Ten days later, the spaceship finally arrived at the outpost de Tano. On this star, Wu Xingyun would take a short rest, and then take the federal civil spaceship to the trial hall.

The planet de Tano is the place where Wu Xingyun stayed before her marriage. Wennuo's residence is where Wu Xingyun met Ouyang stream for the first time. At that time, no one thought that so many things would happen in the future.

When Wu Xingyun came to the place where he lived, he found that Wennuo's residence had not changed at all, but Ouyang Liu next door was replaced by another civilian officer with glasses.

After the two sides said hello, Wu Xingyun went to the accommodation under the guidance of Wennuo. The bedroom is still a row of high and low beds. Wu Xingyun's bed is the top of the first row, and even his suitcase is in the original position.

After Wu Xingyun had finished all his things and cleaned them up, it was time for him to have a rest. Before he went to bed, Wennuo said to him, "I have information about the night sky collected by the Federation in my computer. The address is the old place. You are the person who has the most contact with him in the whole Federation. When you have time, you can look at the information and help maintain it. "

Wu Xingyun is ready to get out of bed and go to the study to maintain the data. Wennuo then said, "don't worry, do it right away. Anyway, you will stay in the Federation for a long time in the future."

Wu Xingyun lies on the bed again, but he finds that he has insomnia again. He thinks that the number of insomnia is increasing recently, which is not a good omen for a soldier.

He was afraid to disturb Wennuo's rest, so he didn't dare to turn over on it. He just looked at the ceiling with his eyes open. As a result, after watching for a while, he was sleepless. He simply got up, went to Wennuo's study, opened his computer, found the folder where the night fragments were stored, and began to read those materials.

Wu Xingyun is the only one in the huge study. He turns on the holographic projector, and the virtual portrait of the night sky is immediately presented in front of him. The dark haired man composed of light and shadow is indifferent, and his expression is even ferocious. Moreover, some details are wrong. For example - night sky is double eyelid, but in this portrait, in order to highlight its bloodthirsty temperament, it is made into a single eyelid.

Wu Xingyun can't help but reach out and touch the Modify button on the virtual screen to make it closer to the night sky.

Then he began to look through the data of the night sky. In the quiet night, he found that when he saw the three words of the night sky, his heart calmed down.

There are some mistakes in the federal description of the interior of the night demon army. Wu Xingyun almost unconsciously modifies these mistakes.

Such as the research on the force of night sky, his personality analysis, and the corresponding data of other mutants.

When Wu Xingyun finished revising these, he saw "my understanding of the night sky" on the last page of the data, so Wu Xingyun began to write down his understanding of the night sky.

From their first meeting, to a series of negotiations, and then the abnormal performance of the night sky at the wedding, as well as the weaknesses he exposed on the wedding night.

Wu Xingyun wrote that these things became his memoirs. He almost recalled everything about the night sky in detail, even the number of times he ate, the color he liked, and the way he appeared in recent days.

"The night sky is a He who destroys everything in despair. " Wu Xingyun wrote down his analysis, "at the wedding, he thought that he would die, not to actively seek treatment, but to design a trap, even to let all the mutant people get involved in the war, to destroy all this."

When he wrote here, Wu Xingyun suddenly stopped. He looked back at what he had written, and even the things about his old lover who broke up in the night, which the Federation didn't know.

"Is that betraying him?" Wu Xingyun was in a daze facing the screen. "At least at that time, he trusted me very much. I even saw pictures of his parents..."

Wu Xingyun was in a daze for a while, and then manually deleted this part.

After a while, he wrote down his judgment: "night sky is not a person who likes to show his feelings. He is good at concealing. He was injured and dying at that time, but even his closest mutant did not know. He knows how to disguise. Never trust him easily. The Federation should trust its own judgment and its soldiers."

When Wu Xingyun wrote down this paragraph, he felt that the last sentence seemed to be criticizing the wrong order of his superior, so he deleted this paragraph again.

In the end, he just deleted and changed. When he finally felt tired, he fell asleep on the table.

