As soon as Wu Xingyun closed the door, his mobile phone began to buzz again. He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was still a text message from Wennuo: "did you go out?"

While waiting for the elevator, Wu Xingyun replied to Wennuo: "I have come out"

the reply he got was: "special task, emergency action, now we are in dormant period, we must not expose ourselves. Pick up your assignment at box 601 on the first floor. "

Wu Xingyun's heart is a little stuffy. Entering the dormant period means that he is about to perform a special task. From now on, no one can contact him, even if he says hello to his parents.

As usual, Wu Xingyun has carried out this kind of task many times. When someone disappeared in the army, it would not cause excessive inquiries from ordinary soldiers. Once Wu Xingyun's mother came to the army to see him and happened to perform a special task. He was pulled away when he went out to go to the toilet and never came back. Wu's mother just waited in the reception room for two hours before the leader came to apologize Meaning.

The elevator is falling rapidly. Wu Xingyun is a little bored in the elevator, and suddenly remembers that the night sky is still at his home.

So Would you like to say hello to him?

Wu Xingyun took out his mobile phone, dialed two numbers, and gave up.

Mom will explain to him when she goes back. I'd better not violate discipline because of such a small matter.

Ding, the elevator door opened. Wu Xingyun went to the mailbox in the hall downstairs, opened his mailbox, and came out with a file bag.

There is a chip in the file bag, which requires the password to be verified. Wu Xingyun inserts the chip into the mobile phone and enters his own password.

The details of the mission appear above.

Write very simple and clear, task name is: Hunt demon a plan.

Wu Xingyun's task is simpler: arrive at exit b of the city through the underground isolated safety passage, pay attention to concealment, and don't be seen by anyone.

Wu Xingyun scratched his head. This task made him a little confused, but he didn't have to think too much. He just followed the above requirements.

When Wu Xingyun walked to the square of the community, he always felt that there was something wrong. There was no one around him. Now, just after dinner, the stars of hexagram all moved to the oblique position, which is most suitable for human beings to come out and spread.

It's a bit abnormal. Wu Xingyun thinks silently in his heart. It looks like cleaning the site before the war.

In his heart, he was puzzled and walked toward the underground passage. At the entrance of the underground passage, he also found a signal transmitter, which was used to transmit bioelectrical signals.

Wu Xingyun took out his mobile phone, stepped on the conveyor belt at the exit, and sent a message to Wennuo, asking, "is there going to be a war nearby? I just saw the signal transmitter, it seems that everything around is a bit wrong. "

The conveyor belt began to transmit, and veno's reply came immediately: it's confidential.

Wu Xingyun did not ask. He looked around and found that he was the only one on the whole conveyor belt, which was too unscientific.

Wu Xingyun scratched his head and found out his phone. He thought that he should say to the night sky that he would not go back. If he was stupid at home, it would be a big trouble.

But when he was about to dial the phone, he suddenly realized a problem.

The details were connected together, and all the surroundings were cleaned up. My brothers were called out one after another, and my parents also went out, but they didn't come back. There is no one around, but there is bioelectrical emission signal. Moreover, it seemed that he was the last to leave.

All this shows that there will be a big war right here.

Who is the bioelectrical signal transmitter for?

Ordinary people can't feel bioelectricity. Only by perceiving the sharp night sky, can we judge the distance of life around by perceiving bioelectricity.

All the population of the whole region has been transferred, leaving behind a lot of confused transmitters. It is self-evident that all these arrangements are used to deal with who.

Wu Xingyun recalled that in the corridor of the court this morning, night sky and Wennuo met. Although all the clothes of night sky have been changed, it's not easy to be recognized, but Vino can definitely recognize it.

Wu Xingyun immediately understood the name of his mission and what it meant to hunt demons. That is - the Federation sent out a large number of troops to hunt night demons!

Wu Xingyun's hand trembles a little. He was going to call the night sky, but he hesitates when he realizes that all these actions are for hunting the night sky.

