I know you do not want to, but I hope you in today, in my good day, a little bit with. I don't want to be unhappy with you today... " When the night sky said this, his hand on Wu Xingyun's waist was obviously tightened.

Wu Xingyun said: "I will try my best to cooperate with you, but You're not following the agreement now! "

The night broke empty ha of smile a, take back own hand, he didn't speak again, just slightly turn a head, looking at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

The music in the car is still playing. It's a love song with some explicit lyrics.

Fortunately, Wu Xingyun didn't understand the lyrics.

After circling the whole city, the motorcade finally arrived at a huge building. The lawn, about the size of four football fields, was full of people. At this time, the camera and broadcasting equipment were turned on together to broadcast the situation here to the whole galaxy.

There are tables, chairs and all kinds of food in the lawn. In the center of the lawn is a rostrum, on which Wu Xingyun's master of ceremonies are placed.

Around the lawn, there are mixed flags of the Federation and the night demon army. The mutants and the teams brought by Wu Xingyun take their seats under the guidance. The petal rain falls again. In the wedding march, the night sky reaches out to Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun shook hands with him.

Night sky grabs Wu Xingyun's hand and puts it on her arm.

Before Wu Xingyun opened his mouth, he whispered: "small details don't need to be so rigid. Don't you have your shoes waiting for me?"

Wu Xingyun did not speak. One in black and the other in olive uniform, they walked to the rostrum through the red carpet passage in the middle of the lawn.

The gun salute sounded at this time, and the ribbon balloon flew up towards the sky at the same time. This was Wu Xingyun's first wedding. He felt a little nervous for no reason. He took a deep breath and tried to be calm.

The two men came to the rostrum and bowed to the crowd. The emcee read out the two sides' letters of peace. Wu Xingyun, on behalf of the Federation, and night sky, on behalf of the night demon army, signed them in duplicate. One copy was sent back to the Federation, and the other was kept by night sky.

Luhai will keep the official credentials.

This is the end of the negotiation.

Some of the federal people who watched the live broadcast in the Galaxy were relieved and some felt humiliated. Wu Xingyun's parents and three brothers were also watching the live broadcast.

His family was pessimistic and disappointed before that, but now after seeing the close-up photography of the night sky and the first exposure of the living environment of the night sky, Wu Xingyun's mother suddenly sighed: "the night sky looks good. I should go to a better place."

The other four men in the Wu family smashed the TV angrily.

The live broadcast was interrupted.

But the ceremony did not end. After the two sides exchanged flags, letters of state, and vowed never to betray, the MC said something that Wu Xingyun did not expect, which was also not included in the agreement.

"Next, I announce, bridegroom, you can kiss your lover!"

"I object!" Wu Xingyun immediately said out loud that he knew that everyone would watch the live broadcast. He absolutely didn't want this to happen.

The night sky was also a little bit unexpected, but at this time, he turned his head slightly and looked at Wu Xingyun: "why oppose it?"

"There is nothing in the agreement," Wu said. Our wedding is over... "

"Is it over?" The night sky broke Wu Xingyun's words, stepped forward, suddenly put his arms around Wu Xingyun's waist and approached his face: "it's just the beginning now."

Wu Xingyun felt confused for some reason. He stressed in a low voice: "what you said is just a private wedding, not in public at all Well... "

Before he had finished his words, he was suddenly kissed hard.

Although Wu Xingyun is an excellent trained soldier, he does not have any advantages in individual combat compared with such a mutant as night sky.

He can only bite his teeth and close his lips.

Fortunately, the night sky didn't plan to go deep either. He just mechanically and coldly stayed on Wu Xingyun's lips. After a moment, he slightly released a little and approached Wu Xingyun's ear: "I won't embarrass you, and I hope you won't do anything to destroy the atmosphere."Wu Xingyun glared at the night sky, but he could only glare. Because he can't change face with the night sky at this moment because of a kiss.

Night broken sky eyebrow slightly picked pick, he did not speak, just looking at Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun moved his eyes to one side. When he saw the camera seizing the close-up, he was annoyed.

Night broken sky smiles. He looks at Wu Xingyun's red face because of anger. The smile on the corner of his mouth is solidified, but his eyes are gradually different.

It is that kind of eyes, that kind of infatuated, painful, even with deep hatred and unwilling eyes.

Wu Xingyun himself recalled his life. He had no contact with the night sky before he got married. Moreover, it was hard for him to forget the teaching of history and the sacrifice of his comrades in arms. He felt that night sky's arm around his waist seemed to be tightening up a little more.

Wu Xingyun whispered: "let me go, I try to cooperate with you, you don't go too far."

Before he finished his sentence, the night sky broke with a low "um". He tightly held Wu Xingyun's hand and released it. Wu Xingyun immediately stepped back.

The wedding march is still playing, and the unmanned camera in the air is now flying down, stopping at the right angle from the two, ready to catch the close-up at any time.

Night sky just quietly looking at Wu Xingyun, that kind of eyes make Wu Xingyun feel a little uneasy.

A moment later, the night sky bent slightly. He bowed to a lower position than Wu Xingyun, then stretched out his neck and kissed Wu Xingyun's lips.

"Don't step back I won't go too far... " The sound of the night sky is very low, only Wu Xingyun can hear it.

Wu Xingyun didn't move. He waited quietly in the same place. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the kiss of breaking the night sky was not a demonstration or an insult, but a pure expression of love.

Night sky has always been very regular, only to maintain the state of lips touching, provided a lot of close-up shots to the camera before leaving Wu Xingyun's lips.

Wu Xingyun's face is not good-looking. He wants to attack, but he can't attack at this time.

The most important task is to make peace.

Wu Xingyun can only keep paralyzing himself in his heart, but he didn't expect that night sky suddenly knelt down on one knee at this time, took out a small box in his arms, and opened it with a crack. Inside was an old-fashioned diamond ring.

The night sky took out the ring and handed it to Wu Xingyun: "Wu Xingyun, will you marry me?"

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