On the screen, there was not a word in the page "my understanding of the night sky". He felt that every word he wrote was inappropriate, and he didn't know how to write it.

Throughout the night, he painted a modified supplement to the night sky data, leaving only the double eyelids in the virtual portrait.

When Wu Xingyun opened his eyes again, he found that he had a coat on his body, and the computer in front of him had been turned off, while Wennuo was standing by the window smoking. The faint smell of smoke wafted over, which made Wu Xingyun wake up."Company commander Oh, no, general Wen. When did you come here? " Wu Xingyun stood up from his desk, feeling a little frightened.

WENO spits out a smoke ring: "I have been behind you, but you have been immersed in your own world, did not find it."

Wu Xingyun didn't know what to say. He was worried that the content he wrote last night would be seen by Wennuo, but he didn't dare to ask. He felt that he was no longer an excellent soldier, and some of his positions seemed to have begun to waver.

Wennuo finished smoking, then put his hands in his pockets, looked out of the window and said to Wu Xingyun, "some things have passed, so you don't have to think about them. There is plenty of time to complete the information in the future. But It's not good for you to sympathize with the enemy. Don't forget Ouyang Liu. "

Wu Xingyun felt a shiver all over his body. He stood at attention with both legs and answered loudly, "yes!"

But when he answered "yes", there was a voice in his heart asking himself: do I really sympathize with the enemy? Do I have any sympathy for the enemy?

Wu Xingyun has no answers to these questions, and he is not willing to think about too complicated questions. He has returned to the Federation. It's good for him to leave these things to his superiors to think about. He just needs to be a soldier who obeys orders and is brave and fearless.

The rest of the time, they did not discuss about the night breaking sky, but actively prepared to participate in the trial. On the third day, they were all ready. That night, they took a spaceship to the trial hall. After a night's voyage, the next morning, they arrived at the trial planet of the Federation, the legendary six pointed star.

This planet is surrounded by six Hengxin, and every corner will be illuminated by the sun. Because there is no darkness, this star is used as a judgment planet, symbolizing light and justice. And this planet is also called hexagram.

When Wu Xingyun arrived at the six pointed star, he found that the star was full of reporters from all over the world and some troops to maintain order.

Among these reporters, there are even reporters of the night demon army, who are ordinary people who have taken refuge in the night sky.

It seems that the outcome of this trial is of great concern to both sides of the galaxy.

When Wu Xingyun appeared, many reporters recognized him, so they began to push forward one after another. The soldiers who kept order could only use their bodies to form a meat wall to isolate these crazy reporters.

Some reporters are asking in a loud voice: "chief sergeant, what do you think of this trial?"

"Do you know the night devil's true view of this trial?"

"Aren't you getting married? Does the sudden return mean the breakdown of the relationship between the two sides? "

"It's said that the victim Ouyang Liu and you are fighting for the night devil. Is that true?"

"Some people say Ouyang Liu is Xiao San. What do you think?"

For the first time, Wu Xingyun was a little confused when facing so many questions. He was even ready to answer those crazy reporters from various media. But Wennuo pulled him away and whispered in his ear: "don't pay attention to these people. If you say one word, they will have hundreds of associations."

Wu Xingyun immediately gave up the idea of defense, but his eyes still looked around.

Wennuo immediately reminded him: "from now on, you should enter the state of preparation, don't look around, just look ahead, don't forget what we practice."

Wu Xingyun immediately looked straight ahead, and walked into the courtroom with Wennuo.

The trial court can accommodate tens of thousands of people. The high dome is carved with complicated patterns. The light of stars leaks from the ceiling of the dome and forms mottled shadows on the ground.

**On the right side of the bench are ten recorders and on the left side are hundreds of jurors.

In the center of the court is the defendant Shi Fei, who is guarded by gendarmes all around. The court seat is full of people, all of whom are the leaders of the Federation.

The whole hall is full of light, without any artificial lighting facilities, but the atmosphere is solemn. The huge building makes people feel dignified. Everyone who enters the hall can't help feeling the atmosphere, and no one dares to be presumptuous here.