Because at this time, the meaning of calling is no longer to inform a guest, but to cooperate with the enemy and betray the country during the war.

However, if you don't fight, the night sky will be ambushed, he If you understand the cause and effect, you will be very sad, right?

Wu Xingyun picked up the phone several times and put it down several times. The two voices were fighting in his heart. He didn't know what to do.

He felt a little weak and squatted down unconsciously. Then another idea came out of his mind: the military equipment of hexagram is not perfect, it is not a military base, there are no weapons of mass destruction, and even Xinggang is civilian. So, Wennuo can not mobilize a large number of troops in a short time, that is to say, even if there is a fight, the United States will not fight Hasty state affairs will not be able to give a fatal blow to the night broken air, but will destroy the peace talks that have not been easily facilitated.Maybe I think too much about it. All this is not aimed at the night sky at all. A cautious man like Wennuo can't ambush the night sky in a place where the political significance is greater than the military significance, such as the six pointed star, if he doesn't have the assurance of 100% victory.

So, this is a plan for something else, maybe

Wu Xingyun's heart is in a mess. He has been holding his mobile phone, and his home number has been dialed, so he has to press the call key, but he still can't press it.

Ding, the conveyor belt is at the station.

Wu Xingyun saw several fully armed soldiers coming, saluted himself, and asked for a body search.

The mobile phone on Wu Xingyun's hand has been searched. He has no chance to make a phone call.

A soldier took him through the underground passage, and soon they came to the underground control center of hexagram, where sfy, vino, and some other senior officers were all.

Shi Fei is still fighting with someone across the screen. Wennuo turns around and sees Wu Xingyun coming, so he comes over.

A fully armed soldier gave Wu Xingyun's mobile phone to Wennuo, and then backed out.

Wu Xingyun couldn't help asking: "general, what's the matter, can you tell me?"

Wennuo's voice is very gentle: "nothing, your task is to stay here, nothing else."

But Wu Xingyun was not reconciled, he said: "is it Prepare for Ambush the night and break the sky

WENO was silent for a moment, nodded. He picked up a cup of coffee on the table and said, "yes, you guessed right!"

Wu Xingyun looked at Wennuo incredulously. After he got the answer, his brain exploded and became a blank. He didn't even know what he was talking about. He just relied on his instinct: "he just came over for an afternoon and will leave soon. He won't cause any trouble. He promised me that we would divorce peacefully. He just wanted to share the money Leave some good memories in front of you There was no malice in his coming And he also said that he didn't plan to fight with the federal government. He was sincere... "

"What nonsense!" Shi Fei quarrels with others, but as soon as he turns around, he hears Wu Xingyun talking for the night sky. He gets angry again.

Shi Fei strode over and looked at Wennuo and Wu Xingyun. He frowned and asked, "Wennuo! What's the matter with this soldier? Didn't you say that he provided all the information? How come I don't think it's like this at all? Are intelligence sources accurate? Can you kill the night devil this time? I just made a promise to the president to reassure him. What's going on? Does Wu Xingyun know nothing? "

When Wu Xingyun was drunk by Shi Fei, his blank brain was a little sober, but when he heard Shi Fei's question, he was even more confused.

What are the sources of information, what are they providing, what are they accurate, and what do they mean? What should I know?

Wu Xingyun stares at Wennuo, with doubt in his eyes, but more anxious.

Wen Nuo ignored Wu Xingyun and just explained to Shi Fei: "he really doesn't know anything, and I didn't tell him, but the intelligence is extremely accurate. I've done data analysis, and I can't be wrong!"

Shi Fei said, no more.

But Wu Xingyun couldn't help it. Although he knew some things he shouldn't ask, he still wanted to know. He said, "general Wen, what did Marshal just say? I want to involve myself, I have the right to know. "

Wennuo's face was a little embarrassed. Shi Fei waved to them: "come here, I believe you just by your mouth. I also want to know the details."

Two people entered Shi Fei's office together, Wen Nuo's face was as usual, gray eyes appeared extremely calm and calm, also abnormal self-confidence.

