"Lay down your arms, I will not kill you!"

All over the sky, light cannons shoot out at this moment. The 100 meter high mecha is the tallest individual on the asteroid. It is like a hill, commanding all the soldiers. Every step makes the ground vibrate.

Boom, boom, boom!

Thousands of light cannons were sent out from the soldiers who were ordered to block. At this moment, the huge "Helios" mecha suddenly became extremely flexible. It leaped in the air, and its body was changing at will. The mecha, which needed six ordinary people to control, played to the extreme in the hands of breaking the sky at night.

He does not intend to spend too much time here, so far, has not fired half a shell.

He's ready for a fatal blow.

The golden mecha leaping in midair is still shrouded by the fire net. It turns slightly in midair and suddenly pounces like an eagle who finds its prey. It breaks through the clouds and casts its shadow on the earth.

Boom, a red beam of particles shot from the muzzle of the golden mecha and hit the temporary headquarters on the ground.

It's just a hit, and it's the only one.

At the moment when the particle beam hit the headquarters, Wu Xingyun in mid air witnessed this moment.

The bunker like headquarters was blasted out of the ground as a whole, and the light beam tore the building apart from the middle, quickly forming a ball of light.

The light ball collapses. At the moment of collapse, it expands hundreds of times. The people in the building become black spots in the light ball. In the blink of an eye, they become powder.

The gray powder rose rapidly and covered the whole sky. On the ground, from the earphones of ordinary soldiers, there was a piercing sound. All the soldiers' ears were pierced. They covered their ears with their hands and squatted on the ground, wallowing in the dust in pain.

When Wu Xingyun left the planet for the last time, he saw the blood gushing from the soldiers' ears and the dust blocking the sky.

As soon as the golden mecha broke through the atmosphere of the asteroid, it sped toward the position of the night demon army.

Night broken air breathing, leaning on the operating chair.

After all, "Helios" is just something stored in the museum for people to visit, its energy is not full, and its ammunition reserves are very limited.

and the night as like as two peas in the same way, he was very mentally exhausted. The machine that had been manipulated and operated in the past was a bit tired.

Not only that, when he first used the mecha, he also found that because of the lack of maintenance, almost 40% of the mecha's functions failed.

Night sky opened the automatic driving mode, he slightly closed his eyes, need a short rest.

He hoped that he would not meet any enemies again, and that there would be no more fighting.

"Sun God" arrived at the nearest military stronghold, easily occupied there, replenished the necessary energy and shells. However, some parts damaged due to poor maintenance can not be repaired, and there is no time to repair them at all.

After the completion of the supplement, the night sky set out again to move towards its own goal.

These days, the tianwu nebula is tied to one arm of the mecha. For the first time, he flies at a high speed in the universe in this way. His communication system is still good, and he can even hear the breathing sound of the night sky inside the mecha in the earphone.

Behind them is the fleet that has been following them. At the beginning, there were not many fleets, and the night sky had tried to destroy them, but these warships were as cunning as snakes. They kept a distance from the night sky, followed without delay, but never attacked.

As time goes on, the number of those warships is more and more, and the weapons are more and more perfect.

As everyone knows, this is the commander of the Federation, gathering troops and preparing to launch a siege at the right time.

Ten days later, the solar nerve leaped continuously and reached the front lines of both sides, and the federal fleet also gathered.

The decisive battle will break out at any moment.

Wu Xingyun looked up and saw that on the way to the night sky, a blockade line had been pulled up. The blockade line was composed of the spacefort, warships and laser defense network. It's like a cobweb in the dark.

And his rear, millions of warships, have been lined up.

Not far away, a small galaxy of three stars is in motion, making the temperature of this area extremely high.

"Put down the hostages! If you leave the sun god, we will let you go back! " Among all the communication equipment, vino's voice sounded together.

"Ha The night broke sky to smile a, "say so much nonsense to do what! I will be killed by you if I put these down! "


The battle started at this moment. The Dark Universe was like day, like the explosion of thousands of stars together. The whole space was illuminated by light. The weapons and spaceships in the battleship set out together. At the same time, the warship launched an attack on Helios.