At the beginning, Wu Xingyun was just waiting in the waiting hall and watching the live broadcast of the trial on the screen.

Shi Fei on the screen looks energetic and energetic. Although he stands in the dock, he doesn't look dejected at all. The people in the plaintiff's seat are somewhat unexpected to Wu Xingyun. He always thinks that the plaintiff will be vice president Ouyang Feng, but in fact, the person standing in that seat is just an ordinary government official. Ouyang Feng sat on the hearing seat, waiting for the trial.

The trial has been going on for several months, and now it is the last trial. After the judge read out the charges of Shi Fei, he routinely asked, "does the defendant plead guilty?"

Of course, Shi Fei replied that he did not plead guilty. His lawyer, at the request of the judge, declared that he had the last witness.The judge sounded his trial hammer: "please witness Wu Xingyun to court."

Wu Xingyun looked back at Wennuo, and Wennuo patted him on the shoulder: "don't worry, I will sit opposite you on the hearing seat, and I can let you see it at any time. Everything will be OK!"

Wu Xingyun nodded, took a deep breath, then opened the door of the waiting room and walked through the passage.

Wu Xingyun's pace is not slow. He remembers the preparation before. He walked with his head high and his face unchanged. His passage had to go through the auditorium. He tried not to squint. But his remaining light saw a familiar figure.

The figure was dressed in a gray suit, short hair, white shirt and back collar, which was no different from that of all of you.

But Wu Xingyun suddenly recognized the back, which was the back of the night sky.

When Wu Xingyun had this cognition, he immediately rejected the idea in his heart. Maybe it's just a coincidence, or my own illusion.

Night sky should be in the source star now. He can't be here. Moreover, how can night sky's long hair be cut off suddenly?

When Wu Xingyun passed by the figure, he even wanted to look back at the person's face, but he always remembered Wennuo's explanation of "don't look around". He walked forward without strabismus and came to the witness stand.

The seat of the suspect is on the back of the witness stand. It's impossible for Wu Xingyun to go back and verify the other party's true identity. He soon forgot this little doubt and looked straight ahead.

As he said, Wennuo is in the most easily seen position of Wu Xingyun. At this moment, Wennuo smiles at Wu Xingyun and gives him a thumb.

"Don't be afraid, you are the best!" Vino made a mouth.

Wu Xingyun also nodded at him and began to accept the whole trial.

After swearing to the federal flag that what he said was true, the interrogation of Wu Xingyun began.

The judge sat on the podium, high Linxia, asked without any emotion: "witness, please describe in detail the death of captain ouyangliu."

Wu Xingyun's voice was not very loud. At the beginning, he stammered a little. When he said that after three months of sailing, he finally arrived at the source star, but saw the night sky and Ouyang current appear together, everyone took a breath.

This is a new material that has never been known before!

However, after the development of things, even more exaggerated, it is incredible. Until Wu Xingyun said that Ouyang Liu tried to steal the spaceship, but he repeatedly warned the other party that he still refused to put down his weapon, and was finally killed, everyone was still in shock.

Some people even looked at Ouyang Feng, who was sitting on the hearing seat. The questioning and questioning in his eyes were very obvious.

But the lawyer that Ou Yangfeng seeks asks to the judge in time: "your honor, I want to ask plaintiff witness a few questions, OK?"

The judge's voice was still very cold: "yes."

The lawyer came to Wu Xingyun and looked Wu Xingyun up and down. Then he suddenly stretched out his hands and put them on the witness table of Wu Xingyun. He asked in a quick voice, "when you see Ou Yangliu and the night demon appear together, why do you feel angry? Is it because he appears with the enemy, or because he robbed your husband?"

Wu Xingyun suddenly confused, he can't help looking at Wennuo, two people before rehearsal, can't have this exercise.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you answer my question? Sergeant, are you envious of the intimate relationship between captain Ouyang Liu and your fiance

"No!" Wu Xingyun instinctively retorted, "I'm jealous of what he does. I don't want to..." He wanted to say that he didn't want to marry night sky at all, but immediately realized that this was tantamount to public opposition to the superior's decision, so he didn't know how to say it.