Wen Nuo saluted Shi Fei and said, "report, the whole thing is like this..."

Wu Xingyun was listening. He couldn't believe what he had heard. What's more, he couldn't believe that the man in front of him was the company commander who had given all his trust and even had his spiritual belief for some time.

Listening to what vino said, he felt that the major general in uniform was getting farther and farther away from him.

Wennuo's voice was very calm: "the night Wu Xingyun came back, he couldn't sleep, and then went to supplement the information of the night sky. I was always behind him, and I saw what he wrote. I think he's not very stable in his mood, so I made a backup with him and recorded all his records. According to this first-hand information, and the usual state of night sky, I made a data analysis. It comes to a surprising conclusion that although the night sky claims to have completely recovered, his ability can't be compared with the peak period. He once had a quarrel with Wu Xingyun, and in a state of extreme anger, he just knocked down a small wooden building, which can explain the problem. According to my calculation, although his daily life is unimpeded, his combat effectiveness is only half of his usual level, and it will take at least a year for him to fully recover. At that time, I was very sorry that if we could send troops to fight him, he would not be able to break out a lethal gamma ray burst in this state, and we were sure of winning! But it's a pity that he can't find a chance, and night sky himself should know this very well, so he will definitely recuperate in his old nest and won't give us a chance. "Wu Xingyun couldn't help it at this time. He blushed and said angrily, "how can you do this! I You peep at what I'm writing! "

Wennuo looked back, still very calm: "I told you, I said I was behind you all night, but you didn't realize it."

Wu Xingyun didn't know how to retort, he just said upside down: "how can you do this, how can you do this!"

Veno's eyes did not change, and his voice was calm: "nebula, we are soldiers of the Federation. It is our unshirkable responsibility to defend the Federation and fight against the enemy. It is also the dream of every soldier to kill the night demon and fight the night demon army thoroughly. You Isn't that so? "

Wu Xingyun's lips trembled. He could not say a word.

Yes, killing the night sky is the dream and goal of every federal soldier.

It is also the goal of every federal general to defeat the night demon army and completely end the battle.

Even in his youth, Wu Xingyun had a dream of killing the night sky and winning the highest medal of the Federation.

But, but now why do you become like this? Why?

Wu Xingyun was speechless, and Wennuo continued to report to Shi Fei: "but I didn't expect that under such circumstances, the night sky would dare to go deep into the hinterland of the Federation and come to the six pointed star! And He dares to show up in front of me and even stay here all the time. Marshal, we've evacuated all the non combatants on this planet, and we've also had a conflict with Congress. The night sky, which has little combat power, will appear on the federal territory only once in a blue moon. We can't miss it! "

Shi Fei gave a sound, and Wen Nuo continued: "in addition, all the non combatants from nearby planets should be transferred, quickly mobilize the surrounding forces, and gather forces at the border between the two sides. When the night is broken and the sky is dead, we will throw his body to the night demon army, which will greatly shake their hearts. When the time comes, we can take advantage of the victory to pursue. No one in the night demon army can pose a great threat to us except breaking the sky at night. We, even if the future fighting will be very fierce, we will win more! "

He was silent for a moment. Then he patted the table and stood up. He made up his mind: "that's right! Soldiers should see the real chapter on the battlefield! Peace won't last long if hostages are exchanged. For the enemy, real peace can only be exchanged if all the hostages are eliminated! "

With these words, Shi Fei began to give various orders.

The battle starts at this moment.

Wu Xingyun has been staying in the underground command room. Although the isolation equipment here is very good, he can still feel the huge vibration of the ground. He can imagine what is outside without looking.

The Federation has fought with the night sky many times. Every time, in the light gun and nuclear explosion, the night sky can come out safely, and then take out his unique skill - gamma ray burst. Time is two seconds, the killing range is one light year, and no one can stop it. This can be said to be the most terrible force in the universe. Only when a black hole comes into being can this terrible storm break out and destroy all the nearby planets.