The golden mecha has only four arms that can move. The particle gun equipped on one arm can fire all around, smashing every approaching warship. The other arm is combined into a huge alloy sword.Countless debris are moving rapidly in space, forming one orbit after another. The corpses almost fill the whole space. Wu Xingyun is surrounded by frozen blood and soldiers who can't die in peace.

There are even his acquaintances, comrades in arms, and friends.

At this moment, the soldier, who was tied to the mecha arm and could do nothing, became a bystander. His whole body moved with the extension and turnover of the mecha arm, without any regularity. There was only one metal tentacle left to bind him, and the other four were like giant snakes, dancing in the air, piercing the warships and splitting the dense firepower The fortress of the city.

The whole war lasted for forty-eight hours. The Federation used one million warships, ten million soldiers, and countless gunpowder shells, but it could not catch a night.

But the night sky can't continue to fight. His way back has been blocked, and his mental power has been seriously consumed in the continuous combat. The whole person presents a state of collapse.

He took Wu Xingyun and ran in another direction.

There, it's a small galaxy of three stars.

The sixth sense of breaking the sky at night, the survival ability trained in danger for many years, made him intuitively feel that it was the best place to escape.

Moreover, he also felt some unusual fluctuations there.

The fleet followed, and the three stars formed an uncertain trajectory. They moved around each other, and no one could ever calculate their exact trajectory.

The night sky is very careful when it passes through this zone. The temperature of the star is very high, and the arc in it will be like a giant whip, throwing out radians in light years from time to time.

If you get hit, you can't survive.

This kind of storm around the star makes the federal pursuit fleet stagnate in this complex environment, while the mecha manipulated by the night sky is extremely flexible, like a fish swimming in the algae.

Wu Xingyun felt a burst of scorching heat. The temperature here was so high that he even felt his combat suit melting.

He was surrounded by huge yellow and white light. He couldn't tell where to go or where not. Even for a moment, he seemed to feel like he was shuttling through the stars.

In the command ship of the Federation, WENO's brow was tight. At that time, he thought that the terrain was too complex, and the night sky entering the star system was almost like death. But unexpectedly, now the night sky has really entered!

What's more, the night sky is so close to the star that the golden mecha can't be seen at all.

The stellar system is so huge that it is impossible for the fleet to go around. If we let the night sky out of this place, the arrangement of so many days will be in vain! Those soldiers who died were sacrificed in vain.

Wennuo looked at Shi Fei, who was already beating the table and scolding him: "Damn, let him run again! And captured one of our ghost lock soldiers! " Wennuo's hands are holding tightly. He knows that there is another way to kill the night sky, no doubt to kill him!

But he didn't know whether to say it or not.

"Report, Helios coordinates have disappeared. The detector can't detect it either! " Soldiers report.

Wennuo's fingers pinch each other white, finally he raised his head, eyes seem to have a decision.

"Helios was a mecha many years ago. The signal tracker can't stand such a high temperature, but The coordinate system of ghost lock soldiers is very developed. Search the coordinates of Wu Xingyun! "

When Shi Fei heard that Wennuo gave this order, he was surprised. He looked at Wennuo incredulously, and his voice stuttered: "you You don't want to... "

Wennuo stood up and bowed slightly to Shi Fei: "yes! You guessed right! I intend to use large-scale nuclear weapons to detonate the three body system. "

"Wu Xingyun will die!" Shi Fei is not a softhearted person, not to mention an indecisive person. In order to win the war, he also arranged for soldiers to make sacrifices. But he never thought that one day, he would send the people who had tried his best to save and help himself to death. This kind of thing is unacceptable to him.