The lawyer stared at Wu Xingyun and pressed him step by step: "why don't you dare to answer? Can I think that I'm right in your heart? "

Then, the lawyer turned and made a speech to the jury.

"As you can see, Sergeant Wu Xingyun was jealous of his relatives for the purpose of concealment, so he forced captain Ou Yangliu to have a psychological test. In other words, there was no psychological test at all. He just made up an excuse to kill the federal captain."

Then, on the broadcast screen of the Federation, the original video record was displayed. The lawyer pointed the laser pointer at Ouyang Liu: "the captain was obviously forced to do this test. He was coerced by someone with a gun. When he was threatened with his life, he had to give in. But he never thought that someone in his team was so despicable, Tampering with his psychological record. He couldn't even think that he would be betrayed by the night sky and fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives! "

"Captain Ouyang Liu was wronged. Look, Wu Xingyun didn't intend to kill him at first, but why did he change his mind on the wedding night? Can I assume that he is jealous? Or is he acting purposefully, just because he has received instructions from some people? " The lawyer said here, looking at Shi Fei in the dock: "Marshal Shi, have you instructed Wu Xingyun to kill captain Ouyang Liu?"Shi Fei's face flushed with anger. He had been asked this question many times, but every time he was asked, he was still very angry: "fart! Why did Laozi kill ouyangliu? No, this kind of bastard, I will be shot directly! "

Shi Fei's words caused everyone to hiss, and his anger gave the other lawyer a good handle.

The lawyer turned to the judge gracefully, and then said with indignation: "according to our latest intelligence, Captain ouyangliu was killed because he learned the inside story of the collusion between Shi Fei and the night devil, so he was killed by Wu Xingyun, the spokesman of Shi Fei! Let's think about it. A soldier who loves the sky at night, a soldier who is jealous of Captain Ou Yangliu, does not go to the bridal chamber on his wedding night, but runs to kill people. What kind of motivation impels him to do so? What kind of idea would make him give up his long-awaited bridal chamber and kill people? Besides being instructed, what else can it be? "

With these words, the lawyer raised his hand again and said more justly: "here, in my hand, there is a letter written by the night devil to Shi Fei. It mentioned in detail the treatment Shi Fei would receive after joining the night devil army and the details of how to surrender to the enemy. Marshal Shi, do you admit that this is a letter written to you by night broken sky? "

Shi Fei's voice was indignant: "he wrote it to me, then..."

Before he finished his sentence, he was interrupted by the lawyer: "then why didn't you report to the federal government immediately? Have you been interested in the terms of the night sky, have you colluded with each other, have you... "

Shi Fei is very angry. He almost interrupts the lawyer's words: "is it your mother! I don't think it's necessary to report this kind of thing. At that time, Lao Tzu could receive hundreds of such things a day, and every one of them had to be reported. Would Lao Tzu fight a war? You maggot headed asshole... "

The lawyer tilted his head to see Shi Fei, and shook his head and sighed: "Marshal Shi, please pay attention to your words. Do you mean to defy the judge in the court when you still attack him so arrogantly?" With these words, the lawyer turned and bowed to the judge, "your honor, I apply for Marshal Shi Fei to be forbidden for ten minutes. I'm afraid that he is too excited to start the mode of abusing people, and that he will have to suspend the court today."

The lawyer's slightly witty remark made most of the people laugh. The judge nodded and looked at Shi Fei: "the defendant is forbidden to speak for ten minutes, no speaking!"

A layer of transparent cover with light green light covered Shi Fei, and made sound wave isolation. Shi Fei yelled angrily inside, but no one could hear what he was saying.

With a smile of victory on his face, the lawyer turned his attack on Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun was a little afraid. His heart burst out and he couldn't help looking at Wennuo.

Wennuo was still smiling at him, which gave Wu Xingyun some confidence. He took a deep breath.

The lawyer began to ask endlessly: "why don't you kill the night devil when you know that he is going to die?"

