The wind blows more fiercely, and the snow falls one by one, quickly covering both people's eyes.

Wu Xingyun shakes his head, shakes away all the shock, and the snow on his head flies everywhere.

It's hard for him to walk alone. Now he has to take a night sky which seems to have no self-protection ability. He can't go on.

He had to find a place to stay overnight, avoid the wind and snow, and at least wait for the temperature to get higher during the day.

Wu Xingyun looks around. Under the blizzard, the visibility is very low. This is a winding mountain road, which he is not familiar with thousands of years ago. He has no idea where there will be buildings to avoid the wind and snow.

He tried to ask Ye Fan, but when he opened his mouth, it was full of snow, and he didn't dare to open it.

Ye Fan soon found out Wu Xingyun's intention. He wrapped himself in animal skin and raised it high. He put it over their heads to avoid the wind and snow. They put their heads under the animal skin and could feel each other's breathing.

Ye Fan said: "brother Bing, what do you want to say?"

Ye Fan's voice sounds very hoarse and low, but he has calmed down, not as helpless as before.

Wu Xingyun asked: "is there any place to avoid snow within kilometers of this road? It's snowy. We'll have to find a place to rest and talk about something else

Ye Fan shook his head: "no I've been gone all day, and I have nothing but bodies. " When speaking, the tip of the nose inadvertently rubbed Wu Xingyun's cheek, a little itchy.

Wu Xingyun put his head out of the temporary cloak made of animal skin, and he did not dare to rest on the road because there were cars passing by from time to time. He thought about it and thought that a car seemed to have overturned before. Maybe he could borrow it.

So he ran to the other side of the road, and Ye Fan followed him. They stood on the edge of the cliff and watched. It was easy to find the car under the snow. There was a black spot on the slope under the cliff.

The cliff is at least 100 meters high. In this snowstorm weather, it is not very good to go on, but there is no other place to rest.

Wu Xingyun turns out his backpack, finds out the rope he has searched these days, and entangles it in the tree on the edge of the cliff. Ye Fan also knows what Wu Xingyun wants to go down. At this time, the Blizzard is in full swing, and it is difficult to walk, let alone climb down the cliff?

Ye Fan grabs the rope and wants to stop Wu Xingyun, but he just opens his mouth and his mouth is full of snow. He still can't say anything.

Wu Xingyun tied up the rope and pulled it again. It was very strong.

Then he picked up the backpack and put it on Ye Fan's back. He turned around and patted his back, indicating that ye fan would hold him and they would go down together.

Ye Fan shook his head and refused to say anything. Wu Xingyun couldn't pull it. He had no choice but to put the hide on their heads and said aloud, "it's OK! Don't be afraid. I'll carry you down. I won't die. "

Ye Fan still refused: "no, you look How can I let you carry me down? Isn't that a burden? I have hands and feet. I can climb down by myself

Wu Xingyun doesn't have the strength to entangle these things with Ye Fan at this time. He throws the animal skin to Ye Fan. He looks at him resentfully and thinks silently in his heart: if you don't want me to carry it, you'd better fall on the stone and die! So as not to harm me and the whole universe in the future!

First, he followed the rope and descended rapidly. Then he stepped on the cliff and jumped down like a bird. The movement is smooth and perfect, and there is no stagnation in the blizzard. This kind of bad environment is not very difficult for him. In order to deal with the night broken sky, the ghost lock soldiers have more inhuman training than this.

Wu Xingyun soon landed on the slope at the bottom of the valley. Although there are still snowflakes floating and it is still very cold, at least it is not as violent as the snow on the top of the mountain.

He waved to the night sky below, indicating that he would come down the way he had just come down.

This kind of environment is nothing to Wu Xingyun, but to Ye Fan, it's terrible.

Ye Fan has always been a good student since childhood. He listens to his teacher at school and his parents at home. He never plays truant and fights. He is also very homesick. During holidays, he plays games at home and reads novels.

Occasionally there are some rock climbing activities, but they are all the artificial cliffs of the fitness club, with complete safety belts, helmets and coaches nearby.

But now the wind at the top of the mountain makes him unstable, and his hands are frozen to drop. The blizzard comes in bursts, and he can be buried in an instant.

As long as he stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down, he felt a little dizzy, let alone go on.

But - he absolutely can't accept that he was carried off the cliff by a man about his age when he had hands and feet.

Ye Fan took a deep breath at the top of the cliff, and then slowly slid down like Wu Xingyun.