WENO's voice is still very calm. He is not a person who easily changes his mind. While trying to persuade Shi Fei, he is also persuading himself: "if intensive nuclear weapons are put in the middle of the three body star, a new energy source will be formed. This energy source will spread rapidly and detonate three other stars. It is impossible to escape when three stars explode, even if you have the ability to reach the sky. Even if he could escape this, he would not be able to escape the small black hole created by the explosion. He's going to die! We have sacrificed so many people. If we give up the opportunity for someone's reason now, it means that everything before is in vain. When he goes back, things will get worse! I I think he If you are taken away by the night sky, you will face a worse situation. "

Wennuo's hand has been shaking, but his brain clearly tells him that this is the last chance, the success rate is very high. And a good commander can never be influenced by personal feelings.Shi Fei didn't speak. He kept shaking his head. He kept saying: it can't be done, but he couldn't say how to do it.

"Report, the coordinates of the ghost lock soldiers hijacked by Helios have been determined."

Wennuo went to Shi Fei: "Marshal! Sacrifice is inevitable in war. As long as it's worth it, make a decision

Shi Fei clenched his teeth and said nothing. He knew that Wen Nuo was right, but he couldn't give such an order.

Wennuo no longer persuades Shi Fei. He turns and walks to the communication personnel in the command module: "call the ghost Lockman, I want to talk to him!"

At the moment, the night sky is carrying Wu Xingyun through a stellar storm. The battle suit of the ghost lock soldier can't stand such a particle storm. The night sky bends the metal arm of the sun god, protects Wu Xingyun in his arms, and supports the people in his arms with spiritual energy.

At first, Wu Xingyun thought that night sky would play some tricks, or he suddenly changed his mind to throw himself into the star. But when he saw that he was protected by golden mecha and surrounded by golden energy mask, he knew that night sky was protecting himself.

"Don't think I don't want you!" The cold voice of the night sky came out through the walkie talkie. His voice sounded very weak and panting. The Helios is also seriously damaged, especially in this place where there are electromagnetic storms everywhere. It is impossible for them to communicate with each other remotely. That is to say, only when they are very close can they say something intermittently, "I just want to catch you back and torture you slowly, so that I can fulfill my mind!"

Wu Xingyun didn't say anything. He knew very well that the purpose of breaking the sky at night was just to catch it alive. But what the other party wanted to catch in such a dangerous situation? Should he say that he was a good craftsman and bold, or that he was a brain wreck and fearless?

Poof, one of the arms of the golden mecha, because it didn't retract in time, was wiped by the light arc of the star and turned into fly ash. At this moment, Wu Xingyun is very clear that the mind control of the night sky is almost over. He can't control so many arms. He's dying! If vino attacks at this time, he will win, but Wu Xingyun turns around, and the warships that stay outside the small star system in the distance can no longer be seen.

Wu Xingyun's heart slowly sinks, but at this time, he has long been unable to hear the intercom, suddenly came intermittent calls.

"Ghost lock soldier Wu Xingyun, headquarters call Headquarters call... "

Wu Xingyun was in a good mood. This was the first time he was called after he was captured.

"Ghost lock soldier, report to you!" Wu Xingyun's voice was trembling.

Then, there came a familiar voice.

"Nebula. You How are you doing? " Vino's voice sounded a little low.

"I'm fine, but the night sky is running away!" Wu Xingyun's voice was very anxious, "his coordinates are..." Before Wu Xingyun finished his sentence, the sound of night sky breaking came from his earphone: "if you dare to report coordinates at this time! I'll throw you down! "

But the threat of breaking up the night sky, because of its old communication equipment, can not be heard directly by veno.

Veno continued: "nebula, I've scanned your coordinates You don't have to report to me. I just want to talk to you. "

Wennuo in the command room, while saying, he slowly reached out and pressed the series of operation keys.

All nuclear weapons, ready.

Wennuo's voice sounds very gentle: "I will take good care of your family and your parents. You don't have to worry about anything..."

Wu Xingyun seems to know something vaguely, but he didn't ask much, he just said "Hmm".

"Remember what I said to you the night you got married? The transit point of Andromeda galaxy of the Federation has been established. I'll leave here with you and go to another galaxy, a place without war Until now, I still think so. It's a pity that everyone is destined to do something... "

Wu Xingyun was more certain, and he felt sad, especially when he turned his head and saw the night sky in the operating room through the helmet and the observation cabin of the mecha.