Wu Xingyun's voice was calm: "because he died, the two sides will fight again. I don't want to fight again."

"Why did you save the enemy and kill your own people? Can I think you've actually gone to the devil? "

"I didn't"

"have you fallen in love with the night sky, so you work for him?"

"It's not like this"

"don't you have any guilt after you killed the captain?"

"I feel guilty, and I've been upset for a while."

"Are you sorry for your murder? If you feel guilty and sad, why do you want to kill him? Can I conclude that you are a hypocritical and dishonest person? Can I further suspect that your confessions are all false lies? "

Wu Xingyun was a little worried. He stammered: "I I'm not lying

"Why do you think ouyangliu is treason? Do you have any valid evidence? "

"I..." Wu Xingyun is a bit of a stickler. He was deterred by his lawyer.

"Why didn't you stop Ouyang before he got on the spaceship, but wait for him to get on the spaceship before shooting him? I can understand that you did it on purpose? "

"No, no!"

"You slander captain ouyangliu for treason, but you can't get any evidence. Can I think that you are guilty of being a thief and the thief shouts to catch the thief?"

"I didn't! I have no heart I'm guilty

Wu Xingyun's voice was a bit stuttering, and there was a trace of timidity in his tone. He had never seen such a battle before. Even if Wennuo had practiced with him many times, it was difficult for him to face the lawyer who was so nervous.

He can only keep himself from swearing and personal attack.

But many of the excuses were interrupted by the lawyer before he spoke, and the whole conversation was completely led by the lawyer.

Wu Xingyun's head began to sweat, but he didn't know how to reverse the situation.

The lawyer gave Wu Xingyun a scornful smile, let go of some irresistible Wu Xingyun, and turned to the jury: "this legendary witness, except for his own imagination and free talk, can't produce any favorable material evidence at all. Moreover, in view of his special relationship with ye suikong, I request that he be disqualified as a witness!"The jury began to discuss with each other in private. The lawyer's face looked like he wanted to win. But at this time, Wu Xingyun spoke. He saw Wennuo make a gesture to himself, which is the sign that they discussed during the practice.

Wu Xingyun is no longer timid and at a loss. His voice is a little loud: "I have evidence!"

Lawyer some unexpected turn head: "I'm sorry, in view of your special relationship with night broken sky, I'm afraid your one-sided statement is difficult to testify."

Wu Xingyun was surprised to find that the lawyer's sentence was exactly what he had rehearsed, so his voice was calm and he opened the endorsement mode: "I have sufficient material evidence. At that time, I found out that Ouyang stream was gone, and so was the spaceship. I couldn't wear ordinary combat clothes, so I wore the combat clothes of ghost lock soldiers. The reason why I didn't catch Ouyang stream immediately after I found it is because I heard a conversation between him and night sky. This conversation was recorded by the combat suit recording system at that time, and now requests the court to broadcast it in public. "

The lawyer was stunned, and so was Ouyang Feng at the hearing. Obviously, no one expected that Wu Xingyun recorded it.

But the lawyer immediately said: "it's hard to say that this video has not been deleted, you have enough time, and you have a relationship with night sky..."

The lawyer's words were the contents of the original exercise, so Wu Xingyun interrupted him at the right time and continued to recite the mode: "everyone knows the protection system of ghost lock soldiers. This is the most advanced branch of the military. Whether his records have been taken out or not will be known as soon as the military sends people to check. Lawyers don't have to worry about my falsification. Of course, I won't make the most malicious speculation about your words, because I know you don't understand these, because You're just a lawyer, not a soldier, and you've never killed half an enemy on the battlefield. "

The lawyer looked at Wu Xingyun in a daze. During the previous series of exchanges, he was confident that he knew that the soldier was clumsy and would not argue with others. He was the weakest opponent he had ever met. However, he did not expect that the soldier's words suddenly became sharp.

He coughed awkwardly.

At this time, Wu Xingyun looks at Wennuo. Wennuo smiles at him and nods to show that Wu Xingyun's recitation is successful.

Wu Xingyun's original combat suit was soon presented. After being examined by professionals, it was proved that the recorded content had never been taken out or deleted.