He had just seen Wu Xingyun's smooth and easy movements at the top of the cliff, but when he came here, he knew how difficult it was. If he fell too fast, his palm would be skinned by the rope; if he couldn't find his foothold, he would hit his knee and get hurt; the dizziness and the terrible feeling that he was in the middle of the sky and the rope swayed around without any landing almost made him sick Collapse.In the process of falling, Ye Fan accidentally stepped on the air several times. As a result, he was hanging on the rope and nearly fell down.

Wu Xingyun looks black at the bottom.

That cold and arrogant, a hand tearing alloy warship, let people tremble in the night sky, also used to be an ordinary boy

What's more, this kind of hanging on the rope and shaking around is really terrible.

Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart: This is probably the black history of the night devil in the legend!! Maybe one day I will meet the night sky again, and I can laugh at him.

But when he thought about it, he felt dejected - he knew it would be hard for him to go back. Even the latest technology of the federal government has not worked out how to travel through time and space, not to mention the technology of 2000 years ago

When Wu Xingyun was daydreaming, he dropped something at his feet. It turned out that the night sky didn't hold on to the rope and fell down on the way.

Ye Fan's head touched the ground. Fortunately, the snow in the valley was thicker. He didn't hit any stone, so he didn't hurt himself. As soon as he landed, he got up from the snow and wiped his face. He was a little embarrassed to Wu Xingyun: "I I will try my best in the future... "

"Well." Wu Xingyun let out a sound. The snow in the valley was no longer so violent. They walked towards the rolling car together.

It was a minivan, in which two passengers were dead and the car was completely overturned. They started to drag the body out of the car, and then climbed into the car by themselves. Finally, they were able to have a rest.

Ye Fan is panting. He has never seen dead people before, but these two days, dead people are everywhere, and - just now, he started to drag one.

He thought this way and looked at the soldier next to him secretly.

There was no discomfort on the soldier's face. He was very calm and calm. His face was a little tender. He seemed to be less than 23 years old.

Ye Fan guessed in his heart, how old are the soldiers around him, 20 or 21? Have you killed people? How many? Seeing the corpse so calm and calm is Ever been to war?

But he saw the soldier take a rest for a while, then he turned around and said, "take a bath."

Ye Fan was stunned, and Wu Xingyun said: "in the wilderness, you need to keep your body clean to prevent infection. The environment may be worse in the future, at least once every three days. Use snow when there is snow, water when there is water, sand in the desert to clean your skin, and air bath when there is nothing

Ye Fan nodded and opened the door. Suddenly he thought of something: "brother Bing, what about you? Let's do it together

Wu Xingyun has no reason to think of the moment when he just married the night broken sky. The night broken sky also said similar words.

Wu Xingyun was a bit in a trance. After a while, he shook his head: "we two take turns, and the other one stands guard."

Ye Fan didn't say any more. He quickly ran outside, took off his clothes and wiped himself with snow. He was shivering with cold.

Wu Xingyun stands on the roof of the car and looks around warily, holding a gun in case something comes to attack Ye Fan. When his eyes inadvertently pass Ye Fan's body, he finds that the young man is also very strong, and his young body appears vigorous and strong in the snow. Is it because of such physical capital that we can survive in the last days?

Wu Xingyun noticed that there were many wounds on Ye Fan's body, some of which were just bruised. When ye fan wiped the wound with snow, he would show his teeth in pain.

Wu Xingyun took out his backpack and rummaged it for a long time, only to find a bottle of iodine spray, so he threw the iodine at Ye Fan's feet and turned his head.

Because he saw that the night sky was just facing himself, and he could see clearly all over his body, even what he shouldn't have seen.

Ye Fan picked up the iodine and sprayed it on the spot where he had just been scratched. After putting on his clothes and wrapping up the animal skin, he stood on the top of the car to watch for Wu Xingyun.

Wu Xingyun found a slightly hidden place and began to scrub his body. The gun was placed beside him. Although Ye Fan was on guard, he was still very vigilant to observe the surroundings, and their eyes would collide.

When their eyes collided, they both felt a little embarrassed. In order to resolve this embarrassment, the next time the two people's eyes collided, Ye Fan took the initiative to smile and said: "brother Bing, you have a good figure. Do you mind looking more?"

Wu Xingyun wants to beat Ye Fan. If in front of is the night broken sky, certainly beat!

But when Wu Xingyun got dressed and wanted to beat someone, he found that he couldn't do it to the boy. He is not good at bullying the weak, especially when the weak is still flattering.

Wu Xingyun sighed in the bottom of his heart and climbed to the cab of the van, but the space inside was too narrow to sit.

After observing Wu Xingyun for a while, Ye Fan said: "brother Bing, do you mind coming to sleep with me? Nothing else. I just Well, it's a big place. You'll be a little more comfortable. Besides, it's so cold that it'll be warmer for us to squeeze together. "Wu Xingyun, with a gun in his arms, goes to the back seat where ye fan is.