The enemy is protecting himself, while his comrades in arms demand their own sacrifice.

If he is allowed to choose by himself, he also hopes to go to a place where there is no hostility or war.

In this way, the gentle company commander is still a person to be trusted and attached to, and the night sky will never appear in his life.

"Nebula, I can't let go the night sky. You may hate me, you may never forgive me, and I may even feel guilty about it all my life, but I decided You What do you want to tell me... "

Wu Xingyun did not speak.

Wennuo asked: "if you have any requirements, I will find a way to help you do it."

Wu Xingyun just answered with silence.

WENO did not speak, but the coordinates of the tracker show that the night sky is about to fly out of the three body stellar belt. Make a quick decision!WENO's last question: "is there anything you want to tell me?"

Wu Xingyun said, "it's OK, company commander. I don't blame you. "

WENO was silent for a moment. He stopped for a moment and then said, "I will always remember you." At the same time, the slender and white hands pressed the launch button.

Tens of thousands of nuclear warheads flew to the center of this small stellar system and exploded together.

The sun god suddenly turned back in mid air, and then the whole mecha was disintegrated and smashed. At this moment, the night sky was ejected from the operating room. His first reaction was to seize Wu Xingyun's hand and hold it in his arms.

When the huge shock wave hit, the night sky and Wu Xingyun were pushed away by this force, and the light arced the night sky's arm. Half of his arm was burnt to coke, almost completely unconscious, and Wu Xingyun slipped away from his arms.

He grabs Wu Xingyun with his other hand. His cold and smooth combat suit is not very good. Night sky grabs Wu Xingyun's arm and hoops it tightly in his arms again. The pale gold shield wraps them and rolls them in the huge waves and flames.

But that's just the beginning, and then the tremendous energy of the explosion attracted three other stars.

In this instant, the fuel of the three stars is ignited, the outer shell of the star becomes the inner shell, and the three stars are equipped with nuclear bombs, forming a new and rapidly exploding new star.

The night sky sent out a loud roar, exhausted all the strength, with the help of the huge power of the shock wave, fled.

He has been in the universe for many years, and he knows very well that this kind of explosion will only form a black hole.

A black hole that devours everything and cannot escape even light.

Many, many years ago, when he was an ordinary man and his strength was still very weak, he experienced this kind of daily struggle on the line of death, as if he had been living like a mole ant.

At this moment, he seemed to return to the time when he was weak. In front of the power of the universe, no matter how terrible the power was, it was not enough to mention.

But no matter that year or now, his desire for survival will be aroused most strongly at the most dangerous time.

At this moment, the potential of the night sky was aroused again. He escaped from the terrible celestial body with a speed close to the speed of light that ordinary people can't imagine.

Wu Xingyun, who was tightly held in his arms, looked up slightly at the enemy.

At the last moment, facing the choice of life and death, the comrades in arms chose to sacrifice themselves, while the enemy chose to save themselves.

Wu Xingyun felt a trance in his heart. He subconsciously turned on the power thruster to help the night broken air run faster.

The stars continue to explode, and the two people continue to flee.

The state of the celestial body changes, and the time is very long. After more than ten days, the new star begins to collapse, and a black spot is born from the center. Then, a black spiral nest is quickly formed, and the spiral nest becomes a black sphere, devouring everything and destroying everything.

The black spiral is expanding very fast, the huge stars are quickly swallowed up, and all kinds of interstellar dust are attracted, even the night sky and the Wu nebula, which have been running for ten days, are no exception.

Night broken sky's strength has been exhausted, his energy shield also completely disappeared, at the moment involuntarily dragged to the rear by the huge gravity.

He insisted, all his strength, make a devastating explosion, dragging Wu Xingyun to rush out at a faster speed.

But in the end, his strength will not last long, and Wu Xingyun's fuel has been used up.

Wu Xingyun's body began to be attracted by the black hole, and the night sky held him tightly, but the metal combat suit worn by the ghost lock soldiers was more easily attracted.