Then the big screen of the whole court began to play.

On the huge screen, came the sound of Ouyang flow.

"Lord mozun, I've always admired you. I'm willing to do anything for you..."

There was a hiss.

Immediately after that, the back of the night sky appeared on the huge screen. The sound of the night sky was very lazy, but every word was very clear: "how can I forget you? I've been thinking about you, otherwise I won't send someone to help you steal the spaceship."

"I gave up waiting for you here on my wedding night just to worry about you."

There was another sigh.

"Lord mozun, since I saw your story, you are the only one in my heart. The federal people deserve to die under you. I'm willing to tell you everything I know. I don't want anything else. I just want you to look at me more... "

Hiss mixed with a few curses, vaguely has a "traitor!" Words such as "traitor" came into Ouyang Feng's ears, and the dark clouds covered Ouyang Feng's face as he sat on the hearing bench. He never dreamed that his son would Even if it's so stupid, it was caught and recorded on the spot, and now it's played all over the galaxy.

However, the unexpected things are still behind us.

Ouyang Liu began to undress, and his voice trembled: "it's just one night I've told you everything I know. If you want to know the biggest secret, it's just one night. "

"Lord mozun, didn't you say that you like mine?"

"I sold everything to you, my only dependence is you..."

Ouyangliu's body is presented to everyone, and Wu Xingyun has not changed. Therefore, some important parts of the screen are not covered or mosaic, and everything is miserable.

"Damn it

"Damn it! What a shame

Curse has been one after another, Ouyang Feng this time would like to find a hole to drill down, but his heart is very clear if he really drilled a hole, then everything is irreparable. He must quickly find a way to recover his image in this most inferior situation.

He's going to give a public speech, denouncing his bad discipline, and by the way, he's going to give a little black to Shi Fei.

But before he could figure out what to say, Wu Xingyun spoke.

He is very nervous, very nervous, so some words he recited before are not very smooth.

"The night breaks the sky Empty My perception is very I'm very keen. I can only keep myself out of his sight. So So I didn't immediately dissuade captain Ouyang Liu from making a mistake. "The lawyer has been shocked by the series of slightly beautiful and brain damaged videos just now. His brain is still short circuited, and he doesn't respond: "the night sky is dying, and his perception is not so sharp at all. Sergeant, do you mean to..."

The lawyer was scolded by Shi Fei before he finished his sentence.

Shi Fei's ten minutes of silence finally arrived. As soon as he spoke, he angrily scolded the lawyer: "what's wrong with you? Who the hell knew at that time that night sky was dying! You are so powerful that you can be a prophet. Why don't you go and shoot the night broken air to be a hero? Your mother's head is covered with shit

Then, Shi Fei was banned again

Wu Xingyun didn't go to see the lawyer again. He looked at the jury. Just now, Wennuo gave him a sign that it was a good time for him to fight for the sympathy of the jury.

Wu Xingyun's voice was a little astringent. He was nervous and forgot his words: "I I didn't mean to I really didn't know the real situation of the night sky But it's not just that I don't know. He cheated everyone in the Federation! I never wanted to marry night sky, my enemy. As a soldier, it's a shame to be forced to defend his country in this way when he can't defend his country on the battlefield. "

Wu Xingyun's words began to slip smoothly, gradually entered the state, the hand movement also cooperated.

"But it's not just a personal disgrace to me, it's a disgrace to the Federation, it's a disgrace to the whole army!"

His hand in the air across an arc, and then tightly grasp: "the enemy's bluff, we can be scared, why? Because he's strong? Because he's terrible? No, because of our cowardice! We are afraid to fight him, we are afraid of him! Therefore, we dare not face up to his conspiracy, his disguise, or even his weakness. We would rather blame our own people for all our mistakes than say that he is not! "

When Wu Xingyun said these words, he naturally associated with his anger in the night sky. He thought of the things that he had been forced to fight with the night sky at first, but was driven away after a quarrel with the night sky. He was more angry, not only for the weakness of the Federation, but also for himself.

