"Yes, I would rather die on the battlefield than marry you!"

The night sky fell into silence again, his breathing voice was aggravating, and he felt unprecedented anxiety and depression in his heart.

He is very clear that he should say something to save, but he does not know what to say to save Wu Xingyun's heart.

Or, the other party's heart has never been on their own, there is no word to save.

Night sky has been silent, he thought a lot of words, but each sentence is not appropriate.

In a certain period of time, he wondered whether he should take Wu Xingyun away by force, whether he wanted to or not, as long as he was always by his side. He even thought about pressing Wu Xingyun under his body now. Even though Wu Xingyun still won't change his mind, at least he won't give himself too much regret. For a while, he was thinking or he should make Wu Xingyun yield through diplomatic means.

But in the end, he did nothing but keep silent.

In the narrow room, the silence is like death, just like a pool of stagnant water, without half life.

The night sky finally said: "is this so I thought you'd like me a little bit. "

"No Wu Xingyun answered without thinking. After he said this, he felt relaxed for a while, but when he said it, he felt empty in his heart. He thought that he probably still had a little favor for the night sky, but only a little, not too much.

"If you really think so I have nothing to say. That's what I deserve... " In the dark, the sound of night sky sounds a little hurt, but he is still struggling to convince the other party, "if you don't go back with me, the symbol of peace between the two sides will collapse Even if you don't have any feelings, don't you consider other factors? Such as peace, federal security and so on Your dowry is in Yuanxing, you Don't you want them? Moreover, there are many strange marriages in this world. Maybe we Maybe it can continue, and it won't be as hard as you think... "

Night sky stretched out his hand, voice as mild as possible, with a trace of hope: "so, come back with me, OK?"

In the dark, a hand reached out to Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun raised his head. His eyes showed a kind of extreme confusion. He thought a lot in his head, especially when he said the four words of "peace between the two sides".

In his heart, it was clear that the night was breaking and the sky was keeping him. The reason why the original peace agreement could be reached was that the night was broken and half dead. But now, the strength of the night demon army is stronger than that of the Federation, and it is not them who are afraid of war.

For the night broken sky who has recovered, peace negotiation has no meaning at all. His existence is for fighting and revenge.

Wu Xingyun was so shaken in his heart that he began to worry about the future of the Federation, but he immediately remembered the words of Wennuo and Shi Fei: "Xingyun, stay! Ouyangliu incident, the incident that night sky almost died, all let the domestic public opinion stand on our side! Stay here and join us in the fight to wipe out the night sky! Declare the end of this absurd farce in the way of a soldier!

Wu Xingyun immediately became firm in his heart and shook his head slowly: "if you want to fight, after this trial, there will be no more peace talks in the Federation! We won't be afraid. "

The night sky stretched out in the mid air hand slowly dropped down, he from the mouth of Wu Xingyun, already knew that all this has no room for recovery. Maybe the war can be discussed again, but this stubborn soldier's heart has been completely lost.

He opened the door of the storage room and said to Wu Xingyun squatting in the corner: "in this case You're so determined, I don't mean to force you. I just hope you will be happy after you make this decision. "

When the light comes into the storage room and lights up everything in the small space, the night sky completely sees Wu Xingyun's face.

Wu Xingyun's eyes were red and much thinner, but his expression was firm and did not waver.

Maybe he has some inexplicable feelings in his heart, but he will not change his mind. The relationship between two people was completely destroyed when the night sky said "I don't want you anymore".

And this trial, the series of scandals of Ouyang Feng, the head of the peace negotiation group, has erased the possibility that the two will make up again.

There is no need for peace on either side, except for the night itself.

The night sky turned away a little. He tried his best to restrain his feelings and said, "I'm not easy to come here once. We Let's get together and break up. Just like a real couple, have an afternoon, OK? I will leave in the evening, from now on, I will not disturb you again. I will still abide by our original agreement that we will not fight any more. I will Keep it until you leave the world. "

Night sky is almost desperate to say his final request, he did not expect Wu Xingyun to agree, but let him not expect that Wu Xingyun actually used a few inaudible voice to say "good".

This "good" word, let the night broken hollow God ripple, but he immediately realized that this is the last supper.The corner of the night sky's mouth forced out a smile. He stretched out his hand to Wu Xingyun: "can I pull you up?"

Wu Xingyun hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand, a strong force came, he was immediately pulled up, but the night sky also abided by what he said, he did not pull this person into his arms, although he wanted to, but he did not dare to anger Wu Xingyun at the last time.

When two people stand face to face that moment, night sky saw the person in front of the eyes of the residual so a trace of attachment. But it's just a little bit, no more.

The palm of the night sky turns slightly, trying to connect with the people around, but Wu Xingyun pulls out his hand: "if you don't want to be recognized, you'd better keep a certain distance from me."

Night broken sky's eyes some undercurrent is surging, he is still a bit indomitable: "you care about me, you are afraid that I will be recognized?"? You're afraid I'll be ambushed and hurt? "

"No..." Wu Xingyun said, "I just don't want to get into trouble."

Broken night sky smile, smile with a trace of bitterness.

In the long life after that, they probably won't meet again, so in this short last time, he hopes to be as good as possible and leave more memories for himself.

He hopes Wu Xingyun can remember himself in this last time. Even if he stubbornly refuses to go back with himself, even if the wind in the Federation has changed, he does not have to go back. But I hope that in the future, when Wu Xingyun grows old, he will remember that afternoon that year, that afternoon that made him feel comfortable and happy.