One arm and two legs of the night broken sky have almost lost all the action ability, and even the other arm is also in a semi paralyzed state, but it still uses its last strength to grasp Wu Xingyun.

The power of man can't compete with the power of the universe at all. He can't grasp the smooth surface of the combat suit, and can only watch Wu Xingyun slip away from his hands.

Arm, upper arm, forearm, wrist

The night sky is still delusional to use its own power to pull Wu Xingyun back.

Even in the delusion of using their own power to seize the nebula Wu, he will be thrown out of the gravitational range of the black hole.

But in the end, it's just futile. He can't see Wu Xingyun's expression at this moment. He can only see his own expression under the cold mask.

Anxious, flustered, worried, scared.

Is this person's position in his heart so important?

Night break sky don't know, he also can't think, he now thought only one, that is absolutely can't let go.

He yelled at Wu Xingyun and asked Wu Xingyun to hold on to himself, but there was no air here, and there was no communication equipment on the night sky, so the sound could not be transmitted.

Night sky even yelled, he begged Wu Xingyun don't let go of hand, he even incoherent confession.

But all this, Wu Xingyun can't hear, he can only see the roaring expression of the night sky, can see his efforts at the last moment, dangerous moment. I can see that I have a very important position in my heart.Wu Xingyun's fingers moved, and he easily threw away his hand.

The distance between the two people was quickly opened, and the night sky could no longer catch up with Wu nebula, which retreated at the speed of light.

Without even one last word, Wu nebula was sucked into the black hole. In a short time, it became part of the black area.

The night sky can no longer see his distorted face, and even because there is no air in the universe, he can't hear his own wailing voice.

He could only feel that his heart was torn in that moment. He felt that there was ice on his face, but he didn't realize that it was his own tears.

He went down the spiral of the black hole's spiral again and again, trying to find Wu Nebula back, but failed every time. He could only watch Wu Nebula disappear for a moment, and could not find anything at all.

The night sky can't feel any part of his body at all. He shouts at the celestial body that has formed a black hole, but there is no sound at all.

He didn't know that before Wu Xingyun left, he actually said something, but because there was no communication facilities, he couldn't hear, and even because of the cover of his helmet, he couldn't see Wu Xingyun's lips.

Wu Xingyun said that sentence is: "let go of me, you run for your own life."

Then, he broke away from his hand, broke away from the number one enemy who refused to let go of himself at the critical moment, and fell into the black hole abyss.

The night sky was floated in the universe for three days before it was found by the night demon army.

When Liu Meng, Peng Davida and Bi Jin found the night sky, he was already in a state of coma, and his whole life characteristics basically disappeared.

The two sides have announced another war, and the federal side claims that the night sky is dead, quickly gaining the upper hand.

And vino was promoted to the top decision-making level of the Federation because of his successful killing of the night sky, outstanding performance in the ambush and resolute determination.

Wennuo's joining, as well as his years of research and tactical improvement for the night demon army, made the night demon army begin to retreat. The people of the Federation regard vino as a hero. Before that, Wu Xingyun, who successfully ambushed and shot the night sky, became a monument of the Federation. A statue was made and placed in the square of the main star of the Federation.

When Wu Xingyun's family got the news, they all cried. Wennuo really fulfilled his promise to take good care of Wu Xingyun's family and parents. No matter how busy he is every week, he will make time to visit Wu Xingyun's parents and accompany them.

However, no amount of compensation can make up for the loss of their son and the guilt in their own heart.

Night sky is in a coma after a year to wake up, his body was badly injured, now weak even ordinary people are not as good, and, he also lost most of the fighting spirit, appears to be extremely depressed.

The news that he is still alive has been concealed. On the source star, Wu Xingyun's dowry team has been placed under house arrest and no further communication with the Federation is allowed.

Every day, when he sits in the place where they lived together, he can't help but think of the person who has been the only one in his heart for more than 2000 years.

Perhaps, this is the best outcome, such a person, it is impossible to be with themselves. And myself, also live too long, too long, too long, a person is tired of.