"With a small population of mutants, one will die if one is eliminated, while our Federation will not die. If one dies, more people will come forward. The final victory will be us, but some people, for some inexplicable excuses and ulterior motives, want to confuse right and wrong. When the night sky was already in a desperate situation, the proposal of peace gave the enemy a chance to breathe. What is this? In the past few years of war, we did not think about the national hatred, but used the humiliating means of making peace for the nonexistent peace. What is the intention? The fighting heroes were sold to the enemy, the marshals who had been leading the Anti Japanese war were charged with treason, and the loyal guards who worked for the Federation became criminals; those who betrayed the Federation were reversed into heroes. In this place, which is illuminated by six stars and has never been dark, this kind of behavior of reversing black and white is absolutely not allowed. "

"When those who really contribute are stigmatized and thrown into prison, who else would be willing to pay and die to defend the Union? When the traitors have become heroes and respected figures, who else will work for the Federation? Yes, since ancient times, there has been no lack of these despicable people. They destroy faith, fairness and justice for their own selfish desires and certain purposes. But we will not allow these people to exist. Because if they are allowed to hurt their own heroes, the Union will be doomed in the end! "

"The reason why I come to testify is not to overthrow anyone, nor to embarrass anyone. I just want to, don't want to see that day coming, don't want to see our enemies laughing happily in the shadow, but our friends crying in the light!"

"Jury, judges, I believe that you have the most sincere love for the union. I believe that some intrigues are just clown tricks. In front of the facts and the light, everyone will have his own inner trial. Even if it can't, history will judge today correctly. "

"We've been cheated once by night sky and lost the best chance to beat him, but we can't be cheated again."

"The Union will win!"

"Finally, I love the union, and I believe that everyone loves her as much as I do, and no one can betray her. Those who betray her and betray her will be tried, whether in court or in history! "

"I'm finished." Wu Xingyun bowed to the crowd as the end of his speech.

Under the guidance of Wennuo, he has recited this sentence hundreds of times. He speaks it very smoothly. His eyes, movements and looks have been practiced in front of the mirror countless times. When he finished this sentence, the auditorium immediately burst into warm applause, the jury looked at each other, and the judge knocked the hammer three times in a row. All of them were quiet.

The judge said: "now, the court will be suspended temporarily, and the result of the trial will follow..."

Before the judge's words were finished, one of the people in the hearing stood up. He took the wheat in the front row and said, "I'm wrong! I want to apologize to all the people of the union! Ouyang Liu's traitorous behavior is not shameful to all! Blame me for not educating him well, and after he became an adult, he was too busy to be disciplined. I'm sorry for you... "With that, Ouyang Feng bowed deeply to the crowd.

"I ask your honor to reprimand Ouyang Liu and not to leave him any feelings for my reasons. Such a shameless person as Ouyang Liu will always be nailed to the stigma of history. On behalf of the Ouyang family, I only announce that this man will be expelled from the family. He does not deserve to be named Ouyang! On behalf of the Ouyang family, I apologize to all the people who have been hurt by Ouyang Liu. I'm sorry that I have neglected the education of my children because of my busy work. I accept the condemnation of the federal people, and I feel most sad about it. "

Here, Ouyang Feng bowed to Wu Xingyun: "sergeant, I'm sorry for the trouble Ouyang flow has caused you."

Then he looked at Shi Fei: "I didn't know much about Ouyang Liu before. If I knew, I would never let someone with ulterior motives accuse Marshal you. Here I would like to make a solemn apology to you. I hope this unpleasant episode will not affect our future cooperation. "

Shi Fei glares at Ouyang Feng fiercely. Wu Xingyun is relatively simple. At this moment, he feels that Ouyang Feng sincerely apologizes and admits his mistake, which is not as unbearable as the previous legend.

Instead, Wennuo's eyes narrowed slightly.

Ouyang Feng has been manipulating all this behind the scenes, never coming out. That is to maintain his reputation and put himself in a position where he can attack and defend. Now that he saw that everything could not be reversed, he came out for the first time to draw a line with his dead son and win the favor of the public in this way. What a Qualified politicians.