The whole car turned over and the seats were overhead. Two people put the top of the back flat, the extra space just for two people half lying.

Wu Xingyun said: "you sleep, I watch."

Ye Fan doesn't sleep. He looks at Wu Xingyun's face gently in the dark by the reflection of the snow. He thought that the soldier might have fallen behind, or his team had all died, and that he had come to find his relatives.

In this last age, the social system is rapidly disintegrating, and some local armies are also collapsing. Ye Fan even met several soldiers who had become bandits.

When ye fan was alone on the endless road, all he saw was corpses and killing. He was very afraid, but he didn't know why. When he looked up to see the soldier who appeared in the snowstorm and had a strict military appearance, and when the soldier took out his only hide from the wind, ye fan had an indescribable feeling of trust and attachment to him I feel warm and safe around this soldier.

At the moment, Ye Fan looks at the soldier's side face. The light reflected in the snow makes him not see clearly. He just feels that everything around him is hazy.

In such a narrow hiding space, Ye Fan can even hear each other's breathing and feel the temperature of each other.

Ye Fan's voice was very light: "I can't sleep If you don't sleep first and I'll watch, you should be more tired. "

Wu Xingyun is not polite to Ye Fan. He closes his eyes, but his head is in a mess. And because the animal skin was given to Ye Fan, he was very cold and couldn't sleep at all.

So he opened his eyes again and found that the windows were covered with mist, which was the crystallization of their body temperature on the windows.

Wu Xingyun wiped the upside down window and looked out, but he heard Ye Fan ask: "brother Bing, what's your name I can't always call you brother Bing. It's impolite. "

Wu Xingyun looked back and said with a smile, "do you know what politeness is?"

The smile came suddenly in the dark, and the white teeth were also very eye-catching. Ye Fan felt that the ugly soldier in front of him had many advantages, and the other side's words, with such a smile, made Ye Fan's head confused for a moment, and he could hardly think about anything for half a second.

Wu Xingyun said, "my name is Wu... " Said here, Wu Xingyun suddenly shut up, he did not speak, do not know why, he did not want to tell the night broken space his real name.

Anyway, I won't be able to go back in the future, and they won't stay together for too long.

There's no Federation here, and there's no night demon army. There's no need for a peace war, so You don't have to tell him your name.

Wu Xingyun thought silently in his heart: in this strange time and space, they will only be passers-by who pass by inadvertently, and don't need to know too much.

Ye Fan was stunned and said, "what's your last name? Oh, here it is Ye Fan's eyes fell on Wu Xingyun's backpack, which said: Wu Yun.

Ye Fan pointed to the words on the backpack and asked, "Wu Yun, is this your name? It should be, I watch on TV, the military equipment is the same, write your name will be easy to identify

Wu Xingyun looked at the name. It was written askew. His Chinese had been trained for a while before his marriage, and he didn't know much about it. Later, most of them were taught at night. Although they learned very fast, they could only recognize neat handwriting.

These two words are both cursive and traditional. He can't recognize them at all. Now listen to Ye Fan read out these two words, actually and his real name is very similar.

Wu Xingyun didn't retort. It was a tacit agreement.

Ye Fan said, "I'll call you brother Yun later. Are you cold? "

As he said this, he gave Wu Xingyun a little bit of skin on his body. Then he laughed sheepishly and said, "originally, this is your stuff. I I shouldn't have taken over. But I'm afraid that if I catch a cold tomorrow, it will drag you down I don't think you wear much. It will be cold in the middle of the night. Why don't you use them together? "

Wu Xingyun didn't move and didn't oppose Ye Fan's proposal. He felt that the animal skin was covered on his body, with Ye Fan's body temperature and his rather familiar taste.

After covering the animal's skin, Ye Fan said, "they all say that this is the end of time My classmates, my family, many of them died If I hadn't met you, I would have died tonight. Do you think it will always be like this? "

Wu Xingyun said: "I don't know But I think you're going to live, always

Ye Fan didn't speak. He was a little depressed. After a while, he said, "if I'm the only one alive, I'd rather die with them." Then he laughed again, "but actually I'm not willing to die like this. I haven't even talked about love. I'm still a virgin. I'm not willing to die like this."

Wu Xingyun was choked by his saliva and coughed constantly. Ye Fan clapped his back for him. It's so easy for Wu Xingyun to calm down. Ye Fan asked, "what about you?"

Wu Xingyun looked at Ye Fan for a while. His face was so close to him in the dark that he could feel the temperature above.He was silent for a moment and said softly, "I'm married."

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