He has been very sorry, he is very sorry why he had to be so emotional that he took Wu Xingyun away.

I regret why I had to stay to test whether Wu Xingyun had himself or not.

More regret, why at the last moment, will let go of Wu Xingyun's hand.

"I killed him..." Night sky looked at the two people at the beginning of those photos, murmur in a low voice.

He refused anyone to approach, just a person alone curled up in a corner, victory, failure, survival, death.

As time goes on, all this seems to have lost its meaning. He would rather die then than be found or saved.

On this day, night sky was in the source star base. He sat in the room where Wu Xingyun used to live in a daze. Suddenly, he thought of a crazy and joyful cry: "count it out! I'll figure it out! "

Night broken empty heart move, stand up and go out, see the astronomer dancing holding a stack of manuscript, there are more manuscript flying behind him.

"I've figured it out! Finally know the mass of the black hole and wormhole can be connected! Hahaha, I'm the greatest scientist in the history of mankind Astronomers are crazy.

But in this moment, night sky has a more crazy speculation.

He quickly walked up and grabbed the astronomer: "what do you mean by what you just said?"

The astronomer looked at the night sky with disdain in his eyes: "with your IQ, you don't understand. I'm going to find my old friend. Hahaha, the scientific research achievements of my research laboratory are finally ahead of him!" Said, already crazy astronomer hugged the night sky to kiss: "I love you! Ha ha ha, I love the worldWhile talking, the astronomer stumbled to the physicist's research room. These two scientists, who were good friends but now become enemies, began a fierce debate and quarrel.

Three days later, the night sky finally found out the latest research results of the two scientists.

If there is a considerable amount of nuclear energy explosion in the middle of a trimaran, it will form a white hole at the same time as a black hole at that moment.

All the matter swallowed by the black hole will erupt from the white hole.

In short, in the initial period of black hole formation, a very small amount of material inhaled into the black hole will travel through space-time.

Night sky has been some listless eyes suddenly lit up, he rushed into Wu Xingyun's house, pull out the desk drawer.

as like as two peas as like as two peas, he never knew what the two men looked alike.

He thought that it was just a coincidence. He never thought that people 2000 years ago and Wu Xingyun now might be the same person.

But when he opened the drawer and saw the pen on the stack of manuscripts, and the crooked and ugly Chinese characters that Wu Xingyun had finally practiced, he knew everything in a flash.

Wu Xingyun did not die. He was inhaled by the black hole and was not crushed. Instead, in that moment, he passed through time and space and returned to the end of the earth two thousand years ago.

Wu Xingyun is the one who brings himself out of the last world, the one who once loved with his life.

In different time and space, different identity, he fell in love with the same person twice.

Night broken empty Leng Leng looking at the stack of manuscript paper, suddenly, he burst out laughing: "he is not dead! He's not dead! It turns out that neither of them is dead! He will come back, he will come back, with memory, to my side

The sound reverberated throughout the base, even to the other side of the valley.

At this moment, the night sky, which had been depressed before, suddenly became energetic. He quickly ran towards the city where the mutant was located, and the blood in his chest was boiling again.

"Two scientists, from now on, I will meet all your requirements! What a huge laboratory you want to build! I have only one request, that is to calculate the location and time when Wu Xingyun will shuttle back again! No matter ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years, as long as I don't die, I will wait for him! "

Physicists question whether night devils are insane: "how can you be so sure A person, it will be squeezed into a point by the black hole, any matter will be squeezed into a point, he can not be alive

The astronomer shook his head and sighed: "well, it's really tiring to talk to people with IQ problems Do you know what one point means? Singularity, you know? "

They both shook their heads at the same time: "moreover, even if he was alive, he had a chance to go through it once, he could not come back again! It's unscientific, and we're scientists! "

The corners of his mouth smile, his eyes are shining, he said firmly: "no! I'm sure that's him! I believe that he will come back! He will take the memory, will stand with me! Forever! It's not scientific, but I'm not a scientist

From now on, his life, once again, has a goal, he is no longer that empty, lonely, lonely night devil forever, he firmly believes that one day, his love a thousand years ago, will again shuttle time and space, return to his side, as before, they fight side by side, live together, there will never be any suspicion, deception, betrayal. The most trusted person is always the other party.