But no matter how qualified he is, he will be greatly hit by this.

In an instant, Wennuo had thought of a series of follow-up strategies to deal with Ouyang Feng. Of course, the first strategy is to attack Ouyang Feng's appeasement policy with the help of the incident that Wu Xingyun almost died on his wedding night, and strive to let Wu Xingyun stay in the Federation and never return to the territory of the night demon army.

The judges soon discussed the result. Starfield Marshal Shi Fei was falsely accused. Of course, he was immediately released and restored to his original position.

Ouyangliu's accusation has also been verified. He has been sentenced to 1000 years' imprisonment for treason and treason, and his body will be thrown into prison for safekeeping

The official who falsely accused Shi Fei was sentenced to one year's imprisonment and a huge fine.

As for Ouyang Feng, the man behind the incident, there was no evidence to prove that he was illegal, and the judges could not make a judgment on him. However, the president soon sent a telegram saying that Ouyang Feng was temporarily suspended because he connived at his children and had bad discipline, which caused great harm to the reputation of the Federation. Therefore, the Federal Assembly was needed to vote to decide whether he would continue to serve I'm in charge.

At the end of the trial, when the judge announced the result and disbanded, Wennuo was the first to run over. With a smile on his face, he patted Wu Xingyun on the shoulder: "Xingyun, you're doing well!"

Shi Fei also came to Wu Xingyun's side and hit him. He was in high spirits: "you can't see it. You are usually stupid and stupid. You can't speak smoothly. Today you are so eloquent!"

Wu Xingyun scratched his head and said, "those are all the manuscripts written by general Wen. I read them on my back I've practiced it many times, but I'm afraid I'll make a fool of myself. "

Shi Fei laughs and hugs Wennuo: "you are good! I'll give you a credit when I go back! "

Wennuo was still smiling: "marshal, you'd better control your temper in the future. This is a lesson! Besides, it's not military merit. I'm afraid we can't reward it casually. "

Shi Fei was a little unhappy and gave Wennuo a punch: "you are really boring! I'll give you a credit in my heart. I'll keep all the good things for you in the future! "

Wen Nuo smiles and doesn't talk much. He just looks at Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun has never looked askance when he was in court, but now after the trial, he will turn back for the first time.

Just now, he always felt that there was a gaze locked on him, but later when he made a speech, it turned into tens of thousands of gaze locked on him, and he didn't care.

Now, when he talks with Shi Fei and Wen Nuo, he feels that look again.

Wu Xingyun turned back as like as two peas, and finally saw the front of the man, the figure of the man who had the same figure and the same night.

The man was wearing a gray suit, a white shirt button was loosened, his tie was torn, and he was wearing sunglasses to cover most of his face.

Not only that, the man was wearing a hat.

When Wu Xingyun's eyes fell on the man's face, he saw that the man's face was almost completely hidden in the shadow. Just a pair of lips and a chin.

That's the night sky!

Wu Xingyun's heart is a little uneasy, and his brows are also twisted. What's he doing here in the night sky? What's his purpose of sneaking into the federal courtroom? Maybe, just recognize the wrong person? There are many things that look like. Night sky can't come here.

Wu Xingyun's heart was full of ups and downs. When he wanted to make further confirmation, he saw that the man gave himself a smile.

That smile is more familiar, Wu Xingyun immediately determined the identity of each other.Wu Xingyun blurted out: "the night breaks the sky!"

Wennuo and Shi Fei are chatting when they hear Wu Xingyun say this and ask: "what breaks the sky at night?"

Wu Xingyun said: "I just saw the night break away..."

Wen Nuo and Shi Fei look at the place where Wu Xingyun points. There is no one there, only dust dancing in the light beam.

Shi Fei said, "are you dazzled?"

Wennuo looked at the soldier in front of him in silence. It seemed that there were some things that he couldn't wait any longer. He had to act immediately.

And Wu Xingyun rubbed his eyes and felt at a loss: am I really dazed? But why is he in the illusion?

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