But this time, who can know who wins and who loses?

Wu Xingyun doesn't know. He just feels dizzy. He finds that he has been unable to sleep for three or four days, and the battle is still going on. Under such siege, the night sky can't leave the six pointed star, but no one can kill him.

But, after all, he is a man. Will he die one day?

Wu Xingyun didn't dare to think about this problem, especially when he thought that all the information in the night sky was actually leaked out by himself, he felt a heartbreaking pain.

He shouldn't be. He should be proud of his success in getting information from the enemy, but now he just feels guilty.

In just three or four days, Wu Xingyun had only one meal. He could not understand the situation on the ground, but more importantly, all kinds of feelings that he had never had filled his heart.

Until the fifth day, Shi Fei with three ghost lock soldiers appeared in front of him.

"The night sky is very cunning. He built the fortification, but we couldn't get it down for a while, so we decided to use the ghost to lock the soldiers. It takes four people to encircle the whole area, but only three people can get there now Wu Xingyun, are you waiting at any time to listen to the call of the Federation and offer everything for her? " Shi Fei's face was serious, and his body was as big as a mountain, standing in front of Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun confused raised his head, looking at the star marshal in front of him, the other side's meaning is to let himself to lurk and shoot the night sky?

When he realized this, he felt cold all over. He was not ready, probably never.

He couldn't do it, but Shi Fei continued: "we didn't expect that the night sky could resist so much. It's clearly no longer possible, and we can still support it! Ah, we underestimated him. After all, he came from nirvana. If this ambush can't succeed and let him run, the consequences will be very serious. Needless to say, I'm the main person in charge. Vino will certainly be sent to the military court for dismissal. You It is estimated that it is not as simple as making peace with relatives, and it will definitely be killed by the angry night sky. These are secondary. Soldiers are not afraid of sacrifice, but But the Federation is sure to be completely finished, and the night sky will attack madly when it's ready. Wu Xingyun, do you remember what you swore when you joined the army? "Wu Xingyun subconsciously murmured: "the interests of the Federation are above everything. For her sake, we are ready to sacrifice at any time." But when he said this, his heart was like being gouged out by a sharp knife. Sacrifice everything, but also to sacrifice their own trivial, ambiguous feelings?

Steve patted him on the shoulder: "nebula, I know it may be hard for you, but You're the only one in the history of the Union who successfully shot the ghost lock soldier who stayed overnight. You are better than all three of them, and you have more experience in combat. You can rest assured that after the elimination of the night devil, the Federation will give you the highest honor, you You will always be a hero. "

Wu Xingyun clenched his lips and didn't say a word. Now he was no longer excited about winning medals and honors. He just felt that he didn't deserve to be an excellent soldier.

He couldn't say no, but he didn't have the will to fight. He felt that he had lost everything. He didn't even know what his identity was to face all this.

As a man's wife, or as a Union soldier.

Shi Fei didn't say any more. He sighed and went out with the other three.

WENO is waiting outside the door. He is still asking for the ghost lock soldiers to be transferred back. But it's too sudden. There are very few ghost lock soldiers in the Federation, and most of them are on duty. The long interstellar voyage prevented the men from arriving quickly.

"I think he's very emotional I think he was confused by the night sky. Or forget it. The child's heart is pure. It's cruel to let him take part in the war. " Although the star Marshal looks like a big old man and likes to swear, he is very soft hearted at some times.

But Wennuo didn't agree. After analyzing everything in his brain, he said, "no, if Wu Xingyun takes part in the war, our winning rate will increase by 20%! It is impossible to give up victory because of some personal feelings. He is an excellent soldier. In these four days, we have sacrificed thousands of soldiers. If we give up because of his personal feelings, is it worthy of those who have sacrificed? Worthy of those comrades in arms? How do we talk to their families? If night sky gets away with it this time, he will find a way to kill Wu Xingyun. I want to guarantee more chances to win, and I will never allow to hear rumors about Wu Xingyun in the future. If someone said that it was because Wu Xingyun refused to go to the battlefield that the victory failed, how would you let him live in the Federation in the future? He is bound to suffer a strange look all his life. If the night breaks and the sky does not die, Wu Xingyun's later life will be very painful. This And for his good. "

Wennuo didn't say the next words, but he thought silently in his heart: Yes, the current practice may be very cruel to Wu Xingyun, but This kind of pain will soon be forgotten. As time goes on, he will slowly forget this thing. He will become a hero respected by everyone. Under the glory and glory and his own comfort, he will finally feel happy.