Night sky stands on the top of Yuanxing's tall building. He overlooks the whole city. It's full of fire and silver. Neon lights reflect the night sky of the whole city.

"When you come back again, I hope I won't let you down a little bit." The night sky murmurs, "so, you must come back!"

Two years after the death of the night sky, he suddenly miraculously appeared on the front line of the battlefield. When his figure reappeared, all the lost camps were immediately recaptured.

The Federation fell into another round of crisis, and everyone believed in the immortal myth of night sky. Night sky took the opportunity to accuse the Federation of its dishonesty, which led Wennuo to face the trial of the military court. The reason is that he tore up the collegial panel and led both sides to war, becoming the number one war criminal.

On the first day of vino's trial, Shi Fei came to see him.

They both squatted in the cell and smoked together.

Shi Fei said: "I can't believe that the night sky didn't die! He's fine, but you're a war criminal! Congress... " Shi Fei closed his mouth when he said that. Over the past few years, he has finally narrowed his temper a little. He tries not to say what he shouldn't say.

Wennuo leaned against the window. There were not many waves in his gray eyes. He took a deep breath of the smoke and then slowly puffed it out. He didn't answer.

Shi Fei said: "you go to court tomorrow, or you can change your tongue! As the old saying goes, it's too bad to keep the Castle Peak and not worry about firewood. If you're exiled, or those bastards throw you to the night sky! "WENO again spits out a ring of smoke. He reaches out his slender finger and flicks the ash. His voice is calm: "I'm not going to change my tongue. My father, grandfather, great grandfather, all soldiers, all died on the battlefield. I was born to defeat the night sky, in order to eliminate the night demon army! For this, I can give up everything and sacrifice everything. "

"They don't understand. They just make peace with each other. Some things can be given up, but some must be insisted on. I'm going to stick to my point of view in the military court and oppose another peace negotiation! It's not ridiculous, it's a shame, that we are defeated by the enemy's psychological tactics when we have the upper hand

"Even if it's exile, or if it's cutting off my head and giving it to the night sky, I'll stick to my point of view." WENO said faintly, "if I am announced to be exiled on the edge of the galaxy tomorrow, you don't have to come to see me off. I am prepared to Two years ago, at that time, I must have such an awareness. "

"Two years ago?" Shi Fei was a little surprised. He almost forgot what happened two years ago. Now he recalled that it was vino's order to detonate the nuclear bomb with Wu Xingyun as the coordinate.

"Yes, at that time, the last time I spoke to him I said that some things must be sacrificed. " WENO's voice is still very calm, he quietly looked out of the cell, outside the dark corridor, opposite is another political prisoner's cell.

"Although I've always felt guilty about it, I never regret making such a decision." WENO said, "if it happened again, I would still make the same decision."

Shi Fei was bored and didn't speak.

Wennuo didn't speak either. He just looked out quietly, but the figure of the soldier appeared in his head, and his last words which were a little disappointed but determined: "I'm ok, company commander."

"After I leave, please take care of Wu Xingyun's family for me." This is Wennuo's last words to Shi Fei. They will not meet again for a long time.

At the same time, the night sky in the distant sea of stars, looking at the black hole that had sucked the nebula away.

After such a long time of change, the black hole has become bigger and bigger, and it is still devouring other materials around it.

But these substances will only be swallowed and squeezed into a little bit.

Finally, in the distant future, the whole galaxy and universe will be swallowed by this kind of black hole, and nothing will exist.

So, where is Wu Xingyun now? Will he come back? Night broken sky did not know, he did not even dare to think about this kind of probability in the end how small.

He just almost stubbornly believes that his lover will come back, certainly. Even when time goes by and the whole universe no longer exists, he will wait and stubbornly believe it.

[Volume 2: the light of doomsday]

the light of doomsday

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