"If you don't mind, I can accompany you back to see your parents." He knew that Wu Xingyun had not seen his parents for several years, and he often mentioned them when he was on the source star.

Wu Xingyun shook his head: "no I'll probably be with my parents this afternoon, and I'm going to the show with them in the evening. "

The eyes of the night sky are full of tenderness.

Wu Xingyun said after a while, "you Let's go! If someone finds out, it's not good... "

Night broken sky is very stubborn, he insisted on it, also terrible: "marriage up to now, I have never seen your parents. I think I should see them. Anyway I'll go myself. My parents died early. I want to have a meal with you, just my family. It's just a small wish of mine. It doesn't mean anything else. I will never get into trouble. "

Wu Xingyun didn't insist any more. They walked on the street of the six pointed star and stood in the parking lot waiting for the bus.

There are heart-shaped leaves on the six pointed star. The star has no change in season and temperature. These trees are always falling leaves and growing.

Now, there are layers of golden heart-shaped leaves on the road. The station is under the tree. The sunlight leaks through these leaves and forms mottled shadows on the ground.

Wu Xingyun and ye suikong are standing on the waiting platform of the station. They are not very close to each other, and they don't hold hands. Wu Xingyun's posture is a standard military posture. Ye suikong's hands are in his pocket, and he doesn't wear a hat and sunglasses.

They chatted casually. Both sides know that when the relationship is about to end, they will become more tolerant of each other.

"The environment here is good, and it's a good place for parents to provide for the aged," night sky said

"Well, when my father used to be in the mining area, he said that his greatest wish was to have a house in the six pointed star, where he could live, and do nothing but count the leaves every day."

The night sky laughs. He looks at Wu Xingyun. The soldier's appearance is ordinary, but his eyes make people fall in love unconsciously. Very pure, very naive, but particularly stubborn.

"My father's biggest wish before was to go to the West Lake and eat the west lake vinegar fish once. Unfortunately, although he has been there many times, he has not had time to eat because he is too busy with his work. " The voice of the night sky is very gentle. When it comes to the past, its attitude is very casual, just like the chat between ordinary friends.

Wu Xingyun knows that night sky is about his father's life, the earth 2000 years ago.

"In fact, I don't think you are as terrible as they say, but sometimes you are very annoying," he said

Night sky nodded, and then pointed to the airship in the distance: "the airship is coming, let's go up."

They got into the airship and sat by the window. The airship was full of people, and there were still people standing around. A girl looked at the night sky and whispered to her friends: "look, that person is like a night demon."

"How can it be? It looks totally different!"

The speed of the airship is 16 times faster than the speed of sound. Soon, Wu Xingyun and night sky arrive at the station.

What they stop at is a residential area of liumangxing. The buildings are not high and dense. Some reinforced concrete buildings are scattered on both sides of the street. There are some hawkers calling to buy goods on the street. There are also large life supermarkets. There are even fresh vegetables from nearby farmers calling to buy.

Although Wu Xingyun repeatedly stressed that it was unnecessary, night sky still felt that it was impolite to come to the door for the first time.He bought a fat eared beast peculiar to hexagram from a farmer nearby as a gift. When he paid for it, he found that he didn't have federal money with him. As for the money on him, his head was printed on it. Other parts of the Federation might be able to circulate, but hexagram didn't accept it at all.

Wu Xingyun took out his wallet and paid the bill. He was not very happy: "he also said that giving gifts to my parents is all my money!"

Night sky felt a little sorry. He didn't want Wu Xingyun to think of this day in the future. The memory was that he owed him 1000 federal dollars.

"Night broken sky said:" I return you back, is to ask you to borrow

Wu Xingyun Oh, the night sky also gave up the idea to buy other things, he carried the fat eared beast less than half a meter high, followed Wu Xingyun to find the address.

Wu Xingyun looked for the house number for a while, and then found his parents' unit, the sixth floor.

When they were waiting for the elevator, they met a middle-aged woman. The middle-aged woman looked at Wu Xingyun for a long time and then asked, "Hey, are you Wu Sanyang's son?"

Wu Xingyun went up to the horse and said, "good aunt..."

The middle-aged woman nodded: "I've seen you on TV! Didn't you go to make up? Why are you back? No There won't be another war, will there? "

The night sky broke in and said, "he's coming back. It's the custom of the night demon army."

The middle-aged aunt let out a cry, and then arrived on the sixth floor. Wu Xingyun and night sky walked out of the elevator together.

The elevator door closed slowly, and the middle-aged woman thought, "I can still live to see my parents!! It seems that the night devil is not too cruel. Eh, who is the young man around Wu Xingyun? Why do you look a little familiar? "

Wu Xingyun and the night sky stand outside the door.

The door has been open for a while. The whole family is there, Wu Xingyun's parents, three brothers and two sisters in law.

Three people were watching TV. When they heard the doorbell ring, they didn't think much. When they opened the door, Wu Xingyun's father slapped him: "son of a bitch, finally back! My parents miss you... "

Wu Fu did not finish a word, he saw the night sky with fat eared beast in his hand.

Wu's father didn't respond: "son of a bitch, is this your friend?"

Night broken sky bows to Wu Fu, brings the present in his hand to the room, and then says, "Dad, I'm his man. My name is night broken sky."

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