Thinking of this, Wennuo took a deep breath: "I'll persuade him! He will, he will

After saying this, Wennuo opened the door of the room. When Shi Fei saw the figure of the young general who had been promoted by himself, he felt melancholy. In a trance, he suddenly felt that this man seemed terrible. Because he is ruthless enough, cold enough, not for personal feelings and influence judgment, he can in order to pursue victory, unscrupulous.

When Wu Xingyun heard the footsteps, he knew it was Wennuo, but he didn't look up. He sat under the table with his hands and knees, motionless. It seemed that if he stuffed himself into a small space, everything would be OK, nothing would have happened.

Wennuo looked around and found Wu Xingyun under the table.

He saw Wu Xingyun crying.

This is the second time he has seen Wu Xingyun cry.

The first time was when Wu Xingyun went to the battlefield to kill people for the first time. At that time, he didn't realize that every training was for killing people. When he was fighting on a certain planet, he was stunned when he killed an ordinary soldier of the night demon army.

Come back to have been crying, straight after a month.

At that time, Wennuo was always with him, constantly persuading him and enlightening him. Since Wu Xingyun got well, he has been attached to Wennuo and regarded him as his family, brother and even closer.

But now, when Wu Xingyun saw Wennuo squatting beside him, he couldn't help but shrink a little. He was a little afraid of the officer who changed too fast in front of him.

Vino's voice was calm and gentle: "nebula I know you're upset. But What can we do? We are born like this. This is our destiny. "

Wu Xingyun's voice was dumb, he said: "I betrayed him I He just came to have dinner with me, and he helped my mother wash the dishes and mop the floor I shouldn't have let him stay in my house. I I should have called him as soon as I went downstairs. I I'm not a good person... "

WENO sighed. After a while, he said, "don't be too sad. I heard that after death, his soul will not die. He will reincarnate, forget everything and become a new person."Wu Xingyun stopped crying. His tearful face raised slightly: "I don't believe it."

Wennuo got under the table and sat next to Wu Xingyun. His voice was misty: "I know what you think, but you should know very well that you and he are impossible, he and we are enemies. He has lived for more than 2000 years. I think there must be many scars in his heart. Death may be a relief for him, forgetting all that should be forgotten and starting all over again. "

Wu Xingyun didn't speak. He didn't believe it at all.

WENO came out from under the table: "Wu Xingyun, no matter what happens in the future, you are still a federal soldier. If you take off the badge on your shoulder and declare secession, I won't force you to do anything, you You can go wherever you want. But if you can't, take the gun and do what a federal soldier should do! "

WENO was waiting. He stood straight. He saw Wu Xingyun under the table shaking all over.

Then he saw Wu Xingyun climb out from under the table.

Wu Xingyun stood in front of Wennuo, his hand trembling a little, and slowly touched his own badge.

Wennuo felt a burst of despair in his heart. Without Wu Xingyun, the success rate of the ambush would drop by at least 20 percent.

But after touching for a while, Wu Xingyun buttoned up the scattered Fengji, wiped the tears off his face, and then stood at attention to salute: "ghost lock soldiers, second Sergeant Wu Xingyun, stand by at any time."

WENO didn't speak any more. He saluted, then turned and walked out of the room.

A moment later, a soldier sent Wu Xingyun's ghost lock clothes. Wu Xingyun was almost numb in his combat clothes. After checking his equipment and weapons according to the management, he opened the door and walked out of the room to the hall.

In the hall, there are three ghost lock soldiers on standby.

With the addition of Wu Xingyun, all the personnel have arrived, and Shi Fei gives them a combat mission.

A huge electronic screen appeared in front of the four, with red dots marking the location of the night sky.

Shi Fei was explaining the combat situation on the ground.

Night sky was always at a disadvantage when it was besieged on the first day. Everyone thought that the first day of the battle would be over, but unexpectedly, he knew how to survive as a Jedi.

Now, four days and five hours have passed since the battle, and the hiding places of night sky have been locked into four places, one in the southeast, the other in the northwest.

No one can get close to it, and I don't know if the night sky is injured. So now we need four ghost lock soldiers to hide in these four hiding places.

The perception of the night sky is not as sharp as it was at the beginning, so the success rate of the four is very high, they can approach each other to the position of 30 meters without being found.

If you find the night sky, kill it immediately.

After the target is killed, the conventional forces will come forward immediately.

If you need help, you can also call for support.

The four men were arranged in their respective places and asked to set out at the same time, preferably to arrive at the ambush site at the same time, so as not to disturb the night sky.

Wu Xingyun looked at the whole battle arrangement, and his whole heart was numb.

He did not have the usual fighting high morale, nor did he have the usual calm and sober ambush.

There was only one thought in his mind: I don't want honors or medals At the moment of killing him, I hope to be killed by him as well. Maybe there will be an afterlife. He and I had better not be enemies again. Maybe we will go to a place where there is no war. We will not remember anything and know each other. Then, we will not be so miserable.

Wu Xingyun felt suffocated in his heart. He held his gun tightly and took the elevator with the other three ghost lock soldiers to the ground.

Four people quickly in accordance with their own task defense set out, Wu Xingyun to the location has no name, only coordinates.

Before coming up, Wu Xingyun had thought about what the whole ground would look like, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it.

A few days ago, the beautiful and tidy city with heart leaf trees has been completely destroyed. All the high-rise buildings have been destroyed. Only the semi-circular federal buildings on the ground still exist. A large number of ordinary soldiers are constantly gathering to form a fire blockade net with weapons.

Fighters kept flying around in the sky, dropping missiles at suspicious places from time to time.

The sound of explosion was everywhere, the smoke of gunpowder was everywhere, and the ruins were everywhere.

Those ordinary soldiers and some small aircraft armour soldiers saw Wu Xingyun coming out, they knew that this was the ultimate weapon used by the Federation. They could not recognize who was in the helmet, but they all saluted the ghost lock soldier.

Wu Xingyun's walking speed is not fast. He is at a loss in his heart. Only occasionally when he looks up at the sky, there are three suns in the sky, which dazzle people's eyes.

When Wu Xingyun came to the front line, the soldiers who were responsible for blocking the front line immediately gave him a way. Soon, Wu Xingyun walked alone in the ruins.In these ruins, he vaguely recognized the sign of the station, which was buried in the concrete ruins. Wu Xingyun picked it up and saw that it was a Station Road near his home.

Three suns in his three directions, will drag out three shadows of different depths on the ground, Wu Xingyun look at the map in hand, it is almost to the ambush point.

He turned on the stealth system, and then the soldiers in the air disappeared, and there were no three shadows on the ground.

Soon, Wu Xingyun arrived at the outer edge of the ambush point assigned to him, where he was hit by the fire so fiercely that he could hardly recognize anything. He moved forward very carefully, and then he saw a sign at his feet: mailbox 601 of XXX community.

It's the cover of my mailbox.

Here, it's a desolate place. There are piles of rubble everywhere. The roads are completely indistinguishable. One pit after another. Shrapnel is everywhere.

There is no one here, and there are bodies of the battlefield, is their own home!

Wu Xingyun's mind inexplicably across a sentence, "I'm here waiting for you to come back." This is when he left, night broken sky said.

Although Shi Fei told them that there were four hiding places in the night sky, Wu Xingyun felt inexplicably that the night sky would be here, and his hiding place had always been here.

Wu Xingyun's search was more careful. He did not dare to fly or crawl. Even in this place where there was almost no shelter, every step he took would leave a series of footprints.

He must be very careful to move forward, carefully choose the place where each step will end, so as not to leave footprints.

He stepped on the ashless bricks every step of the way, and soon found traces of people in the ditch behind an obstacle.

The man in a gray suit, with his back to himself, crawls in a trench, surrounded by a light energy shield. Outside the shield, there are some temporary steel and metal barriers, as well as some federal weapons, which he probably captured.

The man with his back to him, lying on the ground, holding weapons in his hand, and all around him are weapons, about 50 meters away from Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun squatted down slowly, then raised his gun.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the first ambush night broken sky awake. It is a red gravel, night sky alone sitting in the distance, but also back to themselves, looking up at the moon. At that time, when the night broken air gun fell down, he looked back, it was the first time that Wu Xingyun saw the night broken air. In the eyes of the fallen people, there is no anger or pain, but more loneliness and relief.

Probably, he was missing his former lover at that time. Aiming at Wu Xingyun in the ruins. But he shook his head again and put all these messy ideas out of his mind.

So he aimed for a long time, and the night sky was in the same position in front of him, and didn't move at all.

Wu Xingyun is thinking about where this shot should be shot, which will make the night sky die painlessly.

But he couldn't think of it. At last, Wu Xingyun stopped his sight at the heart of the back of the night sky.

He pulled the trigger several times, but he couldn't do it. He felt that his gun was sour. He wanted to put it down, but he couldn't.

As Wennuo said: if you can't retreat and leave the army, then pick up the gun and do what a soldier should do.

Poof, an air swirl appeared in the front of the muzzle, then shot at the speed of light towards the night sky lying in the ditch.

The people in the ditch let out a scream, rolled on the ground in pain, and then stopped moving.

Wu Xingyun waited for a while. He took out his instrument and scanned it to make sure that there were no large creatures nearby except himself. Then he got up and walked towards the dead body in the night sky.

Night sky fell to the ground, the back of the clothes with a small bullet hole, pale face, lips without the slightest blood color, Wu Xingyun stretched out his hand to explore, he had no breath.

Wu Xingyun took off his gloves and touched the big artery around his neck.

The artery is not beating.

He's dead.

Wu Xingyun finished the task so easily.

Wu Xingyun pressed the contact device and reported to Shi Fei: "report, finish the task and kill the target. Coordinates... "

Shi Fei immediately sent a message: "very good! Don't move there. I'll send troops to meet you right away! "

Wu Xingyun only felt his legs paralyzed, and his eyes were a little black. When he threw away his helmet and looked at his face, he found that his heart seemed to be hollowed out.

He had never imagined that the death of yesuikong would make him so sad. When he held yesuikong's body and looked around, he found that under yesuikong's body was a stool deeply buried in the dust.

It was the stool of my home, the place where I sat before I left.

"I'll wait here for you to come back."

But the result is like this.Wu Xingyun felt a burst of suffocation. He took a big breath. A kind of unprecedented heart spasm attacked him. It was very painful. He couldn't lift anything at all. He could only hold his hands on the ground like a fish out of the water. No matter how much breath he took, he couldn't feel the existence of oxygen.

Wu Xingyun's head is deeply buried in the dust. He doesn't know if he cried, but it doesn't seem to matter.

At this moment, he thought of the word "liberation". He felt the gun on his waist and was ready to pull the trigger.

But before he had time to raise his pistol, a familiar voice came coldly: "originally, it's really you!"

Wu Xingyun was stunned. He raised his head and looked at the dead body behind him. He suddenly opened his eyes and stood behind him.

The man's face showed a light cyan, the lips did not have the slightest bit of blood, but the fundus of the eyes has an irresistible anger, as well as disappointment.

Night broken sky, this person who has experienced great nirvana, many people say that he is immortal.

Sure enough, he won't be killed so easily.

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